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Faction LOTS │ The Felucian Warlord

Krest Novar

"The Worm recognizes the strong. And from what I've seen, she's given you quite the challenge."
A deep voice echoed from within the Legion's ranks. A figure that stood far above the ranks stayed where he was, pale arms crossed over his chest. His icy blue gaze stared between the First Sister First Sister and Grundark Grundark . "If you can't send her crawling back to her master with your own strength, what right do you have to claim the title Sith? Beat her soundly, or loose the loyalty of this legion."
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Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
A whole other figure - an old woman in black and gold - snorted with disdain.

"A stupid acolyte who's burning herself out at things she has no business trying? That's not a Sith, it's a walking liability. Waste of time. By all means crush her, Cragmoloid, before she comes to her senses and runs off to recuperate."

Grundark Grundark Krest Novar First Sister First Sister
Location: Grundark “Herd” Landing Area - Felucia
Tags: Grundark Grundark

“Do you dare try to argue semantics in order to escape the burden of your sacred tradition? Let’s finish this now and determine who, by rite of strength, has the right to this legion! Or, you may surrender!” The tiny electromancer roared. As she spoke, the Sister drew on what was left of the electrical power surging throughout the building, sending electricity down to strike the beast from both sides, two bolts from the left and two from the right, leaving the area dim, though natural light still shined through the room to stave off complete darkness.

However, even now, exhaustion was already beginning to settle in, especially after her manifestation of Speed and tutaminis. Without question, the beast held endurance far beyond her own, as even her attempts at conserving energy had not staved off the inevitable.

Nevertheless, the Sister gave one last gasp towards victory or death.

With fifteen meters of fresh space separating herself and the Cragmoloid, the Sister channeled what was left of her reserves into a manifestation of Lightning, casting her electrical fury forth towards the Cragmoloid’s chest immediately after draining the power from the building.

“Qoritottoi! This is for the true
Sith’ari!” The Sister howled as the searing electricity was delivered from her fingertips...


"Not how it works, Sith.", Cato offered as him and a few other soldiers passed by Krest Novar .

The augmented First Legion surrounded the Apprentice from the rear with rifles raised - and in unison began to fire salvos of stun rounds into her back; in the hopes of disabling her. Cato had given the order to take her alive despite Grundarks own demands they kill her - instead given an overriding command from one of Qual'Al-Selim's subordinates. Part of the First Legion might have answered to Cato during this pacification of Felucia, but they answered to the Emperor and the Dark Council first.

"Law states Kaggaths aren't a free for all - and Foreigners aren't apart of that tradition. Wouldn't make the Worm very happy to hear his armies turn on him every time a foreign Sith decides to kaggath his general.", Cato said with a dismissive, almost mocking laugh.

If the shots landed, and she was indeed disabled - the super soldiers of the First Legion would turn their weapons on Grundark, waiting to see if he tempted their wrath by seeking her early demise in his rage induced state. Another would move to grab her, throw her over his shoulder, and drag her back to a seperate vessel - bound to a secret facility where none other than Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean would soon question her motives.

Grundark Grundark Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin First Sister First Sister

She gave him one moment for the rage to build back up, just one, but that was enough. With the roar of a bull elephant he charged those fifteen meter as the electricity bound through his body. Keeping his greatsaber in front to block the main channel going towards his chest angled it back to her. The blood streaming from his ears, and the burnt skin would survive. Another direct blow to his chest would damage his lungs directly and even the force couldn't stop that death.

The plan had been to use his other hand to crush her, but his arm wasn't responding. He didn't look to see how bad the damage was, the smell was enough to know. He'd be lucky to wake up from the bacta tank before Darth Acharon completed his attack. Instead he aimed a foot solidly at her, at full force he'd kick her without force to send her into the wall like a ragdoll.

With a great trumpet he swung his leg forward to full speed with all the force he could manage. It was time to kick the baby. He wouldn't stop there though, not in a continuing attack but slamming against a console that nearly shattered as he ran into it. Holding himself up for a moment he nearly fell over due to the slickness of blood that poured out of him. He was done either way as the Legion poured in. Flesh was burnt, and curling on. Bones were exposed along his chest, and there was only so much force body could hold back.

