Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission to Csilla [3V3]

[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]

Kian's telepathic attack worked....but only to a degree. As the lightning died down, Kian was able to push at the Sith's psyche, but quickly found himself experiencing some of the pain and fear that had gripped the Sith when he was tortured. As a practiced telepath, Kian was able to shield himself from this fairly easily.

However, defending against these feelings and experiences left Kian open to the force scream that tore from the Sith's mouth. The scream was powerful and Kian had to shield himself with the force, but he wasn't fast enough to avoid some of the attack. Kian reeled from the attack and his ears began to ring. For a moment Kian was disoriented....distracted.

That distraction nearly cost him his life. As he cleared his head, he focused once more to see a crimson blade descending at him in a powerful overhead attack. Kian had little choice and dove to the side, barely avoiding the attack.

Let go of the pain.....let go of the past. Kian communicated to the Sith telepathically as he rose up and raised his blade defensively. He had wormed his way in once and Kian didn't want to lose a potential advantage. You can achieve peace!

[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
Kezeroth Mentally was Broken he was this way due to the excessive torture that the Sith caused. Throughout everything he had survived his hate burned the brightest, 1500years of Hate that was directed at anything that moved. His new personality could feel the attempts and persuasion the Jedi was having on his mind, He never knew peace and feared it. He always was in the battle he embraced discomfort always, He was pain and embracing the thought of peace only encouraged the monster. [member="Kian Karr"]'s voice in his mental only annoyed the Brute and his pain of his past tickled at his Rage to boil over.

As the Jedi Dodged Kezeroth roared and bumped into a Metal wall from the momentum. Pushing off the Wall he closed in again shouting and swing his blade in Short but powerful bursts of energy. Aiming to disarm the Kel Dor but hitting his Lightsaber hard, The Gen'Dai felt the Darkside within him and as he attacked Lightning arced from his body striking not only those around him by metal objects.

" I am Pain, I am Darkness, I am the Darksides Embodiment!" he shouted as he attacked again.

[member="Silara Vantai"]
[member="The Dark Man"]
[member="Darth Junra"]
[member="Graxin Rade"]
The dust caused by [member="Graxin Rade"]’s explosion began to settle. A short figure stood just outside the opening.

What's going on?” asked the figure’s voice - one that those in the midst of the scene might recognize as that of Darth Junra’s.

When enough of the dust had cleared, it was clear that Darth Junra now stood at the hole that Graxin and [member="Kian Karr"] had created earlier. She wore heavy, warm clothing fit for the harsh environment of Csilla. Her face could clearly be seen as she looked at the destruction before her with the solemn eyes. She had a lightsaber drawn already with the blade not yet ignited.

[member="Silara Vantai"], [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
The rage with which the Sith fought was a dangerous thing, Kian knew this to be true. Some Sith were fueled by it to the point of having an almost reckless abandon for their own welfare. Kian, while willing to sacrifice all if need be, was not so reckless. Relying on his training and falling back on the defensive. Kian met the Sith blow for blow. Each hit on his saber was thunderous and strong, but as a Form V practitioner his grip was strong and Kian didn't falter.

When the lightning began to fire out of the Sith's body, Kian was glade that there were so many conductive elements around. Many of the blasts directed themselves at the cannisters and the metal machines, while only a few came near Kian. Many of these he had to batter aside and then quickly evade the strike of the Sith.

"No you are not!" Kian said back as they fought. "You are a slave to your emotions....a slave to your recklessness and your madness." Kian said, knowing he could no longer reason with the Sith. Instead, Kian hoped to use the man's rage and insanity against him. Sith often taunted their enemies in order to get a response....this was similar. Angry enemies made mistakes, and all Kian needed was a well timed mistake. Ducking away from one of the Sith's attacks, Kian drove his lightsaber down in a strong cut aiming to sever the Sith's leg above his knee. Kian also noticed another Sith entering and realized that he and Graxin were suddenly outnumbered.

[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] - [member="Darth Junra"] -[member="Graxin Rade"] - [member="The Dark Man"] - [member="Silara Vantai"]
The Monsters swings of his blade were wild and powerful, Lightning realesing from his body. He was destructive and in a way helped the Jedi by acting like this, The Kel Dor's Mind pushing against his flung him into a rage where he used his power to destroy things around him though his out right target was the Jedi! Kezeroth was a Bull in a small space. His mind having a inner conflict and him focusing on the outer took his precise focus needed to strike away from him.

