Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Mining My Own Business (SO Dominion of Subterrel)


"I am nothing if not a show off."

She flicked her pike around, twirling it in her hand as she steadied it right beside the speeder. The edge stayed off, but she was ready. "I doubt anyone holding that tight would." Alina chuckled under her breath, then threw the speeder into full throttle. The ramp had barely lowered when the two Sith sped off, cruising skyward just below the roof of the mineshaft before finally descending.

Alina was in a full grin.

Her spear ignited, the red blade crackling with it's own anticipation just as the wall of flame erupted ahead. Dark magic. She could actually feel the dark magic from it. Intense, powerful. Not a danger. The speeder kicked up a gear as she lead the charge right through the fire. Her spear danced, whipping around with an earie precision to impale and shred their enemy within. To her, she might as well have been walking past.

To them, it was a flurry of black, white, and red that left only corpses in it's wake.

"You have a target you've been assigned? Or did you just want an excuse to hold me?"

Iasha Rha Iasha Rha
Location: Approaching Alpha Mine - Subterrel
Objective: Claim the Mines - Breach the Outer Defenses
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Imperial Basic” │ <”ur-Kittât”>
Unit Support: Kainate Outriders
Tags: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Iasha Rha Iasha Rha

The roar of ion engines howled through the desert, interspersed with disharmonious notes of weapons’ fire. As she pulled her bike towards the edge of the formation, SF-3335 noticed a dark-clad figure hurtling above them on a flying disc. The Morellian’s eyes immediately went wide, her heart skipping a beat as a realization dawned on her, even without managing a close glance at the figure.

It was Him. The Eternal Father in the flesh.

<<Lieutenant, wait!>> SF-3335 called out.

The other pilots felt His presence as well, for it was impossible for those who had been baptized in the Eternal Father’s Shadow to miss Him. SF-3335 was briefly enthralled, a strong compulsion coming over her mind to rip off her helmet and let herself suffocate as punishment for daring to lay eyes upon His Darkness, but her willpower won out in spite of it. She ripped her gaze from the figure, even as His scepter unleashed beams of lancing, fiery hatred upon the enemy formations, giving Tempest Squadron the cover they needed for their
Tonkajkarza into the mines.

Immediately, SF-3335 seized the initiative, shifting her body over her bike in order to throw the machine into a hard break turn to her right, before tapping the afterburner to gain some of her speed back. Not a second later, the strand-cast drew a bead on an enemy 74-Z just as it emerged from a plume of smoke. With a mental command, she met the target with a barking salvo of explosive machine gun fire that tore through both bike and rider, culminating in a fiery explosion. Shifting her heading to avoid the wreckage, the strand-cast locked onto another target, a slower, but tougher treadspeeder which she knew would demand more firepower to take down. The Crimson Velocity’s machine guns barked out a deadly salvo once more, interspersed by a pair of booming blasts from the flechette launchers, which unleashed shotgun-like sprays of depleted baradium flechettes that overloaded the treadspeeder’s shields and ripped through the rider’s back, his bike erupting in flames as the flechettes breached the fuel tank.

A relieved breath slipped from her lips as she flew past the wreckages of both bikes, but the Morellian’s discipline was nearly found wanting as her sensors pinged a pair of signatures closing in on her six. Taking full advantage of the Crimson Velocity’s agility, SF-3335 grunted as she pulled and twisted the vanes, spinning her bike 180 degrees on its yaw axis, bringing her nose face to face with two treadspeeders on her tail. A thought channeled through her neural interface saw the flechette launchers open fire with a quintet of booming blasts that cut through both bikes and their riders, leaving naught but flaming debris and mangled flesh in her wake.

After taking a moment to scan for more enemies, SF-3335 pulled back on the vanes and lined her bike’s nose back up with its heading before turning on her afterburners as she closed in on the entrance to the mines!

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Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Dyyr T'Pada Dyyr T'Pada Yraven Lakke

Mining My Own Business: Picking Your Poison
Subterrel, the Vatra Mine Complex

The Greatest Alchemist to Ever Live did not fly down to the surface of a mining planet to personally conquer just any old mine. The Vatra Complex was a contender for the most productive and profitable tunnel systems on the planet, owing entirely to how extensive it was. Its acquisition was a necessity if the Eternals were to gain the controlling interest in the planet's wealth. But Darth Empyrean, as ever, saw far more than the situation's surface-level.

