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[member="Quinncolson"] Zhall felt a anger brew deep inside of him as he gave chase the Jedi, weaving through the crowd on the street and jumping over obstacles in the way. When he was a good distance away, he threw his lightsaber at her, using the force to keep it steady while it spun and hurdled at the Padawan. Zhall hoped for the best while he concentrated a good amount of energy into trying to prove he was ready to be a Sith.
Watching He swings his sniper rifle into position and slowly moves to the door knowing his lack of close combat abilities would be Critical against the Lightsaber wielding madman
@Quinncolson @Cryil Lynn Zhall quickly recovers his lightsaber using the force before suddenly a blaster shot goes off, hitting him in the shoulder. Zhall knowing the odds aren't what they were before decides to abscond via speeder bike by cutting down a innocent civilian and making his escape through a crowded city street.
[member="CT-8273 (Talon)"] Even with a shot arm, it wouldn't mean much to Zhall as he sliced through the riot shield like a hot knife through butter with his lightsaber, making sure to leave the soldier with possibly a missing limb.
Cryil reslings the Sniper rife over his back and fixes his glasses "he was skilled, not many could survive a shot from me,are you alright miss?"
He reagusts his glasses trying to look impressive.
Talon jumped back from the saber. He threw the other half of his shield to the ground. He took his baton and smacked [member="Zhall Serth"] with it, stunning him (like a tazer). Talon turned to the girl.
"Aye, fight's not over yet Miss. You got a name?"