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Faction Moral Ethics & Diplomacy 101 [New Jedi Order]


Nameless One Nameless One | Zoar Zoar | Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor

Gabe deflated even more in his seat.

"But we're supposed to be above petty politics," he muttered into his robe, the rest of the explanation filling his mind with questions. He didn't know much about the Silver Jedi Concord, just a handful of the worlds they controlled and the Silver Jedi Order as an idea. He did know that just as many New Jedi Order Knights helped the Silvers against the Bryn as Silver Jedi attacked them later on. Even Alliance military assets had been mobilized. He looked around. Maybe what Master Arenais said was slowly coming true though despite the unequal treatment. More and more it seemed the New Jedi Order and Silver Jedi Order exchanged ideas and aided one another against a common threat.

Maybe time healed all wounds. Maybe the Force was building a new Kyber Arch between them.

There was no need for consideration, Corin had made his stubborn mind up on the matter well before now. Biases and all.

"No," the Padawan answered bluntly. "I could, maybe, see it if the Silvers and the Sith ever battled the Bryn as one. Instead, their sole move was on the Imperials and us. The Silver Jedi order ran to the aid of the Sith, and whatever became of Laertia Io is a testament to why Jedi and Sith should never serve as allies; you become twisted by their sick ideals."

His answer to Starlin was laden with conviction. Beliefs Corin carried ever since the news of such had come to him, well after it came to be. He was a Padawan, a learner, with more time on his hands than he cared to admit. To sit and think, sometimes it was all Corin had.

Yet his attention turned to Caedyn, next.

"Fact remains. Jedi should never aid Sith, and to be complicit in a Sith invasion is a betrayal of every value we hold." Still, there was some shared sentiment between them even if Corin's resolution was a bit more radical than most; "It should be one order, the Silver Jedi should not exist. How can we expect to trust them when there's a history of running into the arms of our enemies when under threat themselves? As one state, we lose that risk and are stronger for it."

His head tilted in a half-hearted nod, "The Silver Jedi should fold into the Galactic Alliance."

Caedyn Arenais Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Iris Arani Iris Arani Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce
Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Zoar Zoar , Caedyn Arenais, Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce , Others…

"It should be one order, the Silver Jedi should not exist. How can we expect to trust them when there's a history of running into the arms of our enemies when under threat themselves? As one state, we lose that risk and are stronger for it."

“Never mind,” Jasper muttered, slightly wincing. “I’m not touching that with a ten foot gaffi stick.”

Did Corin Trenor Corin Trenor even understand how he sounded? So much pent up resentment surely wasn’t a good thing. Even hatred of the Sith was hatred, and losing control of your emotions never went anywhere good.

That being said, the Galactic Alliance was no better than the Silvers, at least from what Jasper had seen in his exile. Corpos with no regard for people were willing to deal with Sith to the Hutt Cartel, many people lived in a state bordering poverty, especially on Coruscant, where the rich literally lived on the poor. And, while Jasper would never say it out loud, he was confident that, if the GA feared the Jedi for any reason, they wouldn’t hesitate to turn on them.

It was almost as if Corin was ignoring the fact that anything and everything could change in an instance. He was living in the past. Jasper knew that nothing good came from holding onto the past. He would still be in exile if that was the case.

“Jeez,” Jasper sighed, scratching the back of his head. “It only takes one person to ruin something, doesn’t it?”

Corin had caused trouble similarly at the training event as well. This was boding well for Jasper’s opinions on the Padawan.
Her face remained neutral, eyes watching them and listening... Caedyn Arenais presented something of a singular order and that had been done once upon a time. THen small disagrements fractured into the silent conclave, the je'daii, the silver and other groups which then fractured into their own. Usually over the question of who would be in charge. "A singular order is a lovely ideal but much like the achisms that divided Asha to reform the je'daii or Je'gan the Silent conclave. It stems from just as much internal strife in a single order. Unless you are wanting to enforce singular training and remove other perspectives each jedi is going to have a different idea of what and how something should be done... of what is and isn't acceptable in a situation. We've had countless armies of light reform simply because one master or knight will always believe there is not enough being done to fight and as quickly as it forms it goes away." She said it but remained there mostly indifferent to opinions on the silver jedi, she had been among some fo the ones who left the order after it started to purge wrongthink and Iella with Rasu, Sochi, Aika, Thurion and Matsu were in those early days.

