Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Meeting on Voss

"It's a good view to have."

A small connection was being formed between them, united in the cause of the light and now curiosity. He was likely to prove to be a very willing student for what she would like to pass on. Time would tell just how much though.

The people that got the food ready knew she blind and what she liked to eat. So as they approached a tray was put together for her by them and handed to her. Turning to face Reggie, she nodded to her tray.


A simple word to his question, but one that was totally true.

"Let's find a place to sit. Shouldn't be too hard these days."

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
"Hmm. There seems to be a good table over here."

Reggie began walking to the table he spoke of, which was only a few steps away from them. It was a small table that was meant to seat two people, so it was perfect. He set his tray down on the table, pulled out the chair closest to them, and held out his hand to Jairdain in order to help her.

Seeing how Jairdain could easily find her way around the temple, Reggie was sure that she didn't need his help to sit down. It was more of a respectful thing than anything else. He was usually the last to sit down when eating with others, waiting to see if everyone else was comfortable before he took his seat.

"This seat is for you milady!"

Reggie said this jokingly and to let her know that she could take a seat first. A gentleman as always.

Following the lead of Reggie, she set her tray down on the table he picked and allowed him to pull the chair out for her and took the offered seat. Joining him in the joke and smiling, she motioned to the other seat.

"After we eat, I'll finish showing you around. What do you know of the temple here, Voss and its people?"

The Voss were a people with their own culture that had developed away from the influence of the Galaxy and they had secluded themselves. The war went on between them and the Gormak. In its own way it was similar to the fight between the Light and the Dark, right and wrong that went on in the Galaxy.

Life wasn't like that though, but so many people only saw it as black and white. Jairdain saw it differently, but didn't point this out to Reggie. Time would tell how he viewed things.

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
Reggie had to think about the question before he answered. He had done some research before coming here, but he was sure that there was information he was missing about Voss.

"I know that the Natives here called Voss like the planet they reside in, and that they have had conflicts with the Gormak for many years. Voss has been on its own for a long time, and has remained independent even after the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire discovered the planet. I also know that the Silver Jedi Order used to take refuge here. That's about it though."

Reggie never asked anyone how things were when the SJO lived here, never having the opportunity to bring up the subject.

As Jairdain listened to his answer, she couldn't help but have a small smile.

"You know more than many people that lived here. The Voss mostly keep to themselves, but granted a few people the opportunity to go through their trials and shared their knowledge. It's different than what the Jedi teach."

Those conflicts continued today, but luckily the Gormak stayed away from the temple and Voss-ka. The outposts were still in danger from time to time and the Voss were outnumbered by them. Like night and day, the two races were. In a way similar to the view of the Jedi and Sith.

"I learned their technique on having visions and could be considered a Mystic of them."

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
Reggie rubbed the back of his head when she mentioned how he knew more than most. He took it as a compliment, but it also showcased how his researched consumed a lot of his life.

"Heh. My life is made up of my research really, so I did some digging on Voss."

When she talked about the trails and knowledge that Voss had, his interest was instantly peaked. There was much more for him to learn about, and he was always in the mood to learn.

"Thats pretty amazing Jairdain! If I may ask, how does one gain the oppurtunity to learn from them?"

"It can be good to know what the Jedi have been through over time. Did you know there are other Jedi out there? It's all about how people view the Code."

I​t crossed her mind that Reggie may not even know the Code. When she joined the Jedi and was his age, she didn't know it and it was only later that she learned it on her own by doing her own research. The sith code was different and had been told to her when she was captive of them. She wasn't about to tell him that code though. Give him time to learn of it on his own.

"You need to make a journey to their Shrine of Healing, pass a test there and you can then be considered a Mystic of the Voss. However, there are other ways to have visions than learning from the Voss. Some come naturally and can't be taught, others come through the Force when you meditate."

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
Reggie stopped for a bit, thinking about what she just said. Jedi who view the code differently? To him, it seemed pretty straight forward and couldn't be viewed any other way. To Reggie, the Jedi code was important, but there were some things that he didn't align with in the code.

"There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force......that code, right? I didn't know there were different ways to view the code honestly."

