Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Mark of the Beast | Eternal Empire


Tags: Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus Renate Blackstone Renate Blackstone Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io
Objective: Awaken the Beast
Kit: KC-47 Hybrid Strike Rifle, KC-95 Blaster Pistol, Lucius-pattern Bayonet, Sk-RS MK. 4 Armor, Valdr Skær-Pattern Dual-Role Droid Control Unit
Units: One platoon of Ultranauts, one Valdr Skær-Pattern Dual-Role Droid per fireteam

It had taken Corin and her people all of a half-minute to disembark and secure the scene.

Hot on heels of her troopers, Cor watched as her own personal wolf droid bounded down the ramp and off into the snowy wastes. A cold wind blew down from the North, and for a brief moment, the Major had the distinct feeling that they were being watched. Maybe we are. Shaking off the residual effects of rapid entry as she exited the transport, Cor ordered two more of her Valdr Skaer droids forward into the blanket of white that surrounded them. If they were being watched, it wouldn't hurt to have eyes of her own out there amidst the ice and snow; better to see than to be seen.

Craning her neck, Corin stared up at the temple -their target- that stood not too far from where they'd landed. Near enough to stick out like a sore thumb, the temple seemed monolithic in comparison to the rest of the landmarks she saw dotted throughout the landscape. Black, foreboding, the temple looked like it had seen better days. Banks of snow had piled up beneath cracked walls, submerging stone and secrets in equal measure.

And still more remained hidden.

Not for long, Cor thought, gesturing for her men to fan out as they started their approach. Somewhere in orbit, the Retribution watched over them like a guardian angel, ready to swoop in and rescue the Commodore at a moment's notice. Not that it would come to that.

Wearing: Ritual Gown

Armed with: Subverter's Blade

Objective: Deal with magical threats.

Arianna Belasko was having a delightful time so far.

The Blond "Sith", so given to chances to inflict pain and suffering on her enemies, found that her current task was rather relaxing. A whole day of excavation with Laertia's Family, who she had grown strangely fond of. The real Arianna would have done her best to enslave or kill them for pleasure.

She had already found and disarmed several, fatal magical traps that had been carefully placed about the ruins. The Nuetralizers were carefully going about the nearly untouched ruins.

"Hey, everyone!" A Model 2 known as Dave exclaimed, finding a small, gilded box of Silver and gold in a partly broken open coffin.

"Let me have a look at that..." Arianna said, summoning a tentacle of water from the air that extended from her palm and to the box, and fetched it over to her to examine, feeling the mark of deadly magic on it.

"Sorry, this is nothing but a booby trap..." Arianna said, hissing a disenchantment spell that made it crumble to dust. "You open something like this and a Smoke Demon tends to pop out..."

Other treasures however, were steadily being found. A small chest full of Fire Diamonds and Naboo Night Pearls had been unearthed, behind a series of deadly laser and blaster traps in a hidden chamber, which had forced a Model 1 to use his onboard Cryo Laser to take out and freeze each trap to retrieve it.

Melissa and Meleena used their superhuman strength to lift heavy debris out of the way, or tear down doors. They were also on point to locate the rest of the conventional booby traps that might be hidden, and if necessary, take the brunt of the trap's effects. Melissa had already been riddled with bullets. Meleena had taken a hidden cryo sprayer to the face, but spared a Siren the same fate and was healing rapidly.

Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io then reported in after Lyssa and Hadrian had gone deeper into the ruins about a series of dead scour Droids. Arianna went to investigate immediately with a Model 1 named Billy, and the Blond Witch was sent to investigate.

She sensed the handiwork of Ebony Ambrosia Ebony Ambrosia and knew immediately she was dangerous. And a threat. A threat that must be distracted.

Esmeralda seemed ready to go after the other Witch. Arianna admired her spirit...

"Then I shall make the journey with you..." She spoke. This other one had to be distracted...

Arianna began to feel her power swell as she went looking for the other abomination...

Dis Dis

Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus

Renate Blackstone Renate Blackstone

Corin Autem Corin Autem

Niki Priddy Niki Priddy
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Undersuit, Phase I Haywire Armor, Shoulder Droid paired with HAPU, Tinfoil Hatband
WEAPONS: Pistol, Wrist Blasters, Shiv
BRINGING: 4 Nuisance Engines filled with Nuisance Droids...and chocolates.
SHIP: Bijou Pocket Carrier Entanglement
3 Squadrons of Gnats
1 Squadron of Feverdreams
SQUAD: Six Private Military Marines - Armor, Rifles, Pistols, Magnetic N-20 Grenades
Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus | Corin Autem Corin Autem | Renate Blackstone Renate Blackstone

The ship was drawn in, the docking tube securing without issue as the boarding team entered. Ta'Nere stood tall among those gathered on his side as security teams moved into the area and secured it for the officers likely following behind in short order. His lip twitched, a pleased look there and gone as they gave the all clear before the brass showed up.

The curt tone was not taken as offense, rather the Trandoshan seemed pleased to be skipping pleasantries. He accepted the dataslate, glancing at it briefly without scrutinizing before handing it back and snapping his claws together. A member of his security team produced a datapad with speed, taking the device and once more glancing before handing it over.

"Commanding officer Ta'Nere of the Entanglement standing in for the owner and operator Niki Priddy. Formerly of the Agents of Chaos and working under the graces of the Eternal Empress Ingrid L'lerim-Vandiir. Enclosed are the entire log for our hyperdrive coordinates detailing our departure from Terminus Rêve to our arrival here. The ships manifest is included in a separate log on that datapad as well. Former clearances granted to Ms. Priddy by the Empress are also enclosed within." Ta'Nere informed her with little inflection in his tone. His scaly brow rose slightly at the declaration and seemed to mull on something briefly.