Kezeroth could hear the jedis words clearly "No you are not! .... You are a slave to your emotions....a slave to your recklessness and your madness." It was stuck in his mind like glue, He believed and knew the Darkside was strong with him and that he was chosen to Embody the Darkside. It was his purpose. His Split personalities spoke to him as whispers encouraging what he believed in, Soon the Jedis mental strikes and words faded and there was only a dark power their that burned like fire. If only his mind would of done this earlier, his focus returned but at a bad time.

With a groan Kezeroth Pushed through the pain, a portion of his leg dropped to the floor. The flesh on the leg was covered in his bio-linked armor that was forced on his body as a slave, with it removed to could move freely! Stumbling down slightly Kezeroth regained his balance when a mesh of Tentacle like muscles extended down in a quick fashion. It had no form and was large but sturdy at the same time. This had to be a shock to the Jedi since his attack was a fatal one for most opponents. Roaring Kezeroth started to use his genetics to his advantage by following up with a counter strike aimed to slash downward to the side of [member="Kian Karr"] Rib cage area and a Grab by Kezeroths off hand. IF grabbed Kezeroth would slam the Kel dor against the metal wall.

" Enough! " he shouted as he recovered and counter attacked.

[member="Kian Karr"]
[member="Darth Junra"]
[member="Silara Vantai"]
[member="The Dark Man"]
[member="Graxin Rade"]
A small grimace fluttered across her face like a butterfly, her brow upturning as her shoulder slumped. She had realized her own mistake in allowing another advantage, a fatal advantage even, to be given to her opponent, and this time she was already being worn down from her own exertion. As the audacity of the man was flaunted with a grandeur of confidence, just as he pushed out with the force, Silara's hands reached out desperately and she grunted loudly as she pulled on her dreambeast with the force and slung it out in front of her like a shield of flesh, up in the air. The explosion of debris and the ensuing rain of shrapnel clouded the air between the dreambeast and her view of Graxin, though judging by its spread it may have struck against him as well, as she thrust her hands out and stepped forwards once, pushing the sithspawn into much of the permacrete. As she turned, her body rotating to the right, she reached out for one of the remaining chunks of permacrete that she had directed into the ground prior to their little duel, Silara was struck with a glancing blow by several shards of debris, creating shallow gashes across the small of her back. Closing her eyes and stepping further to the right, avoiding another chunk of debris that crashed into the ground with a loud booming quake, she tried to resist the urge to cry out whilst pulling against the somewhat large chunk of permacrete again and hurling it in a slingshot curvature, sweeping away much of the debris that had trailed behind the initial misting and likely saving her own life.

"Agh! Chaos take you! You fething rat, I offered you life and you repay me with death!?" She screamed, almost losing herself to anger. After her scream, however, she heard the familiar voice of a Sith Lord whom she considered superior to her own master, that of one of the Voices of the Dark Lord. [member="Darth Junra"] stood in the inverse of an arc, fitting for a woman of her stature and importance, the cloud of dust settling almost for the sake of her convenience. She wanted to stand and address the woman, she truly did, but the knowledge that she would be putting herself in another vulnerable position pushed her into keeping her focus - what little she had left - on [member="Graxin Rade"]. She couldn't ignore the Sith Lord, however, and she found herself torn. "We are being assaulted by a group of Jedi, Master." Came Silara's voice at some point, her eyes still searching for the Jedi Knight, her hands gripped tightly at her sides in little balled fists. Her mood had soured, and though she still had the decency to refer to her superior as her 'master', as she respected her immensely, she was about to throw a literal fit. "I am Silara, and though I have been given a name by my Lord, I will not allow you, Jedi, to speak of my gift on your chapped lips, nor will I waste its luster on your dull ears." Silara shouted, her brow knit firmly together. Had it not been for the fact that she was tiring, with blood staining the white mini-dress beneath her other layers of clothing, she would have allowed lightning to cackle around her fists, but settled instead on her scornful glare.
  • [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Graxin Rade"], [member="Kian Karr"]
  • [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"], [member="Darth Junra"]

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Graxin knew that voice. That damned voice. There was only one among the One Sith that he truly loathed. The woman who had taken the kindness he presented, and thrown it in his face. He had been naive then, allowing himself to believe that the One Sith could be redeemed. That had proven to be a lie when [member="Darth Junra"] left Ossus and turned her guns on him.

There had been no mercy from the Jedi Council afterword. They condemned him for his stupidity, for putting into practice the teachings they had drilled into his head, and ordered him to retrieve the holocron Junra had stolen. They had known full well that the mission was suicidal, and still, Graxin had gone. He'd made it so far as the palace steps when the Sith guards discovered him. The battle had been short, ending in Graxin's near death and self-imposed exile from the Jedi Order.

