Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Moral Ethics & Diplomacy 101 [New Jedi Order]

If there was one lesson Corin had come to learn in his time with his fellows, it was that their own beliefs differed from his own; whether that said more for them or him, the Padawan refused to decide. His answers were rooted in warfare, in combat, the need to end a confrontation as soon as it started. Some ethical lesson was undoubtedly meaningless in the face of a Sith, their enemies, and the same was to be said for a diplomatic mission. Let the other Jedi handle those duties, Corin often mused, those softer ones unable to stomach the harsher realities. Part of himself considered them beneath him, even at his lowly status of Padawan learner.

His boredom burdened eyes turned over to Iris and with full conviction the words started to flow, "If it works, it works. Violence is an answer, and these days... It's the answer."

He let out a simple nod as his answer to Silas, however.

"Teacher, maybe." Corin chimed in as he continued to look forwards, "But he's a Silver anyways. Traitor suits better."

In all his lazied disinterest, Corin teased a small smirk and let out a huff of air. His own remark amused him rather shamelessly.

Iris Arani Iris Arani Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


Iris was pulled from her thoughts to instead listen and watch Caedyn as he started the lesson. Unlike the two she was sitting with, she really was interested. Silas was sleepy, which wasn't too surprising. He was going hard into what Valery was trying to teach him. It sounded stressful, so she couldn't exactly fault him too much. Though she did reach out to nudge him some as he fell asleep.

Valery was here. Last thing either of them wanted was to embarrass her.

"But he's a Silver anyways. Traitor suits better."

Such thoughts fell to the wayside as Corin spoke up. Anger flashed through her mind. Caedyn was a good man. Talking to him showed that much. Violence is an answer, huh? She shot him a glare. A full on, furious glare.

"You're a nerf herder."

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Caedyn Arenais
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"But he's a Silver anyways. Traitor suits better."

Hearing that, Starlin slowly leaned over until he had a good view of Corin’s smug face.

He really has no idea, does he? Should I tell him?... No, I don’t want to start chit in here. But I can give hints, can’t I?

Iris called Corin a nerf herder. Starlin couldn’t help but chuckle at her bluntness.

If memory serves me, Arenais wasn’t really involved in that whole fiasco. He has connections to the Silvers, yes, but many other New Jedi do as well.

“Ethics is in origin the art of recommending to others the sacrifices required for cooperation with oneself.” ― Bertrand Russell

Sitting there, looking around the room at the Padawans, as well as a few others, Vanagor held in his thoughts and opinions. There was no point in bringing anything up in his normal “Blunt Force” manner of delivery, this was not his gig and he was not yet officially back in the NJO full time. There was also something else on his mind, ever since Empress Teta, he felt this strange disturbance. Where was Jax Thio Jax Thio ? The Jedi Maverick was not around and had not been since. The thing is, he’d had this same feeling before, long ago with Ala Quin.

Something wasn’t adding up.

It almost engulfed his attention enough to let “Padawan Blue-hairs” comment about “Silvers” aside. No doubt, he was of the “young and uninformed”, so be it, there could be a dressing down to be given but that would serve nothing. A younger Vanagor would not hesitate to verbally stomp a mudhole in the Padawan, even physically, but that would do less. After all; for a long time they were “young” and “thrown to the Nexu.” The grudges that were born were their failures, but truthfully were not really their fault.

Though this guy could use an “ego check” to be sure.

@Starlind Rand made a great and timely response to the situation. The best part about this is that it fits into the general theme of the class. Vanagor would be a hypocrite if he believed that sometimes pulling out your fists was the best way to end something, but he also made a point of looking for other choices first just like everyone else in this room.

Well, almost everyone else, clearly.

Standing from his seat, he looked around.

I’ll go ahead. My name is Caltin Vanagor. Jedi Master, and yes I too am a “Silver.” I am on the Council for the Concord but will be splitting my time with the Order as I have been. I was there to defend Tython, I helped defend and retake Teta, I have fought the Bryn’a’dul on multiple engagements, I helped defend this very Temple… for the second time.

The first time was when I called this place "home" as a member of the Order and the first Galactic Empire was formed. I stood against them, I fought in the Clone Wars as a BattleMaster towards the end. I have seen more violence and been involved in more combat than even some of the most bloodthirsty could imagine.

