The TIE-fighters were easily dispatched with, thanks to the teamwork of [member="Jakkor Kess"], [member="Fexa Keis"], and [member="Cherry Grapier"]. However, the latter had decided to be rash, boarding the Gozanti cruiser which still had little room due to being attached with the Fury-class interceptor. Hearing the ignition of the woman's lightsaber, the Sith Knight would turn around, glaring at her, his facial tendrils trembling in anger as she decided to run.
A squad of One Sith infantrymen would arrive, following her back to the airlock where she had arrived. Luckily, she had not used the docking clamps, for her ship would be stuck until the crewmen on the command bridge felt like releasing it. The gunner controlling weaponry would activate the rotational heavy turret, aligning its barrels with the vehicle Cherry had arrived in.
It was stationary and vulnerable, so the man asked, "My lord, shall I open fire?" There was a pause among the command bridge, before an explosion rang out, causing loud klaxons to go off, as a red siren light flashed rapidly. "Our cruiser has been crippled," another officer called out, panicking and fiddling with the computer panel before them. "Come, my apprentice. We will evacuate to the Fury." Ballen-Ist spoke, turning from the bridge and into the corridors, heading to the air-lock with [member="Tion Madon"] that led into the interceptor.
The duo would board the Sith interceptor, disengaging the docking clamps and letting the vehicle drift free. The Gozanti cruiser had been heavily damaged, smoke leaking briefly from it's side as it too floated in space. The Fury would power up, it's shields mostly recharged. Taking a seat in the command chair, the Sith would plot a course for Glee Anselm, before the ship blasted off into hyperspace.
[member="Orion Trex"]