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Mistress Pom Stych Tivé

Mistress Pom Stych Tivé
"The Vengeful"




Faction: the Kainate
Title: Queen Matriarch
Race: Nightsister
Sex: Female
Age: Ancient Reincarnation
Height: 5'
Weight: 115
Build: Sculpted Slender
Hair: Black
Notable Markings: Piercings
Eyes: Pale Blue
Skin Tone: Alabaster

Mission: Teach
Given Name: Cylaeria Samshij Kamari Zambrano
Birth Planet: Dathomir
Residence: Malsheem, the Heart of Darkness
Coven: Wanica 13. Possessed by 12 Nightsister Matriarch Spirits
Family: Zambrano. Wife #13
Student Body: Nightsisters επιμονή Epimoní Coven
Allegiances/Associations: The Sith

: Darkside of the Force. WitchCraft. Sorcery. Necromancy.
Matriarch of the Wanica Coven

"Only stupid people resist the superiority of The Darkside.

I tell you, freedom promotes lawlessness and therefore anarchy.

The ideal of what people identify with to deem as Peace,

can only be found when impounded under the iron fist."



Image thanks to Darth Metus


Respectful of anyone with potential towards Darkside Power.
Typically impulsive to psychologically taunt the enemy to strike first.
Intends to incite fear.
Believes every person serves a purpose, no matter who they are, even if it's simply to be subjugated.
Annoyed with immature, ill mannered and unrefined adults, of any alignment.
Cold-hearted except towards those of her inner circle.
Focused, guided by the Darkside of the Force.
Protective of her greatest Magick.
Secretive of personal and creative dealings.
Feminist/Misandrist. Trust me, if you are a man, you just suck. It's not in you to not suck.
Meticulous perfectionist for the sake of success, a must for any Artist.
Unaccepting of defeat, will attempt anything again until successful.
Unforgiving of mishaps committed by self or others.
Level headed when dealing with the Militant.
Loves to cause mayhem at the drop of a hat.
Most would say she has corrupted views regarding life.

"With exception to the Nightbrothers,
men I have met are quick to prove themselves
arrogant, unruly, untamed, and possess
a mindset lesser than infantile.

Dare to prove me wrong; I beg you!


Teleports through timeless Netherrealm.
Potions Mistress.
Astral Projection.
Shadow Magick.
Creates Relics.
Creates Talismans.
Amulets under her skin.
Subjugator of the Fanged God.

Bogan Force Specializations:
Spontaneous Combustion - Electron Tornado.
Transcendental Interstellar reach with Force Sight.
Traversing Netherrealm to traverse across the galaxy.
Force Push straight into one's Heart.

Unique Magickal Codex Possessions:
Little Matters Purse

Pom is biased in favor of Dathomiri Nightsisters and Nightbrothers and very powerful Sith. In her past, her limited attempts to befriend others outside of her particular heritage had caused her to feel shunned by the typical society and its military minded individuals alike, as she walks among a sea of faces and is never approached by anyone, even those whose names she knows. Today, she could care less about such situations, because she has carved her way into her current position, and she has a station that most strive to attain.

The Sorceress is guided during times of duress by her Legion of demons and spirits.

The Wanica coven is comprised of her personal deceased ancestors, dating back to Zalem Queen of the Nightsisters. Pom permits these twelve women a second chance at life through unified possession of her body. She makes number thirteen amongst the coven. They in turn grant her their knowledge of arcane Magick.

Excessive travel through the Nether Realm has taken a toll on her physical body. Her true form is one of decay, with great Magick generated by the Wanica assisting her outward appearance of stunning beauty.

She loves her biological children more than anyone, each and every one regardless of their personal choices. She has numerous today, the most notorious of this date are Detritus Ren Detritus Ren and Zeptepi Zambrano Zeptepi Zambrano .

She is typically not an intentional threat to lightside aligned younglings, but she has been known to kidnap those strongly attuned to the Force and attempt to convince them that they have been brainwashed. She will teach them basic Magick as if they were one of her many students.

This Mistress will teach no adult any manner of her craft who is not of Dathomiri descent. To this day, none outside of her immediate family have ever convinced her that they are worthy of her time, nor sincerely devoted to the craft. None.

Everyone is born to either the Lightside of the Force, comfortable among ordered waves, or the Darkside, chaotic pulsating strands. Unique individuals are born of both weaves, and exist comfortably among Shades of Gray. No likeness however, is good nor bad, only that their life-force exists as polar opposites to one another. The popular belief of good and bad is a result of sheer snobbery, and based entirely on misunderstandings and unwillingness to commingle and open dialog.

