Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lost in Translation

The Force Dead Knight made a fake pout, sticking her lower lip out, "No one could outshine you, my Duchess. I'm just saying you with a little pixie cut might be my favorite, but I'd never want you to do something you didn't." She emphasized her devotion, and though her primary focus would be Vaena, who would also be the center of her affections and attachments, she didn't mind the idea of having the occasional extra to entertain them both.

"I'll have to try my hand at baking, maybe try and make you some lemon cakes then. I make no promises though!" She laughed, her hand dancing across the eldorai's stomach playfully. "Well, I already know how good at riding you are so I will have to find time to practice." A tasteful comment about the Eldorai's skills in the saddle, nothing more. Certainly not a double entendre for anything.

"Hunting is fun, which do you prefer archery or spear? Or Hound?" For Dimeria it depended on the animal being hunted. Rabbits and other cute creatures she preferred the distance of a bow, anything larger or on the ugly side she didn't care which she used. Something about not having to look at the cute little things when she killed them made it much easier to manage. On the otherside, dogs didn't feel like hunting, it felt like babysitting an animal while it got to hunt.

[member="Vaena Askari"]
[member="Laira Darkhold"]

No corny innuendo here! "The best rider is nothing without a great horse," Vaena said, not making a corny joke at all. She herself was fond of riding mares and stallions. "I prefer getting up close for a hunt. So I go with a spear or an equivalent. Unless the game is too big to make that practical." She believed in giving a wild beast a sporting chance and disliked using modern weapons or her Sciia on a hunt. However, sometimes the honourable thing to do was not the sensible one. She liked to think she was brave, but that did not translate into having suicidal tendencies.

"I do have some Vashyada in my employ who are good archers there," she said proudly, then realised Dimeria would probably not get the reference. "The Vashyada are one of the races native to Tygara. Our younger cousins. I believe humans would refer to them as wood elves." Lived in trees and venerated nature? Check. Great archers? Check. Used shields as skateboards? Still up for debate. "As for baking, well, if you would like to try your hand at it, I am sure I could find a nice apron for you. You need not wear anything beyond it," she added casually.
"Great horse, huh?" The knight's purple eyes widened a little and she stuck her tongue out a little. One eyebrow raised slightly. Knights often road destriers on Alderaan during parades or ceremonies, the Knights of the Eternal Flame always wore gold armor and rode beautiful black horses during such occasions, so it could have been a compliment.

In regards to hunting Dimeria had been very much prone to suicidal tendencies, but at that time she had little reason to want to live. For someone who believed in living life to its fullest, she was a very depressed person overall. The Knight had little that made her feel at peace, and she hoped that Vaena would be someone that would help her with that. So far the Eldorai was doing an excellent job.

"As for the hunting, I think that is something we could get away with doing together. It would be fun to get out and do something together besides laying in bed." She grinned, slipping her leg over Vaena's so she could straddle the woman and sit atop her. "As for the apron and cooking, I'm sure something can be worked out to accomodate minii txiin. So long as I get to reap some rewards." Very reluctantly the Knight began to rise. "I think we should get dressed. If we make people wait too long it gives their minds time to wander." And she probably needed to check in with Laira, make sure the Princess and the Eldorai Aristocrat hadn't turned on one another and killed each other during the trip.

[member="Vaena Askari"]
[member="Laira Darkhold"]

Vaena frowned slightly, but then nodded. She had not heard any squeals yet, but you could never be too sure when it came to her sister. "Yes, if we stay away too long my guards may start fretting about you doing unspeakable things to me or converting me to daemon-worship and heathenry," she said wryly.

