Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lost in Space [Mando'ade T3 Dominion of Myrkr Hex]

Post: Idk, I'll fill the header crap in later

"Yes, more," he said pulling himself up. He wrenches his helmet off. Sweat covered his face in thick beads as he spoke between gasps. "They are faster. Much smarter. These--these experiments, they are hive minded. Everything they learn they share through instantanious telepathy. This beast, all it learned it shared with the others. There is no learning curve."

He braced himself, pain singed his shoulders as the warrior used his damaged upper body to help himself up. "They are faster, and stronger. They heal with horrifying efficiency. Gen'Dai genes have been spliced into their genes."

At last the warrior caught his breath and placed his helmet back on his head. He popped both of the empty shells out of the Ravager and slid fresh rounds into the chamber, "We have a 24% chance at walking away from combat encounters alive." he paused. "But there is another way. If we can get out of here, a bombardment of the station would vaporize them entirely. We have an 86% chance of surviving that."

[member="Drof'del Tavor"]
[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
Post count: 12

Rashae didn’t have time to analyze the genome. Gen’dai!! What the hell did these people do? She wanted the data that Ardgal had but felt she could get it later if they survived. She hastily packed up he rmedkit and ordered her scientist to pack up what samples they had tightly. She turned her head to see how Drof was getting his armor back on so he could seal his helmet.

Those startling light blue eyes looked at Ardgal when he gave those statistics. “I vote for 86% and bombardment. We need to get out of here. “ She said in as even tone as she possibly could. “I am sure your Mandalorian brethren could make good target practice out of this thing. “

No love lost, they had samples and if Ardgal could give her the data or Bloodborn, she would have months of reading material and samples to test and examine. Whoever did this was either a certified genius or an authentic wacko. Perhaps both! Rashae was afraid but she was trying really hard not to show it.

“Get you two on the Padme to properly see to these wounds. I suggest we get a move towards the ship.” She would put on her hazmat helmet and seal it when it was good to get moving and at a run more than likely.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]
Kurayami was not looking forward to the prospect of more of those things making an appearance. There was no doubt which option he would vote for at this juncture. Especially after the description [member="Ardgal Raxis"] gave. Smarter, faster, hive-mind, and literally instantaneous transmission of what one learned to the rest...Gen'dai DNA, well that definitely sealed it for him, time to get the hell off this thing and find somewhere to get a good cold one. Or more likely more than one. Putting the datapad away he made a move that even he was thinking would be maybe not the best, or at least considering it.

"Well then I say we get the hell off of this party barge. Unfortunately my assault ship is back...well wherever we got on the dropship at. Though I do like the chances of 86% as opposed to 24% chance of survival. Besides, when my card is up ain't a damned thing I can do. Either way, let's get outta here and make this ship and everything in it a bad memory. If need be we could also set the reactor to overload after a short time, more as a failsafe than anything. But given the strain we wouldn't have very long, a few minutes at most before the thing went critical. Up to you how we do this, Raxis."

He knew that there was still a chance he might not make it out of here even with the plan Ardgal already seemed to have formed. He looked back to [member="Drof'del Tavor"] and Rashae. Beneath his helmet he smiled slightly.

"Been a hell of an adventure, no matter how this ends up. And kid ,we get outta here alive you will be able to get free drinks at any bar you walk into, who knows might even be lucky enough to land you a pretty lady as well with the story you can tell."

He chuckled as he reached into the same pocket on his utility belt, pulling out Jenni's saber...well his saber now. If it came down to it he wasn't going to waste rounds on these things anymore. Granted the weapon may not be one any here had expected him to carry, but then again they hadn't about his past had they? Didn't matter what they thought to him anyways, he just wanted off this damned ship. Never seemed to choose contracts all that well.

Drof'del Tavor

Soldier for Hire, Mando at Heart.
Post 17
Allies: [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Vojak "][member="Rashae"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"]

Drof was putting his armor on as quick as he could, as the team was on borrowed time at this point. He hurriedly shoved his helmet back on and wiped the muck and grime from his visor. His carbine lay on the ground, mangled. He slung it over his shoulder and withdrew his blaster pistol. This is gonna suck major bantha poodoo. He thought to himself.

