Frozen Fire

Objective: Make off Like Bandits

Unit Support: Siren Corps (3) │ Nuetralizer Model 1s (4) │ Nuetralizer Model 2s (3) │ Nuetralizer Model 3s (3)
Direct Engagement:

The ground rumbled underfoot as something big crashed in a section of the ruins far from where the Siren was at present.
All the while, the brilliant blue blades of her lightsabers came to life with a distinct, snap-hiss, their glow bathing her pale features in blue light as she examined the mythical, ancient weapons which were meant for hands far greater than her own. Glancing back at the four racks of lightsabers, Esmeralda blinked with some consternation, realizing by herself, she had no way of actually getting the loot out now that the Eternal Empire was establishing a cordon around the ruins.
Then, the Siren heard an errant, feminine voice.
Turning around in a snap of motion, Esmeralda had her lightsabers held at the ready, the weapons unfamiliar in her tiny hands, but no less deadly, owing to her skill as a Teräs Käsi practitioner. As she did, her eyes drew in a tall, slender, and delicate figure, belonging to a raven-haired beauty who…
Read as a Sithspawn or Dark Side Spirit, according to her armor’s Force scanner.
Her first instinct would have been to kill her. After all, the Spirit was likely the entity she and Arianna had been searching for. However, for all of the Echani’s initial excitement to test her martial talents against such an eldritch, arcane creature, Esmeralda realized that for the time being, that course of action might be unreasonable.
Just then, her sensors picked up more lifeform signatures closing in on the room outside the chamber, including one

Perhaps this entity could be her ticket out?
“No, I won't! Matriarch, they’re coming!" Esmeralda shouted. "Get ready to close the door to the chamber when she gets in, now!” The Siren called out.
Once the door was sealed shut, Esmeralda glanced nervously into the entity’s dark eyes, knowing that she had limited time before the door might be forced open.
“ get us out of here? Like…a portal to...somewhere? Anywhere! Maybe deeper into the ruins?” She asked nervously. “I’ll give you a quarter of these, if you do! Or…” The Siren swallowed. “Half!” She declared, desperately negotiating with the racks of lightsabers which may or may not really belong to her.
“Hurry, please!”
- FAE/A-04 “Apsara” Ultralight Combat Armor
- Right Gauntlet
- Universal Gas Launcher
- WMMW-01
- SMG (2)
- Left Gauntlet
- WMMW-01
- SMG (2)
- WMMW-01
- Undersuit
- Energy Shield
- B-11 “Greitis” Class Combat Boots
- Vibrodagger (2)
- Droid
- Utility
- Right Gauntlet
- PbDR-01 N.S.
- LPD-45 Firespray Shotgun
- Explosive Slug
- Thermal Detonator (2)
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