That being said, it was unethical of me, when I came out of an eight hundred-sixty year popsicle to believe that because I was a Jedi Master that I was automatically worthy of others' respect. Just like it would be unethical of a Padawan to believe that their time is wasted when there is something that they can learn.

There, some self-deprecation, and a way of helping Caedyn Arenais without taking away his authority.

Leaning over and nudging Valery Noble Valery Noble yet speaking in a tone some around him could hear, he asked.

I never got around to asking you, what has your experience been like since waking up?

Tags Allies: Caedyn Arenais, Valery Noble Valery Noble , Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , Anyone who wishes to converse!


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
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His mind was certain, crafted with fact and cemented over with even more. Stubborness, and more than one should ever have. Reactions from Iris, Starlin and Caltin formed little more than more dull amusement to crease across his features and fuel whatever burned inside. His own lessons had confirmed the New Jedi Order had ties to the Silvers, that much was true, yet those that still served them earned a special label to Corin. Unkind and unfair, mistaken for righteous and just. Too much distrust circled the air around them, he often felt.

In any case, it was time to shut one's mouth. To hold the tongue and bite the cheek. Supress whatever biased comeback urged Corin onwards. No sense being more of a disruption than he already had, or else there were only more punishments to exist further down the line.

To Iris, Corin nodded. It was as if it had been in affirmation. If nothing else, Corin was self aware as to his problematic nature. He offered even less to Starlin and Caltin, however. Just a dying smugness as his face settled back into neutral boredom.

Iris Arani Iris Arani Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor
A nudge from Iris Arani Iris Arani helped him keep awake. The wake up call made him sigh slightly as he set his tired eyes back on the teacher who was still talking. Silas raised his hands to his eyes and slowly rubbed them, just as Corin Trenor Corin Trenor released a comment that seemed to pull a string to Iris beside him. Without warning, the girl called him a "nerf herder" to show what she felt about the troublemaker across from her. Silas, who was in between the pair groaned and slowly opened his mouth.

"Ohhhhh... can you two calm down? I cannot be bothered with the fething bickering alright?" Silas said in a monotone yet stern voice, finally lowering his hands down to look at Iris first "You should know better not to react like that, Master Valery did teach you restraint didn't she?" he grunted, before looking to Corin with an expressionless face "And you... just shut up" he grunted before slowly shaking his head and shooting a quick glance to Valery Noble Valery Noble in the room to see if she saw what was going on.

When Starlin Rand Starlin Rand jumped in Silas seemingly narrowed his eyes at the knight as a warning to not add fuel to the fire. Thankfully, he seemed to say very little.

"Just save the petty arguments and accusations for after please..."
Caltin got in on the discussion, which prompted Starlin to shoot the giant Jedi Master a thumbs up.

Starlin looked over at Silas, noting the teen’s tired eyes. “Silas, you sleepin’ in class? Drink some caf or don’t bother showing up, man.

He leaned back, stroking his beard. “What’s your code of ethics, then? Silas and… you. Girl. Iris, right? Hi. What would you consider to be an unethical use of the Force? And don't list off the obvious ones, like murder and torture. Is the Jedi mind trick truly ethical? What about severing somebody from the Force?

A question like that would surely get the arguments ball rolling.



Which was more frustrating? Someone being a jerk, or someone knowingly accepting that they were, in fact, a jerk with a smile. Iris couldn't tell ya, but she certainly looked about ready to blow up on Corin, especially with the smugness that formed as not only another Knight but a Master weighed in. Silas shut her up though. Almost on cue with Valery's name drop she flicked her gaze to their master, then just shrunk down in her seat.

No, this wasn't what she was trained to do. Not her fault Corin was willingly being a jerk to people. .. Then again those people could handle it themselves and- Ah, yeah. Pay attention to the lesson.

Her gaze lifted to Starlin, more confused on what he was asking than anything else. Ethical uses of the Force? .. So long as it didn't hurt someone, was there anything really bad? The two examples made even less sense. Jedi mind tricks helped to stop a fight. And severing the Force from someone was better than killing them, wasn't it?

She didn't even answer, and just stared with utter confusion in her gaze.

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

Location: Coruscant Temple

I never got around to asking you, what has your experience been like since waking up?


