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Faction LOTS │ The Felucian Warlord


Felucia, In Orbit

The black warship of the Worm Emperor, known as the Red Dragon, cruised towards the planet with an foreboding effect. A fleet of Khan Star Destroyers fell in behind, carefully guided by both the X-02 AI, and a series of experienced commanders aboard each - and while some focused on sensors to detect any other foreign objects in the system, the Red Dragon itself worried not about such simple things. Having faith in the Worm Emperor's endless sight, the crew aboard seemed comfortable to idle towards their destination.

On board, most of the Force Sensitives (and some not) with any potential had been gathered - all of them placed around the bridge waiting quietly for the Worm to speak. It was decorated in shadowskin - a matte black finish that reflected little, with ur-Kittat engraved deftly wherever possible. It was simply Sith in aesthetic, without so much of the grandeur as many others had done - for the Worm, it seemed, simply respected what was, was enough for him. The Worm shifted from his standing position, the masks each turning to face a new face in the room.

"My children.", he said in a fatherly, almost caring tone.

"You've done much to see us return to greatness - drove the Alliance and the Sith off Korriban, built ourselves a home once more on the holy world, and proven your strength to those who need to see it.", he offered them in his deep and esoteric tones - each seeming to echo on the walls behind them multiple times at once.

"Now, I ask you to prove yourselves not as the collective - but individually. A lesson in the Rule of Strength, and the first boon I may offer you."

"The first of many.", a woman interjected, a whisper in each of their ears at once.

"Below, on the planet of Felucia, a Warlord has claimed his place as the ruler of this planet - as is his right by conquest. However, he does not seek to improve the Order through this conquest, only garner strength in vain attempts at immorality.", the voice sneered as it neared the end of its sentence.

"So you will today prove that you are able to remove him from this throne - and one another. A Legion for each of you who wish to prove themselves, while the others must choose who to back for favor and intrigue. Remove this Warlord from his Felucian Fortress, and disable the other claimants. The boon the strongest receives is the planet - to do with as you please."

"Who among you wishes to rule?"


Acharon stood quietly on the bridge of the Red Dragon, his arms folded behind his back as he watched the forest world slowly come into view. Acharon had been on Korriban when the Worm Emperors request for all to attend was sent out. Though, when the Worm Emperor asked for your attendance, it was rarely an offer. Packing what belongings he needed, Acharon had reported to the mustering site and boarded the transports that took the assembled masses to the fleet in orbit.

He had spent little time talking to others during the trip to Felucia, his mind racing with questions and possibilities. He had heard about the Warlord that had established themselves on Felucia. He bore no loyalty to the Worm Emperor or the Lords of the Sith, and Acharon guessed, as was soon proven to them all when the Worm Emperor addressed them, that the fleet was being dispatched to deal with the threat. Having a rival so close to Korriban, the new capital of the Lords of the Sith, was something no tactician would have accepted.

Leave it to the Worm Emperor though to make matters more complicated.

Rather than obliterating the upstart from orbit, the Worm Emperor proposed a challenge. A chance for members of the Lords of the Sith to prove themselves, and commit to the war that was to come. Acharon had little interest in Felucia. It was a strange world, strong in the Force yes, but a place that Acharon cared little for. Its history, its people, its animals, all of them bored the new Sith Lord, but he did not ignore the chance that was offered. If he was to eventually succeed in his goal, he needed a stronger power base. He had to make a name for himself among his fellow Sith, and show that he had the power to support his plans in secret.

When the Worm Emperor called for volunteers to take command of Legions and take the war to Felucia, Acharon stepped forward. His black cloak drifted around him as he walked across the bridge, bowing his head deeply to the Worm Emperor. "My Lord, I, Darth Acharon, wish to rule in the name of the Lords of the Sith."

Aspect of Passion Aspect of Passion


Grundark found himself attached somehow to this new Sith Empire, curiosity he supposed if nothing else. Still it had helped that their new goal was a place that interested him greatly. Felucia, a nexus of life and energy, a cycle of violent monsters that stirred something inside of him. It was a savage place, quite possibly as savage as he was. It was honest, direct and violent. It's citizens were no more then caretakers, docile farmers who enjoyed their simple lot in life. The true life on Felucia was the wildlife, the endless cycle of kill or be killed.

