Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission to Csilla [3V3]

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It had been years since Graxin had fought against an opponent with a style similar to his own. Up until recently, Jar'kai had been a rare sight in the two Orders of the force. Now, it was becoming far more common, and the Knight was learning to compensate for the change. Her words were aptly chosen to distract him. Combat was as much physical as it was psychological, and throwing off one's opponent before the blades ever struck could prove fatal for the effect party. The Knight did well to remember this as she stalked him. His lips pressed into a grim line for the slightest fraction of a second, before twisting into a small, albeit charming smile. "Ah, but you aren't dead, are you my dear?" He replied in a teasing tone. "So I'm afraid your assumption is a bit off, for the moment."

He maintained a good distance between himself and the woman, though he was rather sure that was as much her own doing as it was his. His brow furrowed in annoyance as her voice crept into the back of his mind. Telepathy was his weakest point. His defense against mental intrusion was strong enough to ward of a manipulation of his mind, but the whispers and musings of those who wished it would always find one of the many cracks in his defense to slip through. He made no look back, but it was then that he paid heed to the Dreambeast. It was unlike anything he had ever come across before, both in his time as the Emperor's Hand, and within the Jedi Order. The monster unsettled him.

If the Dreambeast was changing into his greatest fear, then he would be ready to combat it. It was a simple conjuration, a Graug around three meters in height. It was clad in old Sith armor, and wielded a sword of flames built from Sith alchemy. Anyone with knowledge of the old Sith Empire would recognize Darth Vulcanus without much thought. Graxin paid it little heed--he was more concerned with the Sith woman who seemed to be sizing him up.

Wordlessly, he doused his green blade, and stuffed it into his robes. He held his remaining blade, the one of yellow, in one hand, and pointed it downward. "I suppose the chance to seek redemption and join the Order isn't to your liking?" He lofted a brow, and positioned himself so that both she and her pet were in his sight. "It's a shame that the false Sith have you. You could be so much more...yet you've sided with an organization doomed to fail from the very start."

In truth, he was stalling as much as he was assessing his opponent. The others needed time to finish their objectives, and he would use whatever means that were available to buy them time.

Allies: Kian Karr The Dark Man
Enemies: Kezeroth the Hateful Arturious Engel Silara Vantai

Arturious Engel

Location: Door leading into the machine room or whatever the objective is.
Allies: [member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
Enemies: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Graxin Rade"] [member="The Dark Man"]
Equipment: Standard Robes and red blade lightsaber

Arturious circled the facility until he saw the section of wall that had been collapsed. Arturious silently cursed to himself realizing that whatever they had been sent to prevent had already started. Thinking for a moment it dawned on Arturious what or where he needed to be.

Turning Arturious sprinted towards the machine room that housed the most important parts of the Foundry. Looking at the few works around Artious yelled. Keep these machines going at all costs, grab a blaster if you have one. Arturious turned back towards the door igniting his saber and waited. As he waited Arturious paced slightly in anticipation.
Kian had made it several meters when he felt danger approaching him in the force. Spinning around he saw a large....make that VERY large....Sith leaping toward him, throwing large metal cylinders at him with the force. Kian lowered his saber and jerked his hand to the side, not stopping the cylinders but pushing them off course so they would collide with the nearby wall.

Kian fell into his typical opening stance, a low guard, his hilt held at waist height and his yellow blade angled down and away. The Sith appeared to be screaming at Kian as he approached.

"You're under arrest." Kian said in a calm, steady voice. He had fought Sith before, but he had to admit this was the largest one he'd faced yet. But Kian always gave them a chance to surrender, always gave a way out of fighting. If a peaceful solution was available it was preferable to bloodshed. "Put down your weapon and come quietly." Kian said looking at the weapon in the Sith's grasp. He hadn't faced a Sith wielding a light-pike yet but he had the advantage of having grown up among the Baran Do. While the Kel Dor sages were not warriors, they did train with wooden staves and that experience would help with a weapon like a force-pike, or at least Kian hoped it would.

Allies: @Graxin Rade, @The Dark Man
Enemies: @Kezeroth the Hateful, @Arturious Engel, @Silara Vantai
Kezeroth slowed down and chuckled " Then Arrest me." Getting in a Juyo Stance Kezeroth Held his Light-Pike towards [member="Kian Karr"] and held a deep stance. The Light-Pike was his weapon of Choice for couple reasons, Deception & Just un-Orthodox. Most who saw the Pike judged the weapon unpractical giving most opponents a feel of advantage, but the Deception behind that is the Fact that Kezeroth is a Gen'Dai and one who loves his opponents to get close enough for him to grab and Crush in his grip. The Weakness of a Pike made up for by a Monstrous Sith.

