Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Mining My Own Business (SO Dominion of Subterrel)


"To-" Alina took a pause as they zipped by another group of the miners, letting her pike sing through flesh. Cutting them apart in a haze of movement as they just carried on by. "The office then."

She kept the grin as they soared for. The Sangnir trusted Iasha wouldn't just fall off. Why else would she have stood up? She just chuckled. And shifted the controls forward. They weren't just going to make it to the office. With complete control Alina shifted the bike, hitting a natural ramp of the caves to send them right through the air. Right for the office. The speeder spun, half turning as the woman whipped her blade around to cut right through the glass and let them drift right over the main table of the Foreman.

He just stared in disbelief as the bike came to a stop.

Iasha Rha Iasha Rha

The sudden jolt of speed made Iasha brace, but she managed to keep her balance none the less. Her shoes dug into the speederbike for dear life, but the twi'lek only grinned.

"I hope you have a pl-"

That was when they hit the natural ramp. This time, she had to hook her foot under one of the bars and clutch on to Alina's clothes to keep herself from soaring off the bike. If she didn't have the Force, and if she did not trust Alina, then it would have been a recipe for disaster.


Her voice was shrill as they sailed through the air and crashed through the glass, but the twi'lek assassin was quick to make use of the commotion. As soon as the bike hit the table, and the table shattered beneath it, she was already using the bounce to launch herself off the back and over Alina in a swift summersault. The crimson blade ignited in mid air and bore down in a swipe from ceiling to floor. The foreman did not have time to utter a single word before he was cloven.

But he was not alone.

Guards and other high ranking officers were present in the command centre, and they had taken notice of the speeder in their midst. Iasha did her part as she raised the sabre and flung it like a deadly boomerang that scythed through the room in a near perfect circle.

Objective: 1 -- Darth Tormenta Darth Tormenta , Jonu Zihtil Jonu Zihtil , Lirka Ka Lirka Ka , Commander Jonn Ka'bel Commander Jonn Ka'bel

The ion weapons hit and that's our cue to go...
Our pilot is barely able to jam the troop carrier into one of the smaller cargo bays, but we manage the tight squeeze
Commander Ka'bel and his troops come rushing out, blasters hot


The Sith Warriors and troopers blaze a path through the lower corridors
Heavy resistance inside the ship, the air is thick with smoke


We reach our goal of seizing the secondary turbolaser control junction
takes some enemy troopers from behind, attacking from all directions


Our mission isn't without losses
One of our apprentice warriors is cut down by a Jedi
feels the rage building within...This one belongs to me!


In a brief but furious melee, both of us match strike for strike
One mistake will be fatal, a fight for the ultimate stakes
changes my weapon to dual saber wield, splitting my staff in two
she's not prepared for the sudden switch and I seize the opening
both of my blades find their mark, our fallen brother has been avenged


Commander Ka'bel and I continue our mission; their forward light turbolasers and proximity cannons are cut off from the bridge
Now we hack into the auxiliary control terminal -- friendly transponders are switched to enemy signals and vice versa
the auto-turrets that aren't manned with gunnery crews turn on their own pilots in the sky
The fortress was swarming with personnel. Daxa hid herself from the the mundane soldiers hurrying about, for all that she was certain that the warlord knew of her presence. He- or she- had yet to reveal themselves, however. She had to consider her next move.

Where would the Warlord most likely be? The command tower was a possibility, but Daxa didn't think that the same warlord who had hidden themselves away on a forgotten fortress on a barely-habitable backwater would be the sort to take command of anything. They'd have subordinates for that. Still, it wouldn't hurt to check.

<"Fifth Sister, once you secure the command tower, converge on my position."> She'd be mobile, of course, but the Darkside would guide Lin, if she listened.

The warlord, Daxa believed, would either be securing their escape or bunkering down- perhaps to fight to the bitter end, or perhaps to trade knowledge for survival. Between the many Sith knights creeping through the Fortress, they would find him sooner rather than later. She cast out with her senses and followed her instincts.

