Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Magical World

Seo was unsure how much time had passed since she had met Flinx, but as she travelled home to Lorrd, he came into her mind. A single meeting on Odessen and a few days together digging in the ruins there and that was all the interaction they had.

Knowing he was well versed in mentalism, something she understood, but never explored fully. She sent a mental call out to him to meet on Lorrd. She wanted to show him the library there.

A single ship entering the sith controlled world wasn't issue even if she was Jedi. Provided she did not break any rules or anger some Lord, she should be fine.

Now she waited for a sighting of her acquaintance at the spaceport.
Flinx let his B-1 crew guide The Soresu's Strength into a good holding orbit in the Lorrd system, sitting on the bridge of his escort carrier turned home base he looked out the large forward view port at the bright planet below him. His lieutenant, a B-1 he had designated Buzz due to his slight buzz in his vocoder, aproached with a salute. "Uhh captain Flinxzzzzzz, we have arrived in the Lorrd syzzzztem. What are your orderzzzz sir?" Flinx would look to his lieutenant and smile. "Buzz, keep the ship in a stable orbit, only engage if provoke and even then alert me to status changes, and once I leave, take care of Jake. Make general repairs and maintenance to both ship and crew. After all that shut down nonessential systems and personnel until I return. In the mean time prepare The Shadow's Presence."

Flinx stood signaling he was leaving and Buzz snapped to attention with a very excited, "Roger Roger!" As Flinx started his treck to the hanger bay he was joined by Shadow and Thanatos that both rubbed his hands with their heads as he walked down the corridor. "We are going to see Seo you two, you remember form Odessen?" Flinx asked them with a smile in his voice. He was now a knight, though he didn't always feel the term Jedi knight fit, he kinda preferred the term Grey Knight. He and his two companions all traveled to the downsized hanger where his YT-2400 and his CoakShape Fighter both were parked with enough room for droids to repair the ships and still have room for three more ships in the hanger. The rest of the hanger had been integrated into the ship to serve as a mobile library and force temple like he had seen on the planets he visited in the past. From behind the YT he heard A Bunch of beeps and whistles as his personal droid was tearing some of the maintenance B-1's a new exhaust port this was quickly met with a chorus of "Roger Roger" 's and BB-3 came around the ship shaking his dome in disappointment and frustration. Flinx chuckled and looked at the small droid, "Give them time BB, they cant help that they are past their warranty dates." BB-3 just whirred in the vocal equivalent of a face-palm. The small party loaded into the modified fighter as BB plugged into his socket and the two beasts settled into the bunks behind the captains chair. Though Flinx couldn't truly see enough to fly properly, he could feel and direct BB.

Landing in the spaceport Flinx locked up his ship and bb popped out of his socket rolling to his side and his companions stepped out. Flinx was dressed in some loose pants and tunic and all his wrappings where fresh. He had his hair cut to a layered rough look yet not too wild and hermitish. His new light saber was in its harness across his back and he felt out for his friend with a soft "I'm here."
Being home Seo had returned to wearing the garb of her people. It was easier to fit in dressed like a native and not as a Jedi. She watched for the familiar shape of Flinx and his companions. Waiting outside the hanger, she didn't reveal herself until he had come out and announced he had arrived.

"I hope you're not going to try and blast me this time."

One of the mornings on Odessen, that little round droid had threatened to shoot her. Luckily Seo had talked sense into the little guy and it hadn't happened. However her voice did have a touch of humor in it. Not hiding who she was, there was a risk of the Sith finding her, but she wanted Flinx to know it was her and not some stranger speaking to him.

"Ready to visit the library here?"

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
BB-3 tilted his dome forward and rolled till his dome brushed her palm whistling an embarrassed sorry. Flinx simply smiled, "So eager to get to the main event, eh? Are you in a rush?" Flinx could understand her hurry, being in the sith empire didn't do either of them much in the way of favors. However, he was a little hungry and so maybe a market is more in order.

"I see you are well, but a bright light in a dark room is sure to draw attention and two lights is sure to bring those from the dark close like moths to flame. I cant shut myself off but you can. Don't worry I can still sense you cause I'm familiar with your "signature". " Flinx could sense her and also those of the dark variety he mentioned earlier. This is why he had not come unarmed. He was used to the dark and as such kept himself grey, neither fully dark or light. However he never diminished his connection to the force. It flowed around and through him uninhibited.

"Well lets at least start walking that way we don't look suspicious."
"I'm not an assassin or shadow to be able to hide what I am, Flinx. Only to those looking at me from my clothing. Somebody that can use the Force will be able to sense what I am. So yes in a way I am in a rush."