Caedyn Arenais


Curriculum: Philosophy, Ethics & Diplomacy.
Class Tutor: Caedyn Arenais.
Location: The Jedi Temple of Coruscant | Meditation Chamber.
Tags: Nameless One Nameless One , Zoar Zoar , Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce , Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Starlin Rand Starlin Rand .

"But we're supposed to be above petty politics,"

In response to Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce , Caedyn gestured to him as if to indicate to the rest of the class while nodding his agreement; "That's right, but it's difficult to do that when our Order is directly tied to Political Leadership. The New Jedi Order works closely alongside the Galactic Alliance, just as the Order of the Silver Jedi does with the Silver Concord, and this makes it difficult for the leadership of both Orders when discerning a course of action regarding aspects of the Jedi Path such as the difference between being Keepers of the Peace, or being Soldiers in War" Caedyn once again gave pause, pacing himself so that he could gauge his student's attention and ability to follow what he was trying to point out.

"In history, the Jedi have always refuted the notion that they were associated with Military involvement, yet we have seen so many instances of the exact opposite throughout the cycles of Jedi Service....-So how do we separate ourselves from Politics?
" he concluded, posing a question to both Gabriel and his fellow students for them to mull over in thought.

"To add further food for thought, where does the majority of the New Jedi Order's funding come from?" he asked with a smirk, "Who pays for all the technology we use, the clothes we wear and the costs for so many of us venturing out to different worlds. How would our funding be affected if we repeatedly declined to follow or work for the Senate?" He concluded. Caedyn didn't know such details with regards to the Galactic Alliance. Still, he did understand that charitable funding alone wasn't enough to facilitate an Order the size of theirs or the Order of the Silver Jedi.

"In some shape or form, we're always tied to political nations and governments. Whether working directly under them or taking on assignments in their territories of space. We can't close ourselves off, but perhaps it's more about monitoring how close we get and finding a balance between keeping to our ideals and serving the greater good".

"It should be one order, the Silver Jedi should not exist. How can we expect to trust them when there's a history of running into the arms of our enemies when under threat themselves? As one state, we lose that risk and are stronger for it."

The young Corin Trenor Corin Trenor held strong views, many that Caedyn personally disagreed with, yet he welcomed the opportunity for the Padawan to speak and be heard. Caedyn gave a nod in response, soon speaking; "I understand where you're coming from, and it's easy to feel as you do; however, the Alliance was never actually formed, and despite whether we agree or disagree with the intentions behind the Elder Pact, The Silver Jedi Concord withdrew from it despite being long-time allies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Say what we want for the Sith Empire, but the Confederacy and the Silver Jedi have decades of history fighting alongside each other in wars against the same people they were considering holding the pact with; it was only out of desperation that it had been considered, and in the end, the Concord was pressured to withdraw by the Silver Assembly as well as outside criticisms from allied nations".

"As far as the Order of the Silver Jedi existing or otherwise. Had it not existed, millions of people's lives would have been negatively affected. The Silver Jedi have been around for a long time, and they've done a great wealth of good in the Galaxy, just as the New Jedi Order strives to continue doing," Caedyn pointed out. He wasn't comparing the two Orders nor saying that one had done more good than the other, merely stating that the Order of the Silver Jedi was capable and had achieved a lot of good for the Galaxy in years past. To Caedyn's mind, the Galaxy would look a lot different had they not been around.

"And who are we to judge others for their differences, right? We've all made mistakes ourselves in our lifetime. Big or small. We will all make mistakes in the future as well" voiced, not with accusation but in a voice of calm and clarity, simply stating the truth about sentient life in general before adding to the thought," Whatever our intentions going into war, we risk the possibility of killing someone. It may be a choice that's forced on us, and we may have no other alternative, but at the end of the day, taking a life is still a horrible thing to be responsible for...-This brings me back to the 'Greater Good', a topic that I wanted to discuss today in our lesson plan".