Strengths & Weaknesses:
Recoils from a Light Nexus. It burns her flesh. Feels at home amidst the Darkness.
Opt to have many acquaintances outside her typical clique.
Not savvy on much modern tech. She prefers to get by without it.
Unfamiliar of common basic galactic racial customs.
Tells no one her true name, for fearing how witchcraft could be channeled against her from afar.


Youthful Past:
Pom led the average life of a Nightsister raised on Dathomir. She was wild and free, and it was in her innate nature to study Magick and Sorcery to the fullest capability. Over time, the nature of her true beginning came to light. This caused a great disturbance in her spirit.

Changes in Dogma took place within her when she realized her Dathomiri god cannot effect her, nor be reached off her homeworld in order to help her. It opened her mind to accept the ideal of the Force, and that her concept of what she once believed to be a god was too small to fill her expectations of a deity. At the most, all so far, have only been demigods. Losing her faith is about the saddest existence unto which a Nightsister can ever succumb.

Traveling the Nether Realm, Pom came to kneel before her beloved Fanged God as he dwelled upon his throne over Dathomir, who during his time in the physical realm, was the supreme Master of the Darkside of the Force. He received Pom with open arms. Ever since that moment she began studying the Force, because he had been the one who created it.

In return for her worship, Pom was gifted with understanding about how the Fanged God of Dathomir utilized the Darkside of the Force during his lifetime. After his discorporation, he became one with the Darkside of the Force. It is the medium through which Pom can channel straight to his living power today. She began to collect his Spirit of Ichor, long coveted solely upon the face of Dathomir, into wearable Magickal Talismans.

Her faith revived, a long needed life altering replenishment, as her god bestowed upon her a gift that forged all her pain into an Onyx Amulet, never to leave her heart. Her past cast to the wayside, her desire to learn Force abilities came to the forefront of her consciousness, and she focussed on how to control her powers without cruces. As she learned to channel the power of the Fanged God through the Darkside of the Force, she in turn brought him out of bondage over Dathomir, and his magick into the far reaches of the galaxy, a feat never before accomplished, for perhaps it had never been tried, but one long overdue.

As a Darksider, she had goals to assist the Darkside to reign supreme, that the Fanged God of Dathomir should rule the galaxy through her ability to channel him from afar.


Today's Evolution:
This Nightsister has found worthiness off-world, amidst the Power of the Darkside. Her heart is rather girlishly jaded that she has found omnipotency, mysterious, and greater than her Dathomir gods, in the form of Lord Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . What started out as her simply seeking protection under his wing, progressed quickly into mutual selfish exchange. The Dark Lord took Pom under his wing at her personal request. She dedicated herself to appease his desire, performing Magick upon his request, in exchange for his knowledge and the grace to bear his strong children, powerful in the Darkside of the Force.


Image thanks to Adron Malvern
Model credit: Obsidian Kerttu
Coding Layout Thanks to Darth Metus Darth Metus

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Twin Soul

S p a s a
"S a l v a t i o n"


Given Name: Cylaeria Samshij Kamari
Prior Alias: Mistress Pom Stych Tivé
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 30's in appearance
Height: 5'
Weight: 115
Build: Sculpted Slender
Hair: Black
Notable Marks: Piercings
Eyes: Pale Blue
Skin Color: Alabaster

Home Planet: Coruscant
Allegiances: The Grayson Imperium Alliance, The Jedi Order
Force Alignment: Ashla
Rank: Paragon of the Ashlan Order
Practice: Jedi, Magick

"I never knew how much I was lacking
until I found something worth having
resting just outside my grasp,

of which there were others willing to teach."


Spasa began her studies in her infancy, learning Nightsister Magick and Sorcery. She perfected Relics, Amulets, and Totems. She has studied Force utilizations for the past few years. With The Ashla as her guide, the very personification of the Winged Goddess of her people, she cannot choose wrongly.

Master brewer of Potions, Elixirs and Tinctures.

Spasa will initially address a conflict with a passive aggressive approach. She has practiced extensively to develop her skills as the Master Enchantress or Illusionist, utilizing her strength in advanced abilities pertaining to Projective Telepathy, Mind Tricks and Illusions, Cloaking Abilities and Concealment, to name the typical assortment of skills she will employ in unison to initially create mass confusion among the enemy or those she intends to manipulate for the benefit of the greater good.

Utilized by an Illusion method or physical manifestation through refined Cloaking technique, Spasa has caused her victims to succumb to Seizure, by forcing them to endure a visual of rapid bright flashing lights within the mind.