The Gen'Dai Stepped forward Giving a Quick mock Thrust to the head to head for an reaction, Following up with an attempted quick Force Push aimed to Unbalance the Jedi's stance. Stepping forward Kezeroth Roared letting the Foundry Echo his monstrous voice in the area, Starting in short thrusts he aimed the Pike at the lower thigh.

" Show me your Power Jedi!" He barked at he preformed.

Enemies: [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Graxin Rade"] | [member="The Dark Man"]
Allies: [member="Arturious Engel"] | [member="Silara Vantai"] |
Kian's didn't bother blocking the thrust at his head, but stepped out of the way of the attack instead. Then the Sith sent a burst of telekinetic energy at Kian. The push sent him backwards and off balance, but when the jabs came at his legs, Kian's bladework swatted aside the attacks. Kian wasn't a fancy fighter, he used Shien to it's fullest, defending and countering in a methodical way. So when the last jab came in at his legs, Kian didn't just block the blade, he slid his own blade up it toward the long handle of the pike, aiming to cut into the blade emitter and destroy the weapon.

At the same time, Kian pulled forcefully at one of the cylinders that the Sith had thrown at him. He pulled it with the force and the cylinder flew toward the back of the Sith's knees. Kian, at 5'7", was very strong for his size, but he had nothing on the giants height. However, larger combatants tended to have slower reaction to attacks on their legs. Kian wasn't sure if this was going to work with a Sith warrior, but he would try every advantage he could until he had had an opportunity to size up the abilities of his enemy.

Allies: Graxin Rade, The Dark Man
Enemies: Kezeroth the Hateful, Arturious Engel, Silara Vantai
The teasing of the man's words were soothing to her ears, assuring her of something she'd assumed the moment that the Jedi had gone for a strike that was clearly intended to kill. Within every source of light there was a shadow, her first master still had one - that she was sure of that at the least. She was certainly skilled in saber combat, prodigal with the force, but where her true gifts lie were within the power of her words. "Yes, I that is true." She replied in turn, her eyes looking between the dreambeast and the man expectantly. "Akcij atgal." The blonde whispered telepathically to the sithspawn, communicating with it as she would any other being - another product of the experiments performed on her by Belaya in order to create a more perfect Sith. What she and Veles had not counted on, however, was for her to exceed their expectations. She had no time for pathetic Knights and 'Sith' Lords of the One Sith, few of them actually kept up with the demands one faced when serving the Dark Lord, the only true Sith of the order - as ironic as it were. Her goals were far removed from the rest of the order, far greater than theirs, for she wished to truly serve the Dark Lord in the greatest of ways possible. But for now she would have to deal with the threat at hand.

What the Jedi had done, however, was unexpected even for a Jedi - he had stowed away one of his blades and lowered his other saber, something which gave her a momentary pause to allow him to speak. His words stung in a way that was likely not the intention the man had in mind. Rather than soften her in a passive way, as she had seen her master return to an order of Light over the Dark side, it poured salt into the wound that had been opened when she had formed a relationship with another Sith, a relationship that would soon have to be abandoned in order to continue on her path towards the top of the order. And this man, this whelp of a Jedi, he prodded far too close into her personal bubble and stuck his nose somewhere it didn't belong. Perhaps he didn't realize this, perhaps nobody would have reason to realize it, but it had touched her in an uncomfortable part of her heart that never should have been there to begin with. "There was a Sith, the greatest among all the wielders of the Dark Side, the Sith'ari, who gave a message of warning in writing for his successors." Silara stated evenly, for the moment not entirely sure where she was going with what this, flustered. "He spoke of an emotion more powerful than anger, more passionate than hatred. An emotion to be drawn on that empowered the dark side with an unexpected result. It was an emotion of raw, uncontrollable, power. Love." She continued, her words low and eerily calm. Her eyes narrowed as her senses flared. "You dare to speak to me of separating from that which I love? You call yourself a Jedi and yet you know nothing. I would be executed by your Jedi brethren for my twisted nature as a subject of Sith Alchemy. There is no hope for me but despair, and I will accept that grief with the knowledge that I may someday meet the Master of our order, a true Sith, and I may truly know what it means to love." The Vahla hissed, her shoulder muscles tensing. "I am a monster, but I am His to guide. I may be fated to fail, but as long as I do His work then it is as good as success for me." Came Silara's words through another telepathic broadcast, though now echoing throughout the foundry as loud as a woman's shout of despair. She nearly pressed forwards, but she would not allow the man to egg her on. She would be the one to do that.