Impressive as Vatra was, in the end it was a single large mine. On a planet full of them. There were many more stakes to claim and very little time to do so, as competitors and allies and heretics used diverse means to carve out their own slices of Subterrel's resources. In this madcap race, there was no time for one lengthy siege after another. If the battle dragged on, the enemy would escape through one of the copious branch exits. A single show of power here would weaken the resolve of all other pockets of resistance, so that the next battle would last half as long, and the remnant after that wouldn't fight back at all.

But in an instant, all of that politicking flew from Venn's mind. Kneeling in the dirt, the young man heard Empyrean offering a chance to prove himself, promising a reward for dedication. Immediately there was a surge of wrath in his heart. No doubt the knights assembled were grinning at the offer, imagining their own glory should they triumph on Empyrean's behalf. Fools. Pretenders! Weaklings.

Upon discovering the glowing ember of jealousy in the pit of his stomanch, Venn scooped the little coal of emotion up. Carefully, he placed it within the furnace of his heart, and began to cultivate it. He stacked tinder and kindling all around it: competitiveness, loathing, superiority, ego, the thought of Alisteri on the bridge of the Acerbitas, standing in his master's place, and making the crewmen he knew by name dance like rotting puppets-

"Do you have questions, my children?"

The Dark Side burned within Venn's soul like a wildfire, escaping his heart's furnace and leaking yellow out of his eyes. Smoke was wisping out from under his helmet. Venn quietly answered, "None my Lord."

He clenched his fist tightly. A black ring glinted on one finger. The writing on the band began to burn and shine with scarlet screams.

And then the worm appeared.

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Objective III - Castle Crashers

The sky was blackened with the dropships of the Sith Order. Their return was prophesized in some codex or some ritual somewhere. None of that matter to Kimora, for she was in it simply to serve a cause once again. She looked down at the grounds below as the fortress came into view. She checked the oxygen levels on her mask, ensuring she would not be breathing in the toxic fumes of the planet. She'd rather die by a blaster than some stink.

"Approaching the castle. Drop me in low and close. Don't need any heat on entry."

The dropship slowed down lowered it's altitude until it was only a few meters above the ground just outside the walls. Kim jumped down from the dropship and checked her surroundings before waving the dropship off. She checked her weapons before checking in.

"Agent Min reporting in. Making my way to an entry point now." Kim reported into her commlink as she jogged along the exterior of the fortess. Getting in would be easy. Getting out may prove to be a challenge. Though, she would deal with that when the time came.

Location: Destroyer Hallways - Subterrel Orbit
Objective: 1. Occupy and Commandeer the Destroyer to allow for system fleet control.
Unit Support: Sith Order Troops, Ash Dragon Pirates
Tags: Lirka Ka Lirka Ka Jonu Zihtil Jonu Zihtil
Dialogue Legend: "Galactic Basic" | <"Imperial Basic"> │ <<"ur-Kittât">> | <<Communicator>> | "Catharese"


Khamesi didn't know much what the other boarders were up to anymore. She'd already breached the first defensive position past the hangar, and continued her advance. Like most Destroyers, it was a maze of hallways, and not knowing the exact layout meant she was more or less blind walking through them. Instead she pushed in the direction of most resistance, reasoning they'd be protecting either elevators and other ways to move between decks, or other important locations. Khamesi came to another intersection, enemies to both her left and right. Blaster fire immediately came for her. Her lightsaber flashed as it deflected the bolts on target from her right. A few from the left found their mark, but much to the dismay of those shooting her, it was a simple matter to use the Force to reduce the damage from serious to only a light singeing of her fur.

As she continued to block the bolts from he right, she drew her pistol and fired at the troops to her left, missing a few shots, but most slammed home, including hitting one of the ones that had shot her successfully in the face. He wasn't likely to get back up from that, but she shot the still body once more to be safe. Once the enemies on her left were taken care of, she turned to her right, which held more troops. She burst forward, sprinting down the hallway and stopping in the middle of the enemy point. Her saber flashed, her claws slashed, and her feet thrashed, leaving another dozen bodies on the floor of the destroyer. Some ripped apart by her blade, more torn apart by her claws, and a few broken by her feet. She broadcast to the troops boarding, she had no doubt that any other true Sith boarding with her could hear it to.