"The Entanglement is here to assist the Eternal Empire in their goal to secure the planet and all technologies below. The crew is civilian while the gunners and security team are private contractors with prior para-military operations backgrounds that have been checked and cleared through services of the Silver Jedi Concord and the Mistryl Shadow Guard of Emberlene where Ms. Priddy resides and manufactures her products. Aside from that, the owner and operator Niki Priddy is already planetside and will not be joining us for this inspection." He informed the Lieutenant before waving a claw forward for her to begin.

"Let us begin then if there is nothing else."

"Well, hopefull-." Niki began to speak as the dropships from the Eternal Empire began to enter the atmosphere. If it weren't for being around starships constantly, she might have missed the subtle sounds that always precluded the incoming vessels into atmosphere. She stopped mid-sentence and turned her eyes skyward, adjusting the glasses on her face as Mathews turned to her before making a sharp whistle to bring the group to a halt.

The Nuisance Engines stuttered in their step, one of four legs outstretched before dragging itself back to stabilize the large machine as the group watched the vessels touch down.

"We have company." Niki perked up, pulling out a datapad and logging the event as Mathews drew closer to her and leaned in.

"Think they'll be friendly?" Mathews spoke quietly, the rest of the team slowly drawing in a protective circle around Niki as she gave him an of-course look. They didn't ready their weapons to fire, but their stance was tense, clearly anticipating the worst as Niki beamed a smile toward the dropships.
Mission: Steal the Loot (Objective 2)
Primary Objective: Infiltrate the Eternal Empire excavation site, enter the uncovered ruins, locate ancient artifacts, and relocate them before the Eternal Armed Forces arrive.
  • Loot Acquired: Sith Amulet/Crystal

Ebony stopped in what passed for an inner sanctum of the tomb. Their eyes scanned the glyphs and reliefs carved by skilled hands at the behest of someone with an excessively large ego. Perhaps even someone that thought they would overcome death and return to the living. As though it were so easy! Mortals. If returning -- or appearing in the first place -- were so easy the Nether would have consumed them all long ago.

Though one could argue the Nether had done a fairly fine job over the last few decades of devouring their souls. Ebony was pretty sure some of them had feasted on such vulnerable souls swept up in those 'disasters.'

Their eyes had beheld a few artifacts of some worth, but nothing that stood out worth claiming so far. A crypt here or there likely designed to throw off would-be robbers or act as traps. But the chamber they stood in at that moment seemed genuine enough. Yet there was still something... out of place. It had caused Ebony to go still as they surveyed the area carefully.

A few minutes went by before a shadow slipped into a line in the wall. Ebony's head turned immediately in that direction followed by the rest of their body before they strode over to the 'crack.' No doubt there was some form of puzzle lock or incantation to recite. Perhaps even a Force Ghost to wake from their slumber and listen to them prattle on. Perhaps the squishy ones would deal with such things. As for Ebony, they would flatten and slip through that crack as a black fluid poured into a world fissure.

On the other side of the wall was another, small chamber. A stone alchemy table or workbench sat to one side, along with an array of alchemical ingredients (not all of which survived the passage of time), a few boxes, and a chest occupied the space. There was even evidence of there once having been a place to sit, but that too had passed from the world.

Ebony looked around once more before they stepped over to the trio of boxes on the shelves. They reached out to remove the lid of one curious what they would find there. Freed of the lid, a violet glow shone from the shallow box. Ebony beheld majestic swirls of energy within a large, polished shard-like crystal; they could feel the Dark Side of the Force churning within. It begged to be released. Naturally, they carefully picked it up and cradled it in their hand. Yes, they thought, this was an important item that belonged to them now.

Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Objective I.: Awaken the Beast
Location: Excavation, Zakuul's surface
Equipment: N/A
Tags: Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io | Niki Priddy Niki Priddy | Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus | Renate Blackstone Renate Blackstone | Ebony Ambrosia Ebony Ambrosia | Corin Autem Corin Autem | Kayden of Zakuul Kayden of Zakuul | Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko
[ Theme ]
"Galactic basic" | ~ telepathic communication ~

No, Dis was not a particularly strong and powerful entity. They knew many things, but with the great sorcerers, the Jedi, they could not challenge. True, they didn’t even need it, Dis had enough strength to defend themselves until they escaped. Most importantly, they were definitely not a threat to anyone or anything. Without a host, their options were very limited, which meant pretty much telepathy and empathy.

Since it was Ebony who advanced the fastest and fastest, Dis followed her and went where the Dark Side Spirit went. They weren't watching Ebony, much more the grave and the environment. As they had already worked with artefacts and treasures dealing with the old Eternal Empire times, they recognised the patterns and writings on the walls that they came from that time. The Shadowcat found this very interesting.

As they got deeper and deeper, the swirling aura and Dark Side became more and more noticeable. When the Spirit finally stopped at a few boxes, the Shadowcat decided to go further. They would have no chance of getting the boxes or what was in them, so they moved on from this place. They went through the next two walls and a corridor, after which Dis arrived in a room decorated with runes.

And in the middle was the "sarcophagus" in which they felt a very strong aura, a dark side presence. They didn’t know if the person was sleeping in it or was awake, so they reached out to Force in the direction of the unknown person ( Kayden of Zakuul Kayden of Zakuul ) and tried to address them.