"I'm sure many of you have heard something like 'The Jedi sacrifice for the greater good'. But what is the greater good exactly? I'm sure someone here has an example of this..." he looked around the room thoughtfully. Caedyn returned his gaze to the Nameless One Nameless One , who had spoken after Corin, a statement with which Caedyn had wholly agreed. He didn't pick anyone out to go first this time, but wondered if there weren't volunteers. If not, then he would be targeting those with the most evasive eyes, grinning to himself at the prospect of his next victim.
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I didn’t say the Elder Compact was a good deal,” Starlin muttered. “In fact, it was a raw deal. But the situation was dire enough at the time that some people were willing to take whatever they could get.

At sixteen, Starlin had been naïve. He didn’t realize the Sith would try to twist the Compact to benefit them—but now he knew that was the business of most politicians, regardless of their allegiances.

In the end, all that had mattered to him was that his master had signed on with the Compact. Starlin would have followed her anywhere.

"Why didn't we just work together on one problem at a time? That's what we always did when we had too many chores to do at once. They were both killing so many people..."

I think you just answered your own question.” The Jedi of the time were put in the impossible situation of having to choose which planets they would defend from which threat and which they would abandon, which of course was really about picking who lived and who died. (Not that they didn't already do that on a regular basis, but you know. Ethics class...) Starlin didn’t know where to begin explaining such a cruel twist of fate to this wide-eyed little idealist. Thankfully Caedyn went on to lecture about it for several paragraphs.

In came Stormin’ Corin. The first half of what he said was shockingly correct, but the second half was… only mostly true. The Silver Jedi had its issues, one of them being their passivity, but a merge was highly unlikely. It wasn’t just because of bad blood—the Silvers didn’t like how the NJO ran things, and vice versa. And that was okay.

I for one like having a little variety when it comes to Jedi Orders,” Starlin said, leaning back and folding his arms behind his head. “There can be diversity in unity, not just unity in diversity. And you gotta remember, it’s not just NJO versus SJO. There are other Jedi enclaves out there. The galaxy’s a big place.

Caedyn changed the subject to the greater good, and since Starlin wasn’t a Padawan and had been talking far too much as-is, he stayed silent, letting other people speak first.

She looked at the jedi master and spoke to one thing. "The grandmaster of the silver jedi craftss the robes and equipment for her jedi. She built The Ancilla is able to fabricate and forge whatever the jedi require eliminating the need for political stipends and hand outs." She said it and largely didn't look at some of the others or go with it... a few seemed to have insight.. some anger or scorn and... she would give them indifference. SHe was here for well ther lesson and to see what they could do. "However variety of orders has proven effective in terms of learning.. it gives a means for those who might not fit within one to instead of just joining the sith or one of the random darkside groups promising power they can go where they feel accepted." THe talk of the greater good was something that would be difficult.. she doubted there was one but she did have her own world which could function as an example. "I can use my own homeworld as one, to some the greater good was allowing an offworlder to declare themselves queen without the elections we hold every couple years, never relinquish the title and destroy much of the zeltron economy stopping production of high end holographic technologies and entertainment in favor of nothing aside from disruption of the defensive layer of pheromones... to those jedi it is the greater good to protect the primitive hedonistic species... while to zeltrons it is the greater good to be left alone."
“Ethics and equity and the principles of justice do not change with the calendar..” ― D. H. Lawrence

I remember being like this. Idealistic… young… “dumb”...

… and full of…


For all of their idealism, and quite astute thought, the youth of the Padawan Learners was showing above all. This was not to say that they were not proving to be the future of the Jedi Order, be it “New” or “Silver” or “Ashla” or “Green” or whatever it may be, they were. Three, even four of the Padawans here could be future Council Members having shown overpowering idealism, but a wise outlook. It is true, Jedi are supposed to be above petty politics, but is that not diplomacy wise as well, in a manner of speaking? “Politics?”

If they make it through their trials and are deemed to have navigated them successfully; thus being Knighted they would see that there was more than “Black and White” to the galaxy. That is not to say that the kid was not correct, but that he would have to remind himself of one of the Jedi’s primary rules in life, Sacrifice. Jedi must often sacrifice what is best for them in order to ensure what is best for the greater good. It can tend to suck, but…

… no “buts”... it sucks…

That being said, if the Jedi do not do this, who will? No, Jedi are not slaves to others, just thinking about that reminded the big man of the expletive filled tirade that an old “Master of the Order” he used to often be compared to would go on when he thought someone was walking all over him. That being said, would it be unethical to not at least try to show the populace a better way?