No, she couldn't say that. Valery resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of her nose as what was supposed to be a simple yet important lesson devolved into... whatever this was. Her eyes shifted from Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor to the Padawans and finally to Caedyn Arenais. He had been so excited to start teaching at the Temple, yet it hardly felt like his time was being appreciated.

It changed her usually overly kind demeanor to something a little more intense.

"Knight Arenais has been with us for only about a week and is already dedicating his time to teaching all of you. A lesson that happens to be one that many of you need more than you realize. So either show some respect and focus on what is being asked of you or take these attitudes somewhere else." She was very much willing and ready to remove anybody who wanted to add something not related to the class at this point, and her eyes likely showed it.

"But to answer Master Vanagor's question, my time post-stasis has been challenging," she said, and it wasn't just because of her having to adjust and let go of the past. "In the past, I've been up against the Sith Empire of the Old Republic days, but the Maw is an entirely different beast, and it's very easy to get lost in the chaos they create. These lessons help us focus on who we are so that in the process of fighting these destructive forces, we don't become one ourselves and lose what we were defending in the first place."

"Even if we have to take the fight to them, we serve as Jedi."


The conversation started off slowly. Zoar attempted to remember Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el 's name by repeating it in his head a few times. //I need this, too,// the Miln echoed, a massive hand cradling the side of his suit's helmet. //Talking to people isn't really my strong suit, either. Ahhh, no pun intended.//

Zoar wouldn't have known how to respond had Jasper started talking about Jedi business, or lightsabers, or mindful meditation. He might have nodded his head and agreed, before looking somewhere else. But the boy mentioned mechanics.

A new animus entered Zoar's mildly-mechanical tone, and his voice grew progressively faster.
//Yeah, this is all me. Built from scratch, got my own workbench in my room. It's really not that special, therotatorcuffsareabitmisalignedandthejointstendtostick...// He took a breath, noticing the class starting.

//Oh, sorry. We can talk after.//

As Caedyn Arenais began the class, Zoar's suit was in rapt attention, analyzing his sentence structure as he would observe a complex machine. Of course, until volunteers were asked to speak, and slightly-hushed open rebellion began at the other side of the room. The armor remained incredibly still.

Perhaps if he didn't speak, didn't move, they would just forget he was there, and he could listen in peace, undisturbed.


Caedyn Arenais


Curriculum: Philosophy, Ethics & Diplomacy.
Class Tutor: Caedyn Arenais.
Location: The Jedi Temple of Coruscant | Meditation Chamber.
Tags: Nameless One Nameless One , Zoar Zoar , Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce , Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Starlin Rand Starlin Rand .

The read of the room was a mixed bag of signals coming from the students, and though there were disruptions and a certain lack of interest on the faces of a few, this was nothing out of the ordinary for Caedyn who had taught a number of classes over the years now. Though he still felt young in himself, to many of the students, he was just some new old guy giving a lecture on behaving themselves...

The first response received from the Master whose name he did not know, was a very interesting and well-spoken one. Caedyn smiled and offered a simple nod to her with an appreciative gaze before looking to the rest of the room, students and mentors alike, for any helpful contributions.

Unfortunately, there was still a lot of chatter between some of the Padawan, and Caedyn took great interest in remaining silent and seeking to hear what they were discussing. One of the boys felt that violence was an answer to, what Caedyn presumed had to do with the ongoing conflict between the Brotherhood of the Maw and the Galactic Alliance, though he couldn't be sure. Then when the remark about the Silvers being traitors was spoken, his brows furrowed, both out of uncertainty and intrigue but also disagree with the statement. Posing himself, he continued to observe the discussion between the small group.

Not long after Master Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor had introduced himself and said another well-spoken contribution to the room, Jedi Knight Starlin Rand Starlin Rand mentioned Caedyn by his surname that he was inclined to speak up. Though what he said might not have been what was expected from the students, "It seems there's something of an interesting discussion going on over there, and I'd like to ask if you would include the rest of us in it", Caedyn smirked. It was almost mischievous, but Caedyn knew there was always the opportunity for learning and expanding one's views when hearing out the perspectives of others.