~ Are you already awake and able to perceive the outside world? ~ they asked.


Kayden of Zakuul
Location: Kayden's carbonite prison cell, Excavation, Zakuul
Tags: Dis Dis
Equipment: None

The carbonite prison cell of Valkorion's illegitimate son has been covered with dusts for thousands of years, guarded by four GEMINI droids generated by a small sun generator that is beside on a big screen which has been turned off for a while since no one was using it. The Shadowcat could see that Kayden's "sarcophagus" is emitting a mix of yellow and purple-colored dark side energy - surrounding the carbonite. Probably to protect the sarcophagus? No one knows. It might be the reason why there's a sudden force disturbance in Zakuul, is because of the mixed yellow-purple-colored dark side energy and the force aura that surrounds the carbonite.​
When the Shadowcat attempted to contact Kayden thru the force, there was no response. Kayden hasn't been awaken. Not yet at least. However, because of the presence of trespassers inside the excavation, the sound of an alarm suddenly turned on.​
Players who are inside the excavation will hear this sound (including the message), the fluorescent lights inside the excavation are turned on. It'll reveal a dusty, military/laboratory-like interior design
"Warning. Intruder alert! All units proceed to the special prisoner's room!" A woman AI voice said in one of the sound speakers that was attached from the ceiling nor on the upper walls. And the message became repetitive for at least five minutes. All droids at this point are on high alert, went immediately to Kayden's cell and will shoot anyone on sight.​
Meanwhile, in the carbonite room, the big screen turned on itself thanks to the emergency alarm. The Shadowcat could see the picture of Kayden, which actually looks like the younger version of the former Emperor of this Eternal Empire. The special prisoner's information are all written in the Zakuulan script.​
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Location: Ruins - Zakuul
Objective: Make off Like Bandits
Tags: Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus Dis Dis Renate Blackstone Renate Blackstone Ebony Ambrosia Ebony Ambrosia Corin Autem Corin Autem Kayden of Zakuul Kayden of Zakuul Lyssa Io Lyssa Io Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko
Unit Support: Siren Corps (3) │ Nuetralizer Model 1s (4) │ Nuetralizer Model 2s (3) │ Nuetralizer Model 3s (3)
Direct Engagement: Ebony Ambrosia Ebony Ambrosia

Treasure, loot, and riches of various types were loaded up on the repulsor sleds with all due haste, with Esmeralda doing her part where she could, albeit slightly annoyed at the fact that so far, all of her kills had been stolen by the unknown entity ahead of the House Io contingent in the ruins. Fortunately, the entity hadn’t been able to take everything, leaving plenty for the Nuetralizers and Sirens to seize for themselves. The more they took, the better, as each member of the expedition would receive a small cut of the profits as a bonus, based on how much was seized.

The Siren contemplated what she would do with the money.

However, more than anything, she wanted to go after the other entity, to test herself against such a strange, eldritch creature capable of sundering the limbs from the frame of a droid. She had fought and killed Draelvasier before, so the desire to struggle against what could be an even greater opponent, was unquenchable.

After all, the martial instinct was ingrained in her Echani blood.

“I’ll be right with you, Matriarch!” The Siren answered Arianna, her voice laced with girlish excitement as she cocked her shotgun in anticipation. “A witch? Well, they’ve never seen a Siren!”

Just as the two women set off in pursuit of the entity, klaxons began to blare throughout the ancient facility, the voice of a feminine AI coming over the speakers in the process.

They didn’t deter the diminutive Echani one bit.


Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu)
Overseer of Science Development


Location: Ruins
Dark Blessings of Kuolema (Twin Lightsabers), Feravvax XVI (Cybernetic Eyes), PITA CV1 (Cybernetic / Bionic Tail), Omni VI (Bionic Arm), Varjokävely (Battle Outfit)
Tags: N /A


On the precedence of hissing smoke, four dark figures emerged from the ship; jaws smacking hungrily. The small squad of soldiers guarding the entrance into the catacombs took a step back from the four Mortem Magistri as the chained monsters led the true monster to the front. The guards sole purpose was to prevent impregnation into the ruins, but by the visions before them; their collective bowls threatened to release their contents. When they saw the figure holding the reigns, a slight relaxation entombed their nerves.

one of the guards approached, his eyes watching cautiously upon the reptiles, whilst his actions slowed not to draw unwanted attention to the genetic abominations; save lose more than a limb from a callous hungry beast. "Per military orders, we are forbidden to allow entrance into the ruins."

"Is that so," the Sith Lord said, picking insects off the scaly hide of the nearest beast. "Abigail is hungry....extremely. He has led his kin and myself here for a feast. He believes there is buffet awaiting us inside. Less you think otherwise," Mikilanna said, placing a hand on the chain's release mechanism. "You have an alternative food source?"


Mission: Steal the Loot (Objective 2)
Primary Objective: Infiltrate the Eternal Empire excavation site, enter the uncovered ruins, locate ancient artifacts, and relocate them before the Eternal Armed Forces arrive.
  • Loot Acquired: Sith Amulet/Crystal
  • Loot Acquired: Sith Obelisk Shard, Holocron
Ebony turned their head upward at the alarm sounding. The little shadow cat Dis Dis had run off some time earlier, which left Ebony to explore the artifacts alone. Had the kitten triggered this? Well, it hardly mattered. After all, they had just found a shard of a Sith Obelisk in the chest, and a holocron. Objects of power and an object of knowledge. Ebony actually enjoyed listening to the captive spirit-projections speak, or the audio-only ones. They especially liked those that tried corrupting their listener! Delightful devices. Apparently some Sith artisans were smarter than those that had summoned them. At least, Ebony assumed those that made holocrons weren't trapped inside their own creation.