  • [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Graxin Rade"], [member="Kian Karr"]
  • [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"], [member="Arturious Engel"]
Watching the Jedi closely Kezeroth noted that he was most likely using Form V Shien or some other Variant. So far his duel was going the same as any other with his His Pike, which ment his opponent always went for a Disarming attack on the Pike. Reacting to this the Gen'Dai dropped his Pike down and Started circling while locked with the Jedis Blade, With a Two hand Grip this was his own disarming move for others. Watching the Blades move around and around Kezeroth was Suddenly Interrupted when Instincts told him to draw back and Jump letting a Metal Cylinder slide past him. For any other unaware opponent that move would of been excellent, A disarming strike followed by a TK attack to disable the body was fine Tactical thinking.. Kezeroths Mentor Saverok Taught him to listen to his Sensory Acuity that made him Gen'Dai. A Great Awareness that went Far Beyond most Species.

Landing with a Stomp/Slam the Monster unleashed a strong Force Repulse to Clear the Area of any loose Objects. " Where is your Strength Kel Dor Fool..!" He Barked again taunting the Jedi with his words and Occasional Spit that came from his foul mouth. Hoping the Repulse would off Balance the Kel Dor Kezeroth Quickly Took a Back hand Grip on his Pike and Launched it at [member="Kian Karr"] like a Javelin.

" Hah! Im loving this.." he muttered.

Enemies: [member="The Dark Man"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Graxin Rade"]
Allies: [member="Silara Vantai"] | [member="Arturious Engel"]
Kian was pushed back from the force repulsion, and rather then stumbling backwards, Kian rolled with it, hitting the ground and coming back up. As he rose he saw the Sith hurl the pike at him with such speed that Kian almost didn't get out of the way in time. But using the force, Kian was able to push the light-pike off course and as it passed, Kian jerked his lightsaber forward in order to cut the weapon in half. He could see the other weapons on his opponents belt, but he was still hoping to take one out of the equation.

Kian considered his opponent as he began to circle around him. There was something more then just the rage of the darkside in him. Reaching out, Kian touched the Sith's mind and then pulled back......the sith was clearly insane.

"You taunt as if that is suppose to get some sort of response out of me," Kian said holding his saber before him and closely closing the distance between them. "What is it you are looking for?" Kian asked, eyeing the creature with fascination. He followed the question up by coming forward with a sidestep, slashing combo aimed for the man's midsection.

Allies: Graxin Rade, The Dark Man
Enemies: Kezeroth the Hateful, Arturious Engel, Silara Vantai

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Ah, there it was. He had said something to upset her, and it was showing. He brought his free hand up to his heart as she monologued, taking the slight moment of respite to form a force barrier around himself. It was nothing near an impenetrable offense. Rather, it would offset any assault she might throw at him through the force, so long as he maintained it. Otherwise, he would have to defend himself traditionally. It was only when she spoke of love that his attention was drawn. So many flaws, so much deception. If anything, her passionate stuttering helped to amuse him, and he had quickly formed an argument against each of her theories. Truthfully, he did not care if she threw them aside--she would. Sith always did. He wanted to goad her on, have her make the opening move. Then, she would be easily done away with on his blade. It had won him a number of contests against other users of Jar-kai--they tended to be rather hotheaded.

"My dear." He shook his head slowly, and lowered his blade further, as if he was ending the confrontation then and there. "The Sith'ari would spit on your entire order. You've undone everything he achieved. Your order has singlehandedly done more damage to the Sith as a whole than my own could ever hope to commit." He began in the manner similar to a master chiding an apprentice for a mistake. "--and I will tell you, for a time, the Sith won. They succeeded through hatred, cunning, and ambition. There was no love there. Love does not fuel the Dark Side, not in its greatest form. You may bring forth some small fraction of the power that a true Sith Lord wields...but, I've made sure the last of those Sith no longer breath." The Knight gestured toward the Dreambeast in the form of Darth Vulcanus. "That is the face of the true Sith, and he no longer breathes."