Vanagor just inwardly smirked at Trenor’s overall observation about the Concord. The mention of one Jedi Order was an interesting one, the way it used to be. Those were good memories, and good times. Were they right for today though? That would remain to be seen, but it was good to reminisce. Especially since the kid just ruined his entire message with “... how can we trust them…” and “Silver Jedi shouldn’t exist…” There was a pain to his voice when he said this. It was obvious, Vanagor took no offense to the observation, but the bias was definitely showing. The massive Jedi Master did not pity him for this thoughts, Trenor probably would resent that, he did though come to a better understanding.

He nodded in respective approval of everything that Caedyn had said, the senior Knight (“Senior” in experience, at least in Caltin’s eyes) proved yet again that this was his wheelhouse.If there was one challenge he faced was justifying the past. It was understandable to do so, especially if someone is coming from either a biased, or uninformed point of view, but the past is behind them and living in it will only hold them back. It was funny that it took the big man so long to realize it, but he did.

Not that long ago, after we drove the Maw off of Tython… at great price… I had transported Masters Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield , Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , and Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel along with several Jedi Knights, and Padawan Learners to the planet Midvinter. This was Thurion’s home, where he was retiring from Jedi Life to and eventually claiming his family’s throne as king. Anyway, we were there for a few days, convalescing and resting up when we had this very conversation. One Order. Love it, would love to see it come to fruition, and many others I’m sure. Master Noble and I were both part of singular Orders.

In reference to Arenais’ question though, would your thought on how to approach this serve “the greater good?” Or would it satisfy a grudge? Make no mistake, I am not judging you, or anyone who holds your belief, simply asking. To fold the Order of the Silver Jedi into the New Jedi Order in one swoop, would that not cause more problems than it would fix? Or would more attempts at joint partnerships be better? The ones referenced are no longer a part of the Order. Would it not be beneficial for all to come together slowly? To eliminate any potential bias or further resentment? I speak not for myself, I speak for those whose lives were positively affected, those who still need us, all of us. Or is it better to denounce any possibility of trust? There is a reason that we remain calm in all situations.

That being said, there is nothing wrong, in my eyes, to experience emotions. Ask yourself though, will you let any hurt feelings you have teach you how to be better? Or will you let them fester and hold you back? Which will help you grow the most? There was a common phrase “Let go of your hate.” That does not work here. If you want to hate what happened in the past, that is fine, your choice.

He shrugged.

The problem is letting it define you. Even the Sith once only cared about “honor” and “integrity.”

That was a can of worms that did not need to be opened right now, unless pressed.

Tags Allies: Caedyn Arenais, Valery Noble Valery Noble , Anyone who wishes to converse!


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island

//It's okay to ask questions. We're expected to challenge the views of our masters,// Zoar whispered timidly, leaning over to Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el . //That's how we learn.//

Zoar was slow to completely disregard Corin Trenor Corin Trenor as so many other padawans in the room seemingly had. He appreciated the hard questions, it had prompted Caedyn Arenais and Nameless One Nameless One , among others in the room, to explain the incredibly complex topic of Jedi politics, something that Zoar knew would affect him, as a Jedi.

He continued his whispered tone.
//But putting aside one's pride to save lives doesn't sound traitorous to me.// Even if it ended up being the wrong call, as the Jedi teachers seemed to admit.

Not that he'd ever say any of that to the whole group. He returned to acting like a statue, only breaking the routine to nod with interest at Starlin Rand Starlin Rand 's conjecture. How did Jedi choose what planets to save? Was there ever a right answer?

In his mind, the answer was clear; it stared him in the face, or so Corin believed. Often had Corin believed the answer was there, his own, rather than the manifestation of his ideals and experiences condensed into a resolution - an over simplified one, too. But his cynicism drifted across to a more malicious mindset, maybe a reflection of his own, one that wondered if the Silver Jedi held onto their own pride too much to ever combine and forfeit their dominion in favour of unification.