As a Master of sensory perception alteration, Malachia, she has learned to utilized Force Cloaking to repeatedly shift and warp one's physical perception of their surroundings off kilter, which has caused them to lose their sense of equilibrium and fall over where they stand.

She had adapted her skills to be adept to defend herself and others through Force Statis, Tutaminis, Kinetite, Absorb, Barrier and attack with Niman Jar’Kai and Electric Judgement, to name a few fine assortment of skills complimenting Advanced Telekinesis on the Battlefront.

One of the more strange occurrences Spasa had experience in her past, was an episode involving Force Drain in order to increase her strength in the Force to enhance her output of a necessary Force Power.

Spasa's signature mercy killing move, is a Force Push aimed directly into one's heart.

Even wickeder: Apparates & Flies. Steps into the Empyrean to travel where Time is obsolete and appears to Teleport to a distant destination.


  • Serious about Meditation for personal growth.
  • Always seeking to understand self and others on a Psychological level.
  • Trusts in the Force.
  • Highly intuitive.
  • Inquisitive.
  • Faces issues head on.
  • Owns her personal shortcomings.
  • Emotionally easy to read.
  • Jedi above all else.
  • Protective.
  • Lighthearted.
  • Water off the back personality.
  • Truthful.
  • Open hearted.
  • Does not hold a grudge.
  • Can't keep her down.
  • Confident.
  • Knows when to speak up to guide another.
  • Knows when to keep quiet and allow one to draw their own conclusions.
  • Loyal to her word.
  • Aims to help.
  • Accepts every opportunity to discuss Dogma.
  • Challenging. Will push your buttons to help you learn to adapt.
  • Confrontational towards anyone whom she feels to be off track.
  • Gains a sense of satisfaction through teaching.
  • Believes the Force leads people to one another.
  • Believes everyone has something to teach.
  • Believes everyone has something to learn.

The Nightsister Mistress Pom Stych Tivé was torn away from her life by the hands of Fate when the Winged Goddess had plans to confront the ole Witch, for it had been through Pomsty's Magick that the Fanged God was drawn out of his confinement around Dathomir, and into places where the goddess laid claim, when the Nightsister sought to learn to undo White Magick by the process of directly unweaving it through generation of the opposite Darkest extreme. The issue of her trespass would be brought to its conclusion one way or another, with the Witch's death, or conversion. The goddess must have seen something redeemable in the Witch's heart, for she delivered Pomsty straight into the hands of the goddess's servant who decided the Witch must be granted a chance to evolve away from her lifelong teachings. Wether he was being generous matters not, for it is his way, regardless. This servant became her host, inviting her to remain on his planet and dwell among his people.

Redemption began for her perhaps long before, when she read about the Force and started to actively study its utilization. She had to exist within the mindset and spirituality in order to utilize it. However, her redemption took a profound step forward while on a Mission with her host, Pomsty handed an entrapped Angel over to a young Jedi to destroy an ancient necromancy spell inside a cave, while the Nightsister went to rescue someone she knows aboveground. The young Jedi botched the Incantation to return the Angel to its prison. The Angel attacked the Sorceress and tore her Legion of Demons from her essence.

Later during that same mission, inside a Jedi Temple, she was driven by the Fanged God to attack her host, who had the Winged Goddess he called Ashla in his corner, and this was her territory. Their being within the Temple amidst the Light, the Fanged God was pushed back abandoning Pomsty to the fate bestowed by the Winged Goddess, leading the Nightsister on the path of surrendering to the Light at the hands of her host.

The Nightsister dove right in to test the waters of this goddess' powers amidst this holy place, glad to discover that the prejudices which were often displayed against her galaxy-wide, were not worn on the shoulders of those who dwelled among the Galactic Core. Neither did these Jedi ignore her presence as had many from her past. She quickly learned through the direct demand of this goddess, that she was seeking something she may very well find here among these people aligned within the Light of the Force.

She made plans to return to Dathomir to meet the White Witches and learn everything she can about the Winged Goddess retaining her Dathomiri heritage amidst the Light. She suffered a setback along the way while she stopped to answer a distress call. She was involved with helping an orphanage, when a slaver ship swooped down and took her and others captive. During the course of a few weeks the Battle of Kuat began, the slaver ship approached, her presence was detected by a close friend and her release orchestrated by him. Those she met of the orphanage and all other slaves were murdered, at the ignorance and direct disregard of a member of a different alliance. The slaver ship was completely destroyed.

