Most likely to cry a tear of blood.
Dōkeshi KITTEH. OF. MURDER. Character Bio Feb 17, 2015 #902 Most likely to search the trash for food.
Khan Ra Monster Cat Redefined Character Bio Feb 17, 2015 #903 Most likely to wear an extremely uncomfortbale-looking mask.
Gherron Dragovalor Space dad Character Bio Feb 17, 2015 #905 Most likely to find some little girl pulling your tail
Khan Ra Monster Cat Redefined Character Bio Feb 18, 2015 #910 Most likely to not see me coming. (Sniped)
Dōkeshi KITTEH. OF. MURDER. Character Bio Feb 18, 2015 #913 Most likely to be standing right next to me while I am enjoying it.
Raijin Arashi Gold and Lightning Character Bio Aug 5, 2015 #920 Most likely to acrobatically jump off buildings and land like a cat.