"You're here now, and the Silvers often are with the New Jedi. Most listen, and the masters allow you to teach." The Padawan remarked curiously, "If there was one diverse order, what reason is there to not combine? Could that not encourage those other enclaves to see reason and fuse together? Combine their wisdom, their lessons, all of it."

Too afraid to try.

Caedyn Arenais Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Nameless One Nameless One @EveryoneElse
"Sir... I do not need a dreamwalker. I already know why I'm having these nightmares. Just let me deal with it alright?!" he said sternly to Starlin Rand Starlin Rand in a lowered tone so he didn't interrupt the debate. His head looked to the padawan who spoke up next, a frown soon appearing across his lips "I'm sorry, but I do not need your help" he muttered before looking at Valery Noble Valery Noble to see if she was still distracted by all the talking. By the looks of things she was for now, this was, by all means, the worst place to talk about secrets.

The conversation only ended when Corin Trenor Corin Trenor spoke up more on the Silver Jedi, one of the few times he was thankful for Corin speaking out of tune. Slowly, Silas put an elbow into his thigh and placed his head onto an open hand. It was something more comfortable than trying to keep it up as he thought against the tiredness in his body. The debate wasn't entirely the thing that was putting him to sleep, it was the fact he had barely any sleep the past few days.

Placing his chin down on the palm of his hand, he looked ahead at nothing in particular and felt his eyes get heavier by the second. Inch by inch his eyes started to shut, the debate in the background becoming more deafened as he fell into the sleep he craved. Finally, the eyes that sought reprieve fell shut, leaving him to fall into the dark abyss of dreams and twilight thoughts.

Silas didn't care for the class now, he was doing nicely in the safety of his slumber.


Iris was, uncharacteristically, listening. For once she wasn't off in her own world of colors, observing the people around. She wanted to hear the questions. Hear the answers. The only thing that pulled her attention was the dip of her fellow Padawan's head beside her. She frowned, briefly, but didn't take her eyes off the speakers. Instead, she intruded right into Silas's dreams.

<Wake up, Silas.>

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | @Others
Wearing: Civilian clothing

Armed with: Sword of The Resistors (Long bladed Green Lightsaber)

"One Order..."

They had all seen him when he entered the ethics class, but had deliberately kept a low profile, even wearing a minor disguise (A cap) He had remained silent up to that point, gathering his thoughts.

He sat in the back, hands clasped together.

"Yes. One Order...big...mighty..." he said calmly, voice polite, carrying.

"Slow... stubborn... homogeneous..."

He rose.

"Ossifying from the sheer depth of how out of touch they are..." He continued, walking slowly forward, facing Corin Trenor Corin Trenor .

He had the aura of a Jedi Master but it felt... exhausted...

...burnt out...

"I am a student of history. Those who don't learn it are doomed to repeat it. And for my money, everything you seem so certain could only lead to a positive outcome ended up being the very things that did in the Jedi Order of the Old Republic. The Old Jedi Order ended up being everything the new versions ended up running from. They had the tightest grip of any version of The Order that ever existed...they had everything...and it all slipped through their fingers anyway."

He blinked at the Padawan.

"One can only hope your insight could lead you through such a crisis where that same insight failed those who have forgotten more about the Force than you have yet to even think about starting to learn. The Imperials turned on the Alliance and it's Jedi after assisting them in overthrowing the Sith. Imperials who got fat from Alliance and Jedi Blood to start with."

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Caedyn Arenais

Silas Silas Westguard

Iris Arani Iris Arani

Zoar Zoar
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Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed or something?” Starlin asked Silas in a whisper. He wasn’t angry, more amused by the Padawan’s grumpiness. “Oh wait, you didn’t sleep in the first place. That explains it.

Miri rolled her eyes at him, but was sympathetic to Silas. “Well, if you change your mind, here’s my contact information…”

As Silas fell asleep, and Corin continued to insist that the Jedi Order should become homogeneous, Starlin got a weird feeling from the Force. The sense transformed into a familiar presence nearby, and he turned around just in time to hear the voice of his father.

Zabka had been there the whole time, sitting just beyond the edge of Starlin’s perception, present but unnoticed. Surprise gave way to mortification as his father continued to speak, singling out Corin for a verbal lambasting. Sure, Corin was obnoxious and (in Starlin’s opinion) deeply misguided, but he still had the right to speak without having his feet put to the fire.

