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Minor Factions Owning Planets

[member="Veiere Arenais"]

The beauty of a Rebellion is that a successful Minor need not go Major: they simply remove that territory from the Major Faction's influence cloud. Which is an awesome system.

Only real downside is that most Minor Factions lack the punch to do it successfully. That part sucks.

Well we certainly won't go down without putting in the effort!

I would say we know the lay of the land but that doesn't exactly change much when someone can just glass a continent from Orbit lol

I'll keep an eye on this thread though, I'm certainly interested in what others have to say on the matter, both for and against it all!
Just a new member's two cents, but I think all of this could be solved by initiating a Casus belli rule. Make It so that Major Factions need a pertinent and feasible reason before invading or domming a planet, and require it to be supported by IC dev.
Speaking from my own personal experience in world lore-building and "ruling"...

Over the years I've had several characters that have played a major role in the leadership of planets. Namely Lorelei Darke with Kuat and KDY, and my other character Quietus with Onderon and the Beast Tribes.

Both characters committed a lot of time, effort, and RPs to their positions as rulers/leaders of those planets. Neither one of them were part of a Major faction. Both worlds came under the influence of varying Major Factions over the years. Both of them had at one point been under the rule of The Galactic Republic and then later on under the One Sith.

Both characters remained in control of those planets. Neither character was "kicked off" nor was any of my lore building or "work" of those planets ignored, destroyed, or steamrolled by either major faction.


Because I made a purposeful effort to seek out and talk to the leaders of those major factions, tell them what the stories for the planets were and what sort of role I would like to continue playing. OOCly they were more than happy to include me in their invasions/dominions and attempt to form plausible story outcomes that would benefit us both. I did not dictate what would happen, but I did define what sort of outcome I would have liked, in the end we allowed IC story to pave the way.

ICly both characters held meetings and negotiated with leaders of the Major Faction to maintain their position upon the planet. One Sith could have easily ousted Lorelei Darke from her position of power on Kuat and they wouldn't need any other reason, ICly, other than "we want this planet and we don't want you." That's fair play and it's just something that Lorelei would come to expect regardless. But we peacefully negotiated the inclusion of Kuat into the One Sith empire in such a way that Lorelei maintained complete autonomy over how she ruled the planet. By agreeing to only manufacture ships within KDY for the OS and their allies; to institute a "Will/OS Ambassador" that would serve as a go-between for OS leaders and Kuatian Sovereign; and finally to burn all the baffoor trees on the planet that were planted there years prior while Kuat was part of the Republic.

So yes, it is absolutely possible to assert yourself as a leader of a planet and make your mark in a story where a Major Faction is concerned. Does the major faction have the IC power to oust you regardless? Most likely. Do you have the IC ability to cut a deal? Absolutely. Reacting to challenges and conflict is part of integrated story telling. Your story may not always turn out the way you planned or wanted it to, but if you make no effort to take part and try to sway things in your favor then you only have yourself to blame.
I see so many of these posts that are explaining the pros! And cons of the situations, and I post again to try and gather thoughts, and even throw some ideas for myself.

As many have stated, if a minor faction rebelled a major faction, and won, you don't have to go major. Which is nice, but that doesn't mean the minor faction is safe from a second attack the next month because the writers got burnt out and want a break. So, if there was a rule were a minor faction did win, then, you could assume, that the major faction used enough resources trying to take a planet and lost, would prevent them from attacking it a few days later?

Could a rule be implemented that if a minor faction wins and says minor, then they have a window of invincibility where they canot be attacked by the same faction twice in a row? And I mean, the exact same faction, so of faction a attacked first, theN faction b attacked the next month, then it would be reasonable.

Another point people bring up is howhat much time it would take for staff to mark everything, and I completely disagree.

Just have a thread in the codex, or stored somewhere it can be monitored, and state simply, "if you are a minor faction, and want to claim a planet or planets, you may do so here, and provide proof of threads where wor has been done." And the staff does not have to mark it on the map.

However, that means for major factions whim performing dominions, absolutely take care that they don't dom a hex or planet that is under the control of a minor faction for fear of rebellion, OR work with the minor faction to bring the planet into friendly space, and set up an agreement between the two peacefully, which will aid with a dominion to have peace talks, and possibly another objective for those who wish to be on the ground fighting.

Staff will have little to nothing to do, and the member base will regulate itself. If we can trust the member base to choose between a knight and apprentice ranks, and a new ranking system, then sure we can trust them with actually doing homework on what planets they Wil be attempting to take over.

