The command deck would go dark for a moment, loud klaxons blaring as red siren lights activated all throughout the Fury-class interceptor. Just as the Sith was about to reply to [member="Tion Madon"], an ion torpedo shot by [member="Cherry Grapier"] impacted with the vehicle, causing the shields to drain nearly dry. "Shields operational at thirty percent, my lord!" one of the stationed officers shouted, trying to divert power and solve what could not be fixed so easy. A communications officer would lift his head from his console, speaking, "Opening channels and activating the distress signal!"
Ballen-Ist was not pleased. An angered expression would flutter briefly over his face, replaced with one of excitement as he stepped down towards the main seat, where a commanding officer would usually coordinate flight and combat. "This interceptor is based on an old design, but it should not be underestimated. We will buy enough time until reinforcements arrive, if they are able to," he trailed off, examining the bridge of the transport that was now full, all stations manned and trying to restore order.
Looking to the Pau'an, the Knight would lift an arm, gesturing towards the pilot and co-pilot seats that were at the front of the command bridge. "Take a seat, my apprentice. Show them what you can do. Reroute all power to the thrusters and weapons system." The engine of the ship would flare brightly, as the four high precision laser cannons began to heat up. The Fury-class Imperial interceptor was not specifically made for dogfights, but it was well equipped enough to be able to survive most space battles. Hopefully, this was one of them. Hopefully, Tion would not fail him. These opponents were formidable, after all.
[member="Jakkor Kess"] [member="Orion Trex"] [member="Fexa Keis"]