Rising from his seat, Starlin crossed the room to where Zabka stood. “What are you doing here?” he mouthed in silence. Though he tried to hide it, embarrassment radiated off him. It was the sort of humiliation that comes with a parent stepping in to defend their child from bullies.

Still, it wasn’t as if Zabka had no right to be here. He was a Jedi, albeit one as unorthodox as Starlin himself. But the confrontational tone of his speech was worrisome.

Uh, sorry guys,” Starlin said, clearing his throat awkwardly and turning to face the group. “I forgot to introduce you to… my old friend and colleague, Jon Preston. He’s here visiting from the Jakku Jedi Enclave…

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Zoar Zoar , Caedyn Arenais, Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , The Man in White The Man in White , Others...

//It's okay to ask questions. We're expected to challenge the views of our masters,//

"Yeah, you're right," Jasper nodded, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "I probably shouldn't be so worried."

"You're here now, and the Silvers often are with the New Jedi. Most listen, and the masters allow you to teach." The Padawan remarked curiously, "If there was one diverse order, what reason is there to not combine? Could that not encourage those other enclaves to see reason and fuse together? Combine their wisdom, their lessons, all of it."

Jasper couldn't be quiet. He was participating in this lecture, after all. A stranger who he hadn't noticed seemed to address this point, but not in a way Jasper particularly liked. It was cold, calculated. Perhaps even a little callous. He may as well speak up. No one else was gonna speak for him.

"I-I'm not sure if unity is the answer to all of this," the duelist began, nervously raising his voice. "H-historically, the Jedi have fractured hundreds of times. There wasn't just wisdom when the Jedi were one entity. When the order becomes bloated, all learning and teaching the same principles, i-it becomes an echo chamber. The Jedi nearly went extinct multiple times because of it. I-if the New Jedi Order becomes blind, what keeps us from self destruction? Pulling other orders into our fold could kill important viewpoints that might be needed later down the line. How can we be expected to keep balance when our own is put off by bias?"

Caedyn Arenais


Curriculum: Philosophy, Ethics & Diplomacy.
Class Tutor: Caedyn Arenais.
Location: The Jedi Temple of Coruscant | Meditation Chamber.
Tags: Nameless One Nameless One , Zoar Zoar , Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce , Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Starlin Rand Starlin Rand .

I for one like having a little variety when it comes to Jedi Orders,” Starlin said, leaning back and folding his arms behind his head. “There can be diversity in unity, not just unity in diversity. And you gotta remember, it’s not just NJO versus SJO. There are other Jedi enclaves out there. The galaxy’s a big place.

Caedyn had heard this, and he nodded slowly, more so a bow of his head to Starlin Rand Starlin Rand in acknowledgement and appreciation for his shared insight. The feeling was mutual, and Caedyn held a great admiration for the Order of the Silver Jedi, just as he was coming to find in his personal experiences under the New Jedi Order. There were positives and negatives to the Jedi falling under one banner, and in his opinion, he didn't feel it was a realistic goal, as much as he would have liked to see all Jedi working together in unity. This was already being achieved in a sense, however, as the Silver Jedi did regularly work with the New Jedi Order. Retaining their individuality as separate organizations meant that while the New Jedi Order focused on one threat to the Galaxy, the Silver Jedi might focus on another. Their combined reach could potentially be much more beneficial to the Galaxy, with their different focus targeting priorities that others might not be able to meet, for example.

Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor and the Nameless One Nameless One shared their perspectives shortly after, and their contributions were well appreciated. Caedyn didn't need to weigh in so much, as he allowed everyone to offer their thoughts, allowing the freedom of speech and encouragement of an open forum for his class. He wished to see the Padawans feel as though they could speak their minds and hear and explore various perspectives, for there was no single correct perspective from his experience. Nothing was black and white in their Galaxy, in their path as Jedi, and it had once been said that they didn't deal in absolutes. A sentiment that Caedyn agreed with.

"You're here now, and the Silvers often are with the New Jedi. Most listen, and the masters allow you to teach." The Padawan remarked curiously, "If there was one diverse order, what reason is there to not combine? Could that not encourage those other enclaves to see reason and fuse together? Combine their wisdom, their lessons, all of it."