I know that those were two major points, and I fear if I write more, I'll lose it as I am using my tablet, but if I see any more, I can and will make secondary or even a third post to maybe bring new ides or a topic of discussion to the table.

As I said before, and others as well, I would really like to see some sort of system to go I that would allow better connection between planetary facrions, minor factions in general, and major factions as a whole. And hell, it doesn't even havery to be 1-3 planets. It could be a max of two, or only one. I would agree to any because it shows that people of the board respect one another's creations, and doesn't steamroller it like many say they can.

Thank you all for your time, posts, and opinions. I would like to see more of this.
Eddak Manod said:
Why is there an obligation for the map game anyway? Going major is work and dedication that is unnecessary, unnecessary work and dedication to keep it from going inactive. Before canonically the Sith sacked Coruscant, they were unknown, held little more than what could be discovered, and took an entire planet in one go.
Soeht said:
I think people on this site seem to believe that Major Factions have an obligation to expand. They don't. People are free to play the Map game how they want. The only requirement for the Map game is just having to accept that, one day, another Faction may try to take over your planets.
In addition, people don't have to get involved in Major Factions or rule a planet. But doing either will likely drag you into Invasions/Rebellions in the future.

So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[member="Soeht"], Much like you state in allowing more creativity, with staff allowing members to move straight to Knight rank, I feel that this will create options for creativity of our own. If you want to stay minor, then you can with a little bit of a buffer between major faction, or at least give a little bit more of a playing field for those who want to stay minor.

However, I do see your option, and agree with it completely. So I will say that it is very much valid, but there are reasons for why I bring this up other than, "for the lulz"

Thank you for voicing your opinion. I value your opinion highly as you yourself seem to want to create a better community. So it will be taken note of for my own faction that I am making, and should be taken note of anyone who wants to create a faction in the future.

[member="Eddak Manod"], I thank you for supporting me in a lot of this, but I will say that Soeht has a point. If we do make Minor factions require activity checks, then you might as well go Major and just not expand, or if you do, have a really good reason to do so. Its just another point of view on the other side of the coin.

As I explained above, I see this as a chance to make Minor factions be on a little bit more even playing field with dominions. Yes, Minor factions are possibly very powerful with being able to rebel major faction, but I am only worried about dominions at this point. Because asking anymore would be asking much more than what others, or even myself would be willing to put needless effort in.

So while Derek here pays $1,000 a month on insurance to have a Hummer, Corvette and BMW, I should still have to pay $1,000 just to drive this old station wagon. Okay then. Reason number 3 why Major faction is off my list.
[member="Eddak Manod"], If a faction expands, it gives benefits to have multiple cars and still pay the same price as having a crappy one for a new faction. Thats the point of expanding, or just creating story.

Thats how it works. Like how insurance could be $1,000 for you, but because I made one mistake, I now have to pay double that. Or Derrick only has to pay $300 because he has a good driving record, discounts for being a member, and good grades in highschool/college.

Each situation is different.

Sorry, I'll explain.

Major Faction rules to keep alive and well.
Major factions invade, rebel and dominion. Claiming planets and covering the map. They create massive flagships and dozens of Star Destroyer-esque ships like nobodies business.

A Minor going Major just so that Majors have to acknowledge the Minors existence and Invade instead of Dominion is not worth the requirements of staying major. The grown Minor won't want/need to make dreadnoughts or spam Star Destroyers, but may end up doing it because it's the only way to fight back. A grown minor won't roam the map conquering and capturing territory one way or another. They won't invade.

Why should we force someone to jump through hoops just for recognition when they won't be doing half the things a Major will do? That may not be restricting freedom, but I'm sure it's choking it.

That's my final piece on this subject.
Disclaimer: Only read the OP.

I don't think that Minor factions should own a single planet, three planets, etc.

As it stands, Major factions go a month-long Minor period before earning their three planets. Or, in the case of the old Witches of Dathomir, start with a single planet. Presence on the map is something that takes a month to earn, and to allow a minor faction the same privilege is not something I agree with. (But, if we return to the days where Major factions didn't have to be minors for a month, I'd be down.)

That said, I'd like to see minor factions equipped with more tools to influence the map game. For example, off the top of my head, having Minors who complete an Alliance thread have their members count as .5 a person during invasions. So, this way, a minor faction can influence an invasion by being a wildcard. Of course, to balance this, it'd be one Minor per conflict using this rule and you only get the agreed upon number of allies.

And that's off the top of my head, imagine what we can come up with when caffeine gets involved.

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