If he thought her unarm​ed he was mistaken, Seo had her lightsaber within easy reach along with a blaster she had picked up from her family. With the suggestion they get moving, she nodded and headed out of the spaceport. Leading him onto the streets, she would take him through the market. It would help her blend in more and less sith were the people of Lorrd would be.

"I'm not sure how long you plan to stay, but my family would welcome you."

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx would move along as his small party fell into step behind him. "I'll stay as long as its safe, if i get a whiff of danger i will do my best to draw it with me to keep the innocents safe. That includes your family and if need be, you." He knew she was armed because of the tug of her blade's kyber crystal. "There is no need of getting your family in danger on my account. So if it comes to that, you don't know me and you have never met me, I hired you to show me the library and that's it." He would stop and buy some local food to eat as he walked. He liked the smell and as he found out the taste too.
"Alright that's fair. I highly doubt that will happen though. My family is not as innocent as you think they are."

Not going into any detail​s about it, if he asked Seo would explain further, but now she kept it simple. Slowing down as he stopped to buy himself food, she shook her head. The price they made him pay was way too high, but he hadn't said anything and so was ripped off.

"Next time, let me do the talking."

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx didn't mind being ripped off. "As Jedi, we are not supposed to be attached to a lot of possessions. I see it as they needed the credits more than I did." Flinx ate his food slowly savoring the flavor and following his friend quietly. He was unsure why she would risk her family but knot having much in the way of family, he didn't have any grounds on which to judge her.

"So this library, tell me what you can about it. In particular, what do they have in the ways of the first je' daii?"

[member="Seo Linn"]
She had not told him any of her thoughts on the credits only to allow her to do the talking next time.

"No, sir, you are mistaken. It isn't a matter of them or you needing the credits more or not. What it is all about fitting in and not drawing any extra attention to ourselves. Now word is going to get around there is a visitor here and that word could get to the sith overlords. If that happens and I get arrested it puts not only myself in danger but you and my family.

"I am a Jedi as well, but in order to accomplish missions, there is a need to fit in. This is my world, so please allow me to do the talking next time."

Flinx then asked her for information on the library and she let the subject drop. Hopefully, he would learn the lesson she was intending and they could continue on.

"When the Dominion fell and this world was being attacked by the Sith, the library was hit pretty hard. So I am unsure what is still located there. We will just have to find out."

Taking a hold of his hand, unless he pulled away, Seo would guide him through the streets, crowds and once he finished eating, take him into the library. Walking in, she approached one of the older people that worked there. Asking for directions in case the information had been moved or taken, she gave the librarian thanks and took him to the area they were directed.

"What information are you looking for?"

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx nodded at her wisdom and allowed her to guide him to the library. When she asked what it was she was looking for he thought a moment. "The way I've been traveling and growing in the force is kind of like going back down the history of the Jedi. So in my meditation, I felt the force pushing me toward those that came before, the mystic center, the Je'daii. In what little information I have gathered from the histories of the Wookiee and the Twi'Lek they both speak of great structures taking their ancestors away and never hearing from them again. The miraluka also have legends of this, so I feel like this is a good place to start."
The area they went to wasn't a frequented part of the library, but it was still lit and well kept. A few selections were set out. The rest of the books were in holodisk format and placed on shelves for easy access.

Listening to what he was looking for, Seo nodded and started looking through the shelves for ideas on where to start. Pulling a few off the shelf, she handed them to Flinx to start looking through.

"Tython is another place to look. That's where the first schism happened with the Jedi and the Sith started."

Anybody that studied the history of their respective orders would know that.

[member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx didn't really have much use for text data files seeing as they were not physical objects for him to see, but he accepted them all the same. Using some slight force misdirection he handed them to bb-3. "Discreetly make copies of these and relay the information to the library aboard the "Strength". That way I can audibly parse through them in my own time." He would then take them back after the droid had done his work and hand them back to Seo.

"Tython was going to be my next point of direction, but once there It will be hard to leave before my knowledge quest would be complete." Flint wanted to find the root of the force and to understand as best he could the intricate workings of the force from some of the first wielders of it."
There wasn't much Seo missed and she saw what he did. Not making any comment on it though, he wasn't doing anything wrong. This knowledge was free to be used by the galaxy. Accepting the volumes back, she replaced them on the shelf. When that was done, she would lead them from the library and go rent one of the speeders to head out into the desert.

Provided he allowed her to do the talking, the exchange didn't take long and soon enough they were travelling through the sands of her world. A few hours later, they arrived at the small town where her family lived.