For a moment, it seemed his own little speech was over. His shoulders slackened, and to most it would look as if his guard was down. That was exactly how Graxin liked it. "Love is a facet of the Light Side, the ashla. It strengthens us, gives us great power to protect those dear to our hearts. That is why Jedi of our day and age are allowed to carry relationships." He paused for a moment. Sith alchemy? For former hand of the Emperor brought his free hand up to his collar, and tugged it down to show his breastbone. Across it a line of Graug Runes could be seen burned into his very flesh. "My body was twisted and distorted for Vulcanus's practice. I have not removed the marks, and though they no longer affect me, they are there. They will always be there, yet the Order took me in with open arms." He cocked his head back in challenge. "It seems to me that you were alone, and the Sith took you. Perhaps some tragedy destroyed your life? Terrible things happen to everyone. Find the strength to move past it, rather than live in it...and if your ambition is to serve and meet this master, then I have no pity for you. You've chosen slavery, and those who choose such a life cannot be helped until they see the truth."

Allies: Kian Karr The Dark Man
Enemies: Kezeroth the Hateful Arturious Engel Silara Vantai
With his Pike Destroyed Kezeroth frowned, Him and that weapon had much History together. Not to Mention that the Pike was atleast 900 years old. A relic of his past Destroyed. With a Grunt he lowered his stance and brought his arms up by his chest. Now at semi Level height with the Kel Dor Jedi Kezeroth began a series of Pivots that shifted his body weight around to dodge, awkwardly it was working unless you looked at his arms and Stomach getting cut now and then. The wounds on his body looked like mostly Light cuts but burned his flesh, they would shortly heal back. After a set of dodges Kezeroth Stepped forward and moved his arms letting [member="Kian Karr"] Lightsaber hit the Gen'Dais Thick Cloak that had been folded/tied across his chest, Leaving a large Burn mark on the sashed cloak if were to be struck again in the same place it would no doubt break off. With a snarl Kezeroth Lashed out with a Force augmented punches taking advantage of the moment. Targeting the Kel Dors Body and Mask/goggles to disable him.

" What is my Goal?! Destroy the Sith... and Set the Darkside Free of their grip. I am the Darksides True Embodiment! And you in my way!!" He shouted. Words that were spoken like a true Crazy. Insanity was correct.

Enemies: [member="The Dark Man"] | [member="Graxin Rade"] | [member="Kian Karr"]
Allies: [member="Silara Vantai"] | [member="Arturious Engel"]
As she lured the man in to learn more of his mannerisms and personality, trying to isolate that darkness, a little smirk played at the corners of her lips and she parted her legs a bit, sliding into a stance that any standard Makashi practioner would recognize. It was not that she had found the source of his arrogance, or that she was amused by him in any such ways, for what she had felt sooner than heard was that what he seemed to misunderstand as passionate pride in being a Sith was literally quite as far off as possible. He spoke of her like a fool, and it was absolutely stunning to behold. She was being spoken to by this man with such audacity that she almost felt that she was speaking to a Sith, and while she was at least moderately insulted in his claim of slaying the 'last true Sith' she was far more prepared to drop the mask she wore much sooner than pick a fight and continue to act like a naive child. There was nothing to prove, there was no pride or rage, there was nothing in her black heart that would ever let her lose her reasoning and forget who she was. A chuckle, almost a giggle, escaped her lips as she took a step back and stared at the man, her expression twisting ever so slightly in confidence. If this Jedi thought he could manipulate her, he was in for a surprise. "Such brilliant assumptions, Jedi. It is true that, perhaps, the Sith'ari would wish nothing more than to annihilate this order and secure the old rule of two... But you see, this is why I am so in love with the One Sith. What better way to secure a truly magnificent return of the Sith than to re-establish the Rule of Two?" Silara replied curtly, tilting her head just slightly to the right with a grin.

She's found out enough of this Jedi, a practitioner of Niman whom relied primarily on a saber by his method of a preemptive strike prior, and was ready to wrap up their discussion and passing of words. "If there is a single ambition I have... it is to become the Dark Lord's newest and greatest apprentice yet. I will leave the rest up to your... imagination." She noted with a sigh, her expression lessening in emotion as her voice did with tone, as though she was growing bored. "However, you misunderstand my words when I speak of alchemical trials. I am not merely a plaything for the Sith, I am the first of the Sith battlelords in over a thousand years. There is no reversing this process, and I am steeped in the dark side." The blonde explained, though not too in-depth - she was well aware of how the Sith of old met their demise on more than one occasion. A telepathic nudge to the dreambeast was all the signal she needed in order to distract the Jedi, though she doubted that she'd need one, and Silara more than gave it. Loosening the grip on her two saber hilts, she deactivated them and slid them into the holsters on her belt, below where they had initially been kept at her sides prior. In the same fluid movement, while walking towards the Jedi with a deliberate pace, she lifted her hands and a trace amount of blue light played at the tips of her fingers and corners of her eyes. She smiled.

