Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mouse Trap

[SIZE=9pt]Her ‘career’ or time spent with the Alliance wasn’t something she preferred to talk about or visit often. In her eyes it wasn’t very important. More or less a figurehead in the pushback along the space lanes. It was a bit of a hot topic, most had no idea what they had been rebelling for when there was a Republic at the time. Just because her time with the Alliance turned into the modern day Outer Rim Coalition didn’t mean it was worth mentioning. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Yeah, Jorus.” Delila wanted to ask about the difficult circumstances but she wasn’t one to often pry. “Starstruck eh? He’s a pretty laid back guy in my opinion. I bet he thought it was funny. I saw him not too long ago, Free Worlds Coalition went for some diplomacy. I just sat there and ate sandwiches, the best type of trip.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Wrap done, Dells crumpled her foil and tossed it into a waste basket. Caf was still half-finished in her hand. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“If you’re ever in the neighborhood collecting parts or doing whatever type of job, ORC space is a great area to hang out in. No one would dare bother you there.”[/SIZE]
“I mean, he has a hyperlane named after his own daughter. He ah pretty big name around smugglers and outlaws.”

Xin spotted a window with a frame at the right height to lean his elbows on. Several versions of himself peered back at him from the reflections off multiple layers of glasteel. He had never been a complicated person. There weren't as many layers as they were reflections stacked up before him. But his hard luck was a weight that meant he wasn't always as excitable on the inside as he appeared outwardly. It was easier with some of his physical tells not being obvious to other species.

This wasn't one of those times. So many possibilities had opened up to him because of this act and Dells hardly saw it as a large deal.

He turned and gave her a warm smile, gaze lingering more than it needed to before he turned back towards space. He couldn't see their freighter from here.

“Been that way a couple of times. Some of de fleet - particularly the Corellians - fancy making a run for the Rim and settling. Dey don't want to be put in shelters in the war path of de Sith.”
[SIZE=9pt]“He’s pretty nuts about that kid, no surprise the hyperlane is named after her.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Xin stared into a window before turning to smile back at her. Delila couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. At times it was hard for her to understand the Nautolan. Species difference in terms of how emotions were conveyed or interpreted. If she had to guess Xin was incredibly happy - almost bursting at the seams. The real type of happy, not the type people put on as a front. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“As for the Corellians, I may know the reasonings behind that. My ex-husband has been involved with the resettlement and governmental sovereignty of Corellia. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has reached out to several groups trying to resettle them. I haven’t talked to him since we met at a joint diplomacy meeting between the Metal Lords and Free Worlds. Don’t know the real outcome but still I suspect he has a behind the scenes role or is bending the ear of someone.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Dells offered a shrug. The redhead was pretty certain she was right but still, one never knew.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Or I could be wrong. This isn’t my area of expertise. I don’t blame them for not wanting to be in the path of the Sith though.”[/SIZE]
Xin wasn't actually sure some of them didn't want to stay. Right now there were ships at critical mass. Too many mouths to feed and even the ithorian built gardens were being out under pressure. Maybe it was just the bonds they had built surviving on their own. Maybe it was just not paying taxes.

He was aware that the Fleet wasn't her favourite discussion. The obvious follow on topics were Corellian and her ex-husband. He didn't really want to start talking about either of those.

Xin didn't take her free hand as it was her wounded side. He just ran the back of his hand against hers. A half sidestep bringing himself closer. Inside the typical bubble of personal space.

“I've got so used to just being on the move,” he said quietly, trailing off. Even though it felt as if he was on the run half the time. It would feel different to be making his own choices about where he went with that freedom.
Technically you’ll still be on the move, will you not? Kind of the the point of needing a ship.”

Delila knew what he meant. There was a new freedom in actually going where one wanted. She knew it could be both thrilling and frightening all at once. Finding time to breathe was going to be a new experience for Xin. If he wanted to stay an extra day on a planet he could. Didn’t want to take a job? No one was holding anything over him.

Head inclined towards him. There was a small sigh, debating on voicing her next bit. It was bound to come up sometime and sometime soon. Delila was going to have to be gentle, something she typically had a hard time with. Still, no doubt it lingered in the back of Xin’s mind as well.

“All good things come to an end Squidly.” There was a small, sad smile. “Pretty soon this will too.”