Doctor [member="Rashae"] did a good job of patching him up, granted he felt slightly hung over but the meds would kick in and do their job no doubt, and of course [member="Ardgal Raxis"] did a good job of holding him down and boosting his morale just like [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] did.

Kurayami Bloodborn said:
Been a hell of an adventure, no matter how this ends up. And kid ,we get outta here alive you will be able to get free drinks at any bar you walk into, who knows might even be lucky enough to land you a pretty lady as well with the story you can tell
The young Mandalorian chuckled briefly before adding "Hah only my mother loved a mug like mine. We gotta hit the cantina after this for sure." Relaxation was a good enough motivator for him to work toward.

24% chance of survival was not a risk he was going to take, he would rather everyone make it back on the ship and although the order may have been made clear, Drof added his two cents.
"I like our chances if we head back to the ship. Maybe we can blow this thing to Kingdom come."

He didn't want any other poor saps to suffer the same fates that the Doctor's men had run into. Acceptable losses my ass. Hopefully the rest of the crew would agree and want to head back to the ship where their freedom would be waiting......granted the lifeforms didn't block or destroy their escape.
Post: Idk, I'll fill the header crap in later

"Its what I was assuming," Ardgal said craddling his ravager with his good hand. He knew it would be a daring do to wield the sawed off barrel one handed, but he knew he could do it in a pinch. "There is a detour tunnel down to the right that will lead us to a docking bay we can use. There should be some sort of an escape pod there we can use."

He glanced at everyone, giving them all a careful look. His hand reached over and squeezed Rashae's. He knew she was scared. The warrior didn't blame her. This wasn't her life and he didn't want it to be.

"Let's go then," he said at last.

His heavy boots slammed on the flooring as the hulking man took point. If there was anything out there to ambush them, he wanted it to hit him first. Down two halls they went to the promised escape pod.

It's cold form sat waiting for use.

A loud crash came from down the hall after them.

"Get in, everyone," he said with a quick gesture of his weapon.

[member="Drof'del Tavor"][member="Kurayami Bloodborn"][member="Rashae"]
Post 7

"Confirmed," Alkor murmured as he locked in the distance to his target and raised the shotgun. The HUD flickered as it painted Stormtroopers in his line of sight, determining the arc of fire that they could feasibly achieve. If one thing could be said for Mandalorian ingenuity, it was that they understood the intricacies of warfare as well as any organized military force.

He blinked away the comm chatter and focused his targeting protocols, seeking out the closest target. Sounds filtered through his helmet, amplified by acute sensors to warn him of even the most minute movements. He heard something to his right and stopped.

"Hostile unit!" one of the Stormtroopers called out. Alkor glanced around, dimly aware of blaster fire on the horizon. "We have several bounty hunters dissatisfied with occupation, sir!"

He could see them coming into focus. Lightly armored, but armed to the teeth. Rebels with a vested interest in keeping Myrkr free. "Thanks, boys," Alkor muttered as he took the opportunity to slip forward undetected. "It's good to know the locals haven't lost their disinterest in Imperial rule."

He tilted his head to one side and commed to [member="Keira Ticon"] . "It might be pertinent to mention this, but there are several rogue cells engaging the OpFor at my position," he explained. "Put out an open call for resistance. I think you'll find the local Bounty Hunters are happy to lend their guns if it means kicking Imps off their land."

Fire concentrated on the battlegroup and pinned them down, and Alkor fell upon them while they were diverted. The first shotgun shell splattered bone, sinew, and armor indiscriminately as he unloafed at point blank range into the back of his unfortunate victim.

Harried and frantic bursts of controlled fire whipped around on him as the group had their attention split in twain, and Alkor used the body of his Dead-on-impact victim to shield himself from instantly lethal fire.

"Surround and destroy!" the fireteam leader called out frantically as they switched tactics quickly and on the fly. All attention whirled to Alkor as he fell back toward the installation hurriedly. The corpse superheated under constant fire and its armor melted under the flurry of concentrated energy.