<<Ash Dragons and other troops, I want a force to secure their reactor ASAP. Do not let them overload the reactor just to spite us in our moment of victory. I continue to push to the bridge, when they arrive, send my Cleaners to me directly.>>

Even as she spoke, her advance did not slow, not even bothering to clean the blood off her hands as she continued her march. The resistance in this section of the Destroyer was getting lighter by the second, it would not be long till they had secured the majority of this particular deck, or at least it's main halls and the hangar itself. Her talents were needed elsewhere, not mopping up token resistance. She furrowed her brow, the elevators would not be functioning yet, so the ladders were her best bet. She rounded the corner and found the last glimpse of an enemy as they scrambled up a ladder, no doubt sealing it behind them. She laughed, loud and full. As if something like that could stop her.

It was time to take things up a notch and have a little fun. She extinguished her saber and put it back on her belt, looking up at the heavy sealed hatch above her. Childs play for any boarding team to blow open, or for a lightsaber to pierce, but she had a different idea. Her hands clenched into fists as she calmed and focused on the metal itself, reaching out through the force to find any, and every weakness in it's seemingly uniform construction. It took only a second, inanimate objects were far easier than a trained warrior to find a weak spot in. She leaped, the force propelling her, before her fist slammed into the hatch. Normally this would probably just break someones hand and do nothing, but for her the hatch shattered as if made of glass, bits of metal flinging every which way as she caught the edge and hoisted herself up in a somersault. There were a trio of stunned enemies who had expected some warning of cutting, not for someone barehnaded to climb through a smashed hatch. The first two died at the same time, their skulls slammed into each other before they could even bring their guns to bear. The last brought her rifle up to try and shoot Khamesi, instead she simply bent the rifle barrel around and wrenched it from her hands. Then her claws found the womans chest, ending her life with the last beat of her heart. Tossing the limb body to the side, Khamesi began moving again, the bridge and this ship would be hers.
Objective: 1 -- Terraxia Terraxia , Darth Tormenta Darth Tormenta , Jonu Zihtil Jonu Zihtil , Lirka Ka Lirka Ka


Darth Terraxia comes in over the holo-comm -- troopers snap to attention as if she was in the room
The Sith Lords planning the overall attack relay our part of the mission
we're to board the ship and take her after she's disabled
Anyone taken prisoner will be lucky -- our orders are shoot to kill


One of the higher up Sith Lords and his underlings come to the bridge after we jump into hyperspace
They lay out some more details and go over the plan, double checking our approach into the star system


Other strike teams will take the bridge and engine room
The Sith Warriors will take point, sabotage and destroy along the way
Darth Terraxia's target is Secondary Turbolaser Control with my team under her command

(more to come)
Prophet of Bogan
Objective: Infiltrate and Investigate
Location: Outside the Fortress
Equipment: Lightsaber, Dagger, Armor
Tags: Kyrilu Storm-wracked Kyrilu Storm-wracked / Neesa Neesa / Daxa Zuul Daxa Zuul / Kimora Min Kimora Min

Carving a hole in the grating of the drain took a little bit longer than Alisteri had initially anticipated, the metal proving thick and resilient, yet with his lightsaber in hand it still soon gave way and allowed him entry. The reports from additional infiltrators were welcome, he could hardly handle the fortress with only himself after all. "The more the merrier."

Granted the infiltrators would only have to fight alone until reinforcements arrived, but with the fortress's defenses still online there wouldn't be any relief just yet. Not that he was worried of course. One single fort could not stop this day of conquest. With that thought in mind he forged on into the depths underneath the fortress, soon finding the narrow drain gradually starting to open and reveal the underbelly of the mighty hidden building. Down here would mostly be storage and spare rooms, which was exactly what he was counting on.

If there were any patrols then they would be topside watching the more obvious or dangerous entrances, so the scarce few down here and whatever automated defenses were around should be his only real obstacles. Should being the key word.