Standing slowly his voice was distant and hollow as he spoke. "Betrayal can never be forgiven." It all seemed very small and far away at the moment as the little voice slowly fought it's way to the surface. The blackness wanted him now, it had provided it's strength and now it was all bitter ash. Why bother fighting over this world in the first place, why waste his time here? There was no loyalty here, only betrayal.

First Sister First Sister Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Krest Novar Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin

"Woah, Big man.", Cato offered as he shouldered his own rifle.

"Breath.", the Captain offered in a calm tone - wave a hand out in front of him as though to lower the anger of the Cragmaloid with nothing more than a move of his hand.

"She'll get hers - but you gotta talk to Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean about that. Qual'Al-Selim wants her, and when she's done you're free to have her; but we still got a bunker to take. Keep your eye on the prize."

His words were calm, but it was obvious he still expected the Sith to strike him - even as he stopped. He could see the tension in his heaving, mangled chest - witness it in the eyes of the Sith, how close to the edge he was to losing himself. Cato had seen it a hundred times before on a dozen battlefields; and he wasn't much in the mood to get charged down by the tusks of the giant.

First Sister First Sister Grundark Grundark Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin Krest Novar Darth Acharon Darth Acharon

Location: Grundark “Herd” Landing Area - Felucia
Tags: Grundark Grundark Cato Demora Cato Demora Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin Krest Novar

Grimacing as her own Lightning was reflected back towards her, the Sister could only howl out in pain, trying in vain to feed off of the sensation in order to sustain her power for just a few moments longer. Nevertheless, the tiny electromancer was quickly burned out, collapsing onto her knees as smoke rose up from her form while electricity surged through her body to render her skeleton visible for a few moments. With shaky hands, the Sister raised her saber as the beast charged her, extending the magenta plasma blade out so that any attempt to kick her would likely end with the Cragmoloid being impaled through his foot.

“May His Will...Eclipse the Stars…” She whispered.

Then came blackness, as the stun rounds were shot into her exposed back.

Even as he watched her be taken away he couldn't focus well. What in the name of all the dark gods was the point if they just carried her off after all of that. Still he wasn't so completely gone he couldn't acknowledge a debt as he nodded to Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin for defending his honor. He was having a problem standing, but even in his state he knew it would be more dangerous to return to the rage he'd been in. He'd been here once before and it had left him slaving and pirating away his life for a decade of waste.

Was it any worse then this though? At least his slavers knew better then mutiny, fear held them in line. Fear of him and his dark moods. Shaking his great elephantine head he tried to push away the worst of it as he considered where he was now. He still had his fighting force, but he'd lost days most likely while he healed up. If his competition or the enemy attacked now his men would be on their own, and that was the last thing he wanted.

Looking down he surveyed the massive damage to his body as the blood still poured out freely he shook his head at Cato Demora Cato Demora with a frown. "They have their orders, dig in and scout. I'm going to need a bacta bath before I can began my attack." Turning his head towards his commander as he began to slowly stagger out of towards the medics he uttered his last command before vanishing into a tank. "If either enemy attacks wake me immediately. Otherwise I expect all reports to be ready when I rise."

The walk to the medics was a blur, and even as he felt the healing liquid around him his mind was occupied. His focus lie inside as he refused the temptation to use the force to help heal him. Touching it now would be like poison. He'd opened the door to something more vile then he was prepared to accept. Closing his eyes as he floated in the oversized tank he fought for a place of calm within him, a place to ride out the coming storm.

First Sister First Sister Krest Novar Aspect of Passion Aspect of Passion

As Grundark commanded, the Legion under his control enacted the orders. Even before the fight, they had begun to recon the locale; finding natives watching from the forests, but the largest metropolis's on the planet were far from where they were. The laboratory was obviously meant to be somewhat secret - so the most any of the men ever saw were deeply hidden farms without so much as a wide enough area to land a ship. Likely, all their produce was hauled by pack animals rather than speeders or walkers - considering the terrain and poverty many likely lived in.

