Curriculum: Philosophy, Ethics & Diplomacy.
Class Tutor: Caedyn Arenais.
Location: The Jedi Temple of Coruscant | Meditation Chamber.
Nameless One
Jasper Kai'el
Gabriel Pryce
Corin Trenor
Iris Arani
Silas Westgard
Valery Noble
Caltin Vanagor
Starlin Rand
The read of the room was a mixed bag of signals coming from the students, and though there were disruptions and a certain lack of interest on the faces of a few, this was nothing out of the ordinary for Caedyn who had taught a number of classes over the years now. Though he still felt young in himself, to many of the students, he was just some new old guy giving a lecture on behaving themselves...
The first response received from the Master whose name he did not know, was a very interesting and well-spoken one. Caedyn smiled and offered a simple nod to her with an appreciative gaze before looking to the rest of the room, students and mentors alike, for any helpful contributions.
Unfortunately, there was still a lot of chatter between some of the Padawan, and Caedyn took great interest in remaining silent and seeking to hear what they were discussing. One of the boys felt that violence was an answer to, what Caedyn presumed had to do with the ongoing conflict between the Brotherhood of the Maw and the Galactic Alliance, though he couldn't be sure. Then when the remark about the Silvers being traitors was spoken, his brows furrowed, both out of uncertainty and intrigue but also disagree with the statement. Posing himself, he continued to observe the discussion between the small group.
Not long after Master
Caltin Vanagor
had introduced himself and said another well-spoken contribution to the room, Jedi Knight
Starlin Rand
mentioned Caedyn by his surname that he was inclined to speak up. Though what he said might not have been what was expected from the students, "
It seems there's something of an interesting discussion going on over there, and I'd like to ask if you would include the rest of us in it", Caedyn smirked. It was almost mischievous, but Caedyn knew there was always the opportunity for learning and expanding one's views when hearing out the perspectives of others.
Perhaps in sharing the topic with the rest of the class, I might take the opportunity to give a good example of positive moral conduct expected of all Jedi. Take note before we proceed that though we may not all agree with someone's opinions, ideas or actions, we must still respectfully compose ourselves. Therefore, moving forward, no name-calling or laughing at one another. Be mature, patient and understand that we are all different in our backgrounds and levels of experience, something that never stops growing no matter your age or position in the Order," he sought to caution them. The likelihood of an argument starting between the younger ones was likely, but in that event, he would take the opportunity to encourage appropriate temple etiquette.
Turning his gaze towards
Valery Noble
, he gave her a nod of respect and appreciation but also signalled with a sway of his left hand that he was comfortable to proceed with the discussion. "
In my class, everyone deserves the right to speak freely, as long as it is respectful towards others," he said more so to the students in the room.
So then..." Caedyn's eyes landed upon
Silas Westgard
Iris Arani
Corin Trenor
; "
Care to share your thoughts with us?".