Captain Larraq
"I respect your standpoint @[member="Countess Calum Teramo"] and must admit that I share it. Were any transgressions to occur here today, it would be the civilians of Serenno that suffer the price for the pride and arrogance of those in this room. As noblemen and women of Serenno, it is to the people that your thoughts and concerns must always be on." Larraq said as he smiled at the woman. Casting his gaze over each of the other Nobles in the room, Larraq continued. "Regardless of personal feeling and opinions, we must all strive for what is best for the people of Serenno. The Mandalorians wish to welcome your planet into our open arms. Despite the flared tempers and ego's of those more acclimated for war than diplomacy, it is a universal desire among my people. We wish to shelter and protect your people and present them with the opportunity to willingly embrace the Resol'nare. Should they choose to accept their own faith and beliefs instead of ours, such transgressions will not be held against them, of that you have my solemn promise." Larraq said as he maintained his stance and accentuated each point with a calculated motion of his right hand. "We may be bred for war and accustomed to its horrors, but that does not mean that we wish to force such things on all those who enter our sight. We wish for your people to become our brethren."