Eventually, he had returned, but that shame still followed him. People made a point to remind him that he had failed the order. So much so, that a peer had compared him to the long dead Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, famed for leading the Order to ruin. Many still thought that he might be a spy for the One Sith because of this woman's actions.

He wanted nothing more than to launch through the cloud of dust and tear out her throat. To rip her spirit from her body and bind it to his own, a slave to watch his journeys as he had done to Darth Vulcanus. But that was not his way. Graxin drew in a deep breath to calm himself, and only then became aware of the slow warm trickle of red that originated in a deep gash in his forearm. A shard had cut a bloody swathe through his flesh, and impaled itself in the wall behind him. The tip was stained with his own blood.

Grimacing, Graxin hid behind the left wall left behind from the hole he had created. He pressed his back against it, and closed his eyes. The attempt at healing himself almost killed him. The act of heaing was an extremely draining process, and after summoning the powers of pyrokinesis and combustion in quick succession, the act of healing proved far too taxing.

The Knight scowled. He needed to hold off the two Sith long enough for [member="The Dark Man"] to sabotage the facility. Then, he would rendezvous with [member="Kian Karr"] and they would make their escape. That was the plan anyway. No one had accounted for the appearance of Junra.

"Silara? Such a pretty name." He called back. Better to keep them talking rather than searching. "And I'm afraid your offers mean little, my dear. You are no god to judge who lives and dies, and neither are your masters."

Graxin swallowed heavily. He only needed to buy a little time for his allies to finish their tasks. Just a little time. "It's a bit rude to bring another guest without informing the hosts, don't you think? I'm going to have to ask you both to leave. Wouldn't want to ruin the party after all." He continued as he fought to keep his voice steady. It was a choppy river that turned abruptly at every corner now, rather than the charming flow that normally came to him with ease.

The Knight stepped away from the wall, well aware they might just send it tumbling down, and turned outward toward them from the hole. He gripped his yellow blade with one hand, and brought the free one up to his lips. The comm unit built into his gauntlet immediately chimed in [member="Kian Karr"].

"Kian, I'm dealing with two Sith near our entrance. Any progress with the machines? Any sign of our ally?" He reached for his second blade, though his hand only lingered there. Better the Sith think he would draw a second and spring forth. He stood there, in the makeshift entrance, a single blade glowing like a beacon in the dust. All the while, he fought to ignore the steady crimson stream that trailed down his arm, and dripped eerily into the snow.

[member="Silara Vantai"]

[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
Darth Junra continued to gaze upon the situation before her. She received no answer to her question beyond what [member="Silara Vantai"] had said. Her grip tightened on her lightsaber. Eyes narrowed upon the intruding Jedi. A hint of orange burned from within her irises. Then, a purple blade ignited from her lightsaber as Graxin ran out from the the building.

With a booming voice, Darth Junra declared, “Any that surrender now will live! There will be no mercy for further resistance!

It would be the last warning to [member="Graxin Rade"] and [member="Kian Karr"] before Darth Junra acted.
"I'm afraid not yet....and I no sign of him..." Kian said as he brought his blade up to block the Sith's attack. However, at the same time the large Sith was grabbing for him and Kian was force to sidestep around the block. His own block faltered in the move and he was barely able to deflect the blade away. It cut through the side of his robe and left a small burn along his side. It wasn't debilitating....but it hurt. Gritting his teeth Kian leapt back. The hit to the knee would have crippled most opponents.....but Kian had begun to suspect that the creature before him was Gen'Dai and his suspicions were confirmed when the wound began to heal right before his very eyes.

That complicated things.

Kian used the leap to take him a few meters away from lightsaber range and then he turn and fled further into the building. He needed to draw this one deeper into the building where he could attempt to set about finishing his objective. Kian had been unsure of how he would handle destroying the machinery, but an idea had occurred to him. As he made his way deeper, keeping an eye on the Sith, Kian scanned for the central computer and saw it. He needed to get to that terminal.... doing something he was loath to do, Kian turned his back on the Sith and leapt for the computer terminal. He knew he only had a matter of moments and he quickly shut down the ventilation system for the machines. The type of super heated air that the machines were accustomed to working with produced vast pressure and with the ventilation shut off, Kian was hoping it would build and eventually explode......he just hoped he wasn't anywhere near there when it happened!

[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
[member="Darth Junra"]
[member="Graxin Rade"]
[member="Silara Vantai"]
[member="The Dark Man"]

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Surrender? Graxin had no room for surrender. If he held back now, Junra would come for Kian and their mysterious ally. Those he fought alongside would be captured or killed. Neither fate was a desirable one, and so the Knight held his ground. "I wouldn't be one to make the same mistake twice Junra."