The acrid stench of melting flesh and charred bone permeated the air as a rally cry rose from behind them.

"Hold the line!" the Stormtrooper blurted out desperately. "They're just rebel scum, they have no sense of order or-"

A stray bolt caught his helmet, and the impact sent him reeling. "Yeeeeehaw!" one of the Bounty Hunters in a brown leather duster cheered, guns akimbo. "Let's bring 'em down, boys! Free Myrkr!"

A chorus of "Free Myrkr resounded, and Imperial ire rapidly diminished as they were picked off, one white uniform at a time. Rebel and enlisted man alike fell, and tensions remained high, but the Rebel spirit flourished.

Alkor took another shot into the cauldron, and another Stormtrooper faltered. The scrambled sound of a message trying to reach his comm caught his ear. "Looks like-" he made out the voice of his pilot, and Alkor turned to pry open the door to the power generator. "-your new friends showed up just in time!"

Alkor glanced skyward to where the dropship danced between bursts of anti aircraft fire. Imperial morale was dwindling, and their seemingly infinite number of hands on the guns had changed sufficiently that the person firing had only enough competence to kwep a steady stream of fire.

They were winning.

"Thanks, Malcolm," Alkor breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't thank me yet," the other man admonished. "Get in there and get the power running!"

Drof'del Tavor

Soldier for Hire, Mando at Heart.
Post 18

Drof'del galloped down the hallways with a noticeable limp. His right leg hurt like hell so his movement wasn't at 100%. There had been an escape pod that was ready for use, lucky thing too. This concreted the fact that no one made it off the ship alive.

That was unfortunate for the scientists but it worked out today in the favor of the Mandalorians. A crashing noise came from down the hallway, Drof looked back and saw steam pouring from the ceiling as a hulking mass emerged from behind the smokescreen. Bigger life form than the one they defeated just minutes ago. Holy.....FRAK. Drof aimed his pistol and shot at the mass hoping to distract it long enough to give them time to board the emergency craft.

One shot, then two, then four. His accuracy wasn't the best but he did hit the creature 2/4 times, he didn't expect pure accuracy due to the injuries he just harnessed. At this point Drof jumped into the escape pod and sat across from Ardgal awaiting the rest of the team to board.

Time was very short now, and they were in a race to escape......Hopefully they would be able to.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Rashae"]
[SIZE=9pt]Location:padme, Medical convoy[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Allies: Mando’ade[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Enemies: whoever shoots the medical convoy[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Post Count: 13[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]As confirmation came in for Medical needs the Medical corvettes where deployed. Two were sent in a wide angle to land in affected Myrkr settlements from the bombardment to provide medical assistance. One to act as a clinic and one to shuttle critical cases to the Padme for better care. The other two were providing Medevac services for the mandalorians. This was as close to the fringe of the front line as they dared. The Padme was soon busy with wounded Myrkr citizens and wounded Mandalorians. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]She felt his hand on her shoulder as she sealed her helmet on as her other scientists did the same. She swallowed hard as she nodded her ready. She motioned for her scientists to follow as she was hot on Ardgal’s tail as quickly as she could. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She wasn’t an athlete but she wasn’t out of shape for her size either. Ardgal and Drof set a hard pace though as she found it very hard to keep up. The woman looked behind her for Bloodborn as he seemed to pull anchor. The call of those creatures echoed all around as she swears her heart skipped a beat when she heard it. Her legs kept moving, kept pushing, kept pumping. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The woman about slammed into the open hatch of the pod and prayed it would hold them all or there was enough pods. She looked behind her out of curiosity. It wasn’t clear if she was pushed in or pulled in but the shadows she saw in their wake would give her nightmares for weeks. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt][member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"] [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"][/SIZE]
Location: Some ship
Allies: [member="Aden Dral"]
Objective: Chill
Post: 9/20

If Lok were to be honest with himself, he was indifferent to the whole fiasco between his step sister and Aden. He knew his adopted father and stepmother had their opinions, but he really didn't. If they had made up and gotten back on good terms as a couple, then good for them. If not, well what could he say?

