Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction LOTS │ The Felucian Warlord

As his herd took protective positions around the defenses he kept turning around to the entrance expecting the counter attack at any minute that was never coming. Then something did that surprised him, running defenders so terrified of what was behind them they didn't care about the attackers anymore. Something was wrong, did the Darth lose control of his own pets?

Their gibbering was near incompressible as they blurred into each other, and as Grundark focused on the depths of the lab he felt death and fear. Soaking into that power he glanced back to the oncoming horde of what were undoubtedly Sithspawn. Someone had created them, but if not Darth Makol then who? Someone else within the Sith Empire or perhaps even farther back then that, but none of that helped at the minute. He needed a way to kill them, all of them.

Shouting out orders over the chaos he ignited his greatsaber as he watched another dozen men be slowly consumed by the slime creatures at the rear. "Defend the flamethrowers, and find a way to stop those slimes." Grabbing one of the running defenders he lifted him high into the air as he stared into the raging eyes of Grundark. "How do we defeat these? The slimes damn it, what kills them?"

Between gibbering moments the soldier fought for words to get out until Grundark gave him a good shake. Taking a deep breath the defender finally nodded quickly as he started to speak. "Kill them? I don't.. I don't know. The fire alarm though, the spray slowed them down, even frozen some. But I don't.. I don't know if that kills them. It just slowed them enough to run!"

With a grunt he looked back over to the encroaching front as the defenses of the lab seemed to fail before it's creations. It was one hell of an ambush. "Man a post, soldier or we all die here." Dropping the defender without looking to see which way he went he activated the fleet holo beacon. "Fleet Command, this is Grundark I need transports to this position immediately for a withdraw of all legion assets. Repeat, immediate evacuation of my herd. One shuttle is required to stay in near space for my own retrieval with the prize shortly."

Turning to his commanders he nodded as they glanced between each other as one spoke up. "Sir, are we ordering a retreat?"

Turning Grundark took his first steps into the lab after his prize with a small grin. "Just a change of plans is all. Full retreat I'll join you in victory shortly." With that he was swallowed up by the shadows of the lab interior. As he trumpeted his challenge down through the structure. One head, that was all he needed.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf
Maliphant wanted to read her a riot act, and yet, the organization of Sith he supported was all about the strong taking what they wanted, earning their positions of power and fighting to hold them. The Lady of Secrets was never impressed by displays of brute force or combat prowess, so arm wrestling a bull rancor didn't quite resonate with her. Any powerful species with the dark side as their ally could potentially do that. No, the Cragmaloid needed to show other traits if he wanted her respect.

"Yourself included," she added in response to his last remark. "The price of our ambitions and our achievements."

Her attention turned back to watching the scenes playing out. The Cragmaloid had entered the lab, no doubt going after the squatter there.

"And they aren't alchemized creatures," she continued. "I let the Spaarti geneticists have free reign in their experiments and they were just absolutely fascinated by this planet's biodiversity and potential. Amazing what bioengineers can make nowadays even without the aid of Sith alchemy."

She sighed quietly.

"There are supplies of the pheromone needed to avoid detection from the slimes in their creation lab. If he and his forces can gain access to those supplies, he won't have issues from them anymore. They are susceptible to freezing and the most abundant resource in the galaxy."

That was all she would offer in terms of helping the Cragmaloid survive his descent into her lab or his forces to survive the onslaught. She was still Sith however, and one never would make it too easy for another of their sect.

"I won't offer the same to Acharon."

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Grundark Grundark

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