Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Moross Crusade Dominion of Yuuzhan'tar

The Lordess remained silent upon the shuttle, crimson gaze ever-watchful as it slid across the troops assembled in the hold of the shuttle. Hands secured harnesses and checked weapons as they prepared themselves for battle, while she looked on, a critical glance cast over their gear as if to study their readiness to do battle in Kalee’s and the other gods’ names.

With all three living deities prepared to enter the field of battle this august day, the believers of Moross aboard the shuttle were anxious to join the fight themselves and impose Their will upon the anathema that was Yuuzhan’tar. She rose in a single, fluid motion from her seat as Kalee returned to the hold, moving forward to stand slightly behind and to his right – the proper place for a Crusader of her standing. Fingers traced lightly over the newly forged armor she wore, ensuring it was clasped firmly around her flesh. Her lightsaber hilts were held securely in holsters fastened around each toned thigh, while a gleaming silver sword rested in a bronze-tooled scabbard across her back.

With the side door open, her raven curls were whipped into a frenzy, giving her appearance even more of a demonic cast with her lambent crimson eyes and elongated fangs. She smiled as he spoke over his shoulder, her expression slightly feral though her mind was strangely calm and centered – as it always was on the cusp of battle. There was no reply to be made, save for a delicate mental touch that spoke far better than mere words ever could.

Kassandra’s gaze was not on the scenery outside the door, but on Vascious as the energy rippled and streaked across his armor, gathering between his palms to be molded to his will. It made her smile grow darker as it lashed out in a massive arc of lightning, taking out the anti-aircraft tower while two additional arcs struck down violently upon their targets.

“My Aesir’s will is my command.” She replied softly, head dipping as if to prayer but in reality to hide the wicked smile that curled her glossy lips. The craft shuddered yet she stood firm, hands pressed together at her waist, crimson gaze cast out across the rapidly approaching landscape. They landed and she cast a warm glance of approval to the pilots, nodding to them before turning to follow the Aesir out. Her boots touched the dirt and the energy of Yuuzhan’tar spoke of the horrors it had seen and the cleansing it was in dire need of.

What cleansed better than fire?

Kassandra kept pace with Vascious, drawing her sword as they ran while her mind delved deeply into the Force. Where he wore electricity like another garment, she wore fire, laughing with pure pleasure as it danced across her skin and armor alike, and slithered along the length of her sword like so many living tendrils.

//”Not bad for an old man, you know...”// she sent to him with discreet warmth through the Force, their centuries old connection viable as ever. Her mirth satisfied for the moment, she returned her attention to burning the heretics that fell into their path and delighting perhaps a bit too much in their screams.
Vascious was making his way to the ridge with his fiery companion. Only something nagged at his consciousness before he could make it there. The mandalorian turned back to see a dark robed figure in the distance just as it proceeded to kill both vong and a crusader alike. It was hard to say what possessed someone to make enemies of two armies while in the middle of hell itself.

The old man eyed He Who Walks Behind for a moment before yet another dark figure literally materialized out of thin air not far away. Duvain was considerably closer, but both were unknown entities. 'Walks Behind' had incited rage within Kalee, but he had no time to traverse back across the field to engage. To much time had already been wasted in his momentary speculation.

Instead Kalee approached the mysterious Anzat. The predator's mannerisms were calm enough for Vascious to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume him to be of the crusader despite the lack of markings.

"You see that fool over there in the hooded robe? Kill him. Don't expect much reward from the brain matter though."

The false god waited for a response. He wouldn't turn his back on an unknown Anzati. Duvain could engage them, but neither Vascious nor Kassandra bothered to hide their flair of a presence. Attacking the Aesir and his Crusader would have been suicidal.


She of the Trillion Thorns
Calculated, purposeful strides carried the Priestess on the heel of Crusader [member="Crystal"] to the hold and the dropships that awaited. Loxa said nothing over [member="Morrigan"]'s plan, but did offer a nod of approval as they boarded their own shuttle, watching as the cloud of avians flocked to join them in the confines of metal. The curiousity of this arrangement did not escape Loxa, but who was she to question such oddness.

Thral was certainly at work here, despite the girl's protests she had been blessed by the God. Soon she may yet come to see it, but until then it would do no harm in helping her to harness and use that blessing as it should be.