"Zudyti jis."

The moment the words left her lips she released several continuous arcs of lightning from the tips of her fingers in the direction of the Jedi while the dreambeast did what it did best, charge in to attack physically while its mind probed for a mental strike. "You see, Jedi, I have no cares for what the rest of the world deems as right and wrong, and I am not in it for myself or for any particular order. I seek to promote evil for the sake of evil. There is no light in me, there is only darkness. Look for yourself! Do you see it? Can you see my turmoil?! Do you see the corruption that has destroyed me from the inside!?" Silara screamed, her eyes wide, brow upturned, tone drawn out and stressed, with a voice that could be heard from every angle of the field through her projection of telepathy. She was not some peon of the One Sith, she was far beyond that. [member="Graxin Rade"] was perhaps both lucky and not for being unaware of her. Even now, perhaps leading the man on to believe that she was opening herself up for a strike, she was thinking further and further ahead, wearing yet another mask still. She had many to discard, and already she'd dropped the face of a passionate lover for that of the delirious zealot. If he believed himself to be pulling the strings then he would need to step back and look at how he was acting and reacting. If there was someone in control here, it was her.

  • Zudyti jis. «Kill him.»

  • [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Graxin Rade"], [member="Kian Karr"]
  • [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]

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And so the dance of death began.

A soft sigh escaped him as she seemed to break through whatever spell of the tongue he had been crafting around her. He had bought Kian and his ally some time, and that was all Graxin could hope for. Clearly, this Sith was beyond help, and he wasn't one to show mercy where it was not due. The veins of blue lightning arced toward him in a move that would have shattered the defenses of most and sent them sprawling to the ground. The Knight, however, was a different beast all together.

The force barrier he had erected took the brunt of the assault, though the lightning did manage to shear through and course through his arms. He was no great Sage, and focusing enough to use Tutaminis while her beast charged him would only result in his untimely demise. At a time, he would have simply fired back in hope of annihilating her in his own torrent of the Dark Side, but that was long ago. His most recent lapse into the old ways was far more recent than he would ever admit, and he did well to push it out of his mind as they began. The lightning coursing through his arms, through his midriff, and dispersing from his feet into the ground certainly helped.

The barrier began to shatter, and her pet was almost upon him. He brought his lightsaber up with one hand to act as a sort of lightning rod, reflecting the remainder of her attack without much issue. It was a skill he had learned well to keep at its peak. His free hand thrust outward toward the Sithspawn. His concentration slipped from [member="Silara Vantai"] for a moment, only the slightest fraction of a second, so that he could conjure his counter-attack.

Pyrokineses was a skin often associated with the Sith; that image having been enforced by Darth Vulcanus and his obsession with the ability. That ability had been passed on to his former apprentice, Graxin having been chosen for his predisposition to the skill as a young boy, and while Graxin could never achieve the same levels as his former master without use of his emotions, the torrent of white hot flames that sprouted from his fingers toward the Sithspawn was still extremely lethal.

The woman had ceased to be a living creature in his mind. She was an obstacle in the way of peace, and he would treat her as such. His lips pressed into a thin line as he allowed the torrent of flame to spill forth upon her pet. The torrent of lightning he kept at bay with his lightsaber began to spread from the blade to sear his arms, crackling through the thin leathers and cloth. The veins of blue blistered his skin, and sent literal shocks of pain through his body, but he continued to focus his offensive capabilities on the pet.

He wanted it dead before he ever engaged its master.

Over top the roar of energy passed between the two, he yelled. "I don't much care anymore. I've seen a thousand of your kind. Most have the sense to back down!"

Allies: Kian Karr The Dark Man
Enemies: Kezeroth the Hateful Arturious Engel Silara Vantai
When Kian's blade his the Sith's cloak, his blade deactivated. For a split second, Kian was confused, unsure as to why a cloak would do that, and then he realized that the cloak was likely lined with some sort of lightsaber resistant material. Seeing as the blade shorted out, it was likely cortosis. But Kian didn't have a lot of time to dwindle on the issue, as the Sith was suddenly punching out at him, first at his body and then at his mask.

Kian dove forward, under the blow, and rolled away from the Sith. Kian was a fairly decent hand-to-hand fighter, but he wasn't going to close with the Sith. His size and strength would completely nullify any skill Kian might have in hand-to-hand. When Kian came up from his role, he stretched his hands out, pushing with a blast of telekinetic energy at the Sith's back and with his other hand he pulled forcefully at the Sith's legs with the force, hoping to bring him down.

