Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mortal Wombat

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Maybe everyone should calm down and just walk away from all of this nonsense now? Its getting annoying just reading through this and I have lost ALL interest in who gets the title as I know it will end up being a god mod competition from everyone's behavior so far. Its why I think PvP threads aren't worth it. It always ends up in this kind of childish insult slinging until everyone is too OOCly upset to be willing to let someone else claim the title.


News They Don't Want Heard
[member="Darren Shaw"]
Darren, really. This unabated digging is beneath you. He's not accepting the duel on the grounds that he is, in this thread, calling out people who have challenged his authority as the so called Dark Lord of the Sith. To be the Dark Lord of the Sith, one must have respect from the Sith, and they certainly aren't going to respect someone who doesn't ascribe to their ways, are they?

It's not that he wouldn't fight Xis and other Dark Jedi, it's just that he won't have it be in regards to a title they cannot legitimately claim unless they become Sith. This entire thread is about the Dark Lord of the Sith, not simple duels.

These antics are beneath you, so stop.
Ah, fantastic! I see that my thread has finally sparked something off! This is wonderful. I will fight the victor of whoever [member="Darth Carnifex"] fights first. You should put your money where your mouth is and fight [member="Darth Ferox"], [member="Vengeance"], [member="Darth Ignus"].

Nisha Decrilla

[member="Darth Carnifex"]

I challenge you for the title of dark lord.

Not because I want the title, but because like hell am I ever bending the knee to the likes of you.
[member="Darth Ferox"]

I've never retconned my death, whereas you're on your sixth or something. We've lost count lol.

[member="Darth Ignus"]

No such thing as honour.
This is where you're all missing the damn point.

All the talk of the Dark Lord of the Sith has nothing to do with who holds the title. The priority is Sith Reunification, and returning them to the board as a power once more.

I don't care who holds the title, provided they're capable of bringing the Sith back into the game.

I think it's just increasingly clear that the Sith have very different priorities, depending on faction or 'lone wolf status.' No one is missing the point, they just don't care for the one you are prioritizing. Not trying to be argumentative or anything, but people are varying with varying ideas of who should be running things, if at all.

As Rev said, I don't think anyone is missing the point. I'm not being argumentative either, I just think it's increasingly obvious that the idea of an IC Dark Lord isn't going to get the Sith back on the Galactic Stage. It's going to have them all standing backstage with their rulers measuring their penises and screaming that the other one's ruler isn't calibrated so obviously the measurement was off!!!1!!

Yeah, it's been done. But NPC Dark Lord for the win because goddamn am I tired of this salt. I'm gonna get high blood pressure in a second.
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