Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Looking for a Slave... I Mean Mate

Tegaea Alcori said:
So? You need to get back to the kitchen, Patches.
Why? Has Tahira been shrugging her duties? :D

Careful about fire; dangerous game to play.

Besides, I think my chances of getting burned are much greater on Dathomir than elsewhere.

Neutral site perhaps sometime.
Elayne Hawk said:
lol, come on whats the worst that can happen... I mean its not like we have a bunch of women preying on foriegners or anything..
EXACTLY. Been on Dathomir before, once is quite enough for now. Should you ever find yourself on a planet where picking men at random out of lineup isn't commonplace... then we'll discuss whom the funny one in the Hawk family is.
Elayne Hawk said:
Now I just have to figure out how to claim people... @[member="Satara Hawk"] wouldn't tell me :(
You more or less point at them, claim them as your own, and leave your markings for all to see that he is yours... usually involves some back scratching.

Ragnar Wulfe

Pai Ling wants to join the Witches with no prior knowledge... much like I did, but I'm looking for a fast way to explain it

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