Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lost to Time | The Sovereignty

Lagertha Wirbelwind

Lagetha Wirbelwind

Striga, Wild Space

A message about incoming reinforcements should have reached Intri, Cynan and his squad over the comms traffic. Whether they got it or not they'd soon know with the transport coming in hot.

The ramp went down as the ship lowered closer to the tree line. The pilot looking for a clearing to put the troops down. Lag was at the doors edge with a tight grip on a handle and the other on her blaster rifle. Mission briefing said they were just after some insurgents. Ones not too fond of off-worlders. Background didn't matter too much on this one. Rebels were rebels and her contract obligated her to engage. The transports thrusters kicked back and the ship came to a halt midair. Immediately they came under fire that ineffectively struck the side of the hull. They could take put shots all day and never bring the bird down, but that fact wouldn't ever deter them. The ship lowered in towards the ground. They didn't quite make it down all the way from her view. The signal light switched to green.

"Alright, everyone off! This is as close as we're getting. Repel your men down Sargent, I'll see you on the ground."

Wasting no time Lag ran down the ramp and jumped. A good twenty foot drop to the ground that would smash the legs of any of the soldiers above. As Lag was a Force user, one with some training under her belt, this wouldn't be a problem. Landing on both feet she immediately pulled down to a knee, weapon at the ready. Their foe seemed to be focused on the transport with the terrain blocking her from view. Advantageous. Lag moved up towards some higher ground to give covering support to the repelling troops. She also tapped her headset to activate. Hague was supposed to be leading up this operation according to the mission briefing.

"Sargent Hague do you read? This is Delta. We're coming in nor-west of you to reinforce. Taking light fire from the insurgents at our LZ. Please advise if you have intel on enemy numbers or anything important, over."

[member="Inyri Takan"]
[member="Cynan Hague"]
Interacting With
Asteroid Base Gamma
Sector 4-8 Sigma

Gamma-1 continued to deliberate, calculations rapidly moving through his processing unit as he attempted to counteract the enemy fleet - it was making odd movements, different little formations acting independently and taking actions the tactical droid couldn't fully understand the reasons for. As Saigo's ship turned in the way of Striga, some of the odd-looking ships were torn up by the Imperious' guns before they got even close to the world; some almost made it, and fewer actually did.

The larger formations of ships broke off, almost copying Saigo's tactic as they used the breadth of a cruiser-like vessel to physically block fire to smaller vessels. Droid-operated corvettes came rushing from both under and over the cruiser, moving forward to try and spread Harkor's fire as wide as possible; trying to limit his fire and spread it amongst their ships, which seemed far too numerous as they began to open fire.

While all this was happening, Gamma-1 glanced to the cameras again. The threat had a lightsaber. Female. Zabrak. Melee threat. It immediately gave orders to send attackers to mix up melee and ranged weaponry, to try and catch them off guard, wearing them down. He began to rapidly type on the terminal in front of him, initiating a program. He knew that Gamma Base was doomed. He had to take out the final plan, as instructed.

[member="Aeric Saigo"] | [member="Zedd Harkor"] | [member="Luyioth Dakwin"]
Urwin would nod at Varik's orders and watch him take off sprinting. He'd rush over to the nearest ion cannon and order the gunner to position himself with the Sovereignty troops.

"We're going to use this cannon as an internal power source directed to the shields. Take that E-11 Blaster Rifle right there and work with the troops." He'd order strictly.

Urwin would feel awkward knowing the exact model of the blaster he saw, but he enjoyed having his HUD system. He'd begin working out the mechanics of re-routing the planetary ion cannon's power stream into the central shield generator with his HUD. The moment he'd calculate everything needed, he'd deactive the cannon through his HUD System after connecting it to the outpost's systems.

He'd get over to the power station of the outpost and open the terminal controlling ion cannons. He'd move the cable for the ion cannon he disabled over to the shield generator terminal. Urwin would close the terminals and make his way over to the lieutenant that Varik was speaking to previously.