Location: Vatra Valley, Subterrel
Objective: II, Claim the Mines
Accompaniment: One Sirracus Wyrm
Equipment: Barad Glaive

Stealth ops and hunting trips on Kesh with a Sirracus were very different from riding one to an objective on Subterrel. He had been trying to keep it calm on the transport cruiser for hours before he had heard his master's call. As they charged to answer it, the acidic air whipping past stung the skin around T'pada's eyes.


Once he had gotten over the exhilaration of riding and into the wyrm’s head it became natural to step back and forth to keep balance on the shifting saddle as the wyrm slithered along the rocky terrain. Many long days of training and many broken bones were spent getting this monster to trust him. Oh, but it had been worth it. Sirracus Wyrms were some of the most intelligent forces in the Barricas, and this one had a sadistic sense of humor.


Together they came hurtling over the edge of a hill, into view of a small transport craft on the very edge of a wide valley. He threw all his weight back on the reins, dragging the massive serpent to a halt. Several hundred Sith troops were focused on harassing and containing a force of locals pinned into a complex of rough, squat buildings on the one side of the harsh plain. On the other side was a gaping cavern, supported by dura-steel struts: the entrance to Vatra mine. T’Pada was squinting down at three figures near the boarding ramp of the landing craft. He recognized his master standing near another unfamiliar Sith. They were both gazing at a simple looking, dark haired man clutching a lightsaber. If his master’s summons were any indication, this was the leader of the Sith Eternal. This was The Dead God Empyrean himself.

“Hmmf. I think Kolis is taller than him.”

T’Pada’s master was looking up at the wyrm now. From his elevated point Dyyr couldn’t see his master’s face, but he could feel the arrogance radiating off of him. Kolis’s arm swept fiercely across the field, directing T’Pada to the distant cavern. The Aeravalin couldn’t suppress a smile. He had been hoping to take the wyrm into the mine. Now his dreams were coming true. He gave a harsh shout and leaned towards the cave. The huge creature roared and lunged for the entrance to the mine.
Location: Leaving the Destroyer Hangar - Subterrel Orbit
Objective: I - Secure the Star Destroyer
Supporting Units: Sith Order Troops, Ash Dragon Pirates
Dialogue Legend: "Galactic Basic" | <"Imperial Basic"> │ <<"ur-Kittât">> | <<Communicator>>
Tags: Darth Tormenta Darth Tormenta | Lirka Ka Lirka Ka | Terraxia Terraxia | Commander Jonn Ka'bel Commander Jonn Ka'bel

The door before her was secured to the interior of the hangar security. The blast doors having been shut upon the first signs of a hangar breach most likely as she could feel the distinct sensation of bodies moving across the blockade that was placed in their path.

The communicator came alive with information and a command.

She listened as she let the still breathing body at the end of her Lanvarok sputtered with rage. Sounds she ignored as she ignored the feeble flailing of the being at the end while studying the door and frowning.

Out of pure spite for the command, she was wholly pondering ignoring the command to secure the reactor. There were plenty of troops to move to a position to secure what indeed was a vital point for their operation. And to keep the defenders from being more so spiteful than the pureblood was allowing herself to entertain for the moment.

But the Sith were emerging once more, and failure to cooperate would be an undoing of the fledgling amount of cohesive integrity they were maintaining. With a disgruntled sigh, she pushed aside the petty nature and leaned down and in to the slowly wasting life-force with a purr.

"I hope you missed your friends. You'll greet them shortly...maybe." Her voice dropping to a whisper with the last word as she shrugged.

Her right hand closed around their neck, tightening before ripping backwards to expose their throat and paint their armor crimson. The words flowed as the sigils glowed once more.

<<"A way closed, a path blocked, if only a moment, split the seams to a path unseen.">> Her voice becoming hoarse with effort as the spell wound itself through the life-force that crept into the haft and slowly drew the body in on itself.

Horror and pain drawn across their face before they went slack.

A crackling series of snaps found the body gone, drawn into itself with a final pop while a swift and small circle was drawn across the blast door with the point.

The metal scored against the blast door as a white hot core seemed formed at the center of the outline. The metal around the glowing core peeling itself back as though being freshly poured from the foundry crucible. A hole large enough for a fist to pass through shaping itself to the surprise of those inside.