He'd almost decided not to go as he thought it over. These civilized people would want what ever civilized poeple wanted out of such a place. To see the healing herbs and industrialize the planet further to draw profit. They'd darken the skies with even more ships and hunt down that pure primordial life because it effected their efficiency. Still he went though, even if it did happen he'd feel that raw energy one more time.

As he listened to the Worm Emperor speak though a dark smile spread across the elephantine face of Grundark. Perhaps there was a chance for this planet after all. Waiting until he finished one of the ones Grundark hadn't met yet stepped up to the challenge. Offering his opponent a nod of respect Grundark took a step forward as well. "Rule? No places like that spoil when ruled, you must exist within the heart of such a savage place. It's a place at best you're the strongest of the strong. Well until it's dark heart beats out another stronger still. I too will enter the challenge for Felucia."

Darth Acharon Darth Acharon Aspect of Passion Aspect of Passion

Felucia was a backwater planet full of a half million aliens with mediocre technology and no significant edge for Maliphant. While others saw it as a chance to create a foundation of their powerbase; Maliphant already had a far more powerful powerbase in the IGBC and his own reputation. His arms were crossed as others volunteered for the war effort to take down this random Darth. He leaned over to speak to his companion and lover;

"Have a preference on who will take the planet?", Maliphant asked Srina Talon Srina Talon .

The two stood on the outside of the group, no doubt with Srina eye'ing the Worm. He, however, didn't seem to offer her even the respect of recognition - purposefully avoiding her as a taunt, no doubt. Outside of them there were faces he recognized, the chiss face of Bast'rom'arosti Bast'rom'arosti , the acolyte Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru , and the notorious pirates Njal The Black and Merridius Black . While he thought their names ironic, he couldn't help but recognize their effectiveness as pirates; since he had tapped into the Frumentarii intelligence networks after their unfortunate meeting.

"I only hope whoever takes it is reasonably intelligent.", he said with a frown.

"We've enough Sith who think with their fist first."


Acharon and Grundark would step forward - and the Worm's mask would seem to glint for a moment, as though excitement permeated the electrum. His voice would boom, whispers echo'ing his words in unison as he broached the silence;

"Two have risen. One shall ascend.", the voices offered in unison.

On the far wall, a hololift leading to the hanger opened - inside two of the masked Praetorians stood and waited for them to enter. Their armor was jet black and eyeless - intimidating in every facet as they approached, but the Praetorians would betray nothing. All knew them for their reputation as the Emperor's Chosen, and those that both allowed and resisted an Emperor's fall; arguably more powerful than the Emperor himself in deciding the fate of the Empire.

When the two would enter, the holo lift would be cramped; mostly due to Grundark's size. The ride would be short, but as they fell into the hanger's view a transparisteel opening would appear on the side of the shaft giving them the first glimpse at two legions - all dressed in the black armor of the S-6. Regimented and in lines, they awaited the command of their new leader - and when they would exit, they would be met with the face of Grand Admiral Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles .


"Gentleman.", the Admiral offered in his stoic, cold tones.

Hands reached behind his back to form a fist, while the other grabbed around it; the iconic stance of a man with long years in various Imperial Navies. He exhaled sharply as he glanced between them - his thoughts unknown to even the Force Users who attempted to read him; though they would see it as orderly, blunt, and all to opaque for their perusal.

"You are each being given a Legion, per the Emperor's Command.", Antilles began.

"These consist of 6,000 men. While there are a hundred here for the both of you, the rest are planetside already.", he said with a glance to either side of him, looking at the troops who remained still and ready for their command.

"While I think this is a waste of desperate manpower, the Emperor demands the trial by conquest. The first of you to bring back the Warlord's head win's the Emperor's favor.", he said with the slightest hint of a scowl.

"You will be deployed three kilometers south of the fortress. The Emperor has permitted fighting amongst yourselves - but please consider who you're getting killed before you do.", he said with a growing scowl.

"Your transports are waiting. The Fleet will be in orbit for support.", he said dismissively as he turned from them - not so much as giving them a mention of good luck or farewell. Soon, lieutenants from both Legions would rush to provide them with a breakdown of manpower and assets - before loading them onto the transports to head planetside.