"We should probably shower first. Just a shower," she clarified, in case she was misunderstood. Conveniently her suite came equipped with its own refresher. She liked to think that she was not a vain or materialistic woman, but being a Duchess had to give you some privileges. "You have yet to tell me what minii txiin means." She probably mangled the pronounciation. She spoke Galactic Basic well enough, albeit with a strong accent but the Vong tongue was a bit beyond her. At least that language was not inundated with unnecessary apostrophes like Mando'ade.
"Yes, just shower." Dimeria replied. She was capable of a little separation from her crush unlike the redheaded princess who was clingy. Dimeria was able to detach and spend time alone, be in the company of others, and for the most part lacked jealousy in the physical sense. Emotionally, she was unsure how she might react.

The raven-haired woman blushed deeply, her cheeks turning a bright crimson. "Minii Txiin. It has two translations. The first is literal, This Being's Mate. The second is its intentional meaning. My love. There is no Yuuzhan Vong word for love, peace, or kindness and so the Order uses similar words, context, and implied meanings to fill some of the gaps in the language."

"I didn't mean to presume anything, they were just the first words that came to my mind when we were lying together." The language of her sisterhood and the Order, not only used to keep secrets from outsiders, but also as a short-hand battle language when necessary. They learned it so the knights would never forget how they began, what they were. It was a lesson that from the darkest pits, light could still be found. "I can think of another if you prefer, my duchess."

Water in the private refresher began to flow and steam began building from the hot water splashing against cool porcelain of the tub. Di herself enjoyed a proper warm shower before having to function in public.

[member="Vaena Askari"]
[member="Laira Darkhold"]

"Oh," Vaena said. In retrospect, she should have probably figured out that it was a Vong word. "Do not worry. You're not being presumptuous. I like the second meaning," she raised her hand and cupped Dimeria's cheek before planting a chaste kiss on it. "You will have to teach me some of the words of your sisterhood's language. No Eldorai would understand a word of it." It did make tactical sense, after all. The concept of battle language was not alien to the space elves, given their penchant for Byzantine intrigue.

Water flowed from the refresher. Steam filled the air. The two ladies got naked and proceeded to shower in a prim and proper manner. Given how sweaty they'd gotten, this was probably necessary. So after the warm, completely shower was over and they'd dried themselves off, Vaena slipped on her robes. Fortunately, they had not been ripped.

Anyhow, upon emerging from her suite, she found a servant. "Where is my sister the Lady Karina?" she asked. Unlike the sister in question, she did not snap her fingers.

"The Lady is still in...private conclave with the Princess, Your Grace." Private conclave seemed to be a good euphemism.

"Fetch her for me and tell her and our guests to meet us in the dining room." Eldorai had a high metabolism and so their meals were always substantial since they burnt through calories fast. House Cadalthor still looked poorly on the increasing popularity of xeno fast food, to the point of instigating a boycott of several fast food chains. Not without reason, for while it took work for an Eldorai to turn into a blob, it might become a growing problem soon.
Laira spent her time making sure Karina was puddy in her deft hands, but for the most part her attention was starting to wane. The fun of conquering the haughty Eldorai was fading and her focus taken off the booty had resulted in a dive in her overall interest. Not to say her nibbling and massaging of Karina's ears wasn't good, but the heat had left her cheeks and she wasn't blushing and bothered anymore.

When there was a knock at the door, Laira straightened and slipped from straddling the aristocrat's backside, smoothing out her dress and checking to make sure the oils she had used to massage Karina's back hadn't stained it. Satisfied, she spoke with a grin, "My how time did fly. I must say you were actually rather decent company." She was trying to stay positive, and keep her mind on the pleasant side of their time. "Perhaps next time we meet you wouldn't mind treating me." Turning on the flattery, "I'm sure with such natural grace a massage from you would be a delight, but you'd best get dressed."


When the Princess returned from Private Conclave with Karina, Ser Auric and the woman in white fell into her stride. "How was your meeting, your Highness." the woman whispered with a smile.

"Not so bad, but a reminder to pick people based off their personalities." A lesson the princess would have to remember, even though occasionally her desires got to her and made her look at people, like an Adonis of a male nurse or an Aphrodite of an Eldorai. "Maybe Karina will come around and be sweet, but I don't plan on holding my breath. Have you seen Dimeria?"

