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Private Mi'la's Angels

Rivenna Vehementi

Remy looked at her and shook. "No no no... never crime as Master Mi'la told me... this is justice." She said it and stood there for a moment giving the best heroic peter pan pose to emphasize it. "Now that we are united though we should come up with what to do.. something small... I would go with looks as she seems nervous around me when I have chosen to forgo the material constraints and embrace the comfort of the force. We could also well share what things are similar about our peoples... I know we don't want to use things but common ground between us is a great way and who knows maybe we take the ship and go exploring the galaxy on msisions while she is off on one of her larps."

Rivenna Vehementi

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Rivenna smiled. “Justice.” Yes, we would bring justice to Mi’la. As Remy spoke of the possible options, her mind drifted to Dathomir. She saw a woman, with outstretched arms. Who was she?
As Remy spoke of missions in Mi’la abesence, she spoke uo,
“Dathomir.. can we go to Darhomir?”
Her eyes swam with that Nightsister peridot greeb light un her pupils. It then faded into brown pools.
Rivenna Vehementi

She looked at the woman and well she saw no reason that they shouldn't go to Dathomir... it seemed sudden but well when someones eyes go gree there is a reason to explain it. "I think we can if you tell me what that green stuff was in your eyes... mine are always golden like these darksiders because of me being sith... you went full color change." SHe said it but wasn't making it a judgement or accusation... more wanting to know and wanting to make sure everything was alright so they would be able to not do something before they were ready.

Rivenna Vehementi

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

Rivenna looked at Remy.
“The Green is a Nightsister thing, when we have visions or feel inclined to use our powers it manifests.”
The Padawan lowered her head, her long braided black hair touching her chest and knees.
“I feel that in order to move on I must confront my past. There is a woman, she appears to me and yet I do not know her, she is so familiar.”
Rivenna rung her hands and looked up once more at Remy.
“I never knew my parents. I was raised by Mother Zalisin. She told me they both died when I was a babe.”
Rivenna pleaded with her eyes.
“Please, help me return to Dathomir and face whatever awaits me there.”
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Rivenna Vehementi

Remy looked at her and stood there as the woman really seemed to want her help... it was insane.. suicidal to go there without Mi'la but well no guts no glory or whatever. The pureblood moved forward and brought her hands up to hold the womans shoulders with a nod of her head. "Then we shall go to Dathomir and see what happens..... but as repayment you and me shall do the one thing that will fluster and mess with Master Mi'la's head... we are going to do our training foregoing the material and wrap ourselves in the force... the reaction shall be priceless." She said it and was moving though to her room with a nod. "I'll get my tonfa and clothing... you set the course."

Rivenna Vehementi

Rivenna had made a bargain with Remy. She felt the Pureblood’s hands on her shoulders and then speak of how “suicidal” it was to go on this adventure, and yet The Sith did not shirk from the challenge.
Rivenna being informed she would have to train without the constraints of clothing almost made her blush, but it was a small sacrifice to ensure her past was squared.
The Nightsister made for bridge and went to a console selecting systems till she found Dathomir. The familiar red, orange, and white swirls where in Rivenna’s hand via hologram. The course was set and the ship made the jump to lightspeed.
Rivenna prepared herself, it had been so long since she had been home.
Rivenna Vehementi

Remy watched her head off and she stood there proud and at the ready for anything. Then she was moving and heading into her room with her makeshift clothing fashioned from.. Mi'la's cloak she had given her after sending a trainign remote to shred her other clothing. It was not a big thing.. she had had her clothing torn beforre but rarely because of trainign remotes with stun blasters... she would have to remember to be more careful in the future though. Then the belt and her tonfa's were on her hips while she walked and looked at herself. Using some of the water which was in abundance on the ship compared to the outpost to clean her face and hair. She needed to get ready for Dathomir and whatever was going to happen with Rivenna well she would be there to support her.

Rivenna Vehementi

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

The Ship sailed on the light, on the stars, making its way to Dathomir. Rivenna watched nervously through the view-screen. Then the ship dropped out of the river of white light, And there the Great Sphere vermillion, and white rings of clouds. Rivenna felt her Night Self come alive, her eyes flaring in green flame. Her heart beating wildly. So many wounds, that now needed to be redressed.
Rivennna opened a com across the ship.
“Remy, we’ve arrived.”
The com then clicked off. The Nightsister then went into her room ajacent the hallway. She opened a chest that had her Nightsister robes and cloak. She changed into them and kept the black leggings to complete the ensemble. Rivenna then headed back to the bridge to prepare for landing.
Rivenna Vehementi

She heard the sound of Rivenna over the comlink and gave a nod of her head while walking. The meditation had done well and while she was stil unsure about some things... they would be able to overcome the challenges as a team and together... worse case scenarion they perish and Mi'la blames herself never taking on another padawan and living down in her van by the river talking to plants.... sounded like a comedy routine. Remy went onto the bridge of the ship and stood there with the clothing on over her chest and down her legs.. the one side with a noticeable slice that allowed her to move as needed with little restriction and boots. "I am prepared."