Love had never been a word the Nightsister would consider for anyone outside of her direct coven family. It is only just coming into the Grayson Imperium that she learned such relational ties could be formed with outsiders. She often confused admiration for another's aptitude for love. One specific relationship which developed in private was a pivotal learning experience indeed, quickly dragging her towards her redemption. This man was not the usual monster type which she had come to believe all men to be.

Sometimes being a Sorceress can be self destructive; she soon discovered her love interest seeking his future in someone else. Their's being a relationship budding prior to the Nightsister's arrival and which Pomsty's own presence disrupted. Pomsty withdrew showcasing her affection. That her withdrawal affected her emotionally at all, is truly an oddity of her nature, considering her matriarchal upbringing. She worked to overcome how she felt about him, but his interest is also someone she holds dear to herself, as a sister, and her sister is one certainly deserving of any sacrifice she can make. So Pom Stych Tivé found herself seeking many experiences new to her being.

She would never admit these surfacing cravings to anyone, especially any man, aware just how much trouble they stir up, only to vanish to newer lusts. The hunger men incite, she can do herself good to survive completely without! Erected walls make life easier for survival. The intimacy shared was so very difficult for her to put behind her, as it made such a deep and necessary impression upon her to change away from who she had been. The cuts he created were very new to her. On the other hand, they also condemned her for her own past behavior regarding often casual interludes.

What transpired on slaver ship during the Kuat Rebellion, was a major setback for her moving forward. The same could be said for the resurfacing of Draconis Caesar, someone she directly lured towards Darkness through her amulets, whether he knew of her past actions against his spiritual growth or not. How could she ever make reparation to him for her hand in his fate? He wasn't a Nightbrother; her ways had been alien to him, as he was a Jedi Padawan when they had met. She cannot yet commit to informing her of her evil deed.

The death of Elimond, the little orphan boy from the slaver ship, affected her. He possessed her spirit for a few months, until she drove him out. She felt added guilt regarding that the worst part of her being forced the boy's spirit to pass on by telling him something hurtful, which had also been partly truthful. She told his spirit that it was only after he had died that she became aware that she loved him, while in truth she loved him from the moment she had laid eyes upon his smiling face which burst with admiration for her. It was her stubbornness for some sense of familiarity and routine to remain in her life after so many drastic changes, that made her willingly have no time for children of her own. In that sense, she did not permit herself to love the child as much as he wanted and needed to be loved.

It was upon dispelling his ghost where the Angel let loose back on Tython had found her in the cemetery and brought its League along to pass judgement upon her ill-completed redemption. The Angels literally tore her Soul in two. Spasa, so named by the Angels who established one part of her Soul among the Light, stood looking into the face of Pom Stych Tivé, her Darksided Doppelgänger, equally elated to finally find herself suddenly free to further evolve without internal emotional struggle.

Model credit: Obsidian Kerttu
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Lessons Among Witches Pom meets Jedi for the first time.

Rekindling Bonds discovering her blood roots on her Late Father's side.

So This is Why YOU Need a Sword Pomsty stays at the Kamari fortress and receives training and something much more valuable from Shaidin, her true life history.


Impediment Meeting CIS for the first time on their Capitol planet.

The Other Side of the Fence After mischief, Pom is sentenced to serve in the Knights Obsidian.

Into the Jungle Pom meets some CIS.

Orchestration Pom meets Darth Metus for the first time and learns about culture clash.

Into Darkness - Knights Obsidian Mission the Nightsister in action against a mysterious force.

Delving Into One's Mind: A Forgotten Memory Pom meets Talon Rahl and tries to help him uncover his purpose.

Amour Rapide Pom sells a Love Potion to the proprietor serving the CIS.

Arkam Knights Pom accompanies the CIS on Arkam.

Floating Peace Pom shares a dance with Talon Rahl at a gala event.

The Kindling of Moorwood Pom meets CIS Jedi on the planet emanating the Light of the Force.

Moorwood Mischief Pom has a conversation with Argis Volmir about the Light and Dark and self worth.

Quoth the Raven Pom meets someone of the Mandragora for the first time.

A Red Rose Chain Mission to recover a missing informant.

The Hunt Meeting someone new.

Sleep No More Walks out, bored to tears.

Reimbursement and Remembrance Remembering Argis Volmir.

Pen to Paper Meeting the wild party animal Alkor Centaris.

Proof of Their Fall Pom watches a sparring tournament and meets an old friend in the stands.

Unity Among Shadows Pom and Vytal go to the Mandragora together.

Devotion, Bravery and Sacrifice Pom meets the KO new Lord Commander and has differences with his declaration.

The Catacombs The Mandragora's first mission.

