Fool, brave, but still a fool. Strider thought to himself as he eyed the angry count as he puffed his chest out for all to see and chuck his gloves at the warrior's feet. Putting on a show of bravado, that he was man that did not bend, no matter what. What a karking pompous ass. It took a lot of will power for Strider not to snap the boy in two, teach him a hard lesson in life or make him a an example for all to see. Instead, Strider stepped over the gloves and slowly, non aggressively closed the distance between him and the Sith Lord playing at leader. He starred the younger man with an icy glare that could thwart the blazing flames that ignited in the younger man's soul. Garon's face showed no emotion, it was cold as death itself.
He lightly clapped to the man's speech, patronizing ever word of it then he would stop giving slight hesitation before he open his mouth to give his retort "Bravo Count Aretine, Bravo. Such brave words for one man. Such courage to square off all puffed out like a bulwark against the seas, tossing frilly garments around like a spoiled child. Your temper and pride gets the better of you, pup. It does you no justice. "
Strider's eyes then turned about to the other counts and he waves his arms about to the rest of them "Do you have absolute command over their lives?" He then pointed out the window as if he was pointing the entire Serennoan populace "Do you command all their lives, Count?"
'I give generous demands, simple demands with consequences of refusal that i doubt you wish to bare, boy!" The old man snarled "Count @[member="Auron Stross"] is a wise man, it seems that he knows what is best for his people. Maybe he should be the one that leads Serenno and not you? Maybe you should pay heed to his council. Maybe you should calm yourself before you make a grievous mistake"
Strider stepped in closer, his voice as sharp as his beskad "Maybe you should pick your glove up, you may need it to protect your aristocratic soft hands from the blood of your people that will be soaked into the grounds of your home. Just because you will not concede, for it will be on your hands alone".
He stepped even closer, them being no more then a foot a part , he leaned in to whisper soft death "I don't need magic tricks to break people, I can do it with my own bare hands. Test me boy, I will break you here and now if you continue with such pointless threats". Words that was all but real, Strider was a very powerful warrior, well known to tussle with the likes of sith and jedi. But so were most if not all the Mando'ade he had brought with him. All warriors to the truest form. This boy was a sure fool, and Strider would not suffer the likes of him. If he would not concede, others will replace him with hopes that their society will prosper with out being set a blaze by the the Mandalorian forces.
@[member="Count Aretine"]