Their Legions would await them, prepped and ready for their command. Armour was limited due to the harsh vegetation in the area, but the infantry were ready for their efforts. Datapads with tactics, information, and a wide set of resources were given to them; and the rest was up to them.

Grundark Grundark Darth Acharon Darth Acharon

By the blood of the dark gods, they could afford legions and Star Destroyers, but not a single oversized hololift? As the lifted ended it's moment Grundark got called a name he didn't think anyone had ever thrown at him before. Gentleman? Him? It wasn't most likely the piece of information he was supposed to be pondering over, but still, gentlemen?

He did listen though, and while he already had a plan forming in his mind he couldn't help but give some grudging respect to the Admiral. He was honest, he didn't hide his disdain of the idea, but he was wise enough to accept it. He didn't care what they thought of him, and he didn't obviously seem to care of them much either. He liked the bastard.

As his officers moved to guide him towards his team he held up a hand for a moment to stop them. Turning towards his opponent he trumpeted in respect, and gave a nod of his elephantine head. "I shall enjoy the worthy competition, good luck." Extending an oversized hand he offered a moment of respect before it all began, but whether his opponent accepted or spurred it he left it at that.

Down to business he thought as his officers began their reports, and gave lists of assets. It wasn't something new to him, but he was a bit rusty on the command side of things. His plan didn't involve any of that though. Remaining silent until they were on the transport his team seemed a bit displeased at the quiet, no doubt wondering what they'd gotten themselves into. "My Lord, we can be ready for attack almost as soon as we hit ground, just give the command."

As the transport door sealed Grundark finally spoke feeling a bit more secure that the information he put out now wouldn't find it's way to a Sith Lord's powerful ear. "No, back my herd up and set up defenses from both of our opponents. Then send a message to this Warlord and arrange an immediate meeting. I need a head, bowed or severed matters little to me, but bowed is much quicker. No fool who craves immortality will miss that death stands at his gate tonight. If they have the courage to refuse they must just be worth the fight anyway."

A look of surprise came in across his staff as they relayed orders as odd as they felt they were. Let Archaron charge and blunt his tusks on a fresh enemy, but the man didn't seem a fool. Too calm my half for a Sith. Trumpeting he put down the battle lust in himself for the moment. If it came he would bath in it's glory, but first consideration must always be the herd. It was the Cragmoloid way.

Darth Acharon Darth Acharon Tithon Antilles Tithon Antilles Aspect of Passion Aspect of Passion

As gravity would begin to take more of an effect, Grundark would feel the subtle tell that his weight was affecting the gyro balancers of the ship -until it corrected itself. It was mostly unnoticable, but he had likely felt that same sensation more than a few times. Coming to its landing point, the ship groaned under the strain of its full weight compliment before landing down - opening with their troops unloading in turn. Grundark would have a few moments to find his bearings, check the camp, and do whatever else he needed to do to prepare before a lieutenant would approach him.

"Lord.", they offered, perhaps prematurely.

"We have the Warlord on holocomm. Refers to himself as Darth Makol.", bringing the project from his pocket and into his palm.

Before Grundark would be the minituarized and blueish tint of the Darth Makol he had heard so much about. His face was lined with heavy age, likely of some near human variety - Morellian if Grundark was good enough at guessing, wrapped in clean black robes. Crossed over one another, resting on a cane, the Sith Lords hands would seem more akin to a skeletons than anything else - but large gawdy rings would still find their place among them.

"Grundark.", he sputtered out with the iconic sound of aging exhaustion.

"I did not know your name before today, but I will remember it now. If you've come to ask for my surrender, this will be a short call.", the Sith said with a crooked smile.

Grundark Grundark

Feeling the slight jostle as they moved into atmosphere he looked over his intel as well as the known disposition of his force. The jungles of Felucia were simply doom to most mechanized warfare, and so it he was fine with the fact that most of his forces were infantry. Apparently this rouge Sith's base was deep underground where no doubt he thought he could hold out for quite sometime. No one held out forever against superior forces though, and even if both he and Darth Acharon failed today there would just be another pair who arrived to claim the planet.