Re-igniting his lightsaber, Kian closed once more striking out at the Sith with a series of jabs and cuts. They weren't overly aggressive attacks, but rather lighter attacks meant to gauge his opponents defenses and he was sure to try and avoid that cloak again.

Allies: Graxin Rade, The Dark Man
Enemies: Kezeroth the Hateful, Arturious Engel, Silara Vantai
Well wasn't this fun, When the Kel Dor ducked under and rolled Kezeroth Found himself turning his head first then his body to continue, though he was interrupted by a Push. Following the Force the drove him away Kezeroth's Balanced stance made him slide a fair distance away and one arm placed on the ground for safe measure. When the the force pulled at his legs Kezeroth felt it budge but did not move much, His Body jolted like a wave and his Balance was Restored in a Quick Moment. His wounds on his chest and Arms were gone as was normal with his his Kind. Looking up Kezeroth Only found the Kel Dor [member="Kian Karr"] attacking again, this time more controlled and aware.

Dashing back slightly as the Jedi came the Gen'Dai grabbed his Dark GreatSaber from his belt and with his Free Hand Unleashed Torrents of Force-Lightning at [member="Kian Karr"]. Force Lightning was a Ability Kezeroth had used before commonly but this was the first time it was openly used on a Jedi. The Dark Side energy the shot from his hand flashed in a Bright Blue color, with enough luck Kezeroth would be able to disarm the Kel Dor and Torture him slowly.

" Your Weak Kel Dor..." he said as he Preformed force Lightning.

Allies: [member="Silara Vantai"]
Enemies: [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Graxin Rade"] | [member="The Dark Man"]
And there it was. The simple mistake that every single person, Sith or not, made. A saber raised, attention split, and they expected the mere strain of force lightning rebounding on her to either deter her or keep her at bay. How naive they had been, so arrogant, so audacious, it was absolutely delicious, her tongue running along her teeth and out along her lips as she smiled wide, electricity scarring her hands and the lower portions of her exposed wrists - though the jacket that she wore completely protected the rest of her body from the lightning jumping and scarring further vital portions of her vain body. What she saw was absolutely inspiring, the conjuration of fire through the force was a talent that she had never possessed, nor a skill that she wished to add to her repertoire, but she had once taught a Sith that had gained considerable talent in the very art of pyrokinesis, and that excited her, so much so that her entire demeanor changed. Head slumping forwards a bit, turned up slightly with her exaggerated grin, she was the very definition of dilapidated. However, there was a the slight issue for this Jedi that he had seemingly forgotten to account, which many of her previous opponents had in the past, and that was while fighting a proficient wielder of the force from a distance and protecting themselves with one hand on a saber and attention split between two foes, there was always the chance that the cunning foe would simply drop the lightning exhausted from one hand and pummel their saber-bearing hand with telekinetic blows through the force. And exactly as she had planned the scenario to run its course, Silara did just that.

The streams of lightning that had erupted from her right hand ceased to be, continuing only through her left, and the blonde gathered the force in her right before swatting her hand, not unlike an underhanded toss, and unleashing a rather powerful force blast to hopefully disarm her opponent's guard. "It is so amazing how one can claim love to be a passionate emotion of the Light, when it clearly has the power to be much greater than hate and cause a passion that is far more uncontrollable than rage. You cannot begin to comprehend how much I love you right now, watching you struggle like a worm in the mud!" Silara shrieked, her voice with the tone of raw excitement and pleasure that could only be described as delirious. Slowly taking another step forwards, she pushed her palm towards the Jedi once more, releasing a well-placed force push with the intention of knocking [member="Graxin Rade"] off balance, though she couldn't care less if it had worked or not - she simply needed that lightsaber out of the way. Another step towards the man and she completely dropped the lightning, instead bringing both of her hands down to her side to reach for her lightsabers that rested on her belt, sliding a knee forwards to release a repulsive wave of telekinetic energy through the force to knock up the snow that rested on the ground beneath them in the air to cloud both of their visions. "Yes, deal with the sithspawn, a creature that serves me no purpose other than to give you the false hope that by annihilating my weakest of pets that you will have any chance in defeating me. I will admit it, you are worthy of your mission to this foundry, but sadly your skill and raw talent are wasted on the Jedi. You are fighting a losing battle, friend. I know where every last one of your allies are within this compound, and the only reason you face me is because I have decided you are the only one worthy of life." Came the harsh assertion of the blonde.

  • [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Kian Karr"], [member="Graxin Rade"]
  • [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]

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A mistake had been made, and the Knight was loathe to acknowledge it. He had split his attention--a move he would have chided his Padawan for-- and allowed himself to be taken advantage of.