Dells had watched Xin thrive under a bit of attention and positive interaction. There was a bit of a confidence and trust issue, Xin might actually have her beat in the shaky trust department. With a little more time Delila suspected Xin would be just fine. He was charming. Caring. Amusing. Really the only thing holding Xin back was Xin in her opinion.
Xin didn’t quite follow her meaning. Either through willful ignorance or because he was thinking about what jobs he could try and arrange. There was a lot to plan in running a vessel.

He tilted his head to one side curiously, wide eyes watching her.

“De bits where we were nuh getting shot at were nice,” he said. “Maybe if I come to you about de ship we could spend some time without all dat?” He didn’t ask how far into the future that would be. She had made the offer and he wasn’t going to press it. If she decided to revoke it then so be it too. There was no rush beyond his own excitement.

“Nuh sure ive been on Alderaan,” he added. Now he was essentially inviting himself over instead of reognising her expression for what it was.
Delila looked at the Nautolan. She couldn’t understand if Xin was ignoring her or just didn’t quite understand. Confusion crossed her face for a moment as he continued to mention plans later in the future. Delila didn’t particularly mind spending time with Xin. There was a great deal of like for the man and it seemed their time spent together was fairly pleasant. Yet, as Xin discovered with her approach to injuries, she was a practical person.

“Well, sadly, I don’t live on Alderaan. Afraid I don’t have that much pull in life.” A post on Alderaan would be nice but a pipe dream. If she kept up her current position there was no need for her to stay. As it was there was a good bit of travel involved. “However you’re welcome to come to Coruscant where I live, I use the Embassy there as a base of operations. I’d love to have you over.”

The redhead had to try again at her previous topic. Maybe a bit less clouded, more direct.

“Xin?” Delila stopped, forcing the Nautolan to look at her. “Don’t you think the spending time together is going to dwindle? Should dwindle?Not because of your new freedom either. Realistically…. You need to find a nice Nautolan girl to give you a pack of mini-Xin’s.”

“I love our time together. You’re great, amazing even. I would be kidding myself to say this isn’t painful but if you’re looking at facts, I’m a dead end. I don’t want you wasting time on a dead end for long. Catch my drift?”

It was said quietly. Barely even a whisper. He had thought she meant this time would have to come to an end. Was this the moment? He was always looking for the moment. The turning point where some connection he was almost permitting himself to make was torn down again. Normally fate like to wait until he had fully opened himself up before playing this game with him.

Xin turned and looked out into space. Silence fell as he started trying to process what she had said.

Then he laughed. A quiet, throaty chuckle.

“Least you didn’t say mini-squids,” he said through a grin. That conjured an awful image of him shepherding a coalescing mass of tentacles and tiny beaks.

He gave her a gentle nudge with one elbow. “Look I’ve not really been holding onto de notion of kids much. At all.” He gave a shrug. Fatherhood had never really appealed to him. Most likely because there hadn’t been strong family bonds through much of his life.

“If yuh are happy to have mi over, den yuh are,” he added. “If we want to spend more time, den we do?” It was that simple for him right now. Dells might not believe it. He was younger and might still find paternal urges. The truth was they weren’t even suppressed or waiting to emerge.

“Isn’t it a bit early to say we don’t or do have a chance?”

That was one of the most grown up ideas that had gone from his brain to his mouth in her presence.
[SIZE=9pt]Delila wasn’t expecting the laugh. A smile touched her face at the mention of mini-squids, there would be an odd sight. How would one transport mini-squid children? Jars full of seawater and a pump to keep oxygen flowing? That would be a more than interesting sight.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“It is. I don’t want you regretting anything. Thought it might be best to address this a little early though, in case you hadn’t thought of it before hand.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]In reality, Delila was looking out for herself too. Getting attached only to have to say goodbye. She was used to that by now - people drifted in and out, that was life. Putting trust in someone was a bit more difficult due to her previous experiences. She trusted Xin enough with her ship but anything further? It was a process. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I hate to say it, you’re right. Enjoy hearing the sound of that just this once.” Dells grinned back at him. “Maybe you can come over after you deliver these parts to the fleet? Or whenever, the invite is always open. Its not five star accommodations but…” She ended in a shrug. “I’ve slept in worse places.”[/SIZE]
He didn't rub it in. It wasn't as if she had been wrong. “I have lots of good ideas…” hehe protested in mock affront. “Like….well de straw hat was…not a great disguise…den mi plan for…”

“Mmkay sometimes it happen,” he added. His expression turned thoughtful as he considered whether that was possible.