Where is the meditation chamber...
Location: Assaulting Bridge - Subterrel Orbit
Objective: 1. Occupy and Commandeer the Destroyer to allow for system fleet control.
Unit Support: Sith Order Troops, Ash Dragon Pirates
Tags: Lirka Ka Lirka Ka Jonu Zihtil Jonu Zihtil Terraxia Terraxia Commander Jonn Ka'bel Commander Jonn Ka'bel
Dialogue Legend: "Galactic Basic" | <"Imperial Basic"> │ <<"ur-Kittât">> | <<Communicator>> | "Catharese"


It took a few minutes to pound her way through the blast door. It had been more heavily reinforced than she had thought, maybe a tougher material than the one she had breached further down. It did not matter. Soon enough there was an opening beaten into the door big enough for her seven foot frame (219 cm) to walk through. As soon as her form, wreathed in green flames was visible, heavy blaster fire caught her. Through the haze of the force, and her abilities, none of them hit particularly hard, but many left marks. It only took her a second to begin weaving between the bolts, not much different than predicting their path with her saber, just dodging instead of deflecting.

The bridge had a little chokepoint before it opened to the consoles and command station, this was where a dozen armored troops, two of which were manning a big repeating blaster, and almost twice that in officers. Enough to fill the bridge of it's main roles at least, but no obvious captain, though that could simply be because of the skeletal nature of the ships crew. Khamesi focused on the bigger threats first, ducking below another hail of bolts from the repeater, and coming up under the barrel. Rather than smashing the gun, she grabbed hold of it, one foot snapping around in a vicious kick to the temple of the man that had been firing it. He careened to the side, landing in a heap on the floor, face burning. Next her claws flashed and cut down the man next to him, giving her total control of the blaster. Not that it would last for long, it was a properly made military weapon, but even they didn't like exposure to flames fueled by the force.

She turned the blaster in an arc, pressing the trigger down and simply spraying without any care for what she hit. Three of the officers dropped while they were trying desperately to back away from the crazy Sith who obviously favored being close. Two troopers were injured, but their armor kept them alive. Once she was done with the spray, she lifted the heavy blasted, and used it as a massive bludgeon to smash one of the injured troopers into the floor, leaving her there as the life faded from her body. She turned on another trooper as a bolt nearly catches her, the rest of the group was recovering from her charge.

She yanked the still living but injured trooper from the ground, using him to absorb several bolts, before flinging him into the cluster of troops, knocking two off their feet as the third manages to scramble out of the way. She moves in a blur of power and motion, one fist catching an officer in the jaw, and snapping her neck as the other lifted her partner from the ground and slammed him onto the floor with a crunch. Weaving back to the other side of the room as they resumed trying to shoot her, she used her foot to send a trooper flying through hole in the blast door and into the elevator shaft. He could survive if he's fast enough to recover and catch himself somehow, but he'd be out of the way for awhile. A cyroban grenade pops free from her belt and she tosses it deeper in where several officers and a pair of troops are retreating. She doesn't wait for it to go off before she's breaking the neck of another soldier.

With half the armored troops dead, the rest were beginning to panic as she used her shoulder to drive a seventh into the wall, the metal denting and keeping him upright as he got one of the faster deaths in this group. She whirled around as two tackled her, finding her an imposing wall of muscle enhanced by the brutal energies of the dark side. They must have been confident their armor would protect them from the flames still wreathing her, and they were correct, but not much else. Her knee came up on one of them, caving his chest in. She turned her attention to the other trooper who know had a vibroknife in his hand. She caught it as it came in to try and stab her, twisting his wrist it snapped like a twig and she caught the knife as it dropped. She proceeded to drive it through the visor of his helmet, and kick his body across the room, where he slid limp down the wall.

At this point her grenade exploded, one of the troopers escaped but the three officers and the last trooper are frozen in place as the supercooled chemical sprays across them. That leaves eighteen, with only two being armored troops. She turns to find them having retreated behind some of the consoles on the bridge, a grenade clacking to her feet. She reacted quickly, redirecting it into the elevator shaft where the concussion grenade detonated. She growled and surged forward, catching one armored trooper in the face with her fist, before spinning and kicking his body hard enough that he slammed into the viewport on the opposite end of the room. The final trooper raised her rifle, shaking as she pressed the trigger, trying to spray Khamesi with automatic fire. She raised her hand and caught a few of the bolts, negating most of the energy resulting in only a tender spot on her hand before ripping the rifle from the woman's hand. Turning it, she pressed it against the woman's chin, and pulled the trigger, the helmet held for the first shot, but the second and third punched through.

She turned and grabbed an officer trying to knife her, and used him like a ragdoll, slamming him into another officer, and then raising her foot and finishing them both. The rest was fairly easy to mop up, most dropped with only a single strike, some were lucky or skilled enough to need a second. As she turned to finish off the last two, she found them having thrown their guns to the side, surrendering to the crazed warrior before them. She let the flames fade from her body before grabbing them both by the throat.