The familiar leathers surrounding hilt of his lightsaber slipped from his fingertips after the first push. He maintained his grip on the blade, though it remained in his hand at an awkward angle. He would have right this, were it not for the wall of telekinetic energy that barreled into his chest. The blow siphoned the air from his lungs, and sent him stumbling back into the snow. He drew in a sharp breath, and grit his teeth as he fought to maintain balance. The woman was upon him now, and he knew that some form of attack was evident. Sith rarely held back unless they were toying with their prey, and Graxin believed the woman was smart enough not to underestimate him in such a way.

"If you love me, then tell me your name." He stammered as his free hand ceased spouting flames at her pet. The sudden mist of floating snow certainly did not help his situation. "--or take me to dinner first." He grimaced. The attempt at humor was for himself; a way to pull himself together in his rather dire situation.

She would have had him there. His mistake would have been a fatal one. It would have been a simple matter of stepping forward to cleave him in two while he struggled to recover. His wounds were making sure he knew they were there, and while he could mend them if he had a moment to heal, they were slowing him down now. Instead, she had thrown up a sort of snow cover with the force. Graxin's vision was clouded with white, and in it, came his salvation. He thrust an open palm desperately toward the ground, encouraging the makeshift snow flurry with his own powers of telekinesis. Then, he focused on reducing his force presence. It was an old technique he had made great use of when infiltrating independent worlds in the past. With any luck, it would help him now.

If he succeeded in eluding the Sith, he would extinguish his blade and break into a made dash for the facility entrance under the cover of the snow flurry. If not, he would draw his blade to defend himself, though his surprise at being discovered would render him at the disadvantage yet again.

Allies: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="The Dark Man"]
Enemies: [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] [member="Silara Vantai"]

Kian's lightsaber came up and with a flash of light, the lighting from the Sith's attack collided with it. The force of the lightning was immense, but Kian's grip on his saber was strong and he managed to hold on to his blade. Kian had never faced a Sith yielding force lightning, but he had sparred before with his friend Tugoro Taidarious, who was a practitioner of Electric Judgement. While Kian blocked the lightning his saber was tied up, but he knew that the force lightning took energy and it was hard to sustain for long bursts.

As he blocked the attack, Kian began to focus on form his mind into a wedge. Kian, as a Kel Dor, was a natural telepath, and though he did not typically like attacking with his ability, he did when necessary. As the Sith struck at him with the lighting, Kian sent his mind forward, driving into the mind of the Sith with great force. But Kian didn't do so with aggression or with attacks meant to damage the Sith's mind. Instead, Kian drove forward with hopeful thoughts, with thoughts of joy and goodness. Kian filled his mind with all the things that inspired him to defend the weak....all the things that drove him to do good.

[member="Graxin Rade"] - [member="Silara Vantai"] - [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] - [member="The Dark Man"]
The Dark Forces that manifested from Kezeroths hand clashed with the Lightsaber of [member="Kian Karr"], the Kel Dors Grip tightened to hold in place. The Gen'Dai grinned as he watched the jedi struggle with the Darksides power. Standing against Force Lightning was always a Experience to keep. Kezeroth would be able to hold the Torrents of Lightning for little longer before they weakened. His Mind was set on Destruction and the Pain of Battle, when suddenly he felt another's thoughts forced into his mind. Hope? Good? Joy? What was this Magic? The Stream of Lightning Weakened and suddenly stopped with Kezeroth Looking off to the side briefly. The last time he felt those was before he was taken by the Sith and Tortured, Once again he thought on he past and looked at his mutated skin which had a chemically sealed armor plate branded with the Old Sith Empires Logo.

His body twitched several times in the process of a Flashback where he remembered he was brought and strapped to a Table and Tortured. The Memory of Powerful it was one he had never wanted to bring back. Deactivating his Dark GreatSaber Kezeroth started twitching again and held his head. The Mental Pain shooting back at the Kel-Dor giving him a taste and quick look at what the Gen'Dai Endured.

Looking up to the ceiling Kezeroth Realesed a Powerful Force Scream, The Foundry echoed and Amplified the noises. Metal Containers fell over and Machines stopped in their work. Some to the point of breaking from the powerful sound.

Crying aloud Kezeroth screamed " No Take me BACK! STOP! REALESE ME!" This was what he said when the Sith started their evil work on his body.