Trinity of Shadows The alter ego of Pom takes the front stage.

Witch way to Heaven Nothing happens.

Little Base of Horrors Herb gathering for the Mandragora Potions stock.

Turning Point Threads:
Liberation Not from Darth Metus, but from limited thinking.

Welcome Darkness Pom is touched by the elusive Fanged God and her life forever altered in a way which benefits her mindset and focus.

Salt & Souls, Dominion of Crait Mission to force malevolent etherial inhabitants from the planet.

Kabal Dominion Another prime example of how Mandragora and the average Knight or Officer just don't intermingle, even when invited.

The Final Contract Bringing a new recruit to the fold.

Eater of Worlds Intent to board the assaulting ship and determine the truth.

Old Times Again Duel with my sister.

Degrees of Darkness Meeting a Sith.

A Touch of Midnight Dominion of Omwat Halloween Event.

Autum Feast The wallflower at post #1, Pom shall exit while the night is still young and salvageable. Pom promises herself to never again partake of CIS cultural displays which do not directly revolve around the Mandragora!

Shadows on Vylmira Helping Voph rescue his homeworld from insurgents.

The City of Flesh and Bone Kinyen Dominion. Meeting the Hive Queen.

Mother Sweet Mother Meeting the Lord Commander for the first time after his spiritual possession by a demon.



A dream: The Dark Mage Meeting Vereshin for the first time.

The Incursion Mission.

Party after meeting the rude host, Pom decides to turn the tables on her gift presentation of a Love Potion.

A dream: Zoist Vereshin makes up for a prior bad date.

A dream: Luna Sith Mission.

A dream: Dark Matter Pom's heart incurs a scar.

A dream: Oil and Water Pom and Vereshin discuss terms.

Vision: Never Simple dropping in on a historical site and meeting its new inhabitant.

See, it's not all in their heads; it's also upon the floor. Mission with the Jen'ari to return a Dreadnought to the salvage grid. Pomst teaches an Acolyte a little Magick.

Future: The Witch and the Nether A cosmic connection is discovered.
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Epitome of Malcontent Meeting Cedric Grayson a Jedi.

Tropic Thunder First Mission joining the Imperium.

Wait...You Do What Now?! Pom asks questions about Ashla.

Spiritual Ambivalence Pomsty inquires about the Jedi Way.

Journey's Rest Kicking back.

Little Sister of Ashla Pomsty asks Loske Matson to meet her at her new home to learn about the Light of the Force. During the meeting her moral compass shifts, and Pomsty believes redemption becomes completed; but she had been so very lost, it only feels so for a time.

The Weight of Heritage Pomsty meets someone else new to the Jedi Way.

The Shadow Over Kuat Dominion where Pomsty leaves the men to be men.

Snowfall At Midnight Pomsty meets her sister again.

Black Boots Upon Anexes Dominion & hunting.

Conflict at Kuat Light side forces rebels against one another and the Darksided take advantage.

Pieces of the Puzzle Pomsty meets a Jedi while stopping along her way to return to Dathomir.

Wicked Stars The Nightsister is a specter appearing in the trials of Faith to a beloved brother.

Dathomir Homecoming Festival The Nightsisters' Coven comes together for the rare feast of Allya, and a night of nothing happens.

Heartstrings and Sorrow Pomsty is pushed a little closer to toppling over the edge, to either finalize her redemption or a more hardened heart. Her Soul becomes torn into two separate entities existing on opposite extremes of the Force. Mistress Pom Stych Tivé withdraws to her Dathomir Coven, and Spasa her pure counterpart is named by the Angels who helped her come into existence, dwells among the Jedi of the GI.

The Grandmaster's Lesson on Coruscant.

Abaddons Gate Part I, Chaos Rising Spasa emerges from her home for the first time a full fledged Jedi to battle the Nether Realm assault on Brentaal.

At the Roof of the World Additional parts to Pom's Soul are trapped as a Horcrux. Spasa becomes preserved by the Ashla.

The Impossible Hour Part II of Great Battle of Coruscant Spasa is released from the Empyrean.

Operation Search and Rescue Saving Jax on Coruscant.

The Living Force Training Resumes.

Shattered Soul Meeting an old friend who offers help.

The Reunion Jax's Apprentices meet.

Father Figure Hearing about the fall of the CIS due to an Netherworld threat, leads to Spasa deciding to meet with Darth Metus once again.

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Mistress Pomstychtivé's Tale Continued:

You're Who? Pom meets the leader of the Knights of Ren.

The Endless Fight With One's Self Pom answers the call of her Amulet and challenges an old friend from her time in the Light.

