Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for a Slave... I Mean Mate

Viho Hawk

*scratches head*

I'm just going to walk away.... and pretend I don't have to tell your mother about this....
Genet'orar Detta said:
Patches is quite familiar with witches and slavery. Isn't that right, Patches?
I am well versed in their customs, yes... BUT THAT IS ALL!

There are no marks on this back.

*is over come with panic, and turns head to look at back*

Whew.... yup, I'm clean.

Arina Zjarri

Tegaea Alcori said:
I'll take you, Arina. I've already sort of claimed Siobhan Kerrigan...though without any witch stuff.
You are a heathen. Stories of your peoples war fighting machines has reached use in the tribes.
Jorn Mair said:
*Takes a Cow brander and smacks it on Patches back*
*Moves out of the way, but not before his shirt is seared and begins to smoke!*

My shirt! That was my favourite shirt!

(Wouldn't be a thread with Patches if his "favourite" shirt didn't get ruined)

Bronwyn Tyr

u r one naughty girl !!

no ... I like where ur heads at :)

nuthing says rebellious like two bfs and a gf on the side

ur mom will <3 it !!!
Elayne Hawk said:
Anyone else up for it ( also if someone named @[member="Satara Hawk"] shows up.... I was never here)
Your Ma'tra always knows.

Elayne Hawk said:
I pick all of you...( thats a valid option right? )
Do try not to bring them home all at once.

Jaxton Ravos said:
This Zeltron plans on monogamy.
You better. She can have as many as she wants :p

Viho Hawk said:
*scratches head*
I'm just going to walk away.... and pretend I don't have to tell your mother about this....
Don't worry :p

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