"Codes. Now."

They stuttered out the codes for the ships systems, which she put in after dropping one to the ground, and found herself in the computers. She smiled.

"You will be most useful."

Before knocking them both unconscious and binding their hands before blindfolding them. With her now in control of the ships systems, she began lifting various blast doors in the paths of the forces boarding it, and unlocked the elevators for everyone as she rerouted power from the life support in the crew quarter. It'd take some time to get uncomfortable, but at least now they had control of the ship, it was just about wrapping up what resistance was left. She used the ships intercoms to make a broadcast, alerting everyone on the ship.

<<This ship has been seized. The bridge has fallen. Lay down your weapons, or you will suffer most painful deaths. Continue to defy us, and I will begin venting sections of the ship. Our troops at least are protected from the void, can you say the same?>>

She knew most would not surrender, and most other Sith probably wouldn't accept it, but her own Ash Dragons were trained to take prisoners, whether for intel, ransom, or to break into new recruits, there'd be at least a few survivors. She went ahead and locked down the boarding pods. They could be overridden, but that would take time the remaining dredges of resistance could not afford. Even if they sent everything they had to retake the bridge, they would be cut down like all the rest. She spent a moment to reconfigure the ships IFF, broadcasting a Sith signal now, indicating to the rest of the fleet that at least the bridge was now under Sith control.


Alina exhaled a breath.

As Iasha leapt free, the Sangnir brought the speeder to a more proper halt than just skidding across the table towards the far wall. Stood, slowly, from where she was seated. At least to her. They were slow, the guards around them. Her eyes flicked between them all. Taking note of who was where. Who was who. How fast their hearts were beating. They raised their blasters, finally, to try and at least avenge their now late employer.

Alina was faster. She raised her hand, lifting them from the ground in that same moment. The Force wept as blood dripped from their eyes.

Lifeless they fell as the Sith lowered her hand. A coldness in her eyes she'd never had before lingered for just a moment before she turned them to her companion with a smug grin.

"Well, that was easy."

Iasha Rha Iasha Rha
Prophet of Bogan
Objective: Infiltrate and Investigate
Location: Outside the Fortress
Equipment: Lightsaber, Dagger, Armor
Tags: Kyrilu Storm-wracked Kyrilu Storm-wracked / Neesa Neesa / Daxa Zuul Daxa Zuul / Kimora Min Kimora Min / Lin Zanula Lin Zanula

By the time that Alisteri had made it anywhere near an exit to the surface, alarms were lighting up the fortress with blaring lights and noise alike. Soldiers began running and arming themselves, and the ones that were already armed went to their various stations and began patrols. He silently cursed the sudden activity but didn't bother trying to remain hidden anymore.

There was little point now that he had the excuse to tear his way topside.

Down in the underbelly of the fortress many soldiers had been sleeping or having some break before the alarms were sounded, and then they were all rushing to get into action. Of course, they didn't last long. Whether it be ambushed outside of the local armory or stabbed right through the door of their barracks, the Knight systematically made his way forward and left corpses in his wake.

Luckily for him everyone was running to get to the surface, which meant he could follow behind and leave a bloody trail of his own. It didn't take long until the stairway that he had chosen to make his escape from had turned into a firefight against him, but he wasn't one to be stopped by a few frightened soldiers and their blasters.

He finally stepped onto the surface once more and breathed in a deep sigh of relief, his gaze fixing on the nearest patrol as it rushed to confront him. "Ah, the welcoming party."
Lirka had no intention to make this a competition, what competition was there with a woman that the Once-Sephi only saw as a child? No, this was a lesson.

“Their defenses matter little, Sithling. Cattle to the slaughter, trapped within their own warship.”

She paused as Jonu Zihtil Jonu Zihtil launched herself towards the defender’s emplacement. Watching with a dull amusement, Lirka allowed herself a distorted barking that may have been a problem.

“The problem with your ilk, all flourish, no precision. Do you fear pain, fear the weapons of your enemies?”

And with that, she advanced, there was nothing fancy to her “dance”, she took quick steps and precise strikes at however entered the long range of her blade, sending defenders collapsing to the ground with slowly fatal wounds, crushing those unfortunate enough to fall in front of her underfoot.

“The Dark claims all in the end, Sithling. Take their strikes with grace, pain is our teacher. Embrace it.”

She continued her advance, letting the hasty shots of the defenders ping against her plate or singe the weaker sections of the suit.

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