Location: Leaving the Destroyer Hangar -
Subterrel Orbit
Objective: I - Secure the Star Destroyer
Supporting Units: Sith Order Troops, Ash Dragon Pirates
Dialogue Legend: "Galactic Basic" | <"Imperial Basic"> │ <<"ur-Kittât">> | <<Communicator>>
Darth Tormenta
Lirka Ka
Commander Jonn Ka'bel
The door before her was secured to the interior of the hangar security. The blast doors having been shut upon the first signs of a hangar breach most likely as she could feel the distinct sensation of bodies moving across the blockade that was placed in their path.
The communicator came alive with information and a command.
She listened as she let the still breathing body at the end of her Lanvarok sputtered with rage. Sounds she ignored as she ignored the feeble flailing of the being at the end while studying the door and frowning.
Out of pure spite for the command, she was wholly pondering ignoring the command to secure the reactor. There were plenty of troops to move to a position to secure what indeed was a vital point for their operation. And to keep the defenders from being more so spiteful than the pureblood was allowing herself to entertain for the moment.
But the Sith were emerging once more, and failure to cooperate would be an undoing of the fledgling amount of cohesive integrity they were maintaining. With a disgruntled sigh, she pushed aside the petty nature and leaned down and in to the slowly wasting life-force with a purr.
"I hope you missed your friends. You'll greet them shortly...maybe." Her voice dropping to a whisper with the last word as she shrugged.
Her right hand closed around their neck, tightening before ripping backwards to expose their throat and paint their armor crimson. The words flowed as the sigils glowed once more.
<<"A way closed, a path blocked, if only a moment, split the seams to a path unseen.">> Her voice becoming hoarse with effort as the spell wound itself through the life-force that crept into the haft and slowly drew the body in on itself.
Horror and pain drawn across their face before they went slack.
A crackling series of snaps found the body gone, drawn into itself with a final pop while a swift and small circle was drawn across the blast door with the point.
The metal scored against the blast door as a white hot core seemed formed at the center of the outline. The metal around the glowing core peeling itself back as though being freshly poured from the foundry crucible. A hole large enough for a fist to pass through shaping itself to the surprise of those inside.
The small column of bodies behind her waiting expectantly for her to move as some nodded in approval at the sight.
Popping a
Grenade from her hip and tossing it inside before letting the spell break. The metal of the affected point splintering back together all too quickly and leaving behind a plain imperfection as the remaining guards inside screamed as their gift exploded with a whistling cry.
<"Get inside, secure the hangar, slice their systems. Get us a floor plan of this flying coffin. Sooner than later."> She snapped, trying not to cough at the sudden dryness of her throat.
She grumbled, pushing a trooper back a few steps before grabbing the railing and sliding down towards the main floor of the hangar. Stopping a rapid fall by hooking the rear hook of the pole-axe on the edge of the walkway midway through her fall.
Sliding down to the very end of the handle, she hurled her body upward and freed the hook from the walkway before landing atop a fallen ally. Steadying herself, she heaved forward towards the secured door along the far side where others were beginning to exit.
Their cautious push forward broken by the mad dash of the pureblood in armor thundering down the hallway.