Chaldean Moorchild
Location: Namibian Prime
Objective: Help locals
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic
I felt them before I saw them, except I didn't know what I was feeling when the mild panic from the pair reached me in the force. I looked across to the two of them and saw Dreidi waving me over. The water was beginning to churn more and even though I had shifted my feet to be more useful for swimming, it took a lot of effort to make the shoreline. I dragged myself out of the water and made sure to help the others out of they needed it. "Are you OK?" The question was for both of them, concern evident on my voice.
I looked at both of them, trying to assess whether they were angry at me leading them on this fools errand, but why would they be, I had no power over them. A smile curled slowly across my lips as I looked at the bonded pair comforting each other and getting water out of their fur and hair respectively. "That was quite a rush, wasn't it? By the time they have that place even halfway rebuilt, the locals will have had time to involve the authorities." This was the plan all along, buy time to keep the river plain alive.
I allowed myself to fall backwards into the grass and closed my eyes for a moment, I was exhausted, so much shifting and running had taken its toll on my energy reserves. "I feel like I could chase down and devour an entire bantha about now. Where do you think you will go next?" If she was trying to discover what sort of Jedi she was, I would have a recommendation that what I saw to day should be top of her list. But I was excited to know if I would get to see what other paths she might take.