The small column of bodies behind her waiting expectantly for her to move as some nodded in approval at the sight.

Popping a Grenade from her hip and tossing it inside before letting the spell break. The metal of the affected point splintering back together all too quickly and leaving behind a plain imperfection as the remaining guards inside screamed as their gift exploded with a whistling cry.

<"Get inside, secure the hangar, slice their systems. Get us a floor plan of this flying coffin. Sooner than later."> She snapped, trying not to cough at the sudden dryness of her throat.

She grumbled, pushing a trooper back a few steps before grabbing the railing and sliding down towards the main floor of the hangar. Stopping a rapid fall by hooking the rear hook of the pole-axe on the edge of the walkway midway through her fall.

Sliding down to the very end of the handle, she hurled her body upward and freed the hook from the walkway before landing atop a fallen ally. Steadying herself, she heaved forward towards the secured door along the far side where others were beginning to exit.

Their cautious push forward broken by the mad dash of the pureblood in armor thundering down the hallway.

Objective: 1
Freighter entering Hangar
Tags: Jonu Zihtil Jonu Zihtil Darth Tormenta Darth Tormenta

It seemed like overkill, to be frank. The defenders were folding by the instant, and Lirka couldn't help but not feel any sense of true haste: she took her time, efficient annihilation devolved into a careful dissection of the defenders, it had been too long since she had the chance to hone her precision. But ultimately, as much she enjoyed playing with her food: she was on a job, and they weren't paying her to kill a couple dozen crew members on this destroyer.

The command to secure the reactors barked into her ears, and with that Lirka began to properly push forward with the cadre of boarders. Might as well go with whatever gaggle went into this war machine's depths to save the day, though once more her eyes fell upon the armored Sith who had taken point in the front.

It was worthy of a scoff, a Sithling, stealing her style. Simply unallowable.

With that thought in mind, Lirka broke into a bestial charge. throwing the cautious push to the wind: she showed little grace, leaping and bounding like a metal missile to reach the front of the attacking lines. Landing to the ground with a thunderous clash and the scraping of metal on metal. While Lirka lacked the force compared to her Sith allies, she kept up with unnatural swiftness regardless as she rumbled along.

The offensive of Jonu Zihtil Jonu Zihtil was admirable to an extent, but Lirka intended to show the Sithling how it was done: in time, at least.

With long strides she moved to try and keep pace with the Pureblood’s charge, her blank-faced turning ever so slightly, the distortion of the helmet’s voice modulator came to life, asking a simple question.


Seemed like a practical enough place to go and make a mess of things.

The disc descended rapidly through the air, coming to hover about a meter off the ground. Demiurge surveyed those around him, cowardly and weak. The stench of their sweat filled his nose, rank with fear. It indicated that his dazzling magical strike had the intended effect, stripping these curs of their vigor and leaving them impotently vulnerable. His first strike, a wide swing of his scepter, caved in the flak-vest of the nearest foe, sending them flying into the distance. His next cratered the helmet of another enemy, knocking them to the ground in a heap of twitching limbs.

"Such vermin, what feeble rabble stands in our path." He could sense others approaching, the mounted tip of the Kainate spear. There were those that were not of his ilk, but they could be ignored for now. If they decided to stand in his way, then they would suffer for it. For now, it was the witless worms before him that would suffer his cruelty. Those that could muster what little courage had not trickled down their inner leg sallied forth, rifles belching plasma. Some of the shots went wide, fired erratically as fear gripped their senses. Those that were angled true found themselves expiring upon a shield of invisible energy, conjured by the dark magic of Demiurge.

Then, with a fleeting glance, he flayed the flesh from their bone with a blast of dark energy.

Stepping down from the floating disc, Demiurge walked over the fire-baked dirt and the corpses which littered it. "Come, thine children of darkness. Bare your blades, and slake their thirst upon these mongrels."


Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Daxa Zuul Daxa Zuul Kyrilu Storm-wracked Kyrilu Storm-wracked

"Is the cable in tact?"

The question stopped Neesa in her tracks. She wasn't much shorter than the guard she had found beyond the walls, but it was going to be impossible to keep the disguise going if she spoke.