"No, but I haven't gone looking for her yet." The woman said, clicking on a datapad to begin looking through the HoloNet for information that had come to her mind.

The trio came into the main chamber once again, where Dimeria was waiting. However the Raven-haired knight wore scarlet leather robes with silver draconic embroidery along the edges. The robes had a high colar but was slit down the middle and fairly low cut, the sides cut high up her thigh. The black shirt and trousers she wore beneath the robes made her a darkened figure in the court compared to many of the Eldorai they had seen who seemed to prefer very colorful dresses and gowns. Dimeria of course preferred the simple clothing to her bulky power armor.

With a smile, Laira embraced her friend in a hug, "We'll be leaving after dinner, or lunch I suppose. You're colors are to change from gold to ivory to represent your status as an ambassador. You can stay as long as you are happy to, just one message to be recalled if you decide that is best." Laira hugged the woman again, which Dimeria returned the embrace before separating so the Princess could continue speaking with the Duchess. "I'll miss you."

"Me too, Laira."

The woman in white brushed alongside the Knight once more, "Remember that you also have a job to do. Here, you may want to look through this information." She produced a book to the Knight, one that she had been reading during their journey. "Study it in your free time, and report to the Seventh Circle what you learn."

Without looking, Dimeria tucked the book into her robes and made herself comfortable at the table for their meal. She would have liked to sit alongside Vaena, but such an act would have been improper while the Princess was present. While the redhead was around, her place was beside or across from the Duchess and Dimeria was supposed to sit with the Alderaanian group, where her lack of title and experience placed her furthest from the Princess and Duchess.

[member="Vaena Askari"]
[member="Laira Darkhold"]

Outside Vaena inevitably ran into Karina. The lady looked radiant and best of spirits. "Oh, there you are, sister. I had the loveliest time with that human. What was her name again? Ah, yes, Laira. She was such a good girl. Pleased me very well," she began, looking awfully smug.

"I am..glad to hear that, sister," Vaena said, sounding totally interested. Well, not really.

"She is very good at ear massages. It only took a few words and she was all too eager to please me." No mention of the embarrassing dance Karina had performed.

"Just like that? Without anything in return?"

"Sister, I am a Mistress of the Blood Royal. The blood of the Dragon flows through my veins. Others please me and gain pleasure from that," Karina said sternly.

"Of course, how silly of me to think otherwise. Well, I'm glad you had a good time."

"She slackened a bit towards the end, but I believe she was just overwhelmed by my presence. I shall keep her around. I do hope you were good to that soldier-girl of hers. Pity she has to strut around in armour all the time. No matter, I shall be dressing her." This continued on like this for a while before Vaena managed to disentangle herself. By then Ariawyn had joined them.

The Captain looked as grim as ever. "Your Grace, my Lady," she said flatly, looking from Vaena to Karina. So the pair entered the dining room, flanked by two Draconian Guards and their Captain. The soldiers wore ceremonial but still functional armour with silver cloaks. Each of them carried a Sarix in their sheath. Putting her professional mask on, Vaena settled down at the head of the table. As was common practice, her food would be tasted by one of her guards first.

"I thank you all for coming. Especially our friends from Alderaan. I do hope you find Eldorai hospitality to your liking and that we will enjoy fruitful relations for the years to come," she began, speaking in somewhat accented Basic. "Before we begin, I shall say a prayer to the Great Goddess Ashira and bless the meal."
"I just hope you haven't caught anything." The woman said to the princess, fussing over the napkins and forks the redhead was fiddling with.

"Oh, I'm sure I'll be alright. Didn't even do anything other than rub her ears and butt."

"That's hardly talk for the table your Highness, please." The woman said, sternly looking Laira in the eyes. "I don't need or want to hear about your conquests in such detail. We aren't that close. You can brag to Dimeria after I've eaten."

