Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mortal Wombat

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News They Don't Want Heard
It really matters little to me who the Dark Lord of the Sith is, as you well know. I'm just accepting the challenge issued by the self-proclaimed Dark Lord of the Sith. It's not about your ideology or my ideology. It's about honor.

[member="Avedia Lacroix"]
Dear girl, there is always honor in battle. Only a child sees no honor in fighting a wondrous battle and learning new things from it.
Alright, that's enough, the lot of you.

I'm disappointed in all of you, especially [member="Darth Carnifex"] and [member="Avedia Lacroix"] you should know much better.

This is not the place for childish insults and ego measuring.

If you want to prove who's best, great! Do it IC, and spare us these passive-aggressive insults.

This thread is closed, but if you wish to create another you may. However, I am warning everyone in this thread that further childish and petty insults will not be tolerated. Go and settle this IC where it should be.
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