"The outpost's defenses and armaments are ready. Make sure your men's comms are online. We're about to fire on that fleet.."

Urwin would use his HUD System connected to the outpost's systems to signal to all ion cannon gunners to begin firing. The ion cannon would being firing on each individual ship of the enemy fleet.
Luyioth Dakwin
The Asteroid Station, Striga, Striga System, Wild Space.
Interacting with: [member="Sovereign Storyteller"].

As Luyioth came back to the floor, her spare hand took the head of an ancient droid down with her, followed by a burst of outwards mystic energy forcing the droids head almost flat against the now concave stairwell floor. For a moment, as knelt on the floor, she stopped to chase after her breath; but it was just that, a moment, for she could already hear the droids making ready past the next door. If nothing else, it was reassuring: it means she was close to the source of it all. As she rose, slowly but certainly, she lifted her hands towards the blast door controls; and as she came to a full stand, she grasped at the lever and forced it up. The blast door creaked to life, groaning before starting to widen, only to give way for what she didn't expect: a downpour of blaster fire.

Initially, the fire caught her off guard. Her precognition gave her a flash of the threat, giving her the good sense to bring her saber up, but not all of the shots were warded off: one struck her in the shoulder and another in the opposite hip. Leaping to the blast door, half way through it's course to open, she found some respite from the counter-offensive. It goes without saying that being shot hurts, more than most people realize; yet as she sat there, looking to her wounds, the blast door only continued to open. The urgency wasn't lost on her. With a sharp breath in, she took her pain and put it aside, instead to grab at the emotions from it - anger and fear, alongside the fight-or-flight kick from the adrenaline rush; she took those emotions, but instead of pushing them away, she simply resigned herself to them. As those emotions washed over her, flooding over her psyche, she grasped at her saber - encouraging the 'fight' of her fight-or-flight instinct; then, as the door cracked wide enough for a droid to climb through, it took over - and she simply let it, reverting to her instinct, as so guided by her emotions.

Flashes of bright red burst through the crack in the blast door, the spinning sabers cleaving through a trio of droids - this time with weapons held in hand. From the far side of the room, a stream of blaster fire erupted from an emplacement, following after the dark jedi - yet she never gave it the chance to catch her, instead leaping above it and throwing her saberstaff towards it. As the saber stormed across the room, cleaving through what it may with the reach of both ends, Luyioth returned to the floor: weaving and striking with bare fists between vibro slashes and thrusts, taking a break in the offensive to grasp at one vibrosword and drive it through another droid, before mystically grasping at the would-be assailant to pull it into the way of oncoming fire. As the saber came back across the room, snapping back into Luyioths hand, it took an oncoming droid with it.

The room had erupted into chaos. Cleaving through it midst a pair of crimson pillars, Luyioth pressed towards the control room.

It came as no surprise that the control room was sealed behind a blast door, nor did it come as a surprise that it didn't open when Luyioth smacked the lever up with the hilt of her saber. Whatever was in control, it had no intention of giving up so easily. Yet as Luyioth began cutting away at the blast door, making a hole just big enough for fit through, mechanical clatters almost overwhelmed her senses; for every droid that there was in the station, there was a droid headed towards her. More rounded the corner, lifting their blaster carbines to take aim; one found itself lifted into the air by its neck before being slammed into another. A stray carbine levitated into the air to shoot another duo of droids while Luyioth did her work. Yet these were only the strays from her laissez-faire offensive to get here - the whole asteroid station was piling into the stairs as she continued to work. They were hard to miss, as the sound continued to bear on overwhelming.

Then they were there. What can only be described as a literal sea of droids, bursting out of the stairwell in a flowing heap - some with weapons, some without. Turning her attention, Luyioth continued to bear into the blast door. A hole big enough to walk through was now out of the question - squeezing would have to do. But despite her efforts, the horde drew closer, arms reaching out of the front already to grasp at her. The first trio of hands reached out, grasping her her cloak, catching onto threads-
-before a square of blast door slammed into them, sending them backwards and askew.

