Queen of the Nightsisters
Mistress Pom Stych Tivé
"The Vengeful"


Faction: the Kainate
Title: Queen Matriarch
Race: Nightsister
Sex: Female
Age: Ancient Reincarnation
Height: 5'
Weight: 115
Build: Sculpted Slender
Hair: Black
Notable Markings: Piercings
Eyes: Pale Blue
Skin Tone: Alabaster
Mission: Teach
Given Name: Cylaeria Samshij Kamari Zambrano
Birth Planet: Dathomir
Residence: Malsheem, the Heart of Darkness
Coven: Wanica 13. Possessed by 12 Nightsister Matriarch Spirits
Family: Zambrano. Wife #13
Student Body: Nightsisters επιμονή Epimoní Coven
Allegiances/Associations: The Sith
Practice: Darkside of the Force. WitchCraft. Sorcery. Necromancy.
Matriarch of the Wanica Coven
"Only stupid people resist the superiority of The Darkside.
I tell you, freedom promotes lawlessness and therefore anarchy.
The ideal of what people identify with to deem as Peace,
can only be found when impounded under the iron fist."

Image thanks to Darth Metus
Respectful of anyone with potential towards Darkside Power.
Typically impulsive to psychologically taunt the enemy to strike first.
Intends to incite fear.
Believes every person serves a purpose, no matter who they are, even if it's simply to be subjugated.
Annoyed with immature, ill mannered and unrefined adults, of any alignment.
Cold-hearted except towards those of her inner circle.
Focused, guided by the Darkside of the Force.
Protective of her greatest Magick.
Secretive of personal and creative dealings.
Feminist/Misandrist. Trust me, if you are a man, you just suck. It's not in you to not suck.
Meticulous perfectionist for the sake of success, a must for any Artist.
Unaccepting of defeat, will attempt anything again until successful.
Unforgiving of mishaps committed by self or others.
Level headed when dealing with the Militant.
Loves to cause mayhem at the drop of a hat.
Most would say she has corrupted views regarding life.
"With exception to the Nightbrothers,
men I have met are quick to prove themselves
arrogant, unruly, untamed, and possess
a mindset lesser than infantile.
Dare to prove me wrong; I beg you!

Teleports through timeless Netherrealm.
Potions Mistress.
Astral Projection.
Shadow Magick.
Creates Relics.
Creates Talismans.
Amulets under her skin.
Subjugator of the Fanged God.
Bogan Force Specializations:
Spontaneous Combustion - Electron Tornado.
Transcendental Interstellar reach with Force Sight.
Traversing Netherrealm to traverse across the galaxy.
Force Push straight into one's Heart.
Unique Magickal Codex Possessions:
Little Matters Purse
Pom is biased in favor of Dathomiri Nightsisters and Nightbrothers and very powerful Sith. In her past, her limited attempts to befriend others outside of her particular heritage had caused her to feel shunned by the typical society and its military minded individuals alike, as she walks among a sea of faces and is never approached by anyone, even those whose names she knows. Today, she could care less about such situations, because she has carved her way into her current position, and she has a station that most strive to attain.
The Sorceress is guided during times of duress by her Legion of demons and spirits.
The Wanica coven is comprised of her personal deceased ancestors, dating back to Zalem Queen of the Nightsisters. Pom permits these twelve women a second chance at life through unified possession of her body. She makes number thirteen amongst the coven. They in turn grant her their knowledge of arcane Magick.
Excessive travel through the Nether Realm has taken a toll on her physical body. Her true form is one of decay, with great Magick generated by the Wanica assisting her outward appearance of stunning beauty.
She loves her biological children more than anyone, each and every one regardless of their personal choices. She has numerous today, the most notorious of this date are