“Dat works,” he announced. “We can drop off Brak, de parts and go. Wesseq complains he can…” Xin shrugged that bit off. If he was going to be his own boss for a time then his schedule would become his own. He was becoming more attached to the idea.

He looked around them and lowered his tone. “And as for five star… roomiest place we've had sex so far has been a galley counter.” Space was a luxury on vessels. He had actually been quite looking forward to exploring the space of the bed they'd been given back on the ground. That bed had ended up on fire and not in a good way.
[SIZE=9pt]“Lots of good ideas? I’m going to need you to start sharing those.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]It was clearly a bit of teasing. Xin had some fairly good ideas from time to time, he hadn’t steered the trio wrong horribly yet. Granted it was a three heads better than one situation but Xin hadn’t thrown anything outrageous into the universe yet. Dells finally finished her caf and tossed the still-warm cup. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I’m sure the [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Dahlia[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] enjoyed being christened however.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She certainly hadn't minded. The most recent encounter ended in being bombed . Not exactly how she had pictured their time together going. Dells had expected a few weeks of relaxing, watching their targets and spending time with Xin. They barely lasted a day.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“ One track mind though, eh Squidly? I'm more than just a pair of boobs and a good lay.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Dells couldn't help but grin at her own joke, lame as it was.[/SIZE]
He returned her grin at that. Challenge had been laid down and he wasn't sure he had many good ideas at all now he came to think about it. He tended to notice the little things. Sometimes his subconscious spotted things and guided him out of the worst trouble without him ever really sorting through the chaos. With time he tended to get distracted before he could make grand plans.

It seemed the inevitable collapse of something good had been delayed. He was glad of that; they had barely even spent time together. It would have been a shame if she had driven him away before they had even really gotten to know one another.

There was almost a fragility to Dells in the way she expressed her concern. She had said she was om ‘okay’ terms with her husband, but perhaps there was more to that story. He didn't want to hear it.

“Just saying would be nice not to catch an elbow on a bulkhead!” he laughed.
[SIZE=9pt]“I didn't hear any complaining during.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Not that she had been paying attention for any complaints to arise during their first encounter. Small smile touched her face and she gently bumped against Xin.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Plenty of room for your giant wing span. Force forbid you hit your elbows again.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Dells walked along in silence for a moment. They hadn't had a chance to talk further than what was covered at the diner. She never was Keen to talk about herself but it was the price to pay for getting to know Xin better.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Do you miss the ocean? The water? Used to be my favorite vacation to take, especially off the beaten path places. Places most don't go.”[/SIZE]
[background=transparent]He hadn't literally hit a limb on a wall but now Xin wondered if the noise he made when swearing from that was all that different to the noises he made during. He didn't really pay much attention to that and wasn't about to make a recording to find out. [/size][/background]

[background=transparent]“Hmm,” he went,” good question.” He gave it a few seconds of thought. Glee Anselm was hard to think of as home after everything that had happened there, but that wasn't the question she had asked. [/size][/background]

[background=transparent]“We - nautolans - have adapted to life in both just fine. But if ah can sleep in zero gee I will. Cah it is halfway to being underwater. It's nice on my joints. Yuh ever go on holiday under de sea or just next to it?” he asked. He could remember being taken to see the oceans of a nearby world. Only just as he had only been six or seven. But he could recall being taken in a vehicle with glass walls up close and personal with some fantastic creatures. Such an old memory. A piece from a puzzle and he had lost the adjoining pieces to give it true context. [/size][/background]
[SIZE=9pt]There was a small nod on her end about zero gee. Sounded like torture to her but Dells could see the point in sleeping such a way, like Xin said great on the joints. Head canted towards him at the mention of being easier on his joints, an odd vein of her brain wondering if nautolans typically experienced joint pains out of water. Wasn’t a pressing question but one of morbid curiosity. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“No, no under the sea. I think I have enough adventure in my professional life. Private life I tend to want things a bit more slow. Don’t know if I’d be able to sleep wondering if I’d end up possibly drowned to death by morning.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]There was a shrug at that. Delila wasn’t overly worried about death being in her line of work. Part of her was surprised she was actually still alive at this point. Just if she was going to die, Dells preferred to know about it, see it coming no matter how brief the impending knowledge was. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I went deep sea fishing though, I had fun with that.”[/SIZE]
“Hope yuh didn't dredge up one of mi cousin's,” Xin chuckled. “Ah can see that. I guess it wud be like sleeping in a glass bubble in a volcano.”