Looking out of his herd as he waited he was curious what his opponent was doing right this moment, but hoped he'd jump right to the race. Quick full force attacks tended to make one realize things were getting serious. Turning to one of his commanders he nodded towards the images. "Send recon units out to search out the escape holes from this den. They need to know the choices are die here inevitably, or bend the knee. Make sure they understand how many of their herd's lives they'll be saving if we don't have to storm this place."

Luckily he didn't have to wait long at all until his call was answered. A quick acceptance of parley, this Darth Makol knew how the board looked. There would be talking and some bluffs, but he knew what the end game would be. He listened carefully to the tone, and the mannerisms of this Darth Makol. No wonder the man sought immortality he stood at death's door and most likely had for quite some time.

"Surrender? No, an offer, yes. You can see the ships, and you know the next Sith movement has come, and this world is their first offering. Whatever Lord kills you takes it. It's the way the cycle works, I'm sure you remember still your younger days of vigor when this kind of thing was oh so exciting. Instead I've an offer for you, something simple. You bow to the Worm Emperor giving me a quick victory and you can remain. You'll share your research with me and the lab will remain yours. The world will be mine, but you may continue your research on immortality unmolested. Your other choice is to weather the attacking knowing another will come. Then another, then another, and if you endure then another again."

Leaning in a moment waited patiently for a response. He didn't need the lab, it was a miniscule part of the world, and if this ancient Darth Makol actually ever discovered something the Cragmoloid would profit as well. If he betrayed him, well this was the first stage of his growth, and from here his resources would only grow.

Aspect of Passion Aspect of Passion
Location: Grundark “Herd” Landing Area - Felucia
Tags: Grundark Grundark

While the concept of a Kaggath was almost entirely foreign to the First Sister, it quickly became apparent that it was a ritual of a Sith rule distinct from the ones she adhered to. Her immediate impression of it was that of a savage practice, more fit for Mandalorians rather than civilized Sith. While she had made the decision to participate in order to prove her strength, the Sithling could not help but to wonder if partaking in such a barbarian ritual would eventually bring her down to their level.

To say the least, she would need to wash her eyes when she returned to Malsheem.

Fortunately, supporting Grundark’s claim on the planet made the whole thing easier for her to bear. In spite of his brutish bluster, the Sister found that she respected the towering Cragmoloid for the paternal, caring instinct he held for his “herd”, an oasis of something resembling order amidst a sea of savage, perhaps even pointless barbarism.

In listening to the negotiations with Darth Makol, the Sister readied herself for the seeming inevitably of violence, as it went without saying that an enemy who had viable cards left to play would fight until their options were exhausted. As to the nature of those options, the Sister could only speculate. Perhaps Makol hoped that Grundark’s herd and Acharon legion would get tangled up in fighting each other, allowing his forces to mop up what was left. Or alternatively, he had something more subtle hidden camouflaged amidst the colorful rainforests of Felucia. Whatever it was, the Sister knew that she needed to be ready.

In doing so, she focused the Dark Side within herself, harnessing her faith, fear, and will towards rousing the Dark energies from their slumber. The electromancer then took a deep breath, opening her eyes and taking up her saber before moving to report to Grundark in preparation for battle.


"You offer much for an invader.", he said through cracked, smiling lips.

"We are deep enough to avoid orbital bombardment, fortified enough to sustain ourselves from your assaults, and provisioned enough to last for years. Eventually, Darth Prazutis and Empress Zambrano will return - and they will reward me for my status as a hold out.", he seemed to laugh.

Though it was cut short by cough that echoed from deep within the man's chest - something Grundark could hear despite the packet loss and digitization that came with the hologram. After only a moment, Malok recovered his form and stood straight once more;

"There is no guarantee you speak true, and less guarantee you'll stick to it regardless. I welcome the challenge, and you can witness the power of the Empire as I know it, Cragmaloid.", he spit out.

Grundark Grundark First Sister First Sister

He stared at the holo image with flat eyes for a moment before he spoke, "Perhaps they shall, but I think you know you won't live to find that day either way. Very well, the choice is yours. Understand it stands open to you until the battle starts, but once the first of my herd die I will show no mercy. Perhaps you will overcome your fear before then and take the offer. If not your head will serve just as well for me to receive my prize."

