I see so many of these posts that are explaining the pros! And cons of the situations, and I post again to try and gather thoughts, and even throw some ideas for myself.
As many have stated, if a minor faction rebelled a major faction, and won, you don't have to go major. Which is nice, but that doesn't mean the minor faction is safe from a second attack the next month because the writers got burnt out and want a break. So, if there was a rule were a minor faction did win, then, you could assume, that the major faction used enough resources trying to take a planet and lost, would prevent them from attacking it a few days later?
Could a rule be implemented that if a minor faction wins and says minor, then they have a window of invincibility where they canot be attacked by the same faction twice in a row? And I mean, the exact same faction, so of faction a attacked first, theN faction b attacked the next month, then it would be reasonable.
Another point people bring up is howhat much time it would take for staff to mark everything, and I completely disagree.
Just have a thread in the codex, or stored somewhere it can be monitored, and state simply, "if you are a minor faction, and want to claim a planet or planets, you may do so here, and provide proof of threads where wor has been done." And the staff does not have to mark it on the map.
However, that means for major factions whim performing dominions, absolutely take care that they don't dom a hex or planet that is under the control of a minor faction for fear of rebellion, OR work with the minor faction to bring the planet into friendly space, and set up an agreement between the two peacefully, which will aid with a dominion to have peace talks, and possibly another objective for those who wish to be on the ground fighting.
Staff will have little to nothing to do, and the member base will regulate itself. If we can trust the member base to choose between a knight and apprentice ranks, and a new ranking system, then sure we can trust them with actually doing homework on what planets they Wil be attempting to take over.
I know that those were two major points, and I fear if I write more, I'll lose it as I am using my tablet, but if I see any more, I can and will make secondary or even a third post to maybe bring new ides or a topic of discussion to the table.
As I said before, and others as well, I would really like to see some sort of system to go I that would allow better connection between planetary facrions, minor factions in general, and major factions as a whole. And hell, it doesn't even havery to be 1-3 planets. It could be a max of two, or only one. I would agree to any because it shows that people of the board respect one another's creations, and doesn't steamroller it like many say they can.
Thank you all for your time, posts, and opinions. I would like to see more of this.