"Perhaps in sharing the topic with the rest of the class, I might take the opportunity to give a good example of positive moral conduct expected of all Jedi. Take note before we proceed that though we may not all agree with someone's opinions, ideas or actions, we must still respectfully compose ourselves. Therefore, moving forward, no name-calling or laughing at one another. Be mature, patient and understand that we are all different in our backgrounds and levels of experience, something that never stops growing no matter your age or position in the Order," he sought to caution them. The likelihood of an argument starting between the younger ones was likely, but in that event, he would take the opportunity to encourage appropriate temple etiquette.

Turning his gaze towards Valery Noble Valery Noble , he gave her a nod of respect and appreciation but also signalled with a sway of his left hand that he was comfortable to proceed with the discussion. "In my class, everyone deserves the right to speak freely, as long as it is respectful towards others," he said more so to the students in the room.

"So then..." Caedyn's eyes landed upon Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , Iris Arani Iris Arani and Corin Trenor Corin Trenor ; "Care to share your thoughts with us?".
He debated it.

Sat there and wondered. He took a moment and consider if it was worth it, either from the backlash of what was to come from it or if some nonsensical answer was to come out; word vomit and bluster, aimless circles of excuses. Yet, Corin was far more impulsive than controlled in certain circumstances and the boredom of a classroom environment revealed the former. Some effort to find amusement or let time slink on by.

"You mentioned moral conduct and Jedi etiquette. So I'm curious as to how you relate that to a Jedi Order allying itself with a Sith Order?" It seemed a legitimate question, despite the malicious intentions. "I would imagine that to be both immoral and opposed to what a Jedi should be doing? Maybe even the last thing a Jedi should do."

Caedyn Arenais @AndEveryoneElse
Her eyes shifted listenignt o the others in the distance and taking in the room. There was one in an armored suit which while strange was just like the jedi ursa that they developed... or the iron mongers and Eternity. The comment from some about silvers raised an eyebrow of the librarian and she barely shifted her gaze towards the one who said it and the small group that were near him.... then another spoke to the one in charge of teaching them. "It is not unheard of, rare, highly unlikely but it has happened in the past for various reasons. Generally related to threats that pose a greater risk to the galaxy. For the jedi it is a threat to life, for the sith it is a threat to their dominion. You can't be the strongest if there is no one there to acknowledge your strength." She said it and remained standing there with her glasses reflective of the light using the crystals. "The last thing a jedi should do is sacrifise lives because they are too prideful to accept the aid of one opposed to them. You can learn many lessons the most valuable what led them to that path and how to help others avoid it."
Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Zoar Zoar , Caedyn Arenais, Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce , Others…

“Y-your right,” Jasper nodded, his attention turning to the lecture. “We’ll talk more later.”

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor was called to speak on, asking an odd question. Jedi allying with Sith? How could such a thing ever happen unless one were to fall? His tone was jaded, almost accusatory. Perhaps he was just reading too far into it.

“Hey,” Pyf whispered in his ear. “You should answer.”

“What do I say?” Jasper asked with a frown.

“Figure it out,” the droid dismissed. “Speak from the heart or whatever it is you organically do.”

Jasper sighed, but the idea was in his head. Perhaps he should answer…


Allying with Sith?

Iris blinked. Frowned. Her gaze shifted to Caedyn, watching the Jedi Knight for a moment just to see how he'd react to the question. Jedi allying with Sith? It seemed so.. Paradoxical. No matter the Sith she herself met, they always wanted a figh- No. Not all of them. Her lips thinned to a frown.

"There are some Sith that can be worked with against a greater threat. But a whole order? I don't- That seems to go against a lot of what the Jedi teach, isn't it? Sith think peace is a lie. Jedi strive for peace. I-"

Huh. A complete nonanswer. She frowned and stopped talking. Her thoughts were just going around in circles.

Caedyn Arenais | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | @Others
"Hm?" Silas was forced to snap out of his daze again, this time by Knight Starlin Rand Starlin Rand who questioned him on his tiredness. Silas sighed and looked to the Jedi with his eyes half closed "Sir... I doubt even Caf would help me now" he grumbled up to him with a slight frown "And remember what we discussed? that again" he groaned this time as he turned to sink his face into his hands. Soon after he posed another question, making Silas lean back up to respectfully answer the Knight

"Jedi never seek power unless it's for the greater good... the same can be said for mind trick and breaking their connection, we only use those powers when it's absolutely necessary. By all means, would it be far better than killing an individual" Silas stated, his attention soon turning to the speaker at the front who asked them to release their thoughts to the class. He let the two on either side of him answer first, his head nodding slowly to what they had to say. However, the question posed by Corin Trenor Corin Trenor seemed to intrigue him greatly.