However, a few notes seemed to be relayed back to the headquarters. There was no attack, but a few teams went missing before one could get back enough of a report that the Legion could inform Grundark of what had occured. A lieutenant would find him floating in an extra large bacta tank - informing the Doctor he meant to rely a report to him while he was within its depths. A small, gentle stirring alarm would awaken Grundark - and a specialized vocabulator would begin to superimpose the officers words into the thick liquid for Grundark to hear.

"Lord Grundark, scouts near the laboratory have found the first signs of resistance. Alchemized Rancor packs roam the area - resistant to normal gunfire. It might be difficult to bring in the heavier firepower without speeders - but we could do it, it might take time however. What are your orders?", he said through blueish green liquid, watching as the massive cragmaloid seemed to bob up and down listening to his report.

Grundark Grundark

As he floated endlessly the Cragmoloid pushed thoughts away, but most of all he pushed away his emotions. He'd been here once after another fight he'd had to embrace his rage to last through. For years after he wandered among the lowest of the low. Slaving and pirating across the stars in ships that weren't fit to fly in while be bathed in misery and fear or others. He'd done things then that had shamed him, broken his own codes of honor. Cheated, and even lied. He'd been unworthy of being a part of any herd.

He was a poor excuse for a Sith, he didn't care about their codes or embracing the dark side. He did like that the boys all liked a good scrap though. He'd have been an even worse Jedi with all their rules and limitations. He was a free monster, and would have rebelled in moments. Perhaps there was some title or grouping that fit who he was better, but he liked where he was. He was enjoying the company of the Acolytes and Sith of the Lords, and so he was happy to call it home for the time at least. They let him live how he wanted, and brought him some good fights. Wasn't much really more to ask for in life, and now they offered him an entire planet as a home.

What he would not abide however was the dark presence that he had welcomed within in himself to destroy First Sister. The cost though would be his very soul if he let it. Instead he floated, letting the bacta heal him as he kept his mind empty of everything in an effort to dispel the dark thoughts that came unbidden. The force would have been a welcome ally in his healing, but he couldn't trust it right now.

It was days before he was awoke from this cycle, and in that time he'd nearly succumbed a dozen times as overwhelming feelings of anger and bitterness came at him. As the question came up endlessly of why bother with all of this? As his eyes opened though it was the true Grundark who looked out, and though the thoughts still came he knew them for what they were at least.

He listened to the repot silently as he crossed off a few of this plans and was left with only a frontal attack. Raising his hand to his chest he felt the healed flesh and took a deep shuddering breath in before speaking. "Move it up slowly, and find the location of the biggest Rancor. The bull owns the herd, and where he leads they'll follow." A large grin broke out on his face as a rather deadly idea struck him. "We'll use the Rancors to break into the lab, prepare the legion I'll break that beast."

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean

"Sir?", the man offered in utter confusion - but another man nearby quickly rested a hand on his shoulder and simply shook his head.

The Legion under Grundark was used to tactical operations, creative ways to get behind enemy lines, and even cloak and dagger style attacks that revolved around never being seen; but this might have been the first time any of them had been told to prepare themselves to tame a rancor. While the one man's face contorted in confusion, the other was hidden behind his black helmet - green eyes illuminated in the darkness as he offered something quiet in the death trooper vocabulator code.

The unmasked officer simply nodded, then turned back to Grundark;

"As you wish, Sir. The Legion will be ready within the hour."

He turned on his heel, and moved to the exit of the tent - the distant calls of Grundark's command being echo'ed through the ranks heard vaguely through the vocabulator seemed to vibrate the bacta ever so gently, rolling his command across his skin in an odd physical feedback loop. The other motioned the Doctors to take the lead in assisting Grundark -

"Get him out of there, and see that he is ready for combat.", the soldier offered before too taking his leave of the tent. The legion would be ready for Grundark, but would Grundark be ready for the rancor was all that seemed to be on their minds.

Grundark Grundark

As he felt his firmly on his own feet again he stretched silently as the camp felt alive in the sudden hustle. He wouldn't be the first one in Sith history to tame a bull, but it was still a rare enough act. It did help that the Felucians had long ago learned the art of taming the Rancors of their world, but they too claimed a bull was impossible to control. He wasn't seeking control though, as a monster himself he felt he understood something in this others failed to understand.