Giving her people smiles, she would bring the speeder to a halt in front of her home.

"My home. It also has a person I think should join us in going to Tython if that is where we go after this."

[member="Reggie Faayare"] [member="Flinx Kalith"]
Reggie had been on Lorrd for a little while now, grateful to Seo's family for opening up their home to him. The Padawan was enjoying his time with the family, spending the time he had here getting to know them better. He felt at home here, Seo's family reminding him of his own back on Tatooine. Reggie had especially gotten along with Seo's son, the two having a few things in common.

Reggie had been inside when Seo arrived. When he thought he had heard something outside the home, he walked out of the house to find the Knight and another person with a speeder.

"Seo, welcome back!"

The Padawan looked at the person that accompanied her, realizing that they were a Miraluka. Reggie's interest was peaked, never meeting another Miraluka before. He wondered if Seo had another task she had taken up.

[member="Seo Linn"] [member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx reached out to the family with the force trusting Seo that this place was safe. He heard a male's voice welcoming Seo back. Flinx stood there for a moment trying to comprehend something he rarely could even think to comprehend, family. He had a family in his beast companions but it wasn't close to this.

Walking up to the male, Flinx reached out both physically and with the force. "Greetings, padawan, I am Flinx Kaylith. I see you are taken aback by my appearance? It is ok youngling."
[member="Seo Linn"]
[member="Reggie Faayare"]
Giving Reggie a friendly smile, she would allow her two friends to greet and meet each other while she went inside to see her family. Reggie had spent the last couple of months with them learning the kinetic language of her people and how to blend into various environments. These were skills Seo had employed in her life of being a Knight.

When she entered, Seo gave her not quite so distant son a warm embrace and then the rest of her family after that. It would now be close to dinner and she helped finish that along with setting the table for the two extra people.

Once all that was done, she invited Flinx and Reggie to join them.

[member="Flinx Kalith"] [member="Reggie Faayare"]
The Miraluka were always a people that interested Reggie. They couldn't see physically but were able to see through the force, which gave them a naturally strong connection to the force. The Padawan slightly knew what it was like to see through the force, willingly being blinded temporarily to experience what it was like back when he was just starting to grow as a Jedi.

Reggie returned Flinx's greeting, his enthusiasm showing in how he spoke.

"Its nice to meet you Flinx. My name is Reggie Faayare. I apologize if it seems like I was suprised by your appearance, I've just never met a Miraluka before and am excited."

The Padawan was interested to learn more about Flinx. For now though, Reggie responded to Seo's invitation to come inside. By getting ready to walk back into the home.

[member="Flinx Kalith"] [member="Seo Linn"]
Flinx followed Reggie inside. The padawan was astute, if excitable, reminding Flinx of himself a few short years ago.

"So you have come to learn from Seo's family I hear? What have they taught to you padawan?"

Flinx came into the home, he seemed a little stiff, he had never been in a place he could directly call home but this place "felt" like a home. He could feel the bonds between the members of the family thought the force. It was like a web surrounding him. He reveled in the pure energy of it. Slowly he got to the dining area and waited to be told where to sit. He could "see" the food, table and chairs, however it was the mood of this place, the connected feel that fed his spiritual centers. He tried to stay out of the way as he waited to be told where to sit and to be introduced to Seo's family.

@Seo Linn
@Reggie Faayare
Reggie responded to Flinx question as they walked inside. It was true that the Padawan had learned a lot from the family during his stay, which would be another thing he was grateful for.

"Well one of the things they've taught me is how to blend into different environments. I thought it wouldn't take me too long to get the hang of that, but I was proven wrong. Fortunately, I was able to effectively get the hang of it because of my teachers."

He realized when he'd first start learning that blending in wasn't his strong suit. Daithi and Saraid had pointed out a variety of different things to help him learn. From blending into the background to fitting in a crowd, Reggie was very well taught. The Padawan gave a quick smile to the family, showing that he was grateful for what he was taught.

Reggie then told Flinx where to sit, pulling out one of the chairs to the table. He would wait for Flinx to be settled before sitting down in the seat next to him.

[member="Seo Linn"] [member="Flinx Kalith"]
Flinx would sit in the offered chair, "That is good young padawan. In these trying times, being able to hide from your enemies is a good skill to have." Flinx was never good at hiding seeing as he was blind and constantly using the force to see. "So as you can see I'm a Miraluka, which means I dont have eyes, but I can see you and the environment around me through the force. I also rely on my three beast companions I have adopted over the years. Maybe you will get to meet them later. For now there seems to be food on its way in."

[member="Reggie Faayare"]

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