Nothing really because he was too blind to see how it affected him. He did know what happened which he admitted there was some wrong in the Dral's actions, but he didn't see Aden any lesser. He just saw Aden as Aden. A Mandalorian; a comrade. The Munin has yet to form his own general opinion on the male. He would either like him or have a negative view on him.

And right now, he was somewhat liking the guy.

"Remind me where we at," the Outlaw said to his companion as he strapped himself as per Aden's warning.
As soon as [member="Rashae"] and [member="Drof'del Tavor"] were past him, he took up the trail position again with [member="Ardgal Raxis"] on point. It was best this way if anything came from behind, he might be able to at least stall it long enough to keep them safe. As they neared the hangar he could see the HUD flash with warnings, the scanners were picking up activity. Similar enough to what he had set it for after killing the other that it was setting off alarms in his helm. The speed at which they were showing up and disappearing was not a comforting thing to see.

Thankfully they didn't have much farther to go...and he felt the effects of the stim wearing off now. He couldn't afford to fall behind now, he would have to push through this. The HUD was going crazy as they reached the pod. He stopped at the entrance to the pod. Now he could easily sense the creatures approach even without watching the HUD, it would be draining but hopefully he could manage to hold a barrier for long enough to get the escape pod loaded and closed. Closing his eyes, he opened himself to the flow of the Force and visualized a solid, impenetrable wall at the entrance to the hangar, keeping his focus on that as they boarded the escape pod. The hatch seemed to close in slow motion as he felt the creatures slam into the telekinetic barrier he had created.

It wouldn't hold long...another hit or two. Moments after the thought crossed his mind he felt the barrier collapse. He ripped his helm off his head as he gasped for air, his head was in his hands and the words came slowly.

"We only have seconds to launch, just hit the button...or those experiments...will be joining us. I tried to...tried to hold them back...stims wore off...strength..."

The rambling continued for a few more moments before he buried his head in his hands, not out of a feeling of failure or relief, but just to keep his head from hitting the chestplate of his armor. The saber rested across his lap, deactivated, but clearly marking him now. In case holding Rashae up without touching her, and holding back those things for even a few seconds didn't do so.

Drof'del Tavor

Soldier for Hire, Mando at Heart.
Post 19

Out of instinct and seeing that everyone had made it into the escape pod, Drof panicked briefly and closed the hatch doors before slamming the docking clamp release. The thrusters kicked in at full blast sending the emergency craft away from the nightmare station they were just on.

The others......they need to release their airlocks and move away from the vessel before they are boarded by those......things.

<<Halt halt!!! Do not fire, this is Fireteam Alpha we jettisoned ourselves from the vessel. Pull outta there, something will be making its way to the ship. I REPEAT, release your airlocks and PULL OUT! Will rendezvous ASAP>>

He transmitted this message as they left the vicinity of the space station, away from.....whatever those things were. Drof reclined back in to the seat and started chuckling hysterically at this point.
"Well good news is, we will see real light when we get back" He wanted to lighten the mood some and take the stress away from what they seen today.

It would be a long ride home once the Mandalorian vessel picked them up, hopefully their nightmares would be left behind just as the scientists were on that ship.
[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] [member="Rashae"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Solan scratched at the head of an Ashlan wolf that had been trailing him and Kira, watching the two of them while they worked there way through the forests on Myrkr. They had not been back to the place since Solan had bonded with Kira, so it was a bit nice to be cut off from the force for a short time, the only issue was that solan had to actually heat the tea he was drinking without the force and that irritated him. He was an observer after all, watching over the operations planetside and recording them to store in his records of Mandalorian actions. He was certain that if he was approached concerning this that he would have to explain it in a less than calm environment but that was what came with being around Mandalorians.

With a quick sigh he picked up the glass and brought it to his lips, watching the mandalorians from a tree, perched beside Kira and the unnamed Ashlan wolf, the three of them curious about how the Mandalorians worked. Things were calmer now, medical ships in orbit, people relaxing from the effort but Solan was simply watching with more and more curiosity over the actions and how these people would do things.

While he drank the tea, one thought did come to mind. Did he leave the oven on?

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