"I urge for the question purposed by Corin to be answered" Silas declared, surprisingly sticking behind the good question the boy had offered "It is a good question, considering being allies with them would be against our ideals" knowing Corin he was probably using it as a way to attack the Silver Jedi again, but Silas was using it for other means. If it did really happen, how in the galaxy would be accepted?
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“More often there's a compromise between ethics and expediency.” ― Peter Singer

There was still bickering and it was disappointing to see. Caltin did not want to intervene (in truth he held himself back with the belief that “they didn’t want to see it”) so he left it to Valery and Rand. The Jedi Knight actually did a decent job of keeping things on topic and doing so quietly enough, actually calming “Padawan BlueHair” and the “Bob Ross.”

Who is “Bob Ross”?

Moving on, he actually felt a little bad for Valery, she seemed to be like a Den Mother herding her younglings. She was not wrong in her assertions and comments, but Vanagor knew Caedyn well enough to know that the Mneonsyme citizen was more than capable of maintaining control of this and keeping everyone moving. Sure enough, he proved that with his address. He was right too, if we do not accept and protect “bad” opinions, who will protect the good ones?

It did not take “Blue Hair” long at all to speak up, and to his credit. He made a very astute observation, Throughout the history of the galaxy, Sith and Jedi have been polar opposites and at war with each other. That is not to say that it is not possible to find a few here and there one could get along with, but still, it was a good point.

A Jedi Master I once knew, a Kiffar. He was not as “lax” as he was advertised, but he found ways to get along with others you would think impossible. I once asked him how he did it. How he could work Sith, for example, from time to time without pulling his lightsaber on them. He reminded me, and I quote “First… Jedi do not attack outright. Secondly, I may not be “with” someone… but if it helps me, or helps the Order,,, I may not be ‘against’ them.”

I was just coming out of the ice when it happened, but from my own research and assumptions, it looked to me like that is what was being attempted at the time. Working together to face down Bryn'a'dul. Not right, but…

He was not trying to convince anyone of the move, just relaying what he knew.

Remember, just as each Padawan Learner, Jedi Knight, and Jedi Master here serve an ideal, we are also individuals. We will not always agree, and in fact sometimes come to either verbal, or physical blows.

It may have seemed like he might be referencing the other day with Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , and Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , or even Trenor and Iris Arani Iris Arani but moments ago, but he was generalizing.

As a policy, it is unwise and even naive to align with “Empires” and “Orders” and “Brotherhoods” for the knowledge in and of history where they will stab us in the proverbial back, as well as their history as a whole. However, does it not do us as a whole, a disservice to stand with others against a common foe? Putting aside differences, even temporarily can lead to unseen possibilities of peace, or at least some level of a better understanding.

Is it unethical to stand with your enemy to face down a greater threat knowing you will go back to facing your enemy afterwards? Is it ethical to allow a greater threat to destroy your enemy and then come after you freely? Knowing that “Orders” and “Empires” and such have citizens among them that are innocent and may not wish to be a part of all of this?

Taking a long drink of Elba Water, Caltin pulled out his pad for a moment, stopped himself from gawking at the image on it and put it back in his pocket.

Tags Allies: Caedyn Arenais, Valery Noble Valery Noble , Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , Anyone who wishes to converse!


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island
Silas Westgard Silas Westgard was still having trouble with nightmares. Starlin hummed thoughtfully, then said, “You know, I have a friend who is a dreamwalker. They use the Force to go into your dreams and help you deal with whatever is troubling you. In fact, she’s right here—” He tapped Miri’s shoulder. “I invited her to sit in on this class. She’s a Padawan, too.

“I’m not really a dreamwalker,” Miri protested. “I was just taught a few of their techniques.”

Well, talk to Silas about it, see if you can help him out,” Starlin said. But his attention was soon drawn toward Corin, who was asking Caedyn a rather loaded question.