With several artifacts in hand, Ebony found it was easier to trigger the door to open from inside the secret chamber. This was good, otherwise they would have had to leave, figure out the combination, and then retrieve what they found. Really that was the worst contraption mortals had ever devised! Doors. Doors! It took Ebony nearly two years to figure out how to open the exterior door in the facility where they'd been summoned.

There was a sense of something powerful within the ruins, however, that caused Ebony to look to one side. It wasn't like the artifacts in their arms, but it might be worth credits. A miniature sun generator would be worth something once Ebony figured out that was what they felt now that the facility was drawing more power.

Their eyes were turned straight ahead, however, at the sensation of someone ( Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io ) or something approaching their position. Curious. It was not a large force so the Eternals hadn't managed to locate this chamber so quickly. There had been other chambers, so it was surprising something had found the same one as Ebony. No doubt that shadow cat had found one of the other chambers itself. Well, they were patient, and the darkness in this chamber was strong.

OBJECTIVE: Awaken the Beast
TAG: Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Corin Autem Corin Autem Renate Blackstone Renate Blackstone Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi

Lt. Commander Aierka scrutinized the datapad handed to her with the writ from the Empress, as well as the ship manifest. She cast a skeptical glance at the Trandoshan, flitting her eyes back and forth between him and the information before her. Such documentation could be fabricated, but not easily. If it was, then it could buy this captain and his crew time to carry out some last minute storing of illicit goods, assuming not everyone here was present. Based on the manifests, it appeared that everyone was here - but that didn't mean someone else wasn't aboard the ship. Despite her misgivings, she suspected this inspection would be all for naught. Before writing it off completely, however, she decided to call the information in. She opened a comm channel to the bridge: "Commander Praxxis, The Entanglement has some documentation we need to verify from the Empress herself. Standby for specifics."

Aierka took a moment to read off the permit numbers and other particulars that would make it possible for the bridge to confirm the information's validity. It took a moment for the bridge to report back, confirming the Trandoshan's story. The Lt. Commander glanced one more time, her gaze lingering a moment as she handed the datapad back. "It appears your paperwork is in order. Based on the validity of that writ, you have the protections in place to prevent this search if you so choose, Captain. While conducting this search may assuage my Commander's overall concerns about the integrity of our fleet's cordon, you are not legally obligated to comply at this stage." As she spoke, she waved her hand, which resulted in her men completely lowering their weapons, with the whole inspection team adopting a more relaxed stance as they awaited the Trandoshan's reply.
As the landing party secured the landing zone, Aximand strolled out with his scabbard reattached to his waist, and his pistol in its holster. His appraising eye scanned the surrounding area before setting upon the Major's gaze. He gave her a curt nod, and just as he was about to say something - a faint noise drifted in the wind to his eardrums.
Is that... an alarm? Within the dense foliage of the Zakuul wilderness, such a sound was quite foreign to be sure. As he paused a few moments more, it soon became clear beyond doubt that the sound was indeed an alarm; coming from the temple no less. Slowly, Aximand unbuttoned the strap over his pistol, and removed the sidearm - bringing up to a ready position. He then met Corin's gaze, and gave her a firm nod. They needed to investigate what was going on at the temple - because clearly, either the team they detected upon entry had made more headway than they expected, or something else was going on.

He brought his hand up to his mouth, speaking into his communicator:
"Retribution, this is the ground team. Shift to high alert, and ready squadrons for intercepting any and all craft planetside who do not possess authorization to be here." It would not take long for his orders to be heeded. Within minutes, several squadrons of fighters and bombers would be space-born, arrayed in patrol formations as they established a cordon around the entirety of the planet's atmosphere. The Ashkelon-class frigates & Demeton-class cruiser also began to fan out from the Retribution, forming a picket line over their immediate stretch directly above the temple location. Although Aximand would not order it lightly, his fleet would soon be in position to strike anywhere on the immediate surface should the need arise. And with the fighter patrols, no ships would be able to enter or leave the atmosphere without being detected and intercepted by the Eternal Fleet's presence around Zakuul. The Eternals may not have been first here, but they would not allow these treasures to slip through their fingers lightly.


Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi


“Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.”

Lightsaber / Winter Ring of the Snow Moon

Tags: Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus / Renate Blackstone Renate Blackstone
Objective: Awake The Beast

The crushing grounding was a blow that rocked the ship; tossing unbuckled individuals and supplies around like rag dolls; less than half smashed into ruins. Looking about, as I removed the harness straps, my eyes took in the carnage. There were bellows and screams of aid radiating throughout the ship's cabins, spurring me into action. I was no combat medic, and the visual assaults made me wish I was. I knew how to heal through the Force, but even a tiny, green Jedi Master from history could only extend so far.

Placing two fingers, one index over a eye, I silently prayed for Sgt. Staffer's family. He and I never got along, mostly I believed he lost his eldest daughter to the Maw or Sith, and he mentally blamed all Force worshipers for her tragic passing. In solace, daughter and father would now be united in death.