The darkness that still waited inside of himself would be of great aid though, the closest bond ever between a Sith and bull rancor was done through the dark side and with an alchemized bull he'd need it even more. So much for pushing it all off. Stepping outside he moved towards the edge of the camp facing into the jungle his mind stretching as far as he could towards the underground lab. Somewhere among those dark presences one was his ultimate trial, and even if he lost the planet after that it wouldn't matter.

Walking over to a holo map he he glanced it over searching for his prey. "When the bull turns on the lab the others will follow. When that happens charge, but keep some distance from the rancor front. If any soldiers flee they may surrender and join us. If this Darth flees he dies. Don't wait to question him or give him a moment to speak. I told him he could surrender until the first of your died. After that only death awaited him."

Half way through the jungle he found the bull's presence, it reeked of strength and dark energies, and Grundark loved it. He could hear the dark drums in his ears as he looked directly at it through trees and foliage still a few miles away, and he knew it looked back. With a powerful trumpet he shook the trees in front of him as he felt the heat of battle arise within him. There were other presences but the challenge was already being laid, and the bull couldn't refuse such an outright challenge.

As the Cragmoloid alone finally stepped free from the last trees blocking it he looked up at the immense bull Rancor towering three times his height and mentally somewhere he gave more credit to First Sister First Sister for her bravery no matter the betrayal. Raising his trunk he trumpeted once more as he sucked the power into his skin, perhaps today was the day he would conquer to foes. Maybe in truth this giant before him was the simpler of the two. He understood it, but the dark side with it's seduction and manipulation was something he hated and had turned from for years.

Perhaps today was the day he tamed his true enemy.

Pulling in the darkness he growled and mounted the black beast inside of him as grappled with the other's mind. Darkness knew darkness and even a bull rancor gave pause for a moment as he tried to decide how to deal with this. Yet Grundark didn't try to dominate the creature completely, no monster should be cowed into a house dog. Instead he met him as a monster demanding his right of challenge as the new bull. Raising up a small hand to the bull he offered it up, a challenge of strength.

Slowly the bull moved downwards it's maw mere feet away from the Cragmoloid as the smell of fleshy decay mixed with the fungus the creature was forced to eat. With an almost idle thought he approached the great mouth and ripped a half rotting carcass from between the mountainous teeth and threw it aside. He could feel it's confusion, it's animal emotions were no mystery, and Grundark welcomed their honesty.

Raising his hand back up the Rancor met him with what could fit in the Cragmoloids palm. The contest looked beyond hopeless, comically so as the enemy soldiers could be heard laughing in the background. The Rancors around were not though as they formed a wide circle, to watch a contest among bulls. Grasping the force he pushed the animal into his bones and muscles so that the very first push of this mammoth creature would not simply snap him in half like a twig. He would either die here or live a legend.

Looking up he locked eyes with the creature as it instinctively knew that meant go and the immediate power and weight behind it's might very nearly overwhelmed Grundark in the first moment. Reaching deep inside though he held on even as he was ready to burst. He was as centered in the force as he'd ever been before as he sought to rise to the occasion. His feet were grounded into the earth, his arm physically tougher then the durasteel those might claws could rend like fabric, and yet still he could not push.

Even as his eyes stared he looked within to the beast that sat there in his soul waiting for him. There was power there, but there was a price as well. He could give into his own passion and battle lust, and obtain it's power with such ease it was deceptive. The cost though, the cost was everything. It called on him to dominate this enemy, and rise above it. To destroy and gain mastery. Yet here was power mere inches from him, but if felt like surrender to take it. Yet was it not within him still? Was it not his power that simply waited for him to take it?

The outside struggle grew more ignored as his body shook under the pressure from the massive Rancor and he could feel it's glee as it though victory was near. It's drool now flew around Grundark as the creature waited to devour it's defeated foe. Inside though the Cragmoloid saw his power for the first time as it truly was. His power. This wasn't the dark side or the light side, no those were merely channels to grabbing it. Reaching inside he grasped it like it was a venomous snake and stared into it's dark eyes. In emotion there was power, but it didn't need to rule him. He'd always thought the Sith a bit crazy in their code. All the talk of chains and binding and yet they banded themselves to this, and all of them would eventually lose to it. It seemed silly at best, and at worst a self defeating prophecy.