Loxa moved towards the front as the hatch finally closed and the dropships lifted from the floor of the hold, smoothly filtering out into open space over Yuuzhan'tar. The group curved downwards in a graceful arc, following the stream of Morossian fighters currently clearing a path for their entry. When the shuttle began to shudder, Loxa leaned in over the pilot and asked him to count down their breach of the atmosphere.

The tremors of the ship grew more intense when finally a sudden jolt signaled the all-clear. Loxa looked back to Morrigan and signaled her to press the switch that would open the gateway for her feathered distractions.
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
A swarm of memories surged up from beneath the surface of conscious thought. The first semblance of a newly created being emerging from primordial soup. No... wait, not a new being. An old one. Peculiar. The hybrid's Arkanian features, similar in all but skin tone and eyes, remained unmoved. His chin tilted downward.

"Vascious Relens," an impossibly deep, resonating voice, thrumming with power begotten from the instrument in his hand.

"I killed a man who knew you..."

His words were spoken with an air of dark elegance, as if pulled from some core world court; beautiful to the beholder, but perilous to those who ventured their climes, so ill conducive to sustaining life. Eyes as red as volcanic fire slowly perused the loyal zealots surrounding the human.

"... before your ascension."

The gaze turned toward [member="He who walks behind"], who stood off at some distance.

"Godhood suits you."

Duvain gestured with a finger, releasing a surge of tormenting might, which assaulted the mind of the would-be enigma.

"As it will me."

Force Horror had been a prominent ability of Anaudius. Duvain had taken singular enjoyment when he ripped the power from the human's mind. The results were always so... intriguing.

[member="Vascious Relens"]
A dark, viscous substance that Cameron supposed passed for a bodily fluid of some sort was splattered over the vast majority of his dark-colored cloak and exposed upper torso. Where the cut of a lightsaber was clean and nearly effortless, the manipulation of a sword required strength, form, and a definitive purpose with each movement. Though Cameron was by no means a small individual, to see him twirl around a weapon over a meter in length was not...a typical sight. Centuries of spilling blood and having his own blood spilled had granted him the masterful affinity of his chosen art.

The scream of one of the two followers that had deplaned in theatric fashion with him did not pull the False God's attention from his current task of severing yet another head, but it did brush against his senses all the same. A definitive level of battlefield awareness fell upon the Sith Lord as silver-green eyes darted around his surroundings. All of his senses were operating in perfect harmony, enabling him to keep from suffering the same fate as many of the corpses around his feet. It was, of course, more difficult with the Vong. Their movements were harder, much harder, to sense if one did not have the practical experience of...adaptation. Perhaps their bodies were voids in the Force, but the Force existed around their bodies just the same. With every swing of a blade or throw of a punch, the Force rippled, not intensely but such was Cameron's attunement to its every ebb and flow.

Having sensed the arrival of another one of his kin, and a man he had known as a friend from his early days of mastery over the Force, the Sith Lord smiled thinly. Days which, now, seemed pathetic trifled by the pursuits of a young man; a time when Cameron had allowed lust and a thirst for power, control to determine his every move. There was more movement of course as the Crusade's forces worked to stem the tide and throng of what was left in the wake of the Horde's apparent disbandment.

For a moment, the Sith Lord was motionless, seemingly gazing into the distance. The sharp point of a blade encroached within a couple inches of the back of his head before Cameron somewhat nonchalantly stepped to the right and allowed the creature's follow-through to send it hurtling to the intestine-littered ground. Glancing down for a moment, the Sith Lord's eyes fell upon the gore that had caked the majority of his own boots.

The sound of several approaching enemy caused Cameron to reorient only his eyes upwards. Leaving his head dipped, he allowed a warm smile to touch his face. Slowly, his lips worked to form a single word. "Enough." Abruptly, Cameron outstretched both his arms, one containing his weapon and allowed the raw power of the dark side to coalesce into his core and expand outwards from his extremities. Countless arcs of purple-white dark side energy lanced out in the form of deadly lightning in all directions. Initially, it only expanded far enough to destroy the enemies closest to him, but the Sith Lord quickly fueled his actions with the rage and irritation he held for every creature that dared to stand against the Crusade.

Before long, a massive chain Force Lightning attack practically erupted into an all out storm of the dark side's powerful energy.

