Flinx let his B-1 crew guide The Soresu's Strength into a good holding orbit in the Lorrd system, sitting on the bridge of his escort carrier turned home base he looked out the large forward view port at the bright planet below him. His lieutenant, a B-1 he had designated Buzz due to his slight buzz in his vocoder, aproached with a salute. "Uhh captain Flinxzzzzzz, we have arrived in the Lorrd syzzzztem. What are your orderzzzz sir?" Flinx would look to his lieutenant and smile. "Buzz, keep the ship in a stable orbit, only engage if provoke and even then alert me to status changes, and once I leave, take care of Jake. Make general repairs and maintenance to both ship and crew. After all that shut down nonessential systems and personnel until I return. In the mean time prepare The Shadow's Presence."
Flinx stood signaling he was leaving and Buzz snapped to attention with a very excited, "Roger Roger!" As Flinx started his treck to the hanger bay he was joined by Shadow and Thanatos that both rubbed his hands with their heads as he walked down the corridor. "We are going to see Seo you two, you remember form Odessen?" Flinx asked them with a smile in his voice. He was now a knight, though he didn't always feel the term Jedi knight fit, he kinda preferred the term Grey Knight. He and his two companions all traveled to the downsized hanger where his YT-2400 and his CoakShape Fighter both were parked with enough room for droids to repair the ships and still have room for three more ships in the hanger. The rest of the hanger had been integrated into the ship to serve as a mobile library and force temple like he had seen on the planets he visited in the past. From behind the YT he heard A Bunch of beeps and whistles as his personal droid was tearing some of the maintenance B-1's a new exhaust port this was quickly met with a chorus of "Roger Roger" 's and BB-3 came around the ship shaking his dome in disappointment and frustration. Flinx chuckled and looked at the small droid, "Give them time BB, they cant help that they are past their warranty dates." BB-3 just whirred in the vocal equivalent of a face-palm. The small party loaded into the modified fighter as BB plugged into his socket and the two beasts settled into the bunks behind the captains chair. Though Flinx couldn't truly see enough to fly properly, he could feel and direct BB.
Landing in the spaceport Flinx locked up his ship and bb popped out of his socket rolling to his side and his companions stepped out. Flinx was dressed in some loose pants and tunic and all his wrappings where fresh. He had his hair cut to a layered rough look yet not too wild and hermitish. His new light saber was in its harness across his back and he felt out for his friend with a soft "I'm here."