The front gate was defended. A small team of well armed and armoured people. There was someone in this fortress who could afford to post guards at the walls.

Neesa gently waved her left hand.

"The cables are fine and I can go inside."

"The cables are fine and you can go inside."

Sometimes the most old tricks were the most useful. Being garbed as the previous guard and wearing a full mask made it easy to supplant the lie in the man's mind.

Once she was beyond the outer guard post she broke into a run. The heavy boots made barely a sound as they struck the floor. Neesa needed to get to the heart of this fortress before the attack began in earnest if she was going to prove herself.

Location: Destroyer Hallways - Subterrel Orbit
Objective: 1. Occupy and Commandeer the Destroyer to allow for system fleet control.
Unit Support: Sith Order Troops, Ash Dragon Pirates
Tags: Lirka Ka Lirka Ka Jonu Zihtil Jonu Zihtil Terraxia Terraxia Commander Jonn Ka'bel Commander Jonn Ka'bel
Dialogue Legend: "Galactic Basic" | <"Imperial Basic"> │ <<"ur-Kittât">> | <<Communicator>> | "Catharese"


The skeleton crew of the destroyer was providing little in serious opposition to Khamesi or her Dragons. Many of the hallways and rooms were deserted, and most defenders she came across were in small groups of only two or three. Only the Hangar and a few major intersections had provided more than a token defense, for a normal soldier. For a Sith Knight and Pirate Queen? It was little more than a speed bump. She fully expected the critical areas of the ship to have far more defenders, those areas might actually be a challenge. She was receiving tactical updates on how the rest of the boarding was going, and as she expected, few losses and they were securing the lower levels of the ship rapidly. She directed the bulk of her Dragons to move towards Engineering and seize control of the section. A different way they could try to repel the Sith rampaging through their ship was by shutting down gravity and life support. Thankfully her and her crew all had at least an hour of oxygen, or whatever atmosphere they breathed, and suits to protect them from the vacuum. Not all the normal troops could say the same, though many probably could, maybe with less oxygen.

Khamesi stopped in front of a pair of elevator doors, having finally found the central shaft that connected most levels and the bridge. The blast doors were sealed tight, and were definitely thicker than the little hatch she had destroyed earlier. She stood back, examining it's construction both with her naked eye and the force, finding the invisible imperfections that everything had. She'd even seen some in Beskar, though seeing them and being able to use them were very different. She could see several cracks running through the structure, failure points where an explosive would crack the door first, but she didn't have any breaching charges on her, so that left her fists or her saber. She drew her saber, and began cutting through the doors. The elevators would still be offline, probably, so she'd rather save her energy for the climb ahead of her, as much fun as beating down the door would be.

It took her a little while, the blast doors were thicker than average for a destroyer, but she eventually had a sizeable hole cut into it, and peered into the elevator shaft. Four elevators, all their exits covered by the one blast door. A nice wide passage for heavy traffic. Looking down she could see most were still near the bottom, likely how the defenders they'd been encountering had gotten to the Hangar before the ion barrage crippled the ship. One was still at the very top, and she could see another set of thick blast doors, no doubt that was the bridge.

She jumped into the shaft, catching onto the cables that served as a backup to a repulsor system. They'd be back online before the repulsors, so she began rapidly ascending the ropes. Once at the top she swung over and entered the elevator itself through a utility hatch on the top. She begin examining the blast door in front of her. It's construction was a little sounder than the one before, that is to say it was still pretty good, but had one or two fewer subtle flaws she could use. She considered using her saber again to start getting inside, but they'd be ready for that. Shock and Awe then.

She took a deep breath, raising her fists, the power of the dark side flooding her body as she enhanced her strength, before pausing to go ahead and activate the Convection force power she favored, green flames wreathing her body as she set herself ablaze. It wouldn't help with the blast door itself, but a tall, heavy set flaming figure beating down a blast door? There wasn't much that would provide more shock than that.

<<Beginning assault on bridge. Main elevator shaft breached on deck 5.>>

She alerted the troops, and whatever other Sith happened to be listening before her fist slammed into the blast doors protecting the bridge. One dent. Another punch, another dent and a crack in the metal. She smiled and continued her assault. It would only be a short time before she set foot on the bridge, or maybe a defense position outside the bridge. Either way, soon the destroyer would belong to Her.