Reggie listened carefully as Jairdain discussed what the trail consisted of and about other ways to have visions. In reality, he wasn't interested in having visions himself. Visions usually carry a weight with them and Reggie didn't know if he was strong enough to handle such things yet. All in all, Reggie was not experience, and considered himself weak in many aspects. He had a lot to work on.

"That surely sounds interesting!"

As Reggie recited the Code, she nodded. When he said he didn't know there were different ways to view the Code, she gave him a half smile.

"Well, this about it. In the extreme way to look at them, I'll pick on only the first part. There is no emotion, there is peace."

Allowing a moment for the words to sink in before continuing, Jairdain took a few bites of her food.

"Well, to me there certainly emotions. I'm in love with Yuroic if you know who that is. Yet, as the Jedi preach you need to find inner peace. At least that is how that part works for me."

He wasn't the first person she had talked over the code with and probably would not be the last.

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
That was the part that he thought she was going to speak on. Many Jedi, both in the past and present, have had problems with that particular part of the jedi code. Some who have taken it too literally have been turned to the dark side after being pushed to their limit.

"I haven't had many experiences, but I do know that emotions are a important part of being a person. I don't think being void of emotion makes a person a Jedi....that's just coming from a inexperienced person like myself though, haha!"

Jairdain being in love with Yuroic came as a surprise to him though. He didn't know either of them very well however, so it really shouldn't be a surprise, should it?

"We all have our different ways of doing things, so why should we devoid our emotions.....its not wrong to think that way, right?"

The question was more for himself. Reggie has been putting too much of his attention on his research, locking himself in his studies most days. So how can he say that its ok to have emotion when he seems to ignore his? Ah, he was thinking too much about it.

She listened to what Reggie said and then asked his question. The other lines of the Code were just as important as the one she picked on it's just that happened to be the first part of it.

"In time you'll hopefully find a balance that works for you. I did."

Giving him a smile and finished eating her food. He was on the right track and path for him. Her gods knew she wasn't going to try and make him stray from his, but might help guide him to stay on the he was on.

Her path had taken a few twists and turns, but in the end she was on her original path and that of her people.

"Everybody is unique, I agree there."

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
Seeing that Jairdain was finished eating, he ate his food a little faster. After a few seconds, he was done eating and decided to pose her a question.

"If I may ask, What helped you find your balance Jairdain? Was it from the experiences you had?"

Reggie wanted to learn more about jairdain, finding it enjoyable to talk with her. He was actually learning from her words and planned on improving himself from what he learned. At the moment, he was only a Padawan, so it was his job to learn from the other Jedi Knights and Masters.

He asked a curious question about herself as he finished eating himself. Though she certainly wasn't trying to rush him, Jairdain felt he hurried because she had finished her food.

"Partially. You see, I didn't grow up with the Jedi and my people didn't know of the galaxy we live in really. We had only just discovered space travel when a plague broke out and my people started dying off. Now my people also didn't know of the light or dark side of the Force so in essence I grew up grey or neutral, learning from both sides."

She chose to leave out what her people thought of that plague, her getting banished and the destruction of her home.

"Eventually I learned of the Sith and Jedi, their views on things and decided the Jedi was meant for me. So I joined them when I was eighteen. Now a year later, I was kidnapped by a sith lord and held captive until he brainwashed me into following the sith code. So for a while a sith. In the end, that brainwashing failed and my love for Yuroic helped bring me back."

This also did not include all the mental, emotional or any other stress and pain that had happened to her.

"How did you grow up?"

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
The answer Reggie received was more than he was expecting. He didn't think that where a person grew up really played a role in such a thing. He was glad to get some background on Jairdain, but hearing that a Sith kidnapped and brainwashed her ignited a flame of anger in Reggie that he experienced only once before. Why would someone do something like that? He couldn't imagine what she had gone through. The anger he felt showed on his face for a quick second, but he quickly calmed himself and regained his composure. Reggie was glad that her love for Yuroic helped bring Jairdain back.

"I'm sorry that happened to you Jairdain...."

After awhile, she asked Reggie a question. It took him by surprised at first since he didn't come from anywhere special, but he understood why it was being asked. He had to think about his answer a little.

"Hmm. I grew up in Tatooine, so i'm sure you can guess what most of my life was like. Me and my family just did what we could to survive....which was just selling whatever trinkets and junk we found around the place. My parents were good people and always taught me to do the right thing in life. They had also told me about the Jedi, but I had seen the evil the dwelled in people a good few times."