[member="Vascious Relens"] | [member="Siara Vorru"] | [member="Kassandra Distorith"] | [member="Duvain"] | [member="He who walks behind"]

Apollymi Djo


There was something interesting in the air. Interesting in what manner of curiosities the Yuuzhan-Vong created in the tiny mass of an inlet where the teraforming process had taken over.

Oh there was a reason to it all. Some may say a madness. But in this Apollymi was certain to collect and procur all manner of organic materials for a larger scheme. Her goal was to craft organic vessels much like that of the Aing-Tii. Years of working alongside them since the Witches Exodus from Dathomir led them to learn of their ways, and in that, seek to create what they could also control on their own, much like the mounts they would use upon Aaris III.

So, it was with this mindset that Apollymi along with that of the other witches set forth to do just that.
[member="Loxa Visl"] [member="Morrigan"]

Crystal raised an eyebrow. Clearly they hadn’t understood each other. Of course she meant when they reached the atmosphere, when they were jumping off the ship to the ground. It was pointless to kill perfectly useful animals before they could serve a purpose….

“I meant when WE are jumping out of the ship. Which we obviously wouldn’t do in space without suits on….”

The descent was filled with a long but delightful silence to contemplate all the blood that would be shed on this day. The signal had been provided, and the winged creatures were free to wreck havoc on the surface. As soon as they cleared out, Crystal jumped from the dropship, lightsaber in hand, and used the Force to slow her descent and land softly on her feet with her knees slightly bent.

The snap hiss of her blade activating brought a smile to her lips. She looked to either side of her to ensure that her companions had landed safely before moving further.

Apollymi Djo


Planet side
10 Klicks from Terraformed Yuuzhan Vong Territory.

Riding atop of a matriarch rancor, Apollymi lead the witch expedition forward. While the rest of her brethren were more apt to destroy, she was here to study and grow in knowledge -- and thus, in power.

This was a small scouting party, but they had a ship that was large enough to carry back specimens for further observation. Beastmaster Elders would ride flanking Apollymi, their highly decorative warrior helms feathers and beads swaying lightly to and fro with every heavy clawed step that brought them closer to their goal.

Gold eyes would narrow upon the distance towards the distorted treeline. The visible difference from natural biodome to that of the Vong was clear to see.

A cluck of her tongue and a tap against the bony plate of the Rancor's head would lead them on.


She of the Trillion Thorns
The Priestess dropped in a flurry of feathers, landing with a heavy tump not far from [member="Crystal"], golden-bladed saber ignited and searing feverishly through the fluttering plumage. She'd left her own winged companion behind today, not wanting to risk the tailring's demise, it would serve better purpose back on the main ship where it would keep mynocks and other space-faring pestilence at bay. Turning to her travel companions, Loxa nodded to press onward for cover.

The target of the planet was minimal, but much like anything the spread of Vong diseased seeped deeper than just the visible terraformed landscaped. No doubt they had their minor havens, their traveling routes, their means and ways of survival. This was why, despite only haveing one key location to clear, the Crusade had opted to blaze the entire planet. There were those who might look down upon this, but the leaders of Moross had their own history with the Vong and they knew what was at stake. Loxa trusted the judgement and word of her Aesirs fully, far be it from her to question their desires.

"There is a formation ahead," she spoke to Crystal, indicating the spire of what looked to be living earth, "planetary scans show a large cavern system. That is our destination."


Lightning-Struck Angel
And I flew out the hatch, my pets screeching like some kind of deranged monsters. We swept through the air, charging at the Vong corruption. I smiled and drew my warhammer, despite my reservations. I looked over at Aurum, and nodded.

"Time to attack, Aurum. Death Fog."

Death Fog was the name for the formation I had developed for Aurum and the rest of the flock. The attack was basically a barrier of wind and wings that kept enemies back by sheer force. Most vehicles would be blown away, and only a really strong person could withstand the sheer pressure that would hit them.

This is going to be fun, Morrigan.

[member="Loxa Visl"] [member='Crystal']
From the one of the many mouths that bring him whispers of information from throughout the galaxy, Jordan had already received word of the attack on the planet of Yuuzhan'tar. His lone starfighter had exited hyperspace hours before the others had arrived. It's destination? Knigot-Val, the largest military populated city of Yuuzhan'tar.