Breaking my prayers, came a klaxon of sounds. Alarms! Jumping to my feet, and calling my hilt back to my ight hand, I caught the cylinder object and ran headstrong through the wreckage; a disturbing feeling pulsating deep within. Reaching the end, I saw other vessels arranged about, their bowls being dispersed about. Swinging my scruffy head left to right, right to left, I quickly took in the scene, setting my peepers on the highly decorated officer, running up to the man,
Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus saying in between breaths, "We need to move, something sinister is stirring about."

Rotating my eyes to the dead, dying, and wounded I sighed placing a forefinger upon the bridge of my nose, "It's coming for them. It smells their damage."


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OBJECTIVE: Awaken the Beast
secondary objective: try to save the dying.
TAG: Niki Priddy Niki Priddy , Corin Autem Corin Autem , Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus , Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi,
EQUIPMENT: SK-RS-Mk IV armor, KC-95 Blaster Pistol, KC-VISR Thermomagnetic Optics System, KC-SHDE Adaptive Camouflage System, KC-249 General Purpose Repeating Blaster,M-322 Standard Issue Ration Packs, Lucius-pattern Bayonet, power shovel, Radiation grenades, Portable medical scanner, Med-Aid packs, Medpac, Surgical kit, portable Antisepsis field generator
SQUAD: Detachment of Ultranaught Marines led by Corin Autem

After fanning out the sound of crashing before Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi stepped out from the wreckage of his ship there were still a few men and women clinging to life among the dead. Renate didn't wait for permission she stopped advancing and hustled to the ship breaking formation as she did so despite the shots from her fellow Ultranoghts. Her stomach doing summersaults from the destruction and carnage sure enough the smell from the dead hit her like a freight train even threw her helmets filters. Taking off her portable Antisepsis field generator. she set it down and activated it as it gave a dull blue glow and before she went from structure to structure pulling anyone still clinging to life back towards the generator. she didn't find many at most two the generator gave a rhythmic hum as it killed harmful bacteria as she worked on the first unit. using a med aid to patch up their lacerations and removing the shrapnel before switching to the other one who was much worse. she got threw yet another medaid pack before feeling a hand of a ultranought on her shoulder telling her that their gone. she didn't notice till they informed her...they most likey died while she was trying to patch them up. "feth!" she exclaimed as she slammed a fist into the ground shaken from the experience. before getting help up from her comrads. "At least I managed to save one..." she said with a shaky breath.

Looking to her CO she stated that the one she could save would need medivac if they are going to survive. Before turning to rejoin her unit in formations as they made their way to the ruins ahead of them unable to shake the thought from her head that she could have saved more if she were fast enough.
Dis the Shadow(cat)
Shadowcat, explorer and wanderer; Owner of the Cat’s Paw; Member of the Greystone Mercantile
Objective I.: Awaken the Beast
Location: Excavation, Zakuul's surface
Equipment: N/A
Tags: Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io | Niki Priddy Niki Priddy | Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus | Renate Blackstone Renate Blackstone | Ebony Ambrosia Ebony Ambrosia | Corin Autem Corin Autem | Kayden of Zakuul Kayden of Zakuul | Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko
[ Theme ]
"Galactic basic" | ~ telepathic communication ~

The Shadowcat was a little disappointed that someone inside wasn't awake yet. They pointed their ears when the alarm sounded. So even that worked and they sensed that there were more and more people in the neighbourhood, or just in the vault. Dis didn't know if the system could detect them, though they had never encountered anything that would have been able to do it all.

They got the answer very soon when the droids arrived, but they weren't targeted. They looked at the image that appeared on the monitor. Dis did not know Tacitus, their existence started only after his disappearance, they were created by the current empress’s late husband, Darth Prospero. Not to mention that time passes differently in the Netherworld, even if you’ve ever seen Tacitus, there may have been so much time passed that you may not even remember it.

In any case, they found the events interesting. Dis didn't know who the young man might be, but they were sure the droids wanted to protect them. Since Dis was a pacifist, they didn't even think they might want the exact opposite. But since it seemed to them that the wake-up process had already begun, they decided to help. A few minutes ago they felt the man was still asleep, so they reached out to the Force again and through the Force tried to reach the man’s mind and penetrate his dream.

~ Do you hear me? ~ they asked.


Kayden of Zakuul
Location: Kayden's carbonite prison cell, Excavation, Zakuul
Tags: Dis Dis
Equipment: None

Near the Old World, Prisons' Compound (now Excavation), Zakuul
3636 BBY | 17 ATC
"I said let go of me!" Kayden yelled as he did his best to resist him from getting dragged to the prisons' compound which is in the outskirts of the Old World, the first city built in Zakuul. Someone electrocuted him using the Force lightning. It was so powerful to the point that Kayden got knocked out.​
Minutes later, he was already positioned in the carbonite with an "X" position. His dark yellow eyes stared at his half-siblings, Arcann - who is now an Emperor and Vaylin, a High Justice. It was an intense staring contest between the most powerful Force users of the Zakuulan Eternal Empire. Kayden can't do anything since he got weakened from none other than Arcann's force lightning.​
"You don't have to worry, Commander Kayden. If ever Zakuul faces a verge of collapse. I will surely free you here. After all, you have father's blood."
"So that you could use me?!" Kayden sneered at Arcann.​
Arcann chuckles, replying in a direct tone. "Yes."
"Never will I kneel to you! I will kill you, Arcann, you hear me?!" Kayden yelled as he desperately attempt to get out from the carbonite.​
"Wow, brother. You have such a colorful imagination. I'm sure the carbonite will enhance your creativity. Good bye." Arcann, Vaylin and the Knights of Zakuul left his special prison room. Kayden let out a powerful Force scream before he finally gets freezed by the carbonite, trapped inside his own mind.​
Moments later...
Kayden woke up in some sort of a void. He saw a lot of floating rocks, hearing familiar and unfamiliar voices. The color of the sky is dark purple and it looks like it's nighttime. He can clearly see the stars from down here. Kayden stood in a floating big rock. He saw some sort of a temple. Kayden is confused on where he is and he thought to himself, how to get out of here?
He really needs to warn the Scions of Zakuul regarding Arcann's ascension to the throne, as the Scions like himself and the anti-Arcann faction are all targets of Arcann's persecution. Then he heard a voice.​
Do you hear me?
"Who's out there?! Where am I?!" Kayden yelled back. Kayden is really confused as of this moment. He doesn't know what kind of tricks he got pulled in. Probably by Arcann's or worse, his father - who in fact, is supposed to be dead from the assassination by an outlander. Although, Kayden began to question himself whether Valkorion was assassinated by an outlander or his half-brother Arcann.​

