A discreet shuttle entered the ecumenopolis's smog-filled atmosphere. It appeared to be just as any other ship that entered the crime-filled moon. However, on board the ship were agents of the Republic. One such agent, the one charged with executing its mission, was Daella Apparine, Knight of the Republic. She along with @[member="Diana Moridena"] and her Padawan @[member="Sopher Jakobs"] arrived on Nar Shaddaa for the purpose of negotiating with Black Sun's leadership. @[member="Domino"], the Underlord, had been informed of the Republic's intentions to meet and that such a meeting would be in peace.
Once the shuttle landed in a public spaceport according to procedure on Nar Shaddaa, Daella exited with her entourage. She awaited for Black Sun officials to greet her, as had been scheduled, yet she still had her lightsaber clipped to her belt in the event that the Black Sun wished to harass the dignitaries.
Once the shuttle landed in a public spaceport according to procedure on Nar Shaddaa, Daella exited with her entourage. She awaited for Black Sun officials to greet her, as had been scheduled, yet she still had her lightsaber clipped to her belt in the event that the Black Sun wished to harass the dignitaries.