Rivenna Vehementi


TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh

The Ship descended over the Red planet and made for a Great Gnarled Tower of Rock and peaks. The great the ship landed on a slab of solid granite. Rivenna fortified herself as she opened a hatch and set foot on the Vermillion earth. Her breath became an emerald vapor. Her senses were overcome. She began to walk, expecting Remy would soon join her on the path to great monolith of rock.

Darth Saavage

TAG: Rivenna Vehementi
Remy Singh Remy Singh

Tower of Rock Interior

Inside The Dark Lord stood above the dark pool, when he felt it. The faniliar presence of his once-apprentice. His Phantom Mask decompressed a deep breath, The Night Spirit floated by him in peridot green light.
“The Sacrifice.. bring the sacrifice and preform the Rite!”
Lord Saavage gave a slight nod and began walking across the black slab of stone bridge to the great hollowed out opening to the outside. There He stood at the jaggid steps, his cape and robes blowing in the wind, his metal gauntlets making a metal bending sound as they formed fists.
He saw through his visor Rivenna in her red robes, and another. Did his eyes decieve him? Had the Nightsister sorcery muddled his mind or was a Pureblood on Dathomir?
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Rivenna Vehementi

Remy continued moving forward as she passed the airlock and she held her tonfa's close to herself. SHe moved and stood tall and at the ready while listening to the air. "This is your home?" SHe said it mostly looking at it in a way that said... is there more. Compared to Tantorus it was cooler weather wise it seemed.. Korriban and her world were just largely desert with little in the way of trees... then she sensed it and looked up towards the distance as she looked and he looked... like a sith. THe cloak, the mask obscuring his face... she has seen purebloods with that look and wanted to roll her eyes largely because.... while she would take it seriously... he looked cliche. "Oh I see."

Rivenna Vehementi

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Darth Saavage

Rivenna nodded to Remy. She was solemn, her mind awash with images of her dead Sisters, Mother Zalisin in her arms.
“Rivenna.. my precious daughter.. avenge me.. avenge me!”
The Padawan began to ascend some jagged steps, her eyes fixated downward, unaware of who was ahead, lurking like a Shadowy Sith Warbird.
She reached another step on the winding path and then felt it, a pulsating sensation, and the familiar chill of Bogan. She raised her eyes to see The Phantom, standing there like a statue of those lords on Korriban. The only thing betraying that he was living was breaths that decompressed and fed out his respirator.
She grabbed her saber hilt and ignited the emerald blade. Her face and eyes filling with that familiar warmth, her eyes turning to coals.

Darth Saavage

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh Rivenna Vehementi

The Lord of Darkness waited. He heard the steps, the meeting of stone with boot, until His Former Apprentice appeared just beyond saber reach. Her head raised, her eyes filled with that fire he had stoked in the past and as was The Jedi Way she hastily ignited her saber. Its green blade a sign of her commitment to Ashla and Consularship, but he knew better. Her eyes burned with Vehementi.
His voice echoed from the mask in rasp and rumble, much like the pain that befell his vocal cords.
He then turned his attention to the Pureblood, his helm tilting toward her.
“Sith.. by right you ought to serve me as Lord.”
Rivenna Vehementi Darth Saavage

Remy looked at the sith as he spoke and she remained silent... mostly looking at him and nodding as she saw the blade from Rivenna. "Ok, ok, I see what's happening here." Remy walked over a little and she stood slightly between the two of them but mostly near Rivenna able to defend her. "You're face to face with greatness, and it's strange... You don't even know how you feel... It's adorable." Remy looked form him back to Rivenna. "Well, it's nice to see that humans never change."

She said it though and was mostly singing it.. her voice coming out when she looked out at him. "Open your eyes, let's begin." She walked around a little. "Yes, it's really me, it's a pureblood... Breathe it in I know it's a lot." She stood there with a look. "The hair, the bod." SHe took some time and posed showing her abs and muscles. "When you're staring at a pureblood." Checking out some of the things she had going on. "What can I say except, "You're welcome.... For the cloaks, the tats and the name."