Lyssa Io

The Daughter of Blades
Lyssa and Hadrian got deeper into the ruins, Lyssa doing much of the slicing and dicing for unexpected threats, such as the odd minor Sithspawn. Hadrian didn't use his onboard Weaponry: His strength and sheer durability allowed him to deal with these threats through sheer brute force.

"What are we looking for?" Lyssa asked.

"The piece of parchment Mother discovered on Lipsec indicated a small tomb area here, filled with deadly traps...and a guardian..." Hadrian answered, right as an alarm went off throughout the whole of the strange complex.

"That cannot possibly be good, whatever it is..." Lyssa surmised.

"All the more reason to hurry. Ultimately, we must be prepared to leave any other treasure here if it means getting our final piece of the puzzle..." Hadrian replied, passing by what looked to be whole cracked open vaults of treasure: They'd take as much as they could carry, but Khemost was true treasure.

Khemost wasn't Feth-You Money: Feth-You Money was something like what Richard Branson has in RL.

Khemost was Feth-You-and-The-Super Star Destroyer-you-rode-in-on-Money.

Laertia had been hunting for it's location all throughout the third Imperial Civil War, in addition to battling the Bryn'adul. She had not searched it out personally except in rare instances like Lipsec. Other times she had searched for it by proxy, through her most trusted agents.

Xiphos had opened her doors to Shi'ido Refugees fleeing the genocide of Lao-Mon. Though she despised Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok , she was unwilling to watch his race put completely to the sword, unlike the Bryn'adul. Khemost would have more than enough room for refugees when it was found. For now, Xiphos was hiding them in various worlds that were uninhabited, at least currently out of the reach of the Maw. Xiphos had reached out to Shi'ido Rebels about two weeks before, sending Lyssa as her proxy, persuading them to have at least a few contingencies for mass evac in case the invasion failed. Enough for at least three to four thousand individuals to ensure genetic diversity. They had managed to spare at least five hundred from Lao-Mon itself. The rest had come from hidden colonies. Colonies they hadn't even told the Alliance of.

Even Darth Phyre had taken an interest in securing Refugees---The Cult used Shi'ido bodies almost exclusively for their members. The Maw threatened that resource. She had seen to the difficult work of smuggling slaves off Lao-Mon during the actual invasion. A kidnapped for their own good slave here, a rebel there.

It was one of many things Lyssa was unable to reconcile where Mother was concerned: One minute she was ruthlessly destroying a worldship, in the next she was going out of her way to reach out to those allied with people trying to kill her to save their species from total extermination.

Had there really, truly been no other option at Rhand?

Lyssa was glad she wasn't at Rhand, glad she wouldn't have to bear the weight of that decision on her run-times for the rest of her operating cycle. She loved Mother. Dearly. She would give her operating cycle for her, not just because she was programmed to in worst case scenarios, but because she knew Mother would do the same if the roles were reversed.

"What would you have done different, at Rhand, Brother?" Lyssa asked, her artificial mind deeply troubled.

"I wouldn't have gone. I would have let the CIS get their asses kicked and THEN made the push for Overwhelming Attrition Warfare." The Golden Nuetralizer answered. "But Mother could not resist..."

Lyssa's Nanites detected the sonic boom of fighters overhead.

"The Eternal Empire is cordoning off the planet."

"Feth..." Lyssa snapped. "We must find that tomb."

"The fact the Model 3's and 2's have Black Ops authorization along with the Sirens to operate in EE territory might buy us a little leeway if found by them. But the Model 1's are not normally seen in these parts." Hadrian replied, taking out an encrypted comlink.

"All units, be advised, Eternal Empire military is cordoning off the planet...if their teams encounter you do not engage, repeat, do not engage. If asked, we're conducting salvage of technology, resources, and clearing operations, eliminating boobytraps, and enemy defenders. Which is technically true. If necessary, surrender the loot."

"Hadrian..." Lyssa called out, spotting an ancient structure. It was the size of a small mausoleum in the midst of a jungle, a great blue pillar in front of it.

Hadrian's eyes scanned it.

"Stone Guardian. Ancient motion sensors around it. Heavy weapons. We go another few meters and it activates. Risk of damage to the tomb is unacceptable." Hadrian surmised.

Lyssa was undeterred. Her form shifted to a large, snake like object with a drill. She plunged into the ground, Nanites breaking down soil and grass as she drilled through it, drilling underneath the motion sensor closest to her.