The starfighter of Jordan Reave descended down upon the city, roaring the the skies above as it came down from the clouds. A sequence of guttural growls and hisses came on the communicator following the hologram of a yuuzhan vong. More than likely a starport attendant of some sorts, asking who he was and what his business was there.

On the other end, the hologram was fuzzy. It was nigh impossible to decipher whom was piloting the starfighter. For a few moments anyway.

The hologram appeared to be a Ferroan, a blue-skinned species that is common on the planet, at the helm of the starfighter.

"Deeto Farrs here to speak with the General." He spoke in a mature tone, voice deep and smooth as a nobleman's would be. The vong looked down and scanned his tablet before looking back up to the Ferroan and grunting affirmatively. Luckily, Jordan had a contact forge the papers that the Yuuzhan Vong was holding so that Jordan would have his way in to the facility.

Apollymi Djo

Planet Side
Near Yuuzhan Vong terraformed area

Slow and steady was the pace. The scouting witch party would draw ever nearer to their objective. Overhead in the sky, painted streaks of lime would scatter as aurora borealis would weave across the sky. Each rocking motion of every clawed foot would bear witness to the drawing of their goal.

Great huffs of breath would expel from flaring nostrils of the beasts they would ride upon, more so once they began to cross into territory so visibly terraformed by the Yuuzhan Vong.

What would they find out there? Who knew. Off in the distance, the light of flying Sparkbees would announce the first of the Vong creatures they were to stumble across.
The purple-white lightning storm died away gradually after several moments. Sparks still erupted from the Sith Lord's fingertips and rolled along the length of his sword's blade. As his chest heaved slightly with effort, Cameron slowly turned in a circle, surveying the massive carnage riddled around him. One of his followers managed to survive but was badly injured. The other appeared completely dead.

Finally, the Sith Lord leveled his silver-green gaze back in the direction of Moross forces still landing on the planet. He'd had his fun in this particular area and cut a significant swath in the enemy's ground forces in the immediate area. That, however, would not permanently stem the tide of the faithless abominations that roamed this planet's surface.

Closing his eyes, Cameron drew on the feeling of death all around him. Absorbing the residual life energies of the hundreds of dead Vong around him, the Deceiver allowed their death to revitalize him, bolster his strength. In less than a minute, Cameron's eyelids abruptly opened and he placed a communicator near his lips. "Dust off."

The sounds of battle rolled across the vast expanse like thunder on the horizon. It masked the sound of the shuttle's approach but the ripples it made in the Force on a planet such as this could not possibly have been missed. Leaping into the air, the Aesir landed on the extended loading ramp. Casually, he intoned instructions to the crew chief. "The Temple. Now."

"As you command, Aesir."

The trip would be brief.

[member="Siara Vorru"] | [member="Crystal"] | [member="Loxa Visl"] | [member="Morrigan"]
[member="Loxa Visl"] [member="Morrigan"]

Crystal followed Loxa, seeking alternative covers as they moved. It seemed someone had already had most of the fun. That was okay. She didn’t want to stay on the world with the Force dead beings any long than it took to kill them all.

Loxa indicated their destination, and Crystal gestured to her to lead the way, and looked back to ensure that Morrigan and her flock were still bringing up the rear. “Come,” she said, encouraging her to continue to follow. “Our destination is ahead.”
The enemy fleet was fast approaching, but Soliael didn't really seem all that worried.

Those within the transport were dead of course, or might as well have been. The Vali were interred within cybernetic bodies, more droid than any living being really, though he had forged them from a dozen alien species they were now little more than mindless drones that bent to his well. It suited him well enough, he didn't have to push or prod them like he did with other soldiers, though with the Crusade that was hardly an issue.

The boarding craft shook slightly as it sliced into the Vong fleet, tearing through organic material and ripping apart the hull of the enemies flagship. The prongs of the boarding pod opened, tearing apart more of the flesh like hull and creating an opening.

The Vali were the first through the breach, and they made their presence known.


She of the Trillion Thorns

Despite having lived the majority of her life on a rather wild planet, Loxa was not quite prepared for what this Vong heart-world had in store for them. The moment the Priestess pulled from cover she was suddenly overcome by a massive nexu. Force Sense saved her from a nasty facial restructuring by the beast's claws.

