Most likely to wake up in odd places..
Théodred Heavenshield Norbæn Véurr Character Bio Dec 27, 2014 #881 Most likely to wake up in odd places..
Ryan OOC Account Dec 29, 2014 #884 Most likely to guess wrong. Papa be king of Cartann on Adumar......
Edward Vyperion The Crashing Loony Character Bio Dec 29, 2014 #887 Most likely to not know where the kark Leo Whitefang comes from
Senua Sar Cannibal Witch Character Bio Dec 29, 2014 #888 Kill the two posters above her and then use there remains for witchcraft.
Gherron Dragovalor Space dad Character Bio Feb 14, 2015 #890 Most likely to fall into another Jedi's arms while trying to get a rare crystal.
Preliat Mantis The Wolf Character Bio Feb 14, 2015 #891 Most likely to have to hear something from six miles away with those side-mounted radar dishes
Geneva Wessiri Guest G Feb 14, 2015 #892 Most likely to do something that's definitely not nice in any way.
Cobalt And Everything is Blue, like him. Feb 14, 2015 #893 Most likely to get into an endless staring contest with [member='Reverance']
Dōkeshi KITTEH. OF. MURDER. Character Bio Feb 17, 2015 #898 Most likely to be questioned as to what he says.
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom Feb 17, 2015 #899 [member="Dokeshi"] Most likely to haunt an opera [member="Vulpesen"] Most likely to not read a character's profile
[member="Dokeshi"] Most likely to haunt an opera [member="Vulpesen"] Most likely to not read a character's profile