She deposited a sample into one nearby sensor, overriding it's circuitry with her quantum level programming, so it would transmit a stand down signal to the other sensors as well as the inactive Stone Guardian.

Lyssa burst from the ground, reforming her human guise.

"Advancement. The fatal dagger to the heart of Archeo-Tech." Lyssa said heading past the now inactive pillar.

Rather than try to open the strange lock on the front, a complicated series of dial spins, Lyssa broke down into a puddle and flowed into any opening within the lock to flow inside, reforming within...

She saw it. Frayed, yellow parchment containing partial coordinates, preserved in a small stasis chamber, resting on a pedestal.

Lyssa wasn't stupid however. It was never this easy...

Lyssa broke down into a silvery puddle and began flowing through every crack she could find, every space between the walls.

She detected a small, artificial cavity in one wall, reformed, and cut it open carefully.

It's was another piece of parchment, likely the real one, in another stasis chamber powered by geo thermal energy. Lyssa memorized the contents of both just in case, and then hacked their chambers, shutting them down, removing and then quickly destroying both parchments.

Lyssa then flowed out of the chamber and reformed back on the other side.

"Let's look like we are here for just Zakuul's secrets..." Lyssa advised before turning to head back. Hadrian quickly followed. The tomb had not been unlocked, so no one would realized it had been breached. The prize had already been seized. No evidence had been left of it.

The order quietly spread among the Nuetralizers and Sirens: Continue salvage, but be prepared to turn over anything to EE inspectors. As a precaution, Model 3's began stamping PROPERTY OF THE EMPRESS itn crates of what they salvaged (This stamp was reserved for hard currency such as ingots and gemstones). They still took technology and infantry weapon caches marked for themselves, and the Model 2's busily compiled data on what traps they had found during their sweeps, ready to hand over what they discovered without complaint...

Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus

Dis Dis

Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io

Kayden of Zakuul Kayden of Zakuul
Location: Ruins - Zakuul
Objective: Make off Like Bandits
Tags: Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus Dis Dis Renate Blackstone Renate Blackstone Ebony Ambrosia Ebony Ambrosia Corin Autem Corin Autem Kayden of Zakuul Kayden of Zakuul Lyssa Io Lyssa Io Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko
Unit Support: Siren Corps (3) │ Nuetralizer Model 1s (4) │ Nuetralizer Model 2s (3) │ Nuetralizer Model 3s (3)

"All units, be advised, Eternal Empire military is cordoning off the planet...if their teams encounter you do not engage, repeat, do not engage. If asked, we're conducting salvage of technology, resources, and clearing operations, eliminating boobytraps, and enemy defenders. Which is technically true. If necessary, surrender the loot."

Esmeralda looked to the Witch, the expression of a question borne across her pale Echani features.

Thanks to her IBIS Drone, the diminutive Siren had seen the Eternal Navy’s fighters flying in patrol formations within the atmosphere as well. That would effectively down any traditional method of getting their loot off-world for the time being. However, while she lacked any ability to use the Force herself, Esmeralda knew that there were other ways, especially since Mother was renowned for her powers as a phase-shifter, capable of moving from one point to another in the blink of an eye.

If there was anyone who could help them at that moment, it was certainly Arianna Belasko.

“I know Mother isn’t here, but is there someone else who can open portals? Or perhaps, teleport things?” The Siren began, activating her helmet’s sonic neutralizers to avoid being overhead by anyone not in the House Io comm network. “If we can open a portal to a remote area on-world, but one far from these ruins, maybe we can stash the loot there and come back for it later.” She offered.

“We could bring a ship equipped with scan blockers or maybe something similar, pack up the loot and leave!” The Siren finished.

While waiting for a response, Esmeralda continued to explore the area. It seemed that for the moment, they had run into a roadblock in tracking down the entity. However, that didn’t preclude them from seeking out more of the loot which the pristine ruins were stuffed to the brim with. Finding her way to a nearby chamber, Esmeralda activated her armor’s scanning systems as she began to rummage through the room, careful not to spring anything that could trigger a trap in the process.

Her nostrils flared when lightsaber signatures appeared up on her HUD.

Turning to her left, Esmeralda saw a panel of discreetly-concealed manual controls, which could open a hidden door of some kind. However, the possibility that it could be a trap lingered in her mind. Fortunately, the Siren knew that she didn’t need to interface with the controls directly. With a deep, yet eager breath, she took more than a few steps back to a safe distance and activated her personal energy shield. Then, the Echani extended her right arm, utilizing her gauntlet’s integrated GravPulse to manipulate the controls. Just as she expected, a trap was immediately triggered, a sprayer discharging CryoBan chemicals out from above, which would have struck her had she been standing close to the control interface. Fortunately, being unharmed, Esmeralda continued to work the interface, setting her field security overload module to discharge an ultrasonic pulse, which immediately disabled the trap.

Moments later, the hidden door opened before her eyes, a plume of smoke emanating out to reveal four full racks of twenty lightsabers in two distinct hilt styles, engraved with Zakuulian script.

With wide, unblinking eyes, Esmeralda pulled two of the lightsabers into her hand, her breath held suspended in her chest as she ran her fingers over the Zakuulian engravings.

Then, she activated the blades.