After rolling back to her feet after diving through the square in the blast door, Luyioth grasped at the nearest crate and threw her arm across, forcing it into position over the hole - before following it with another, then yet a third. It would not hold long. She would have to end it here. Her eyes scrutinized the room to quickly find her mark: a single control droid, Gamma-1 itself, frantically pressing into a terminal. Yet as Luyioth approached, her precognition screamed at her; she found herself lifting her saberstaff to catch not one, but two electric-ended staffs, one on either side of the saberstaff. Two unfamiliar droids poked their rusting heads into view, with wide red eyes that occasionally flickered from inactivity.

The three twirled back from one another. One commander, one assailant, two guardsmen. The red of the saberstaff fought against the purple of the two electrostaffs. Droids started to beat at the fortifications, attempting to force their way through.

The stage was set.
Cynan Hague

Striga, Wild Space

A single point of light tore through the jungle, a zephyr ruffling leaves and grass in a moment of peace before the storm - the one became many, a flurry of noise and lights, a veritable mess, it was perfect. Cynan paid attention to every aspect, every detail, there was now an obvious movement, some colors didn't quite fit their surroundings, under it all, a few heaving breaths. The enemy lied in wait ahead, entrenched and firing, the Fireteams one and two would soon be upon their flanks unnoticed and prime to strike - Cynan just needed to do his job.

A single black boot extended outwards, a jut of dust launching upwards, the steel plate carving a scar into the gentle soil below. The Marine's movement is quickly arrested, coming to a halt as his other knee falls forward and bows before the oncoming display. His weapon finds itself abandoned, left heaved by a single of the Marines for once calmed hands. A single fluid movement lends itself to a small silver ball, of which the light show around is gloriously refelcted upon. Two fingers and a thumb, the two from below and his thumb laid to rest on a single red button, shoulder curves, and arm locks, with a single beep the projectile is flung ahead.

"One". Cynan quickly shifts his center of mass forward, his bowed knee rising once more, his boot rising from the freshly cut earthen scar. The sergeant spaces his legs and braces them to resume his rapid advance, no time could be wasted.

"Two". The Marine returns to a full-grip of his weapon, with black-clad fingers coiled tightly around the durasteel frame. White-knuckles are veiled by both intention, action, and shroud. The Marine struggles for a moment, for but a second among the raging battle he freezes - his mind locked in a battle, he should be calm and contented, his mind should be clear of strife, yet something is distracting him. Something strange, something he can't explain. It's slowly eating away at him - No, it must be ignored, it has to, he can worry later.

"Thre-", he pauses, the word catching in his throat. His timing was a bit off, the detonator exploding but a moment too late, no matter, he would push on. The sergeant's boots resume their thundering stampede, one after the other ripping soil from the ground, rushing ahead into the newly formed crater. Over a hill and down, with a single hop and a grunt Cynan lands in the midst of an enemy encampment. The distracted enemy, either wounded or freshly stunned by the close explosion are vulnerable prey for the hunter.

In an instant, a beachhead was cleared, Cynan dug himself in and quickly expanded the wound in the line. Inyri could easily press the advantage, she had the ability, Cynan was counting on it.

A bubbly and entirely wispy young woman gleefully answers the radio traffic. She's set aside the famously lazy squad marksman and their somewhat distant spotter, doing her best to help direct the fireteams and guide overwatch to target positions, if not for her work, Hague would've been long since ambushed by now. "Delta this is Bravo-2. Hague is occupied at the moment, large enemy encampment is currently engaged, fireteams are approaching them. Majority of resistance you encounter should be from the north. As far as I can judge, we're dealing with maybe a platoon or two, at about 70% remaining strength". Even as the young woman stoically reports the condition of the progressing skirmish, she can barely contain herself, even if she absolutely hated this, deep down, it had an appeal.

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