The bleak curtain walls of Fortress Subterrel loomed above her. Daxa listened in the Force for the right moment to make her ascent; when the time was right, she leapt atop the wall with one powerful jump, landing on the parapet in a silent crouch. A pair of guards was just walking past, one of them whistling a somber tune that matched the languid pace of his stride. Sour winds fluttered her cloak.

The whistler stopped, paused as if in thought, then peaked back over his shoulder.

Daxa was gone.

The Inquisitor picked her way across the fortress grounds like a whisper on the wind. Wrapped in a Force woven veil that was half suggestion and half illusion, she slinked from shadow to shadow, heading towards a squat durasteel building that was topped with a concentric focusing dish. It was a planetary shield made small- the building beneath, she surmised, was most likely its power station.

She stopped in the shadow of a tall spire, near enough to the shield generator that she could almost taste the energy coursing through the power station, reached out her red right hand, and pulled. The focusing disc groaned and shrieked and shuddered, the metal grinding and twisting. The shield generator was heavy, and sturdily made, but the Darkside did not care for weight, nor craftsmanship. It cared only for power, for victory, and she would not let herself be defeated by a glorified holodish-

With one, long, screeching wail, the generator toppled and the shield fell.

<”Your move, Little Brother.”>

Alarms sounded over the fortress.


"Why Little Brother," she said into her comms, "you wound me! Is that doubt I hear in your voice?"

"Doubt? Of the many words I would use to describe my feelings about you, Sister, that is not among them. Signal me when it's done." Kyrilu replied. He grinned behind his helmet, knowing how much that would rankle the Second Sister. She was infuriating, condescending, arrogant, but Ky couldn't deny a growing respect for the Inquisitor, especially after Vylmira.

His comms picked up on the other guests, an intrusion Ky had expected but was unable to plan for in advance. It would be interesting should he run into Knight Strosius again, almost a certainty at this stage, while trying to sweep the Sith Lord out from under his and the others' noses. Thinking about it, Ky pondered whether there was a nose under that mask. Truly a mystery for the ages.

After a short part-trek, part-climb, Ky arrived at a short corridor with a bulky, tall blast door cut into the wall. Here was his entry point. He had barely snaked the tendrils of his mind in and around the thick door, seeking it's locking mechanism for a potential silent entry, when the rock all around them trembled threateningly. There was no time to ponder the source as Ky's comm buzzed to life.

<”Your move, Little Brother.”>

Ky felt a pattering of something falling on his armour, right as alarum klaxons began wailing all across the fortress. The purge trooper next to Ky was cracked across the head by a chunk of rock the size of a small safe, collapsing unconscious to the ground, before Ky realised the cavern was collapsing around them, the seismic vibrations, Ky assumed, caused by whatever the hell Daxa had gotten up to.

Ky instantly drew on the darkside, his squad's budding panic providing the extra boost to begin tearing the massive, heavy metal door off it's hinges with a screech of tortured metal. If he did not hurry, this cavern would be his tomb. Either way, he refused to fail his master, and he switched his commlink channel to the band the Commander of the 67th Legion was using, his voice tight with the strain.


"Yes, Sir?" Came the tight, clipped response.

"Bring the noise."


Yraven Lakke


Operation Minecraft

His Lord summoned him. He answered. His Lord commanded him. He shall obey. The will of Empyrean was the will of the Empire. This triumvirate of sorts was nothing but a mere farce. The true power was held by he who stood before Yraven.

"It will be done, my Lord." Yraven replied. He turned to look at the mine entrance and made his way towards it. His lightsabers ignited once more as he stepped into the mine first. He could not tell due to his mask, but there was certainly a stench like none other radiating from the mine. It was a foul mixture of the planet's miasma, but it was coupled with an overwhelming whiff of fear. What Yraven would do to bask in it, but his health was more important.

"You can run, but you cannot hide." Yraven uttered as he entered the mine.