Nodding to one of his men to turn off the holo he turned back to his team and nodded. He was pleased to note First Sister First Sister there and shared with her a broad smile before continuing. "Time is on our side, the enemy is immobile, and will be defeated without question. The only true opponent our competition, and he is no push over. We let Darth Acharon attack first, let him blunt his legion on the early defenses. We will play a game of patience, and once recon finds those ratholes we'll see if they can be breached. Talk to the locals find out what you can about his supplies and numbers. I want the main body preparing defenses against both our competition and our prey. If Darth Makol has a way to counter attack I want to know where and when they come from. I want reports on everything as soon as possible."

He watched as they moved in a flurry of activity as he moved over to speak with First Sister away from the noise. "It's good to see you here, you do me honor. So what do you think of it all? I'm sure the boys upstairs are all shocked I haven't charged all out yet, but I'm hoping that's what Darth Acharon assumes as well and moves quickly against the first layers of defenses. If not well, we move to plan B."

Aspect of Passion Aspect of Passion
Location: Grundark “Herd” Landing Area - Felucia
Tags: Grundark Grundark

As if on cue, a switch flipped in the First Sister’s mind, upon hearing the word Zambrano.

Her gaze honed in on Grundark, taking in the Cragmoloid’s massive form as he negotiated with Darth Malok, who was now in her mind no longer an enemy to be slain, but an ally to be saved. Her memories of Grundark’s kind and paternal nature dissipated like a wisp of steam, then were crushed to nigh-nonexistence beneath the hydraulic press of white-hot hate. Her eyes took on a boiling shade of cyan, glowing with Dark Side energy as she worked to build up power within herself, to be released in a fulmination of rage.


Her lightsaber ignited with a deep snap-hiss as the beast moved to approach her, casting into life a fiery magenta blade which was then twirled in front of her, held at the ready. All around her the Legionnaires stood aside, slowly forming a circle around the pair of Sith as if they knew what was about to transpire before their eyes, even if such a turn of events was unexpected.

“I challenge you for command of this legion!” The Sister delivered as she pointed at the towering beast, her pale features twisted into a mix of turbulent rage and burning hatred.

Then, without waiting for a response, a fulminating flash of electrical Dark Side energy aimed to strike the Cragmoloid’s chest was called forth from the tiny electromancer’s left hand. Coruscating across the twenty meters of space separating the Sister from the Cragmoloid, the bolt carried within it enough voltage to feasibly disintegrate the fur of a Wookiee and freeze a heart within its cavity…

To say Grundark was rarely surprised by the nature of other races would be a lie, but sometimes he fooled himself into feeling one could be trusted. It seems this was one of those times. His own lightsaber went up a second later, but his normal battle lust was replaced by unquenchable fury. Force lightning came at him, and his greatsaber rose to met it bouncing it off his command center's ceiling. As the electricity cascaded throughout the building lights and screens flickered as he advanced on her.

Drawing on the force he sent a cone of destructive sonic waves at her with a powerful trumpet of his trunk. This wasn't like the one during their spar, this was meant to kill. She'd betrayed him, and he never forgave treachery. If the blast struck she would be shaken from the inside out with vibrations causing immense damage to her internal organs. He prepared for her agile dodge though as he filled his hide with force energy.

Here he stood at the verge of being called a Darth finally after so many years. His strength was honed and he'd shown her but a piece of his knowledge. Now, now he would drown her in it.

First Sister First Sister Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
Location: Grundark “Herd” Landing Area - Felucia
Tags: Grundark Grundark Darth Acharon Darth Acharon

As the Cragmoloid delivered his trumpeting assault, the First Sister readied herself to absorb the blow, the energy shield on her belt activating preemptively in response to a blinked command. However, the powerful sonic waves passed through the projected energy barrier without incident or obstruction. It was only the Sister’s Sense that warned her of the danger, spurring the electromancer to counter Grundark’s attack by casting forth a defensive manifestation of Force energy. It was not a perfect counter, with sonic waves bleeding through to attack her senses and causing a painful ringing sensation as one of her eardrums ruptured under the sonic pressure. However, it was enough to save her internal organs from liquefaction, albeit at the cost of some of her personal Force.

Fortunately, amidst her torrent of hate, higher thought still prevailed. The electromancer realized immediately that she would have to conserve her energy in order to defeat the brutish creature before her. She could not afford to simply fling lightning in his direction, drawing directly from her reserves of Force to power her attacks, in a process that would inevitably exhaust her before the fight was over.