Dimeria, hearing her name snapped back from being lost within her thoughts. The Seventh Circle wasn't very well known among the Orders, a rumor had been said they were something along the lines of a research and development group overseen by a few Knights with a hidden membership. They wouldn't be the only specialist Circle to have cropped up since the reclamation of Alderaan though. Someone had said once the Order of the Flame had been one of their brainchildren, and that they had overseen the genetic testing the Order's members had undergone during their youth. "What," she said, trying to remember the last few words spoken and take her mind off the leatherbound book currently in her robes, "Oh, yeah. You're welcome, though I think I owe you for running defense for me all day with her."

The two Eldorai and their guards entered the room, the redhead princess stood up with her compatriots. If anyone had been paying attention they would have noticed the woman in white tap her shoulder and having her rise from the seat, as though the woman was more or less reminding the princess she was supposed to have manners befitting of royalty. Ser Auric helped all three women in his company with their chairs as they returned to their seats, very chivalrously ensuring they were all seated and comfortable before taking his own place on the Princess's left with Dimeria to his own left.

Laira froze at the mention of grace, having to place a roll back down on her plate and cease chewing, grey eyes looking from person to person to see if anyone noticed she had already begun helping herself to the meal. "Nice to see you again Duchess Cadalthor," Laira managed swallowing a small bite of her dinner roll. "And you too Karina," she gave a little wave as if to beckon the woman over, "If there aren't enough chairs you can sit with me."

[member="Vaena Askari"]
[member="Laira Darkhold"]

And so everyone was seated at the large table. Fortunately, there were enough seats available. Seeing that the Princess had already helped herself to the food, Ariawyn looked rather cross. "I am glad our food is to your liking, Princess. My cooks will be pleased." Vaena commented wryly. She had enough tact not to make her disapproval obvious enough to make a scene.

The human struck her as a good-natured, kind sort, but a bit too casual. Probably also a bit too fixated on getting attention. Otherwise Vaena could not explain why she would pursue someone as....annoying as Karina. Well, perhaps it was also because the elf had brushed her off at first and the human did not like losing.

Pushing such thoughts aside, she took her place. "Hear us, O Lady, We receive with joy the gifts of your Providence. Bless those who take what You as your children and wards. For You are the Bestower, the Merciful and the Compassionate. Praise be," her expression was solemn when she recited the prayer, her voice melodic. There was no doubt that she was a true believer...albeit one flexible enough to hook up with a ' good daemon'. With the prayer done, the meal began.
It was certainly that Laira didn't like to lose that spurred her to pursue Karina. Call it pride or vanity, knowing that she had conquered the Eldorai and convinced the woman to fawn over her after being despised early on in their meeting was a feather in Laira's cap. She didn't know about the ear thing just yet, just that Karina had liked it very much.

"Sorry," Laira said with a sheepish grin, "I didn't know about Grace or I would have waited." The Princess wasn't exactly one to adhere to religious customs, or even proper table manners in her own time, but she had graduated the Collegium for Young Ladies some years ago. She knew how to be proper and display the behavior expected of a royal princess, it was just a practice she didn't often use.

She began eating, not sure exactly what she should talk about while the others began helping themselves to the food on their plates. It took her a moment before she broke the silence, "It may be a bit forward of me to ask, but if I don't I'll never know. What is Eldorai policy on interspecies marriages? I ask because I am sure there are some Alderaani Nobles with sons and daughters that would certainly like to know." It wasn't her real reason for wanting to know, but it was common practice to have two children from Houses marry in order to join the bloodlines on Alderaan. Certainly such customs existed among the Eldorai as well.