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor queried the prospective unification of the Silver Jedi and the New Jedi Order, to which Caedyn listened and wanted to provide his perspective. "There's often a difference in perspectives, ideals or methods of acting that lead to the establishment of two Orders rather than coming together like you're proposing. There's nothing unhealthy about retaining individual identities as far as I'm concerned. Perspectives in contrast to ours often encourage us to consider alternatives or look within to discern whether we are right or wrong. The fact that the Silver Jedi and New Jedi Order work together now means that much of what you suggest can still be achieved. At the same time, each Jedi Organization can maintain their differences of approach, safeguard different areas of the galaxy or tackle different threats as they arise," Caedyn answered.

When The Man in White The Man in White spoke, Caedyn's gaze moved to study them closely. Like many in the New Jedi Order, he did not recognize this one either; however, the offered views seemed to come with a sense of bias that couldn't be ignored. "Everyone has a right to their perspectives and are free to voice their views in my class, but as I mentioned earlier, please keep them respectful of others' differences", Caedyn responded, looking to the rest of the group and letting it serve as a reminder to all. Starlin Rand soon introduced the man to be from the Jakku Enclave, of which Caedyn had visited several times thanks to his connection with Romi Jade Romi Jade .

"As for the 'Greater Good'. This isn't a be-all-end-all statement but rather a point of view that can vary from person to person, but it has often been used as a vague description for the goals of the Jedi Orders present in the Galaxy. For example, one could equate this to a situation where you are left with a choice to rescue a group of five on one ship, forced to sacrifice a group of two on another ship. Both, in this example, are going to explode and saving five is potentially serving the 'greater good' you can achieve compared to rescuing the lesser number..." Caedyn paused once more, though he still had more to say; "Yet what if the two on the other vessel were political figures of vast repute, and their influence could affect millions of people in the Galaxy compared to the group of five who could not?" Caedyn posed the question as an incentive for further discussion between the class.

"Alternatively, someone once told me that a Jedi should never sacrifice their own lives for another because as Jedi, we serve countless people, families and nations over a lifetime of service in the Order. So if we are to sacrifice our own lives, we are removing the likelihood of all the possible good we might accomplish within our future duties" Caedyn smirked, eager to hear the thoughts of his students and fellow Knights and Masters as well.

"Nothing in our lives should be seen as black and white" Caedyn gestured to the class and concluded simply, "Discuss...".
She listened and well there were more who seemed to jump in which was nice. Her eyes remained on the jedi master rather then the padawan as first instinct would have been to agree with him.. the order could unite. Under the most senior order which would be the silvers... but she didn't speak it instead staying there for a moment as she listened to some of the other speak who hadn't before and then the scenario that Caedyn gave. It was interesting enough and a common example though the scenarios detail might change from shuttles to tracks to vehicles... she was more then happy to see what his next topic of dicussion would be.

"Alternatively, someone once told me that a Jedi should never sacrifice their own lives for another because as Jedi, we serve countless people, families and nations over a lifetime of service in the Order. So if we are to sacrifice our own lives, we are removing the likelihood of all the possible good we might accomplish within our future duties"

"But...Jedi fight for Light and Life.! Life! All the holodramas show Jedi sacrificing themselves to save others. Even if its just one life that one life might have been chosen by the Force! That's why we're there!" He was definitely spewing some holodrama narrator's lines about the greatness of Jedi. It couldn't be helped. Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor didn't think he or his sister could manifest anything in the Force until recently and up until now he'd lived the normal life of a young teen and his mind was full of the bravado of Jedi, mostly fake but also based off of real-life Jedi, Jedi that his father knew.

"If the Force has brought us to a place to protect people its our job to follow through!" he brought his arm down in a decisive swing as if he was swinging his own saber. "We can't just give up because it's hard and we might be defeated. That makes for a poor Jedi. When the going gets tough we look within!"
In the middle of his peaceful slumber, a voice came through to him. Iris, who was still sitting beside him tried to get him to wake up. Silas didn't seem to answer at first, all but silence was between them. Then, just when it was on the borderline of him not answering at all the teen finally replied to Iris within the depths of his resting mind.


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