And so, acting almost immediately after the Cragmoloid relented his attack, the Sister harnessed her electrical affinity in order to sense the electricity flowing through the wires, generators, and conductive elements within the building. Since her previous Lightning attack had been redirected towards the ceiling, surging more than a few systems in the process, the Sister now had something tap into in order to access the building’s electrical power. Drawing on that energy, the Sister concentrated it. Then, she called the electricity down to strike the Cragmoloid from five different points of discharge, two from above primed to strike his head, two from his left directed towards his chest, and another to his right aimed for his right leg, altogether carrying a slightly higher quotient of energy than her previous attack.

She had seen his power before, but he had not yet seen hers.

Decades ago on a planet of lava there had been an epic clash of strength. The great Jacen Cavill against a pirate and gladiator, a little known Cragmoloid named Grundark. The fight had run all to one side, and the wounds the gladiator received that way should have killed him. Yet he lived. In rage the Darth lifted the massive form into the air and dragged him across the lava, and yet the Cragmoloid lived. No creature of flesh and bone should have withstood that, and yet he stood and fought on.

The force gave him the slightest warning to the electricity arcing through the air, and yet he did nothing except step forward. As it struck and her focus was forced on the attack he struck. He could feel his skin pop, the blood and smell of charred flesh filled the air. He could feel it move throughout him and leave opened hide all over his body. Yet he was still a master of force body, and it kept him alive through it all, but the pain he let through. It was the fuel to his fire.

Entering into a force rage he pushed forward a wave of telekinetic power that was wide enough to blast a few of his soldiers into the wall. Directly behind it he charged forward fast enough that the blood hadn't hit the floor before he struck out at her intending fully to piece her through her chest. Sixteen feet of lightsaber and outstretched arms is what he had on the poor controlled apprentice he'd thought so much of. Had she done it honorably he'd have thought much of her bravery at least challenging a master of the force, but to betray him?

Never before had he taken in so much of the corruptive power of the dark side of the force. He preferred battle lust and joy, but to insult such as this he'd given into the darkness this time. Nothing would prevent her destruction at his hands, even his own life was worth the cost of watching the light die in her eyes. Betrayal could never be forgiven, the herd could not survive when dieses was rampant within.

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean First Sister First Sister
Location: Grundark “Herd” Landing Area - Felucia
Tags: Grundark Grundark Darth Acharon Darth Acharon

The Sister felt neither joy nor anger as the electrical energy singed and boiled the Cragmoloid’s hide. Now, she fought with renewed discipline and control, in the manner of the kind of Sith Darth Maliphant held up as ideal, creative, calculating, and efficient. A master of her emotions, rather than a slave to them. The teachings she had learned in Malsheem, of teamwork and unity, were not applicable to her at that moment, owing to the fact that the closest of her New Sith allies were perhaps many thousands of light-years away. However, they were not forgotten. It had been her duty to challenge Grundark for control of his legion, and in that she had not failed.

If she died today, she would do so knowing that salvation awaited her in the afterlife.

Thrown backward from the Cragmoloid’s manifestation of telekinetic power, the Sister levitated herself back up onto her feet, coming up just as the beast’s greatsaber came into contact with her personal energy shield, which had already been activated in response to the sonic assault from only moments prior. Fortunately, the projected barrier turned the blade away, absorbing the discharged energy from the greatsaber and immediately converting it into a reactive electrical burst that was reflected back towards Grundark’s chest less than a split second after his attack, carrying roughly the same quotient of energy as his initial greatsaber strike, which by itself would have been more than enough to hew the electromancer in twain. However, under the pressure of such a large and powerful plasma blade, her energy shield could not hold out forever. Knowing this, the Sister answered his attack in immediate succession after the shield’s electrical discharge, drawing energy from her reserves and casting forth a telekinetic push aimed for the Cragmoloid’s chest in an attempt to either cave in his chest or send him back a few meters in order to create space between herself and the beast.