Dimeria knew almost instantly what Laira was fishing at. The Princess was interested in knowing how permanent Vaena was customarily allowed to progress with the Force-Dead Knight, or if their relationship would have to be secret or an affair forever. "Princess," The Knight started, trying to provide a different subject, "Certainly you could shop for a noble some other time. What is this food we are eating?" The Ravenhaired knight received an elbow into her ribs sharply from Ser Auric and a glare for cutting off and jabbing at the Princess publicly, but at least she had managed to try to change the subject.

[member="Vaena Askari"]
[member="Laira Darkhold"]

"Why the question, Princess. Do you have...," Karina was cut off by Vaena giving her a kick under the table. The aristo yelped, but her mean sister pretended not to hear it.

"It is Iksender kebab. Not an Eldorai recipe per se, but from our Qadiri cousins. Our metabolism is higher than that of humans, so we make our meals substantial," Vaena explained, feeling rather grateful to Dimeria for changing the subject. She figured the Princess' question had only been delayed though. She could imagine the younger woman's real motivation for enquiring.

The sad truth was that she would have to provide a negative answer. Interspecies marriage was culturally frowned upon. The more liberal houses could get away with it, but even in those it was discouraged because it would mean a loss of status in the eyes of their peers. House Cadalthor was an extremely conservative house. It was easier for commoners, but nobles were expected to keep the bloodline 'pure'. Due to their history the Eldorai were a very insular, isolationist race.
Laira smiled, but did nod towards Dimeria as the Duchess passed over the Princess's question. While it wasn't an answer it was certainly a hint towards how the court might look at having its nobility married off to aliens. They may tolerate it, but there would be enough that didn't approve. Might mean Dimeria should prepare for her relationship to remain underwraps for the foreseeable future.

"Why yes, Karina. I do have some plans that might involve the marriage between members of House Cadalthor and those associated with House Organa," It wasn't exactly a lie, wedding plans weren't the princess's favorite activity but she did quite enjoy getting dolled up for such occasions. She could certainly imagine herself as Dimeria's Maid of Honor, all decked in a fabulous purple that matched Di's eyes. "But, I wanted to know how acceptable it would be in your culture before I made any suggestions or moves towards it. I'd hate to infringe on any customs or beliefs House Cadalthor held dear with such machinations."

The woman in white smiled, a little surprised she was being vague enough for all parties to save face and open enough that rejecting such a proposal could be done politely. Dimeria however knew what she was hinting towards. "Yes of course. It would benefit an alliance between House Organa and House Cadalthor greatly if two members of its premier bloodline were joined. However I don't believe it is something that is incredibly important to the alliance. More a formality that can be discussed if and when interested parties come forward." She smiled at Vaena from across the table, "The kebab is delicious. You'll have to forgive me if I make a habit of leaving food on my plate, for my metabolism isn't quite so high."

[member="Vaena Askari"]
[member="Laira Darkhold"]

"I understand your reasoning," Vaena said a bit awkwardly, fumbling a bit with her words. It took her a moment to get her professional mask back on. She was new to all this, but she was trying. The face of Ariawyn bore an expression that looked like it might as well have been carved out of granite. Her disapproval of this line of discourse was palpable. She muttered something scatological in the Eldorai tongue.

"I hope my response is no cause for offence or taken as a slight, for I have deep respect for you and your people, having witnessed your valour-first hand. Your query is a fair one and your words wise, so I shall be candid. The truth is that interspecies marriages are strongly frowned upon. It occurs in a few noble houses - the younger ones, here and there. House Cadalthor is dedicated to the old traditions and as Duchess it is my duty to uphold them. While taking into account that today we face challenges and possess knowledge of the outside world our foremothers could never have anticipated.."