He bit down on his lower lip, and chose a course of action. A desperate one, but a plan nonetheless. He had been confident in his ability to fight the other woman--Silara, that was her name--on an equal level. Junra, perhaps he could try, but not in his current state. Against the two Sith, he would die, and Graxin had no desire to have his life end here.

So he made his move. The Knight reached into his belt, his fingers grasping around a spherical orb. He had brought the thermal detonator to deal damage to the machinery, along with an identical counterpart, but this would have to do.

With a reluctant sigh, the Knight pushed down on the primer, dropped the orb near the makeshift entrance, and broke into a mad dash further into the facility.

The detonator would be ineffective against the Sith. No doubt they would block its explosive force with ease. Its purpose was entirely different--he hoped to collapse the remains of the wall to slow Silara and her master down. Then he could link up with Kian, and perhaps they could survive this mess...

@Kezeroth the Hateful
@Darth Junra
[member="Kian Karr"]
@Silara Vantai
@The Dark Man
Kezeroths eyes focused on the Jedi that started to run deeper down the Tunnel, Pushing off the pipes he had his hand resting on the Gen'Dai then found himself across the room. Objects were knocked out of his way in the process but his Dash of Force Speed made the Distance very short. Their was a explosion heard in the background, The Other jedi was the best bet. In a Rampaging sprint Kezeroth Chased down [member="Kian Karr"] ,Giving him a rough Force Pull with his Off hand the Gen'Dai then raised his Fist in the Air aiming to slam it down on the Kel Dor When he got in range of his grasp.

" COWARD!" he shouted as he chased him down.

[member="Graxin Rade"]
[member="Silara Vantai"]
[member="The Dark Man"]
[member="Darth Junra"]
As Kian keyed in the final codes and hit the activation button on the terminal he felt the force suddenly grip him and send him flying backwards in a powerful force pull. However, as the alarms began to blare throughout the factory, Kian smiled beneath his mask. With the vents shut off, the machines would soon overload and explode. Of course, Kian's smile quickly faded when he realized he wouldn't survive unless he could get out of the factory as well.

Spinning around he saw that he was flying toward the clenched fist of the Gen'Dai. Kian raised his lightsaber and shoved with the force, not aiming to push himself out of the grip of the Gen'Dai, but aiming to throw himself at the Sith, lightsaber blade leading the charge. He was sure the impact would hurt, but clenched in the Sith's force pull, Kian had little choice.

[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]
Fate. It was an unavoidable subject, an inescapable thing, and an unforgiving hand. Such was much of her life and especially so in the last several years. Today, however, would be a day that she broke its stern grasp and forged her own path. Never again would she allow its cold guidance to shove her into defeat, and with a flick of her wrist she made sure of that. "Such a pathetic being, fearing death like a rat." She muttered, her eyes narrowing as [member="Graxin Rade"] announced his decision to the Sith. She had no intention to stick around, and had planned to leave him to Junra, but the moment she caught sight of the spherical mass descending several meters away from her, towards the wall that she had been approaching prior, that quickly prohibited her intention to go further within the foundry. Had she not ventured closer to Graxin earlier in their fight she would have been at a much safer distance, and well within reach of the facility she had been guarding, but unfortunately she was in the precarious situation of being close enough to be struck and far enough away to still reach the facility in time to catch up with the Jedi. "Fething..." Silara grumbled, deciding to do something she'd been hesitant to perform due to her lack of formal training on the subject. Sith Sorcery.

Her hands rose like a prophet beholding their vision, utter darkness in the form of a terrible mist rising from the ground around the courtyard while the sky was flooded with a similar lack of light. Serpentine tendrils of dark side energy lashed out and annihilated the small thermal detonator as well as the entirety of the remaining wall, a slight oversight on her behalf born from a lack of finesse that she had still yet to obtain in the art of Sith Magic. "If you believe there is any hope for escape, then you will despair by my hands!" The Vahla screamed, the mist that had formed the tendrils fading as an even greater horror began to descend upon the factory. Calling on her inner demons, her hate, jealousy, and vanity, among many other negative feelings, Silara summoned visible waves of dark side energy, releasing the crushing weight of her tumultuous emotions and obsession with the dark side to spread like a wave of despair. Thunder boomed overhead and visibility both within the confines of the foundry closest to her and the courtyard outside was reduced considerably as the palpable flow of Dark Side energy ebbed from her body to spread a feeling of hopelessness and terror.
  • [member="The Dark Man"], [member="Kian Karr"], [member="Graxin Rade"]
  • [member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"], [member="Daella Apparine"]
​(Note: I linked those above in case anyone was unfamiliar with those specific forms of Sith Sorcery.)

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