She said it and was looking around as there was an internal soundtrack going on. "Hey, it's okay, it's okay... You're welcome... I'm just an ordinary pureblood..." Remy laughed. "Hey... Who has two thumbs and was force jumping high..... When you were waddling yea high?" SHe said it and had her thumbs up. "Hey this gal...When the nights grew cold... Who inspired your fire from below? You're lookin' at her, yo." She said it and walked around "Oh, also taught you that magic you love. You're welcome"

Remy kept it up though as if she was going to go ham she was going to go ham all in and Mi'la wasn't here to judge. "To stretch your lives and bring you power... Also we harnessed alchemy... You're welcome" She stood listing it on one hand. "To fill your bellies and shake your sabers. So what can I say except you're welcome." She spun around in place. "For the temples we left you on the Korriban. There's no need to pray, it's okay
You're welcome." She smiled walking over by Rivenna.

"Ha, I guess it's just my way of being me... You're welcome" She turned back to look at the sith guy. "You're welcome... Well, come to think of it.... Sith guy, honestly I could go on and on." She was thinking about it more and more where she would be able to go from here. "I could explain every natural phenomenon....The tide, the grass, the ground.... Oh, that was precepts just messing around." She went back to listing things as she had hunted a few things. "I killed a rancor.... I buried its guts.... Sprouted a tree, now we get blood fruits."

She danced around a little more. "What's the lesson? What is the take-away? Don't mess with the purebloods when we are on a holiday." She looked and pointed towards the tattoos on her body. "And the tapestry here on my skin... It is a map of the victories I won..." She looked at herself and her own ink. "Look where I've been.... I make everything happen again. Look at that pelko bug just tickety-tappin'..." She moved over towards some canyon for one purpose.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, hey" The sound was echoing off of the canyon walls and coming back. "Well, anyway let me say, "You're welcome" (you're welcome) For the wonderful title you hold. Hey, it's okay, it's okay, you're welcome (you're welcome) Well, come to think of it, I gotta go HEY (hey)." She said it but was looking at it. "Hey, it's your day to say, "You're welcome" (you're welcome) 'Cause I'm gonna need you to help my friend. I'm stabbing you now, you're welcome (you're welcome)."

Remy said it and quickly moved to try and Grab Rivenna for the surprise strike as she worked to pull her and propel her towards the sith no doubt distracted from brain melting awesomeness.

Rivenna Vehementi

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Darth Saavage

Rivenna was suddenly shaken from her spell by Remy’s song, it was a number that made her lower her saber in awe. Her mouth dropping at the cheeky liners that were perfect digs at Lord Savaage.
It took her calling on The Force tp contain bursting into laughter, for Remy moved and sang in such a way as to quell any other thought. She hoped it was the same for Saavage.
Then she felt Remy tug on her to launch her, it was not evident this was not only a performance. Rivenna took her friend’s leverage and leapt into air, ready to strike like a descending spear of emerald.

Darth Saavage

TAG: Rivenna Vehementi
Remy Singh Remy Singh

The Pureblood broke into song, and began to jirate, and point to herself and make cleaver barbs. Savaage stood unmoved as this strange Sith preformed her mini-opera, and then after the last words, Vehementi was launched at him and descended with hostile intent.
With one hand he raised his left hand to channel bolts of lightning, the gnarled bolts moved like serpents in the sky and latched on to Rivenna, turning her whole body hot white, her skull and spine with ribs in a black shiloutte. At the same time, The Sith Lord ignited a ruby blade with his right hand, his hilt flying into his hand from his belt to meet the inevitable attack from the Pureblood.
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Rivenna Vehementi Darth Saavage

Hmmm well that didn't go how she expected but it served another purpose... largely to gauge how dangerous he could be. Remy moved forward and stayed at the ready. Stopping by Rivenna and watching while she kept golden rimmed eyes on the man. "Rivenna.... think you will be able to get up?" She said it and waited not igniting her sabers yet. Debating what would be the better way to try and handle this as it wasn't exactly smart for a padawan to rush into the combat scenario and Rivenna might be hurt which would mean she had to be factoring her into the inevitable combat.

Rivenna Vehementi

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh
@Lord Savaage

Rivenna fell and hit the rocky pavement, her braids flew up like tentacles, and her jet black clothes smoking. Her entire body burned, from head to toe. As she heard Remy, she endeavored to lift her head, her arms and legs spasming in sudden jerks of motion like gears seizing up.
Her bones in those limbs felt melted, and for a time she contemplated this was her end. Then she felt her body raised, up, contorting as she levitated to her feet, her face bruised from the impact. She was now in her Old Master’s hands.

Darth Saavage

TAG: Remy Singh Remy Singh
Rivenna Vehementi

The Pureblood did not advance, unexpected, but a welcome suprise. Vehementi had landed, her body in shock from the Force Lightning. Before she could recover, Lord Saavage pointed his hand and raised her up into His Grip, he then eyed Remy with his Phantom mask, and turned, he ascending the jaggid steps, Rivenna floating near, his ruby blade still lit.
“The Pool demands a sacrifice.”
He said this in a whisper as he carried the Jedi Padawan in the Force to the great arched entrance.

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