Reggie really didn't know what else to say. His life wasn't a easy one, but it wasn't a unbearable one either.

"The only time I've really been through a great deal of pain is when I......When I lost my right eye, heh."

Reggie stopped before finishing what he was saying. The memory of him losing his eye was engrained into his mind. Less about him losing his eye, which was very painful, but more about him being betrayed by someone he called a friend. He pushes the thought aside and smiles.

"That's about it though! Nothing special about how I grew up."

As she related to Reggie her brief history in answer to his question, she felt his flash of anger at what had happened. It was gone after a few moments and he expressed his sympathy at what had happened. It had helped make her who she was today though. If they would have met even two years ago, she would still have been mad at what happened. Not though, she had accepted it and used it to help make her a stronger person.

She listened to his story and shook her head when he mentioned she could guess what his life had been like coming from Tatooine. Not ever having been there to know it was a desert world, Jairdain had no clue what it was like. If she had known, then she would have understood. Having a home on Iridonia, she also lived in a dry climate, but not as dry and desert as he knew.

"I've not had much physical pain in my life, luckily. What happened to your eye? I'm blind, but see through the Force and have never had sight unless somebody granted me vision through their eyes or a vision in my mind."

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
When Jairdain asked him about his eye, he answered right away. Talking about the subject wasn't a problem for him really, he had gotten over it long ago. Of course, it was difficult to adjust and it was painful that he had been hurt by a friend, but it didn't make him feel hopeless.

"When I was younger I had a friend who stole some credits from someone, which I found to be something he shouldn't have done. When I confronted him, he attacked me with a dagger out of anger, saying that I was trying to bring him down. The result was the loss of my right eye. He was known for getting angry but it was different this time."

This was something Reggie sometimes said more than he had to about. Going back to what Jairdain had said about seeing through the force, he decided to ask about that. He wondered what it was like.

"If I may ask, what is it like to see through the force?"

"I guess I would express the same sympathy you did to me when hearing of what happened to you in your past."

If Reggie could pick up on emotions like Jairdain could, he would feel her words were true when she said them. Picking up the meaning behind his words, there was more than physical pain he had. There was an emotional pain involved as well.

He asked what it was like seeing through the Force and Jairdain had to give it a few moments thought before being able to format an answer that might make sense.

"For me, I see through the emotions of people and things. Everything has emotions, even these plates. While those are not as advanced or deep as what you or I might feel, they are still there. A miraluka sees differently though. So I think it might be different for everybody."

She could blind him for a few minutes and he would see like she did, but didn't suggest it yet.

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
It had been awhile since he talked about the subject. Not a lot of people knew of the situation, especially since it didn't bother him much nowadays. Of course, he'll always feel betrayed because of the event, but it won't drag him down.

"Thank you Jairdain."

Hearing her answer his question made him even more curious. Reggie couldn't imagine what it was like, but it sure did intrigue him.

"That's interesting. I didn't think it would be like that, but I realty don't know what I expected either. It does make sense when I think about it. The force flows through all of us and everything around us...."

Reggie began trailing off, obviously very intrigued by the answer.

Giving him a small smile at his words of thanks, Jairdain would then head out of the mess hall and turn in the direction of the bunk rooms.

"Should show you where you'll be sleeping while you're here. Just think of the choices you have now as compared to when this was the main temple."

The selection ​varied between the simple padawan rooms to ones that were a little nicer for the knights and a couple still made up for the masters that might visit. Any of them he could choose.

Reggie mentioned he hadn't thought about the fact the Force flowed through everything and so that would include even the plates. It had been a part of her life since she was born so entirely natural for her to see it.

"There is a way, but I'm not I can teach you. Once you get settled in, we can try if you want."

[member="Reggie Faayare"]
Breaking out of his train of thought, Reggie followed Jairdain. He didn't know exactly what she meant when talking about the choices he has now compared to the temple, but was sure that he would find out soon.

As they were walking, Jairdain talked about how there was a way to experience seeing through the force. While its only a chance, he wanted to try. This was a once in a lifetime experience to see the force in a different way, and that's what intrigued him. Reggie was a Jedi who focused a lot on the force more than other things.

"If it's alright with you, I would definitely like to try!"


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