United We Stand The NIO discuss uniting with the GA to take a stand against the Sith. Pom does not enter the conversation because of the unexpected presence of a personal enemy. She doesn't want to redirect the talks.

Magick is Enough Potion and Apparation lesson for students.

Amulet Creation private lesson.

Eye on the Sparrow private lesson.

Incantations private lesson.

Bringing the Witches Home Pom meets the Sith Emperor who declares her the Gerent of Dathomir in return for the promise of peace between their people while he deals with civil war.

Song and Story of the Witches of Ryloth Pom returns to visit.

A Disquiet Follows My Soul Kyrel returns after the Invasion.

The Family Reunion same old song and dance.

Restoring The Faith, a return to Dathomir meeting the Nightbrother.

The Outing In private Teleportation lesson leading to the birth of the WANICA COVEN (post 15) the Mirror Dathomir and the possession of the Nightsisters' Oracle Sphere.

At the Roof of the World forging a death and life with the Sith Emperor. Meow. Twilight time for Spasa and a big hello to Pom's evolution!

A Crash on Contruum rescuing a Nightbrother.

Disciples of Bogan discussing old journals.

The Only Path to Power recruiting a Sith / Pom tosses around a smart mouthed kid.

Necrotic Salts Brewing a volatile Potion.

What The Heck Is That?! Pom wants to see what Ysalamiri are. Faints when she finds out she can't cast spells. Meets a handsy Alor. Considers wearing a Chastity Belt outside of the Citadel.

Place holder for Darth Miseria's Rescue.

Campaign Operation: Dark Vergence Fire Rising Sith & SJO play nice during beyotch weyotch's night out.

Bad Night of the Weik Meeting new witches.

Operation Beskar Falls Mandalorian Rebellion to retake Mandalore.

Dance With Me SJO and TSE vie for Anzat control. SJC Invasion.

Women's Prerogative finishing a long awaited potion with the help of others.

Mistress' Lair Pom kidnapped a Jedi Padawan and her rescuer seeks to liberate her.

Bewitched Pom brings Carnifex to Dathomir to witness the effects of the Warlock Gate experiments upon her land and he gets treated like a god. The Nightsisters' Coven are welcome to onto Malsheem.

The First Order Coronation Ball An age old challenge of being the proverbial wallflower.

GA Invasion of Korriban What could possibly result of a Nightsister and Necromancer trolling through the Valley of the Dark Lords?

Rage Awakened TSE Invasion of Bastion.

The Other Side of Peace GA invades further into TSE space, targeting Ziost.

Reunion Pom's younger sister is placed under her tutelage.

Valentine's Day humor Pom & Jax Thio burn down the venue.

Mysticism Unraveled quest to have it all.

Empowerment the Wanica fortify a Sith Acolyte.

Feast Most Foul Sith Gathering.

A Night to Remember TSE and CIS

Return to Stygian GA Invasion. Pom Infiltrates the Senate to foil their plot to uncover the facts about superweapons, to ruin their relationship with a new Senator whom she is impersonating under the spell of a potion, and perhaps lead the GA into a future ambush.

Critical Expedition ingredient hunt.

The Wild Bloom Quest to cultivate a sacred flower.

Annihilation of Korriban Arriving with the Kainate, after TSE went into Oblivion. Meeting BotM inside the altar chamber.

The Great Battle of Coruscant Pom is reminded of Spasa's existence, while the enemy takes advantage of her predicament.

The Witching Hour cleaning up Dathomir.

Bazaar of WOndrous Obscurities a Netherworld based Auction where Pom meets some friends and tries to foil their interests by acquiring items for herself which they take interest in.

Botanical Biology Zambrano family thread.

Our Summit Carnifex is dying. Pom meets with the First Wife to discuss her remedy etched in their stars.

Nightsisters Ritual of Communion Saving and fortifying Carnifex.

Crepuscule Spasa is reunited with PomStychTivé's Soul and the Wanica Coven.

Bad me…I have no idea how many threads are missing to post here.


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The Wanica Coven
Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?


  • Unit Name: "Nonexistent" in Paecian "WANICA" (wah-nee-chah). Thank you to Satara Hawk for translation.
  • Affiliation: Coven is loyal to Matriarch Pom Stych Tivé in matters private and public.
  • Classification: One individual complete Nightsister Coven.
  • Description: Sacred 13th Party to come into existence on Dathomir, consisting of 13 Coven Members selected from across the land for their collective connection and individualized differing strengths. Nightsisters are stronger together, as opposed to the typical band of Force Users. Much like being connected through Battle Mind, they feed power amongst themselves, and into those who possess specialized skills in rare magick required to be successful in whatever plight they hope to accomplish. The notoriety of Nightsisters appearing on the battlefield alone is intended to cause any cool minded individual to sweat. Everything about them screams wild woman in the mix, and probably unlike anyone you have ever met before.

