Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Memories of the distant part

Quinn sits in the local cafe on Tatooine thinking about where she came from and where she's been. It all hits her at once she sees everything at once her old master Mace Windu taking her in and starting her training. Her first lightsaber and all the missions she had used it on. Then came the memories that drew her tears watching her master being killed and then being frozen in carbonite by some bounty hunter.
After a long day of doing next to nothing, Zhall decided he'd stop by the local cantina as he was incredibly hungry. Doing next to nothing is incredibly hunger inducing. The young padawan took a seat next [member="Quinncolson"], ordering the days special and a water to stay hydrated. He pondered how he would receive the necessary training if he were to advance in the Jedi order while he waited for his food to arrive, staring blankly out into space.
[member="Quinncolson"] Zerth finishes his water with a big gulp before turning to Quinn and asking the simple question of "Whats wrong? Having relatonship problems or something? Want to talk about it?" then waited for a response as he began to feast on his food which was now arriving.
[member="Quinncolson"] Zhall takes a sit, wondering why they came to a Cantina, then asked "So what is it that has you in tears? It must be important since it had you bring me out of the cantina."
"Ok well I am a padawan and I was training under master Mace Windu and then he was killed and a bounty was taken out on me so I naturally ran but I was caught and frozen in a block of carbonite for 800 years" Collapses in tears
[member="Quinncolson"] Zhall grimaced and patted her on the back, then opened his mouth to say "Have you ever considered revenge? Perhaps turning this sadness to anger to right things by perhaps killing the descendants of the bounty hunter who froze you for 800 years?" hoping she would consider his words while he fiddled nervously with his lightsaber.

CT-8273 (Talon)

Talon spots [member="Quinncolson"] in a heap crying in a corner. He approaches her/
"There there, what's the matter? I'm sure we could figure this out."

CT-8273 (Talon)

"Aye listen, I don't know what you're going through but I can help you. You said something about a bounty hunter? I could take you to him maybe."
Talon stood up.
"After all I am an Ensign in the Republic Fleet."
[member="Quinncolson"] "Jedi code, schmedi code. Its only right you exact revenge and even the score. Thats exactly why the Jedi are dying out." Zhall said while noticing the Storm Trooper who had just shown up out of the blue.
[member="Quinncolson"] Zhall stood up, knowing what he had to do now and said "Then theres no leading you down the path of avenging your dead Jedi master is there? The one who was ripped from your pre-maturely."
Cryil walks into the Cantina/cafe and looks around, while nothing immediately pops out at him he does notice a girl, a guy holding a Lightsaber and A Trooper of some kind. Sitting down across the room he watches the group knowing jedi and Soldiers rarely get along and a battle would make his long day even longer.
[member="Quinncolson"] Zhall shook his head and said "If you won't be turned to the dark side then I've been left with no choice. You [member="CT-8273 (Talon)"], soldier, you'll be witness to what happens here." He then activated his lightsaber and waited for Quinn to the do the same. Otherwise he would just cut her down on the spot.

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