Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mando Finesse (Mandalorian Dominion of Serenno)

"I respect your standpoint @[member="Countess Calum Teramo"] and must admit that I share it. Were any transgressions to occur here today, it would be the civilians of Serenno that suffer the price for the pride and arrogance of those in this room. As noblemen and women of Serenno, it is to the people that your thoughts and concerns must always be on." Larraq said as he smiled at the woman. Casting his gaze over each of the other Nobles in the room, Larraq continued. "Regardless of personal feeling and opinions, we must all strive for what is best for the people of Serenno. The Mandalorians wish to welcome your planet into our open arms. Despite the flared tempers and ego's of those more acclimated for war than diplomacy, it is a universal desire among my people. We wish to shelter and protect your people and present them with the opportunity to willingly embrace the Resol'nare. Should they choose to accept their own faith and beliefs instead of ours, such transgressions will not be held against them, of that you have my solemn promise." Larraq said as he maintained his stance and accentuated each point with a calculated motion of his right hand. "We may be bred for war and accustomed to its horrors, but that does not mean that we wish to force such things on all those who enter our sight. We wish for your people to become our brethren."
"With all due respect, Rygel Larraq," Aretine addressed this new holoprojection, "The Great Houses will need to discuss your faction's plans and threats of violence against Serenno without any Mandalorian input for the time being. Until then, we shall notify you when you can be of service."

Count Aretine was still waiting for the Mandalorians to leave the room so that the Great Houses could discuss these grave matters with some semblance of privacy, without any Mandalorians parroting vague promises and hard threats every other minute.

@[member="Captain Larraq"]


Well-Known Member
Sabrina heard what @capatin Larraq said, and her eyes lite up, as they did the word mark came into her head. At this point, the rest of the staff began to leave, and sabrina followed them. It was etiquette, to let any major discussion not to have any witness`s, so no honor could be lost, because idle gossip. As they where leaving sabirna, kept an eye on this captain, as she need to how she could find him. As war may becoming to this world, and he may be the one she has to get close to, so the free house have chance of winning.

As they left the room, sabrina was pulled to one side, by her arm. It was her supervisor, who threatened to sack her earlier, for being late. She was near to other mandalorians at the time, @[member="Preliat Mantis"] and @[member="Garrus Garon"], he looked at her in disgust. He then began to speak to her, in an exceptionally angry voice, but who could blame him, he just been told the barbarians are taking your home. He told sabrina You dirty little fething schutta, I saw you looking at that man, your fired. Do you understand me laser brain, get out know! Sabrina could turn on the water works quite easy, all she had to do was think of her past, till sith found her, and gave her home. But sir I live hear, it`s late, I live here she paused and then said You can`t do this She was cut of in mid sentence, I can, and have, now get lost. He then looked at preliat, and snorted out Get a proper hair cut, your on a civilized planet know you nerf herder. He then stormed off, leaving sabrina their, with the two mandos.
@[member="Count Aretine"]

Ordo eyed the boy. The smell of darkside and arrogance wafted off him like osik from a senator. Ordo was done. He couldn't take any more laser brained banter from a bunch of bureaucrats who probably spent as much time karking their people as anyone else in the galaxy. The Mandalorians had done them a kindness by not leveling their useless world and strip mining it into a new astroid belt and they had the nerve to think that they could run their sucks and throw aroind their insignificant authority. Well by the Manda he hoped they thought long and hard about that, because the next time he came to this planet for anything other than to refuel he was going to see it start a fething ice age.

"Alright big shot." He said as he turned toward the door. "If you grace needs me I will be outside."

"@[member="Strider Garon"] comm me if your need me."
@[member="Captain Larraq"] Very well, spoke, Sir to what you saying that you let us run our planet as we see fit. Or will we have to let you have your hands in our our business and daily affairs. I'm for one not wanting to have blood over this all, what about anything else on the planet. After all this is our system and way of life you are messing with." couldn't help note the out burst from the servers. Shaking her head at the one in charge making note to get him fired for this not the place for such a thing to take place it needed to be done behind closed door. It make them all look like fools. Taking another slip of her wine, before trying her head to the @[member="Count Aretine"] "I agree Count Aretine, we must talk about this behind closed doors." Gentlemen if you may leave us to talk among ourselves for a bit to come up with our own decision of this all.
@[member="Ordo"] As he exited the room two of the Countess handmaids was out waiting for their lady. At the same time they where eye those that came out of the room or even was already out of the room. Getting that staring going on as to what they was looking at as one of them started to giggle like little school girl. Only the one shhh the other one as they just stared some one then went back to there talking. Which had from time to time pointing at those that had armor on. Their lady had told them there mission, which she inside with the beast. They did look that way more of killers not something they wanted to be around. It was bad enough when their lady disappear in the forest for hours at time, but to come back with fresh kill for them to eat that night.

Taa Nul

CEO of Kamigen Incorporated
The Count would step beside @[member="Strider Garon"] and speak. ''They're quite resistant to the idea of unification with the Mandalorian Clans.....still stuck in the old way of doing things, it seems. I advise you offer them financial benefits as well, that may sway favor to us...'', he'd say, nodding gently.
@[member="Captain Larraq"]
Strider would ignore the fruitless barking of Count Stross. The man wanted single combat, for what reasons he wanted Count Aretine dead would go beyond his knowledge. Strider would get up and move away from the table and making his way towards the exit. "You have our terms!" And with that Strider would leave the room and gather up the rest of his entourage. They have said their piece, now it was time for the Nobles to convene, plot and scheme. But, the consequences were laid out loud and clear if resistance should ensue.

OOC:This part of the thread is completed. I suggest that the Serennoan faction start their own separate thread for their private meeting. I would also like to thank you all in aiding us in the 100 count mark. Mandos your are awesome as usual and the Counts and lesser classes, you folks are amazing. I feel that such a story arc we have created here in this thread will be intriguing for future plots.

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