Doc heard it. Doc smelled it. It was hard to sneak up on someone who had literally gotten into fistfights with Sith and criminals - and won. It was even harder to get into fights with someone from Havoc squad, and at the least, lead the damn team. Doc already had his knife in his hands, all he had to do was turn around as he heard the snarls, the claws on the building, the smell of it's fur, the hot breath that it presented, feel it's eyes upon him. Doc was one sneaky son of a queen, it would take less than a tiger coming at him for him to go down. Doc turned and socked it with his knuckle dusters first, right on the schnozzle. Sure, that wouldn't do much but make it mad, but Doc slammed his knee into the tiger's neck, forcing it upwards, before it gave off a roar, scratching desperately at it's armor. Rage or not, physically, it had not changed much, it just had a bloodlust. Made it stupid. Made it savage. Not like how it usually hunted, they would be better off without the poison they had taken. Havoc was on station now, replacing the Rent-A-Cops with savage and brutal efficiency. They had the best gear, and ushered off the locals and the security forces. The stock exchange fell silent for a moment, in terms of return fire, before it all erupted at once. Havoc squad worked well together, they timed their return fire in bursts, not giving the enemy time to get out of cover for very long.
Doc dug the knife into the top of the beast's mouth, going straight for it's brain. He snarled, twisting and dragging it out. Havoc squad had fought Sith, hounds were no problem by a long shot. Shotguns and assault rifles cut down whatever came Havoc's way, and they began to dwindle in number. Doc turned and looked at the camera, removing his blaster, and firing a single shot at the two cameras near him. Nobody was going to be making a show out of this.