In till his mind could take no more and the Screams stopped and the Lightsaber Activated again in an instant, Pain too great for one part of Kezeroths Mental. How did he stop then? Split personality is the answer, In great times of pain be it physical or in his Mind. This was how he Survived for as long as he did and this was why he was titled Hateful. His Hate was Great. Gazing at the Jedi infront of him A new aura was with Kezeroth he looked the same but something had changed. Dashing forward he gripped his Blade strong and preformed a overhead swing aiming to go directly down the middle of the Jedi. A common strike seen in Juyo.

[member="Graxin Rade"]
[member="Silara Vantai"]
[member="The Dark Man"]

(( OOC: Gratz on Master Kian!!! :lol: ))
The cloud of snow flooded the courtyard while Silara paused to adjust to her new surroundings. Just as the cover had given her an advantage, it was doubly so for the Jedi, and judging by the lack of fire that had been melting the amorphous cloud around him moments prior it he had decided to take advantage of the change. A grim smile was etched across her face as she slowly edged back towards the facility, in no mood to play games in the dark with a Jedi capable of dispersing his presence through the force. "You won't escape this time." She thought, lifting her hands up like a conductor of an orchestra and closed her eyes. The force was hers, she was the force's, together they were symbiotic, sharing a unified presence that her Sith contemporaries only scoffed at. A feeling of despair carved its way into the courtyard, and then the facility behind her, as she focused. This was no mere feeling of unease, she was doing just as the Jedi had - dispersing her own presence wide and far, yet the dark taint that consumed her moved with it, and when she opened her eyes a cruel smile stretched along her lips. "Tell me, Jedi, what are your vices?" Silara shouted, slowly lowering her hands down and away from her. Her eyes began to close, though they remained opened half-way, and her smile widened. Following the same path that her hands had made before she raised them, using a rather advanced form of telekinesis to release a powerful force wave that acted much akin to waves of water, pushing the snow away and up from the ground, along with the debris that had been left behind during the assault on the foundry's wall, in a hemispherical fashion towards the general direction of the Jedi from her.

No words left her lips as she kept her hands high in the air above her, and then suddenly lowered them to chest level. Thrusting her open palms forwards to push out again, though this time with a much less strenuous force push rather than the more powerful form that she had direction prior. She was not keen on allowing [member="Graxin Rade"] to escape, and though she was not intent on killing him, if it meant keeping him at bay until he gave in it would have to do. Granted, if push came to shove, she was fully capable and prepared to deal a crushing blow if necessary. "Now, now. It isn't very nice to try to hide from a lady." She growled, pausing after she spoke to breath, something she seemed to be doing a lot of lately. "If you intend to flee to your allies and bolster their defenses against opponents nearly as skilled as I, then you are sorely mistaken in any belief you may maintain that I would allow such a thing to occur. They will die, and you will accept life." Silara asserted, her arms dropping to her sides as her fingers curled around the hilts of her two sabers, ready for the Jedi to reveal himself or flee.

  • [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Graxin Rade"], [member="Kian Karr"]
  • [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"], [member="Darth Junra"] (?)

Placeholder 0123


Faster. Faster. Faster.

A single boot pressed against the opening of the gaping hole he and Kian had created, when a blast of telekinetic energy lifted Graxin from his feet. He stumbled forth through the crack, catching himself on the edge of the shattered wall out of desperation. He was visible now, and any chance of escaping into the factory was lost.

Gritting his teeth, the Knight whirled about. He caught sight of his foe batting away her own makeshift snowstorm with raised hands. She strode forth like a frozen goddess come to deliver judgement upon an unruly disciple, and Graxin found himself stuck in place. His legs turned to jelly.

"I know quite well how to live, my dear." he called back with defiance heavy in his voice. It was the essence of the Dark Side that had broken his resolve, and he quickly pushed those uneasy thoughts aside. He would not falter, not now.

Turning his back on her would mean death. He had to stand and fight. With luck, Kian and the Dark Man would accomplish their tasks. His single leatherbound hilt lifted from his belt into his hand. "--and I am Graxin. It'd be a bit rude for us to dance without knowing each other's names, no?"

He shifted into the opening motion of Soresu, blade held forward in both hands. This was, in fact, a ruse. His eyes fell half-lidded as he concentrated on the shattered permacrete gate and the rubble spread about by his previous entrance. With a burst of telekinetic energy, he used ability in force combustion to make the remained of the gate and rubble explode outward.

It was an especially violent display, sending shards of shattered permacrete soaring through the air like missiles. He would likely be hit too, but he didn't care. She was in the thick of it.

Allies: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="The Dark Man"]
Enemies: [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] [member="Silara Vantai"]

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