Here though for one moment he could see it, it wasn't the dark side that set them free it was the force. Just as the dark side wasn't the power, but simply a way to obtain it. The power was the force and it had been there all along. Reaching in he grabbed it and held it as it strengthened his body and mind yet again. Yes there was power in his battle lust, but it was his power, and his emotions. Just as the battle rage before it was his choice to fall into it or control it. He would not be the little voice inside of himself again.

Reaching out with that passion and power he gripped the Rancors mind suddenly in a vice as he began to push. With a mighty trumpet he moved the impossible large creature slowly inch by inch. It was strong, but the force was stronger still. To the beat of drums inch by inch he moved the creature's hand until it howled deafeningly in his face as it's great muscles gave and the hand fell. A rush of exultation and passion hit him demanding he finish the victory, and yet he rode it like the beast it was and pulled it up short. He was the master of himself, and he would not bow to it.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Felucia was a world of endless wonder, if one was fascinated by the biosphere that had evolved on the world. The jungles of fungus held innumerable species of flora and fauna to be observed, to study, to experiment upon. Many of the creatures and organisms of the world were already of a savage nature, even the microbes that called the pools home were known to devour flesh rapidly. The natives of the jungle that dominated the world were powerful, tied deeply into the balance of the world in the Force, a balance that had been skewed dark for many years now.

When the Sith Empire first took Felucia, Darth Arcanix had immediately been drawn to its extensive potential for experimentation and research, and she had established Hojo Base in the remains of the Ancient Abyss and struck an accord with the natives. Specimens had been collected, scientists from Spaarti Creations and alchemists from her personal power base brought in, and the work had gone on. It had changed in recent weeks upon the acquisition of a certain genome, and that research had been interrupted when the Galactic Alliance began their campaign in support of their allies. A series of events had left Hojo Base temporarily abandoned, but loyalists under Darth Makol had reclaimed it and were using it to hold out for a renewed attempt by the Zambranos to take the planet back.

Her agents had identified the build up of forces loyal to the Worm in orbit, had re-established their contact with the jungle Felucian tribe in the region that had devoted themselves to the Lady of Secrets. They had watched the legions of Grundark Grundark and Darth Acharon Darth Acharon land, observed the fight between the Cragmaloid and First Sister First Sister , and even now watched as the rancors were dealt with. Alchemized rancors... Makol had a few amateurs with him then.

The old man in question would receive notification that one of the Pillars was contacting him, and he would know immediately who it would be. He was squatting in her research laboratory, using her facilities for some vain glorious attempt at eternal life, using her data to accelerate that work. Her image would appear on his holoprojector, legs crossed from her seat and wearing the ornate mask she had used during her time when she was living the double life of a Jedi Master.

"Darth Makol. I do hope you've enjoyed the use of my facility."

Aspect of Passion Aspect of Passion

"Hey, Captain... Did that Cragmaloid just-", a soldier said as they stood on the edge of the forest cleaning looking in on the massive Sith flex and cry out through the force from pure excitement.

"He did.", the Captain said, partially to just himself, as though saying it out loud would actually remind him this was real and he wasn't infact dreaming.

Somehow, the Cragmaloid had managed to arm wrestle an alchemized bull rancor - and won; cowing the herd to his will, and earning him a dangerously powerful mount in the process. The others would avert their eyes, cower their heads, twist and writhe in both fear and begrudging respect in the way only beasts knew how; while the soldiers sorta glanced among one another.

If it weren't for their masks, each and every one would likely have had to pick their jaw up off the ground, it would seem.

"Uh, Lord Grundark-", one of the soldiers chimed in through the headset, taking care not to get too close to the rancor gathering.

"- Should we march on the fortress?"

Grundark Grundark


Makol answered Taeli's call with a weather smile - resisting the urge to cough, visible through the slight heave of his chest before he spoke;

"Darth Arcanix!", he said with some surprise, joy, and perhaps a touch of trepidation.

"Simply protecting it, my Lady. Lest these fools take the Empire's research for themselves. I'd sooner see it burn than let them jump off the foundation you've created.", Makol offered through a hoarse laugh that turned quickly to a single excessive cough. He spent a moment recovering from the effort before giving her his full attention again.