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OBJECTIVE III - Fortress Subterrel
TAGS: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Neesa Neesa Daxa Zuul Daxa Zuul Kyrilu Storm-wracked Kyrilu Storm-wracked Kimora Min Kimora Min

The fortress loomed out of the fog, shrouded in an air of mystery and intimadation. Built into the mountains, few locations were situated above the commanding location of the fortress, and yet there was always something higher. Perched atop the highest of the peaks that formed the corners of the fortress, Lin and her Alaudae waited. She tapped rhythmically on her armour as she waited for the shield to come down. Her 'elder' 'siblings' exchanged banter as they infiltrated the fortress; so far away she was that she could not see them, and barely make them out on her encrypted sensors. There were others still, not of the Inquisition.

She could feel the anticipation from her hunters; they were raring to go, to headhunt the warlord. Once the shields were down, they would fall from the sky onto the command centre, or as close as they could get, anyway.

<"Last peak secure.">

<"Maintain vigilance.">

Location: Leaving the Destroyer Hangar - Subterrel Orbit
Objective: I - Secure the Star Destroyer
Supporting Units: Sith Order Troops, Ash Dragon Pirates
Dialogue Legend: "Galactic Basic" | <"Imperial Basic"> │ <<"ur-Kittât">> | <<Communicator>>
Tags: Darth Tormenta Darth Tormenta | Lirka Ka Lirka Ka | Terraxia Terraxia | Commander Jonn Ka'bel Commander Jonn Ka'bel

Her own heavy steps were almost lost beneath that of another's as an armored hulking figure met her run to the reactor. Whether competitive nature, or simply desire to be done with the whole thing, the simple question was met with equal simplicity.

<"Reactor."> Her own voice answered. The hallway seemed to stretch out before them, the sound of bodies in the distance making her narrow her eyes and stretch out her enhanced natural senses. The sound of metal on metal caught her attention. The distinct sound of metal dragging being of more note than the presence of beings down the way.

Only one guess came to mind if the defenders had been lucky, or even mildly prepared with their hangars warning.

<"Something heavy down the next hallway. Probably a repeating blaster."> She informed the other, preparing herself as she checked the shield status in her helmet.

It had only replenished a quarter of its power, and would still likely be presenting some failures across the dome she was able to project. She turned it off for the time being, allowing herself to slow her pace as the corner came upon the duo quickly.

Almost a full body length behind Lirka now, the woman dropped into a slide, legs pushed forward as she hooked the back of the axe into the wall around the corner.

<"Resist! It just makes it more fun!"> She screamed at the defenders that watched her curl into a ball and leverage the pole axe once more. Turning herself into a tightly curled wrecking ball on the floor and flinging herself along with a strong push from the force.

The tripod mounted repeating blaster barking finally as she collided with the base and the people manning the weapon.


A target?

Her tasks were manifold and did not always require a target. Sometimes, her task was simply to observe and report.

"I need to get to the office." She pointed up to the top of the hill above the mineshafts "The Foreman holds their command centre there."

It was not so much a mission as a strategy she had formulated to complete the mission the Dark Lady had demanded of them.

The sabre ripped through flesh, fabric and metal like a fire through stacks of paper. The engines howled through the mountainside, casting back an echo like a thousand screaming demons. Iasha could feel the resistance of the heavier strikes through Alina like waves. The assault was fierce, terrifying, and effective. They had caught the defenders off-guard, and if they kept pushing, they could keep them in retreat.

Iasha then shifted. Her feet gripped on to the sides of the saddle as she pushed herself up from a seated position to a crouch, then slipped into a kneeling position. Her left hand remained clutching Alina, but her right fished one of the two lightsaber hilts from her belt.

"We could cut off their entire chain of command."


Darth Strosius Darth Strosius Daxa Zuul Daxa Zuul Kyrilu Storm-wracked Kyrilu Storm-wracked

Alarms rang out. The panic in the air was tangible through the Force. Little eddies in the wake of every person now rushing about the fortress.

Her plan, as thin as it had been, was now untenable. There was no sneaking about, gauging the defences and making an attempt on the warlord.

She needed to be quick and to at least detain his retinue so that there was no escape during the all out assault.

"You're running the wrong way!"

Someone stopped in her path and pointed over Neesa's head. This time there was no subterfuge. She simply drew Sorrow and plunged it through the man's heart.

"I know which way the walls are, thank you," she muttered, running on before anyone else could stop her.


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