"You mentioned moral conduct and Jedi etiquette. So I'm curious as to how you relate that to a Jedi Order allying itself with a Sith Order? I would imagine that to be both immoral and opposed to what a Jedi should be doing? Maybe even the last thing a Jedi should do."

Starlin tried not to show any reaction, not even so much as a twitch, but it was difficult. Corin probably still thought girls had cooties when the Elder Compact controversy was playing out, but here he was talking like he had a clue what it was all about.

Granted, Starlin was used to it. He had knelt before a group of Jedi after the fact, pleading for forgiveness from individuals who never really understood his point of view. They had written him off as a naïve Padawan, misled by his master—and Starlin had been happy to accept that conclusion, because it meant he would be allowed back into their ranks. He would be knighted eventually, could take on Padawans, could advance in his career as a Jedi, if he would only humble himself and refute all his old, misguided beliefs. Never mind the faintly bitter taste that lingered in his mouth even to this day.

A Jedi’s life is sacrifice.

The Nameless One Nameless One gave a good answer, as did Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor . Starlin relaxed a little, feeling little need to add anything to the discussion. Never mind that he was the only true “traitor” sitting in this room, and therefore naturally represented the opposing view…

Fine. Feth it.

The whole point of ethics is to acknowledge that the answers aren’t always clear-cut and obvious, so let me provide an example,” Starlin said once he had his nerves under control. “A few years ago, a handful of Jedi allied themselves with the Sith because they believed the Bryn’adul horde posed a much more serious threat to the galaxy than the Sith Empire. The Sith were, and are, conquerors at their core. They crave power and control. The Bryn were butchers, exterminating whole species and destroying planets to make them into breeding grounds for their species. The Silver Jedi were leading the fight against them, but they were losing ground. The NJO would sometimes help, but they had their hands full with the war against the Sith Empire.

Understand that I said a handful of Jedi allied themselves with the Sith—only around five people actually went through with it, mainly because the Sith made it a requirement that they help defend against the NIO invasion at Dantooine, and the Alliance was still allied with the NIO in those days, so it meant Jedi fighting Jedi. It was a complete chitshow and aside from Laertia Io—now the Sith Lord Darth Xiphos—no more Jedi allied with the Sith after Dantooine.

He sighed. “Given everything that I just told you, can you see how those five Jedi might have believed they were doing the right thing? Or if, by some miracle, all of the Jedi had agreed to ally with the Sith and take the fight to the Bryn'adul together—would that not have been better than allowing the Bryn to create another Scar World?


Given everything that I just told you, can you see how those five Jedi might have believed they were doing the right thing? Or if, by some miracle, all of the Jedi had agreed to ally with the Sith and take the fight to the Bryn'adul together—would that not have been better than allowing the Bryn to create another Scar World?

"I don't get it," the youth piped up, raising his hand. "If the Silver Jedi Order had helped earlier with the Sith or the Bryn they wouldn't have had to do that in the first place. I was just a kid when it happened, but I remember my father trying to gather support to fight those lobsters when they first appeared. One of their first attacks was on some Corellian planet and nobody listened then. Not even the Confederation. Besides that, why would Jedi choose to help sith fight Jedi as a part of the deal? That's just bad business!"

Maybe it was the pained and distant look his father got when talking about the Sith, or the stories of the Sithspawn that had torn what was left of Corellia asunder during the Sith-Imperial occupation, but somehow he felt that there was no evil greater than the Sith.

"Why didn't we just work together on one problem at a time? That's what we always did when we had too many chores to do at once. They were both killing so many people..." He trailed off realizing the eyes on him and burrie himself back into his seat.


Caedyn Arenais


Curriculum: Philosophy, Ethics & Diplomacy.
Class Tutor: Caedyn Arenais.
Location: The Jedi Temple of Coruscant | Meditation Chamber.
Tags: Nameless One Nameless One , Zoar Zoar , Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce , Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Starlin Rand Starlin Rand .

"Why didn't we just work together on one problem at a time? That's what we always did when we had too many chores to do at once. They were both killing so many people..."