The Duchess took a breath. She really hoped Laira would not ask about interspecies children. "It is my hope that, as Dame Dimeria, has counselled, we can maintain friendly relations regardless. I believe there are many other ways this can be manifested. Exchange programmes for one. Until not so long ago, we Eldorai believed that we were alone in this Galaxy and we have recently come into contact with outsiders that did not come to us with malicious intent. I understand that Alderaan is a world that values knowledge highly. Training exercises, manoeuvres and the like are another. We also share an interest in exploration. We both want to ensure that our people survive and are not swept away by the storms that rage across the stars." Her met Dimeria's and she gave her a diplomatic smile. "I am glad the meal is to your liking, Dame. If some of it remains on your plate, do not fret. It will go to the servants."
"Oh no, no offense at all. How else are our Houses supposed to coordinate without asking some awkward questions and receiving some hard truths." Laira said, continuing to do little more than taste at her food. She liked it, but the redhead wasn't used to eating a lot of food, nor was she anxious to eat a lot of food right before a long trip in a starfighter's cockpit. Certainly not ethnic food.

"Oh, exchange programs of course!" Laira said, suddenly excited about a possibility. "I quite like that idea, personally. I am away from court more often than I attend it, and so having a representative at the throne wouldn't be as fun for me. I would much prefer someone who was capable of travelling that could go between planets and House Cadalthor's holdings." Vacations with the occasional companion didn't sound so bad, but then again unless Karina suddenly changed attitudes those vacations could turn more stressful than relaxing.

Dimeria turned to Vaena, the confidence in her voice returning now that the princess wasn't prodding into her budding relationship. "I'm sure there are a few nobles who would be happy to be dispatched on occasion." It would make a good excuse to break up scheming nobility within the House, even if only for a short time. If suspicion rose too great without evidence, it was a simple matter of requesting one of them take on the very honorable task far from their supporters and co-conspirators. "I was wondering, how often do you normally take formal meals like this one? And how often would I, as ambassador be invited to such dinners?"

"Oh, Duchess, after dinner I would very much like to speak with you privately before I take my leave." The Princess said suddenly, almost as though she wasn't paying attention to Di trying to be conversational. In all honesty, the young Knight was breaking tradition and politeness in the face of Royalty by having spoken over the princess and responding to the princess without having first been addressed. So far it had been mostly overlooked by the other two knights, at least outwardly.

Inwardly the Woman in White was constantly making notes about the behavior and taking stock of it, ensuring that she brought up each infraction of etiquette before she left Dimeria alone.

[member="Vaena Askari"]
[member="Laira Darkhold"]

"Oh, this was an informal meal by our standards," Vaena said wryly. "We have quite a few, so I reckon invitations would not be a rare occurence. I believe I mentioned that House Cadalthor and other Eldorai noble families also engage in hunting a good deal."

Thinking over Dimeria's suggestion, she gave the Force Dead Knight a nod. "I believe your idea has merit. Thank you for voicing it. When I am home, I can go over a list of suitable candidates." She would have to strike a balance between getting rid of people she didn't like and appointing people who were actually smart enough not to cause a diplomatic incident.

Suddenly the Princess spoke up again. Vaena was more prepared now and managed to maintain a diplomatic mask. She reckoned that Laira wanted to have the talk with her. Meanwhile, Karina looked sulky and Ariawyn remained stoic. The Guard Captain probably thought that the humans were being rather improper by speaking out of tune. "That is acceptable to me Princess," she said calmly. "We do have some matters to discuss. While we are in conference, my staff can help familiarise Dame Dimeria with Tygara and Eldorai protocol a bit."
Dimeria wasn't sure what to make of Laira wandering off with Vaena, they were friends and she was certain the fairly chaste princess wasn't going to try anything as cruel as stealing her girl, but the princess was mischievous as well. Perhaps the setting of certain boundaries, or telling Vaena about a non-existent preference Dimeria had as a joke. Nevertheless, from the glare she was getting from the Woman in White she decided not to interject or object about the two matriarchs speaking alone.

"Excellent," the Princess said, pushing her plate away and rising, from the table to extend an arm so that the two women could lock arms and wander away from the table. "We have so much to talk about, plus we can set up our next meeting. I'd love the chance to visit when I have more free time." The Princess started, already snuggling up rather close and comfortable with the Duchess. "I'm sorry about prying about marriages and such, I was just curious to know what the future might hold, I meant no disrespect."