  • Ability to function swiftly as a focussed unit.
  • Nightsister Magick.

Historically Nightsisters do not feel the necessity to bend to the development of the Galaxy around them. They feel superior. Therefore the following are things most do not typically care for:
  • Tech, Armor, Weaponry come into existence, and regarding much of it, many Nightsisters do not ever hear nor care to learn about it.
  • Many do not study hand to hand combat, because manicured nails.
  • Force Light…yucky repulsive Force Light.

The Bone Temple composed solely of the skeletal remains of sentient beings on Dathomir, fashioned by the charmed vines to draw the bones to it, not many living would stomach visitation. What do they intend to visit for? Who do they go in remembrance of? Nightsisters' ancestors lie embalmed, wrapped and suspended high above the ground in pods, so they sleep during the ritual of the blood moon.

During the Witching Hour, while the Imperials performed their experimentation upon the mysterious Warlock’s Gate, the amazing magick they studied burst out of their usual boundary and reached through to the Bone Temple. The devout reanimated to take advantage of the phenomenon as it took place. This wonder is not just the Warlock’s Gate that makes the strange phenomenon occur like clockwork, nor their experiments of the Imperial Scientists, but the centuries of her ancestors living on Dathomir casting amazing spell after spell, focussing on sacred ritual after ritual, year after timeless year, for lifetime after lengthy lifetime, over this same hallowed ground...this is what makes this phenomenal Magick profound, stretching from the Warlock’s Gate through to the Bone Temple, Darkside energy linking the physical world to the Nether Realm.

During the Sith Experiments, the Witching Hour commenced, and the strange phenomenon stretching forth from the study of the Warlock’s Gate, awakened the souls of the departed. Twelve corpses to ancestral Nightsister Matriarchs, that fell under the reach of the Experiment rose out their slumber. In their want for life again, they made a deal with their descendant Pom Stych Tivé. Her ancestors offer protection and to share their power and knowledge of arcane arts, in exchange for a second chance at life through possession of the living Nightsister. They, plus herself, equal thirteen who would be formed into a single coven entity. Each exists as one living being, sharing knowledge and power. Each shall work off the other’s gifts. They will do anything to assure their continued existence.

Pom Stych Tivé had not been long inside the Bone Temple, and she seemingly came out without anyone with her. She had been tormented, and confused as to whether or not she had even met with anyone else while she had been inside. She exited a more bolder Nightsister, Matriarch to the Wanica. When she tears through the Netherrealm, appearing upon the battlefield and opens her mouth, twelve streams of thick black smoke pore forth from her mouth and land as twelve worthy Nightsisters to fight for the glory of true, pure, beautiful Darkness!​

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Matriarch Pomstychtivé's Grimoire

The Craft is a compilation over the Centuries, handed down from Coven Matriarchs far and wide, added to lifetime after labor of lifetime. Nothing is ever deleted, only warned against and placed in the rear of the book. We NEVER DELETE knowledge because like history Black Magickal abilities have a habit of resurfacing, and we need to know how to counter Black Magick with Black Magick.

The following Magick is favored by Pom in game for its useful and creative purposes. These are not meant to be any complete compilation of ability.
Some are my sole creative insanity. Many are advanced level skills & taught in stages only to Pom's personal students, members of the Nightsisters Coven Minor Faction which has members from multiple factions across the site.

Spells: PURPOSE:
Incantation of Ancient Words and Focussed Mental Will, Demonic Participation Typical.

Eye On the Sparrow:
Cause any native bird to willingly be your eyes across the land.
Assists one who is in search of someone, or to spy on unwanted visitors.

Molecular Detonation:
Creates small atomic collapse. Useful against droids. Warning, intense concentration required. Prolonged duration has been known to cause cerebral hemorrhage.

Speaks for itself. Draws water in and displaces sand. Only works in terrains where the conditions are ripe for such a natural event.

Finger prick on poisoned stinger. Sends walker in between realms. Time in the physical realm freezes to your perception. You can intentionally move from one place to another. You cannot alter anything left behind in the physical world, except for your physical location. You end the Apparation after you have travelled to your chosen destination. Used to avoid harm.

Portal generated inter-realm travel between planetary systems.

Canon. Reanimate the dead as an Amy.