"Politics" Caedyn replied, simply and straightforward; "In an ideal universe, the Silver Concord - Basically the Senate of Silver Space, and the Alliance Senate would be one single body. Unfortunately, even among allied Nations, there's always a certain rivalry between them when politics are involved. Which Nation will look better in the public spotlight, who are their allies, what are they doing that we agree with and vice versa; What can we do better and so on..." Caedyn loathed politics. You couldn't run a Galaxy without politicians, but it wasn't the job for him, and in his mind that of the Jedi either.

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand and Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor had responded to their questions beautifully, and Caedyn passed them both an approving nod before continuing with his own response; "We see examples of this when there are times of criticism between the Galactic Alliance and the Silver Concord in the political spotlight. Issues such as the Alliance being allied with the New Imperial Order, and the Elder Compact are perfect examples. But these criticisms are also a good thing because it helps to keep one another in check. Frankly, I would love to see the two become one single democratic body, it would make things so much easier for us as Jedi. Not just New Jedi and Silver Jedi, but one whole Jedi Order..." Caedyn paused for a time to let the prospect sink in; "But there are always differences of opinion, ideals and in how we act in certain situations. The Jedi as a whole have been fractured into numerous groups, Orders and Enclaves for some of these very reasons for decades now. My entire lifetime at least" he concluded in his perspective there.

"As for the Elder Compact itself..." Caedyn inhaled apprehensively, taking a moment to poise himself; "There's no denying that the pact with the Sith was dangerous and would not have lasted. In today's time, I don't believe that it would happen again".

"However...-Back then, the Bryn'adul were the dominant force in the Galaxy. The Silver Jedi Concord lost seven systems, consisting of billions of people who suffered when the Bryn'adul attacked and terraformed those worlds in order to make them breathable for their species. The Confederacy of Independent Systems reached out to the Silver Concord, the Senators, not the Silver Jedi, proposing the triumvirate pact; The Concord then sent the Silver Assembly - The Silver Jedi Council to the summit on their behalf. It's important to note that the Silver Jedi were not convinced, and the Alliance itself was never actually formed" Caedyn gave further pause for the students' benefit and ability to follow all that he had said.

"Jedi Master Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield was on the ground during a fight between the Sith Empire and the New Imperial Order. He and a handful of others as Master Rand suggested were sent there to try and evacuate and protect civilian life. I know this because I was serving with the Order of the Silver Jedi at the time, and I too attended the Elder Pact Summit with my own reservations about the Alliance" Caedyn remembered the time all too well, for he stood in the same room as Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis , the very man responsible for killing his father Veiere Arenais during the battle of Bimmisaari.

"The Elder Pact fell apart quickly, likely due to much of the criticism the Silver Concord and the Silver Jedi both received from the Galactic Alliance, and understandably so. Yet the Silver Concord were not allied with the New Imperial Order, or nearly as close as that of the Alliance was perceived to be and so we might take from that how difficult politics and treaties can make things for the Jedi. Friendly nations allied with rivals of their counterpart, and vice versa" The Jedi Knight expressed, the usual smile that he held in the company of his peers no longer present. Instead, he appeared calm, yet serious as he spoke of such things. Caedyn expected that much of what he said would be taken with a grain of salt from the students present.

"In the end, Master Heavenshield and the few other Jedi that participated on the war front presented themselves before the leaders of the New Jedi Order. They did this seeking to explain themselves, but also making themselves accountable. They didn't have to do so, as the Alliance held no jurisdiction over the Silver Jedi Order, but as Jedi, they did so with every intention of transparency between the two".

"Do I think the Elder Compact was the right move to make?" Caedyn voiced what he expected would be a question soon posed to himself, "No, it was a mistake, however times were desperate and the Silver Jedi Concord were seeing their worlds decimated one after another. It was an act of desperation and survival, and the Concord itself received backlash from the Silver Assembly and members of the Silver Jedi Order which resulted in many of them turning away and moving to different Enclaves, even coming to the New Jedi Order itself at the time".

"It was a very hard time and a decision that ultimately divided those under the Silver Jedi Concord and Order. It forced the Galactic Alliance to distance itself from the Silver Jedi Concord due to the nature of those political alliances, namely the Sith Empire and Silver Jedi. The Alliance, while never officially formed, did a great deal of damage before a decision from the Concord had been made and so it fell apart. For better or worse, depends on where you stood at the time".

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