As soon as the two were away, Laira still in a pleasant mood decided to talk about the subject at hand. "I know I'm not an expert on relationships, but I wish you and Di the best. Anything the two of you need don't hesitate to ask, just please don't hurt my friend." It was said as a plea, Laira well aware that Dimeria rarely opened up and allowed herself to be vulnerable. The Princess had taken weeks of travelling to break through most of the armor and layers around the Knight and she knew that Vaena had progressed much further.

[member="Vaena Askari"]
[member="Laira Darkhold"]

Vaena was about to make a joke along the lines 'I shall make an educated guess and presume you are not about to ask me for my lady sister's hand in marriage'. However, Laira beat her to the punch. So she tabled the inappropriate jest. "I am...humbled by your words. I will not lie. Coming with will not be an easy road for Dimeria. In many ways it will be a perilious one. There are those among my people who will hurt her. Vilify her. For something she never asked for and had no control over. Because she is different," she sighed.

"I fear that separating her from her sisters may be selfish of me." Dimeria had assured her that she had no real contact with them and even turned down the suggestion that she bid them farewell, but Vaena could not help but wonder. "Dimeria loves me. I know not what I have done to earn such devotion, but she does. I care for her...deeply. I shall do all I can to keep her from harm. She has a good soul. Though I cannot see it and she denies its existence, I firmly believe it is there."
"Well, she's a big girl and can make her own decisions. I'd be lying if I told you she'd be safer at home, though. Her order is often dispatched to fight sithspawn and Vongspawn, and they do not always return." Laira said with a smile, squeezing Vaena's arm tightly. "I'm grateful you care about her, and I know between the two of you everything will be fine in the end."

There was so much happening for House Organa and Alderaan. Its knights were growing, there was a growing sentiment towards pacifism, and the Princess herself was faced with many trials and tribulations, both for the crown and from her own heart. What she desired and what was best for Alderaan pulled her in different directions. The least she could do was provide one of her few friends the opportunity to pursue the desires of the heart like Dimeria had decided to.

"House Organa is very glad to have made an alliance with you Duchess, however that is with you. No offense, but I've found your family to be..." She trailed off trying to think of an appropriate word or phrase while still being polite, before she cast that aside for the blunt truth. "Well, pardon my candor, Karina is an awful person. She's gorgeous but her personality leaves much to be desired. Her treatment of the servants that I've seen almost made me reconsider all of this, but I've seen you to be a good person."

"Also, what's with the ears? I rubbed Karina's and suddenly she was butter. She even gave me a sexy dance for more, which I did enjoy." Laira bit her lip a little at the mention of the dance she had been given, quite the sucker for hips and backsides, abs as well which.

[member="Vaena Askari"]
[member="Laira Darkhold"]

"Karina is...pompous, petulant and selfish. A child who grew up in silk sheets and with a golden spoon in her mouth, never had to work for anything and got all her whims catered to. So yes, she is quite awful. And one of my more tolerable relatives," Vaena said bluntly. This might tell Laira a bit about the other members of the house. It was not a pretty family.

"My family is not a kind one. Or a good one, truth be told. Embittered and consumed by a lust for power cloaked in righteousness. I know not how cutthroat politics are at the Court of Alderaan, but ours are very. I aim to...restore at least some of the honour House Cadalthor once possessed. Even if I have to drag its members kicking and screaming," she trailed off.

Conveniently, Laira offered her an exit from this rather grim topic of discussion. A thin sort of smile crossed her lips. "Oh our ears are...very sensitive. It grants us great hearing, but also makes them - what is the word again. Errogenous, yes. Imagine the most sensitive part of your body, and most, uhh, stimulating ones. Then have them on the tip of your ears. In the days of yore, touching a lady's ears without permission was tantamount to assault."

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