Jonathon Patches
Information Broker
I was over simplifying things; I wouldn't want to outright restrict people from joining. If anyone wants to join, that's all well and good, but there should be a system put in place to prevent the "mass warping" of people to this otherwise insignificant planet all of a sudden.Ayden Cater said:My one point of dissension. I'm not a fan of anything that limits potential participation in a thread so broadly. Restrictions on participation, maybe, but out right saying "You can't participate because of X" just doesn't sit well with me at all.
What if, instead of limiting a factions participation, we altered the current restriction? As it stands now, a faction may only initiate one invasion at a time, and cannot initiate another until that one reaches a conclusion. How about a CHARACTER may only be involved in ONE invasion at time (this applies to both attackers and defenders; can't be two places at once!)?
Think about it; If Jonathon Patches, leader of the Free Scoundrels wanted to lead his rag tag crew into an invasion of let's say, Corellia...
Should someone attack his controlled planet of Velusia, himself, and any of his people attacking Corellia, are unable to defend said planet, because they are halfway across the galaxy in another battle. Why? He can't be in two places at once! Now Patches and his force is left with a dilemma; continue the invasion of Corellia and hope whatever able bodies in his faction are able to defend it, or pull his forces back, and rush to the defense of Velusia!
It adds an element of RISK to initiating an invasion, as you leave other worlds more vulnerable. Is someone going to counterattack? The very faction you are attacking, perhaps? Or perhaps another faction will seize an opportunity... People will think twice about invading others, and while it may result in LESS invasion threads overall, it may result in better planning, more coordination, and more participation from the members.