Prepare for your... examination.
"Perfect? I must say you have quite the interesting but creepy was of saying thins Anaara, though I guess it is nice to know you care for me", maybe a little to much but again something like 'this' was new to her. She slowly went back to her desert, but not before looking back to the dark skinned women at the mention of a surprise, cocking her head to the side, wondering what it could be. The Twi'leks eyes followed Anaara, confused on what she was doing, getting a bit flustered as a hand was outstretched. "Dance? I will admit I have never danced before, you would care to show me how"? Her heart was starting to beat fast, blue hand resting on the Sasori representative, being pulled up and lead over to the dance floor.
[member="Anaara Clandestine"]
[member="Anaara Clandestine"]