She is typically not an intentional threat to lightside aligned younglings, but she has been known to kidnap those strongly attuned to the Force and attempt to convince them that they have been brainwashed. She will teach them basic Magick as if they were one of her many students.
This Mistress will teach no adult any manner of her craft who is not of Dathomiri descent. To this day, none outside of her immediate family have ever convinced her that they are worthy of her time, nor sincerely devoted to the craft. None.
Everyone is born to either the Lightside of the Force, comfortable among ordered waves, or the Darkside, chaotic pulsating strands. Unique individuals are born of both weaves, and exist comfortably among Shades of Gray. No likeness however, is good nor bad, only that their life-force exists as polar opposites to one another. The popular belief of good and bad is a result of sheer snobbery, and based entirely on misunderstandings and unwillingness to commingle and open dialog.
Strengths & Weaknesses:
Recoils from a Light Nexus. It burns her flesh. Feels at home amidst the Darkness.
Opt to have many acquaintances outside her typical clique.
Not savvy on much modern tech. She prefers to get by without it.
Unfamiliar of common basic galactic racial customs.
Tells no one her true name, for fearing how witchcraft could be channeled against her from afar.
Youthful Past:
Pom led the average life of a Nightsister raised on Dathomir. She was wild and free, and it was in her innate nature to study Magick and Sorcery to the fullest capability. Over time, the nature of her true beginning came to light. This caused a great disturbance in her spirit.
Changes in Dogma took place within her when she realized her Dathomiri god cannot effect her, nor be reached off her homeworld in order to help her. It opened her mind to accept the ideal of the Force, and that her concept of what she once believed to be a god was too small to fill her expectations of a deity. At the most, all so far, have only been demigods. Losing her faith is about the saddest existence unto which a Nightsister can ever succumb.
Traveling the Nether Realm, Pom came to kneel before her beloved Fanged God as he dwelled upon his throne over Dathomir, who during his time in the physical realm, was the supreme Master of the Darkside of the Force. He received Pom with open arms. Ever since that moment she began studying the Force, because he had been the one who created it.
In return for her worship, Pom was gifted with understanding about how the Fanged God of Dathomir utilized the Darkside of the Force during his lifetime. After his discorporation, he became one with the Darkside of the Force. It is the medium through which Pom can channel straight to his living power today. She began to collect his Spirit of Ichor, long coveted solely upon the face of Dathomir, into wearable Magickal Talismans.
Her faith revived, a long needed life altering replenishment, as her god bestowed upon her a gift that forged all her pain into an Onyx Amulet, never to leave her heart. Her past cast to the wayside, her desire to learn Force abilities came to the forefront of her consciousness, and she focussed on how to control her powers without cruces. As she learned to channel the power of the Fanged God through the Darkside of the Force, she in turn brought him out of bondage over Dathomir, and his magick into the far reaches of the galaxy, a feat never before accomplished, for perhaps it had never been tried, but one long overdue.
As a Darksider, she had goals to assist the Darkside to reign supreme, that the Fanged God of Dathomir should rule the galaxy through her ability to channel him from afar.
Pom led the average life of a Nightsister raised on Dathomir. She was wild and free, and it was in her innate nature to study Magick and Sorcery to the fullest capability. Over time, the nature of her true beginning came to light. This caused a great disturbance in her spirit.
Changes in Dogma took place within her when she realized her Dathomiri god cannot effect her, nor be reached off her homeworld in order to help her. It opened her mind to accept the ideal of the Force, and that her concept of what she once believed to be a god was too small to fill her expectations of a deity. At the most, all so far, have only been demigods. Losing her faith is about the saddest existence unto which a Nightsister can ever succumb.
Traveling the Nether Realm, Pom came to kneel before her beloved Fanged God as he dwelled upon his throne over Dathomir, who during his time in the physical realm, was the supreme Master of the Darkside of the Force. He received Pom with open arms. Ever since that moment she began studying the Force, because he had been the one who created it.
In return for her worship, Pom was gifted with understanding about how the Fanged God of Dathomir utilized the Darkside of the Force during his lifetime. After his discorporation, he became one with the Darkside of the Force. It is the medium through which Pom can channel straight to his living power today. She began to collect his Spirit of Ichor, long coveted solely upon the face of Dathomir, into wearable Magickal Talismans.
Her faith revived, a long needed life altering replenishment, as her god bestowed upon her a gift that forged all her pain into an Onyx Amulet, never to leave her heart. Her past cast to the wayside, her desire to learn Force abilities came to the forefront of her consciousness, and she focussed on how to control her powers without cruces. As she learned to channel the power of the Fanged God through the Darkside of the Force, she in turn brought him out of bondage over Dathomir, and his magick into the far reaches of the galaxy, a feat never before accomplished, for perhaps it had never been tried, but one long overdue.
As a Darksider, she had goals to assist the Darkside to reign supreme, that the Fanged God of Dathomir should rule the galaxy through her ability to channel him from afar.
Today's Evolution:
This Nightsister has found worthiness off-world, amidst the Power of the Darkside. Her heart is rather girlishly jaded that she has found omnipotency, mysterious, and greater than her Dathomir gods, in the form of Lord
Darth Carnifex
. What started out as her simply seeking protection under his wing, progressed quickly into mutual selfish exchange. The Dark Lord took Pom under his wing at her personal request. She dedicated herself to appease his desire, performing Magick upon his request, in exchange for his knowledge and the grace to bear his strong children, powerful in the Darkside of the Force.
This Nightsister has found worthiness off-world, amidst the Power of the Darkside. Her heart is rather girlishly jaded that she has found omnipotency, mysterious, and greater than her Dathomir gods, in the form of Lord



Model credit: Obsidian Kerttu
Coding Layout Thanks to

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