Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Memories of the distant part

[member="CT-8273 (Talon)"] Zhall found it easy to counter the baton tazer with the much longer lightsaber, once again aiming to cut off the soldiers arm to leave him with a experience he would never forget before turning to escape down on a alley way and steal a speeder which he made a hasty get away on.

CT-8273 (Talon)

Talon dodged the saber, narrowly avoiding losing is arms.
"Dammit! The scum got away!"
Quinn contemplated whether to give chase or not. She decide he wasn't worth it so she ran over to the soldiers that had helped her "Let him go he will be captured but we can't risk our lives giving chase. Are you guys ok?"
Cryil sighs again. "Jedi... I really wanted not to get involved in their little war it looks like we have no choice, I rather not fight a fully trained warrior"
"I Overheard something of your past but you have to forget it" Cryil looks to Talon You got have a squad? Cryil looks back to Quinn Studying her
@Quinncolson@CT-8273 (Talon)
Looking at her he knows she would lose and plus this could be his chance at redemption "I will stay, I rather not have someone die when I could help"
Turning back to Talon "Good we may need them"

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