(Loot Acquired! Esmeralda has received Zakuul Knight Lightsaber [2] [Quality: Epic])

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Tags: Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus Renate Blackstone Renate Blackstone Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi
Objective: Confront the Beast
Units: One platoon of Ultranauts, one Valdr Skær-Pattern Dual-Role Droid per fireteam

Caught up in the Commodore's gaze, Corin returned the nod as her platoon left the lander behind. Snow crunched underfoot as she walked, the teams in front of her spreading out so as not to provide an easy target to any would-be killers hiding amongst the dust and bones of the past. An alarm was blaring somewhere up ahead, but whether it was due to their arrival or someone else's remained a mystery. With the AoC operatives already within the ruins, Corin thought she knew which one was more likely.

It was either that or the droids were getting rowdy again.

Approaching the entrance to the temple, Corin watched as two of her teams stacked up on either side of the large doors leading inside. Sergeant Cato's- and Harper's fireteams fell in just behind them, leaving one team to pull security whilst another remained with her and the Commodore. A quick count and the Ultranauts began to pour inside, the alarm covering the sound of their footsteps as the ground beneath them changed from ice to stone. Corin held back, granting her teams the time they needed to work. Thirty seconds passed before the voices of her fireteam leaders came back to her, their tones measured and calm. She took comfort in that.

"One-One, clear on the left."
"One-two, clear right."
"Copy. One-three, one-four, hold positions. One-five, hold position here. No-one gets in or out without my say so."
"Roger that, one-six. Happy hunting."

Gesturing to the Commodore, Corin placed a guiding hand on his shoulder as they began to make their entrance. Using her body as something of a shield, the Major led her team inside. "This is One-six, entering now. Three, four, press in." Silence answered her words, but she didn't need a reply to know her people were doing as she'd ordered. Already she could see a dozen figures hustling forwards into the gloom, their silhouettes splitting to left and right as the space opened up around them. She almost didn't notice as the place began to rumble with unseen energy. And then someone shouted a warning.


Grabbing hold of Aximand, the Major bundled her ward to the ground before throwing her body across his. Another burly Ultranaut shielded her as a half-dozen voices shouted out warnings. And then the shuttle hit, barreling into and through the ruins like a bolt from the heavens. The ear-splitting, gut-wrenching impact made Corin tense up as Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi's lander crashed, sending bits of rubble and warped metal flying. A piece of shrapnel cut through the air an arm's length away from Corin, and she watched as momentum carried it deeper into the hall.

More shouts followed as the screeching came to an abrupt halt. The alarm was still going. Corin thanked the Gods of industry for fitting her armor with sound dampeners as she climbed to her feet. Looking down, she offered the Commodore a gloved hand as her team took up defensive positions around them. "Are you okay, sir?"
Mission: Steal the Loot (Objective 2)
Primary Objective: Infiltrate the Eternal Empire excavation site, enter the uncovered ruins, locate ancient artifacts, and relocate them before the Eternal Armed Forces arrive.
  • Loot Acquired: Sith Amulet/Crystal
  • Loot Acquired: Sith Obelisk Shard [consumed]
  • Loot Acquired: Holocron
Ebony stopped in the doorway to a chamber where a living creature prowled about. The Echani woman then uncovered a secret cache of lightsabers, two of which were retrieved and activated in the woman's hands. They had absorbed the darkness of the Obelisk they'd found, and so they stretched their free hand out toward this cache. The Force stretched out to Pull one of those golden rods from the racks.

"Zakuul," Ebony said aloud as their eyes slid over the design of the hilt. "Tolerable. Domineering." Their eyes lifted to regard the Echani once more. "Do we need to kill you now, or shell we go?" The woman had the aura of a fighter. Fighters had a tendency toward violence. It was only reasonable for them to ask if the two of them would now need to engage in ritual combat in order for Ebony to leave in peace.

Of course, Ebony wouldn't mind if they spoke at length of the past and the True Force -- the Dark Side. Long as no one professed a love for the Light, the Spirits could be quite pleasant conversationalists. If Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io was not so inclined, however, then Ebony would be best served leaving -- to find the sun generator or to leave the world as the Eternal Empire swarmed like locusts in orbit.


OBJECTIVE 1: Confront the Beast
TAG: Corin Autem Corin Autem Renate Blackstone Renate Blackstone Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi

"I'm fine..." Aximand said with a slight groan in his voice, as not one but two heavily armored individuals had dog-piled on top of him. Thankfully it was only for a few moments, after which they rose up allowing Aximand to breathe. He wasn't upright to see the fate of the shuttle, and because of this he had only seen the aftermath of the craft's impact. His normally craggy features grew evermore grim at the sight, only a moment being lost before he turned to the Major and said: "Dispatch one of our teams to check for survivors. The rest of us will carry on." Shortly after giving said orders, he opened his comm frequency to the Retribution: "Commander, we have an Imperial shuttle that's crash landed planetside. I need a medevac team dispatched immediately at my current location. Major Autem will relay to you the person in her team taking point of the immediate first response effort."

The Commodore composed himself and gave another nod to the Major, indicating he was ready to move forward. The teams entered into the temple, with the sirens blaring ever louder within. As they traversed deeper into the ruin, faint life signs could be detected on their tactical displays, but the distortion of the heavy stonework offset the increased proximity. Aximand's pistol was raised as he walked in step with the teams. The sounds of the aforementioned sirens did much to mask any noise the teams may make as they proceeded further in, which would do the same for anyone they were coming upon. It was because of this that they did not hear Arianna Belasko Arianna Belasko when she was busy looting several of the artifacts within the chamber she was in, but instead nearly stumbled across her. Aximand leveled his pistol to her, and said with an air of authority that cut through the siren like a proton torpedo: "Freeze, by order of the Empress!"


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