Flat against the ground, Loxa issued a high-pitched whistle to alert the others and to maintain the creature's attention. By the time she was back on her feet the golden blaze of her lightsaber crackled through the humid Yuuzhan'tar air.

"Be alert!" the woman called as she leapt from a rebounding attack, "There may be others!"

[member="Crystal"] [member="Apollymi Djo"] [member="Morrigan"]
[member="Loxa Visl"]

Nexu. Ugh. Crystal hated those things. Massive animals. Thankfully, not the brightest of creatures though. Her magenta blade activated with a snap hiss and she was running toward Loxa. She didn't sense any other Nexu in the area, but those things were very fast.

"Do you need a hand?" She called to her fellow Priestess.


Togorian Barricade
Not a moment after Loxa had become set upon by a Nexu, a Morossian dropship screamed overhead as it flew by at extremely low altitude. The ship did not land, and was gone just as soon as it had appeared. Just another moment passed right before a familiar Togorian ran past Crystal in an all out quadrupedal dash before slamming full speed right into the Nexu that had attacked Loxa. With it being distracted with the stewardess, Piraiba was able to bowl it over violently without resistance. Nexu were certainly fearsome apex predators in their own habitat. Five hundred pounds of raw power and agility with a jaw line that could grind bones to powder. However, the Moross Crusade's own beast was still significantly larger and heavier.

Piraiba never went for his lightsabers or force powers. Instead he rapidly brought two combat knives down into his opponent's jugular and then ripped sideways to leave a deep blood sputtering trench. The feline jumped to its feet and let out an adrenaline surging roar. Another Nexu who was approaching suddenly gave pause. The Togorian didn't avoid finesse with his kill because he was incapable of it. Rather Piraiba did what he did to instill fear into anything that would dare approach.


He paused for a moment to scent the air as his ears pivoted. The Nexu in the distance watched him warily as if waiting for something..

"Little sisters ... there are many. This one cannot protect you. Piraiba needs walls to hold them."

@Crystal [member="Loxa Visl"] [member="Morrigan"]
Oh, how they burned.

Heretics line the ridge and its steep sides, pyres screaming in testament to their pain. Like so many towering torches they lit up the ridge, giving light to the path for those willing Crusaders to follow. Glowing crimson orbs lit upon the form of [member="Duvain"] as he exchanged words with [member="Vascious Relens"], pausing in her slaughter to give the gravity of the conversation a moment to sink in. It would require more thought than the situation allowed for, so the Master simply filed it away in her mind to peruse at her leisure.

Kassandra gave thanks to the perversion of impure lineage, for though she relished the taste of blood, it was the life energy of living beings that she thrived upon. Energy she could take from even the Force-less abominations that the Vong and many of their constructs were...without having to sully herself by biting them. She feasted with impunity, expending the energy almost as quickly as she absorbed it, spinning it through her physical form to translate into speed and endurance.

Thoughts shaped the fire and bent the Force to her will as it lashed out around her before she drew the energy back into her flesh. Flames sank back from whence they had come, disappearing as though her fire had simply expended itself. A moment later, however, and it blasted forth from her outstretched hand carving a swath through the enemy lines like the movements of a massive serpent.

A fierce smile lit her features as she waded further into the enemy lines, crimson gaze blazing bright. Kassandra glanced over her shoulder to Vascious for a brief moment, before returning to the task at hand.

Apollymi Djo

[member="Loxa Visl"] [member="Crystal"]

The rocking motion of the rancors would come to a slow halt. Bright gold eyes would focus upon the distance. Senses would flare, and in that web of magic that spun from the Winged Goddess and the Fanged God, Apollymi could feel the forms of others.

A cluck of her tongue would led the scouting party towards that direction. In time, they would hear the skirmish and would pick up the pace.

Finally, the treeline would break and they would come face to face with a large creature. Loxa Visl was in the midst of battle, and it wasn't before long that Apollymi would send her own party to aide.

Chants would fill the air, thickening the void, pulsing with magic. While Yuuzhan Vong could not directly be affected by the Force, perhaps with magic that would be a different story. Seeds would be strung upon the ground, only to flourish.

Vines would thicken, growing faster and faster with the combined forces of the witches. Bind the creature they shall ,entangling it within their grasp.

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