Spell of Storm:
the 13 Apparate and do not actually fully materialize but stay in suspended motion forming a whirlwind amidst the coven direct location where all matter to enter will be redirected and expelled.

Smoke and Mirrors:
Extreme Disorientation

Generate replication of self to confuse enemy as to which is body should deserve their attention

Sleeping Time Bomb Spell:
A sinister spell cast over an item or potion ingredient, which leaves an undetectable trace of its presence, with explicit intent to alter the natural course of the object's or potion's, magickal purpose.

Potions: PURPOSE:
Magickly Brewed Tinctures, Resulting in Unique Functioning Chemical Compounds.

Salute Pyrotechnics:
Generates multiple random flashes, proceeded by felt thunderous reports. Purpose can startle, cause seizure in susceptible victims. Can cause flash burn. Although the detonation is random, the report has been documented to stop a victim’s heart.

"Pillar of Salt" Necrosis Tissue:
Contact cellular degeneration. Potion must come in contact with exposed skin within 4 minutes to take effect. Purpose, causes flesh to die. Affected skin must be stripped from the victim within 24 hours to avoid likelihood of mortality. Does not sloth. Only affected flesh is targeted. Warning, do not disperse if in close contact with the intended victim. Do not initiate without proper antidote on hand.

Topical Application fortified by consistent Incantation

Energy Fortification:
Vitamin, Electrolyte and Endocrine Tincture Fortification

Force Light Repellant:
A topical application

Spell of Mimicry:
Advanced extreme Transfiguration achieved through Incantation and ingested Potion.

Toss at an object to create an electrical field which will conceal the item from a surveillance droid's optical detection.

Conjuring: PURPOSE:
No Incantation Required. Mental Focus and Will Alone.


Spear of Midnight




Drain Knowledge


Force Barrier

Force Flight:
Short term flight capability as a Telekinetic Application, mastered by Nightsisters.

Mind Twist

Force Cloak & Buried Presence

Totems & Talismans:

Totem of Invisibility:
Forged with a Ring

Talisman of Finding:

Pouch of Negative Weights and Measures:
HP Spinoff

Talisman of Counterspell:
Canon, Pom wears as a Crystal Pendant.

Talisman of Transformation:
Canon Ring. To become a common beastie.
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Dathomir terrain is heavily reinforced with hidden traps, explosives, possessed wildlife, etc. Aside from planet-wide defenses, each coven will instill their own devices, unknown to others. Other clans may be able to expose certain levels of magick, but outsiders or invaders won't be landing and simply waltzing up to the door of any Nightsister's home. The Fanged God is alive throughout all of Dathomir and is not going to allow an orbital attack to be successfully executed.

Every night is sacred enough for covens to gather together to produce mega magick and worship their god, and therefore is indeed performed.

Rancors don't love the Nightsisters, but they are made to obey commands. Rancors will rampage across the terrain, after uninvited guests.

Nightsisters have a longstanding matriarchal society. Mothers allow the men to rear boys into strong men. It is canon fact that Nightbrothers revere the Nightsisters and are willing to serve in exchange for being taught in the art of magickal skills.

The physical planet of Dathomir exists in our realm and also within the Netherworld, where all her ancestors are alive. Those who are able to traverse the Nether, are able to interact with these much experienced Nightmothers.

Pomstychtivé claim to govern: To become allied with Darth Carnifex was the single most significant political move this character ever avowed. She took her place at his side with sincerity and a steadfast willingness to aid him personally with her magickal abilities. She believed him to be more powerful than her Fanged God who Carnifex subjugated to her will. In return for her allegiance, Carnifex granted her dominion of Dathomir and taught this Nightsister to attune deeper into the Darkside, fashioning her more well rounded. Their presence on the planet made Dathomir become ravaged in ways never imagined, as the Warlocks Gate located there, was studied and eventually unlocked. This device and the actions of the Sith scientists, caused the planet of Dathomir to physically exist coinciding within the Netherworld. The Nightsisters long passed live on in this ethereal Dathomir. In agreement that they possess Pom, they became her personal coven. This unleashing of magick led to the protection of witches and Nightsisters who made Dathomir their home. Those who knew how to pass between existences, the physical and Netherworld, were free to continue their stories, while major factions who did not respect the depth of Dathomir’s alignment to the Darkside, laid claim to ravaging it and all who dwelled there...put up their drive through taco stands.

Pom’s Bone Temple, likewise exists coinciding on Dathomir, in the Dathomir mirrored within the Nether, and on Carnifex’s death star Malsheem. This is protected by magick from outsiders passing through.

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