"Have you brought a fleet? Surely the Empire returns to relieve me.", he said with some hope - and once more, that fringing fear in his tone.

Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

The feeling of strength and power was slow to wane as he stood for a moment staring at the great beast before him. Reaching out mentally he let this creature of darkness and flesh smell him in the force and know him. In that moment he could taste it's rage, and it's respect. The challenge had been issued, accepted and the challenger had won. The beast was his now, but he did not seek to cow it. Monsters weren't met to be cowed, they lost their strength then, no this one was simply part of his herd now.

A feeling in the force caused him to look up as his soldier spoke up asking about the attack. Holding up a hand he paused for a moment as he considered this new sensation inside of him. He'd broken a barrier somewhere within himself, and for better or worse he wouldn't be the same mane he'd been before this. With a sudden trumpet of passion he sent his own battle lust into the rancor towards his enemy. Why bother with heavy weaponry when you had a pack of alchemized rancor to bring havoc to the enemy's door.

As the rancor struck the font line he dropped his hand, "Now you may attack. Remember your rules of engagement and bring honor to your herd."

Igniting his greatsaber the Cragmoloid charged forward just before the first wave of his soldiers as the hunger from the rancor fueled him onwards. They would eat well this day.

Aspect of Passion Aspect of Passion Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf
Something would certainly eat well today, but it just might not be the rancors. No one really knew what was lurking around the laboratory, except for its actual owner and those that served her.

"No, Makol, no fleet has arrived to relieve you. The Alliance and New Imperials have continued their offensive and drawn any such resources away from an effort," was her reply. It was even partially true, as the Sith Empire was still trying to establish a defensive point for Sith space from any further incursions. But that was only half the truth. The other half was relatively simple... as a Pillar, she had sent orders to all commanders in the neighboring sectors to not assist Makol. She would be handling him... personally.

"And no, I know you are not simply protecting my facility," she continued, leaning forward in her seat. "MORGAUSE has detected several attempts by your people to try and access hidden files and experiments. It must gall you that secrets you desire to save yourself are just beyond your reach, but an AI designed firewall can be like that. I don't tolerate thieves, especially those that have been caught."

She would cut the signal at that, and look over at the Jungle Felucian Chieftain with her Sith Adepts. A simple nod and the warped native would... well she would call it a grin in bloodlust fashion, but it was hard to tell because of the corruption and just the general face of the creatures. A bellow would raise from his chest, and it would be echoed across the jungles as it was taken up by the natives that had been watching.

Reaching with the dark side, she would awaken the threats that had been lying in wait for any interlopers around the Ancient Abyss... and those that were in hibernation within her laboratory. It would be as those the jungle itself were coming to life to attack, pools of slime rising up to consume and ensnare, fungal lifeforms staggering free of where they had been lurking.

Grundark Grundark Darth Acharon Darth Acharon Aspect of Passion Aspect of Passion
The momentum had shifted heavily in short moment, but little could the Cragmoloid know how short lived that momentum would be. As the first wave of legionnaires hit behind the Rancor he felt it in the air before he head it. Something dark was awakening on the planet, and it wasn't friendly. A sudden roar broke out in the night as out of the shadows shapes twisted and what seemed like environmental hazards were suddenly alive.

The rear of the legion still deep in the trees were hit first, as reports came in across comms about giant fungi and puddles of ooze rising to life. Picking up his own comm unit Grundark decided on what seemed like the most sane path, and it was a dangerous one. "All soldiers move to the lab, set up behind this places defenses and hold your ground there."

It seemed like a battle on two fronts now for him, if Darth Makol chose to counter attack at this time there was literally nothing he'd be able to do to hold both. He put the worry aside as there was simply nothing he could about it if they did even as he felt the darkness moving inside the lab. So Makol had more creatures there too, lovely. Perhaps he'd made the same mistake he'd hoped Acharon would make, he'd been the first to strike and broken the defenders, but he would also blunt his own spear on the lab's outer defenses.

Looking towards the forest he watched his numbers began to turn from a flood into a trickle, but he still counted most of his forces. "Commander, order covering fire into the woods until our troops clear it, and someone find out what's out there."