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The dark beat filled his ears as he accepted more pain, like a drug his rage could not get enough of it. His chest still hadn't fully healed from Velok's fire breathing, and the scar tissue bleed freely. He embraced it and forgotten even was the actual insult, now all he had was rage. He would break her, and then this lab, and then this Darth Makol who thought he was anything more then a fly on the wall. Blood poured freely down his chest, and yet he continued onwards without a sign of slowing down. Endurance was his strength, it was his focus in the force, and at the end when his rage abated he'd need to sleep for literal days to restore himself.

As her telekinetic attack came he met it with his own, size didn't matter when it came to strength in the force, and so his superior strength did nothing except defend against her own attack. The shield was an issue though, but it hadn't helped against his sonic attack earlier so perhaps it wouldn't again. Taking in a deep breath he blew a broad sonic blast at her, less powerful then the first but broader and harder to dodge. His saber though he just tried to keep in place touching the shield, and attempting to sap it's energy.

Endurance was his game, if he could keep her contained in this room, and within his range it was only a matter of time. Somewhere inside of him a tiny voice questioned why now? It was a horrible time to call him out, and in a room that absolutely a poor choice for her. Still his wounds were mounting, if it wasn't for the force being so embedded in his hide he'd already be slowing. The quiet voice was too small though compared to the roar of his rage to be heard or even understood. No she'd betrayed him, it was simple, and betrayal could never be forgiven.

First Sister First Sister Aspect of Passion Aspect of Passion Darth Acharon Darth Acharon
Location: Grundark “Herd” Landing Area - Felucia
Tags: Grundark Grundark Darth Acharon Darth Acharon

She was running out of cards to play.

The Cragmoloid was seemingly unstoppable in his advance, sustained by primal rage and passion as he took the electrical blasts in his chest, which was already mangled beyond recognition with gruesome arc burns and blood. While the electrical feedback continued as he pressed the blade of his greatsaber against her shield, he was nevertheless slowly sapping energy from the device and placing the electromancer in an increasingly dangerous position. However, even now, she was reluctant to take a risk.

The next trumpeting sonic assault came, which by now, the Sister could recognize the signs having defended against it twice before. However, instead of dodging, she encased her body within a tutaminis energy field, harnessing it to absorb the energy from the Cragmoloid’s attack, before shunting it into her shield talisman. That same energy was immediately translated into Speed, harnessed as the Sister suddenly moved in a blur of magenta motion between the Cragmoloid’s legs, aiming to sever Grundark’s left leg from his body at the shin with her lightsaber, an easily accessible point for her given her tiny stature in comparison to her opponent. At the same time, the Sister deactivated her personal shield, seeking to save what was left of the energy in the power cell, in the event that the Cragmoloid managed to negate or counter her strike.

He barely saw her as she moved, and he wasn't nearly sensitive enough to know what she'd done, but she'd done something to kill the waves around her. With a blur of light her lightsaber approached low, and so he gave up his positioning diving well over her head with his greatsaber prepared to parry if she had time to switch angle of her own saber. With a roll he came up back onto his feet as his hand behind him felt the wall.

The reaction speed of his rage was all that saved his leg from being severed, but it still cost him quite a bit. A minute ago he had he cornered against a wall where he just had to maintain until he could land one solid hit. Now she was free of that with the entire room at her back, and access to the door. They'd set no boundary on the kaggath so this could go anywhere. Wait, what kaggath?

She wasn't sworn to the Emperor, she wasn't a Darth, and this was no Kaggath. There was no duel here for his legion, it was given by the Emperor she couldn't claim it as she wasn't a part of it. She was pledged to another Emperor. Thought allowed pain in, and even as he straightened it was suddenly noticeable in his movements. "You have no rights here, you are no Darth. Nor are you a part of the Lords. If you want a legion run back to Zambrano like the dog you are and beg at his feet for it. This is a Legion of the Worm Emperor. Legion, kill her, or be marked with her in betrayal to the Worm Emperor."

A Kaggath required council appointed Darth to declare, and a neither of them were a Darth. No one could move the legion one way or another unless it was from above him. It was too much thought though, and his emotions fought one another as the rage demanded blood. If he attacked now they'd be more confused though, he needed to stand confident and assured or they'd think this to far, they'd hesitate. The pain started to scream through him though, but he held it together. For the moment.

First Sister First Sister Aspect of Passion Aspect of Passion
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