He didn't have to wait long as he saw the first few lumber shapes come out, plant creatures as large as he was, and if his eyes didn't deceive him some type of oozes came onwards. Watching one leap at a map he seemed to surround him as the man struggled to continue to move. He didn't even scream as the creature ate through his armor and flesh, just slowly been digested by it while he was still alive. The fungi were shooting out large clouds of spores, but the legionnaires were having a bit more luck with that. Shock troopers with heavy flamers were clearing swathes of the spores out of the air as well as the creatures themselves. Nothing seemed to be working on the damn oozes though.

Aspect of Passion Aspect of Passion Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf

"Well that wasn't expected.", Maliphant frowned as he readjusted in his seat next to Srina Talon Srina Talon . They had moved from the observation deck where most of the other sith were, to a private viewing room where they could enjoy some peace and quiet - along with the joy of one another company.

Maliphant seemed perturbed, however, at the sudden arrival of Taeli into his political plan. He was dangerously close to dipping into a snarl, feeling his lip twitch as he moved to stand from the seat - but he contained himself for a moment longer as Kala'anda formed in his hand like black smoke made manifest. He offered a quick glance to Srina, then let the staff do what it needed to do - teleporting him to the surface of the planet directly near Taeli.

"Darth Arcanix.", Maliphant said, holding back his annoyance at this unplanned variable.

"It seems we have a problem.", he offered her, using the staff to help him walk over the relatively soft ground of Felucia.

"Is there a reason you creations are attacking Grundark?", a scintilla of his annoyance leaking past his nigh marble facade.

Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Grundark Grundark

There would always be a certain degree of panic when the very landscape suddenly decided to start killing you, especially when it was by unknown lifeforms that were moving particularly difficult to destroy. From afar, and through the eyes of lurking Jungle Felucians, she could see the carnage being inflicted by the Devouring Slimes. Yes, they would need to increase production and research into that category in the future. And it wasn't just the panic of the Sith legionnaires under the Cragmoloid or others... within the base, the Slimes were making their deadly efforts known. She felt the dark side pulse, but she didn't turn to face the arrival... she knew who it was.

"Darth Maliphant," she greeted, still not turning around. She could feel the artifact he held, its power, the spells and alchemy used to alter it and forge it into something unique. Maliphant had always been a superb artificer.

"I would agree we have a problem here, one I am correcting," she said, finally turning to face her fellow Sith. "Hojo Base is my facility and I am merely reclaiming it from squatters and from others that might try to take it. As for why they are attacking him, it is their nature to do so. Ambush predators and they will attack anything that doesn't give off a specific pheromone trigger."

She gestured at a clear container near her, the lid still on it as her Adepts handled it with care and placed it near Maliphant. Inside a turquoise Devouring Slime was slowly eddying about, but was otherwise docile. A screen on the container would indicate its status and some basic information if he felt the need to peruse it.

"I wouldn't overly worry, Maliphant," she continued. "Makol is likely having similar issues dealing with them, and if Grundark isn't able to handle some fungus and slime, he doesn't deserve the chance to rule Felucia. I don't want the planet, I just want my lab and the land around it."

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Grundark Grundark

"If you want your lab...", Maliphant said as a hand moved to rub at his brow.

"... Then consider having the soon to be ruler of this planet owe you a favor."

Maliphant let the staff tap twice against the ground before it disappeared in a puff of black smoke - thick but fading quickly. His arms crossed over the Sidic's breastplate as he glanced to her - a frown, slight as it was, slammed onto his lips.

"Assist him - with the pheromone if need be, but be reasonable. His forces have been to war with Felucia's wildlife already, Acharon's legions, an assassination attempt on his life from one of Carnifex's brain washed disciples, and just arm wrestled a bull rancor for dominance. If you think alchemized fungus and slime on top of all that is needed for your approval - then you think very highly of yourself.", he said with a hint of disdain.

Though he stopped himself as he moved to stand next to her - shrugging as he did so and spoke again, though mostly to himself.

"To be fair, I think all Sith think highly of themselves.", as though the distinction made a difference.

Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Grundark Grundark


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