He hadn't thought of it that way but it made more sense. They walked towards a feature of the space station that had the tips of his headtails twitching in amusement as he saw it with a different perspective.

He skipped a step ahead and turned to jerk his thumb towards the portal. “Or flying through an environment bound to kill yuh in two minutes flat in a metal box?

“Waves are relaxing though,” he said as he returned to facing the same direction. They were walking absolutely nowhere and he was fine with that. “Different from each side.” He likely could have been more explicit in stating that gentle waves were relaxing. From under the waves a heavy storm was a series of walls barrelling towards you. He had always been kept well away from the surface when a storm was due as a child.

His mind was in two places. He’d almost glazed over her sudden intervention but upon review it was almost painful to replay her words in his head. Behind her almost business-like manner had been a fear. A fear that she was going to invest in him and be abandoned for something she couldn’t give him.

He could see why. He had no interest in children but he had met people who had remained that way until they were into their middle years. They could get past that today, but what stupid thing would he do down the line to ruin it? But if she was going to invest in anyone, was he really worth that? A free-talking ex-con who got himself into trouble on a monthly basis. But who was he to decide who she should put her time in?

He almost always blamed fate, the universe, the Force, whatever you wanted to call it for the hard times, the terrifying times, the emotionally destructive times. But always there was that fear he was trying to hide. That it was always his fault. Even back when he had lost his parents on Glee Anselm. That it had always, and always would be his fault.

Suddenly he was left with the strong urge to go and find a private space and some comfort in the arms of the woman beside him.
[SIZE=9pt]“Two minutes? You’re very generous on the amount of time it takes to die in the cold vacuum.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]More like two seconds but she had gotten his point in reference to drowning and harsh environments. It was all what one became used to. If one was used to sleeping under the waves it wouldn’t be a second thought in their mind about such a thing. Just like how easy it was for herself to sleep in a vessel hurtling through space. Xin had skipped ahead, leaving her a few steps behind. Dells could hear easy enough as the nautolan rambled on about waves. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]‘Different from each side’ sounded like a metaphor for something she didn’t quite understand. Delila wasn’t sure if Xin was still speaking about waves or something else entirely. His long stride had slowed, coming to a slow stop afterwards. Figuring he was looking at some odd piece of the station, her booted feet klanked along, going to stand at the edge of the portal and stare into space. Always fascinating for her to watch, although for most it was more akin to paint drying. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The redhead expected to feel Xin at her side within a few seconds but nothing. A glance back saw that he was still roughly in the same spot she had left him in, looking a little lost. If Xin didn’t want to come to the edge he would have said something, he wasn’t the type to leave her standing expectantly. Slowly she made her way back. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Hand came up to rub against his arm. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Xin? You alright?” [/SIZE]
“Hmm? Yeah, sorry was just thinking.” He had not even realised he’d slowed up and left her to walk to the view of the docks and space beyond alone. She had come back, concerned that something was amiss.

It hadn't been. Not really. But he didn't really want to explain the full thought process he'd been through. In a way he showed her that he wasn't entirely alright.

Xin took the hand against his arm and gently pulled it in against his chest. Then, unless she protested, he wrapped both broad tattooed arms around her and tugged her in against his chest. One hand took the small of her back, the other came to rest against her shoulder blades. Xin sighed.

It was early days for them. She had considered pushing him away and in return he'd been wondering whether he should do the same before he could find a way to ruin it.

For now, there was just solace in having someone warm and increasingly familiar so close.
[SIZE=9pt]At this point Dells would normally have a joke like [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]‘I thought I smelt something burning’[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] or something equally lame that popped into her mind. Mouth remained shut, sensing the situation probably didn’t warrant a joke. It was a rare moment of clarity for the normally emotionally ignorant redhead. Out of respect she didn’t press the situation. Delila hated when someone pried into her personal issues. If Xin wanted to tell her he would on his own time. Just like with time she would feel comfortable enough to share more with Xin. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Nautolan pulled her in close. There was no resistance on her part, there was no need for it. Head came to rest against his broad chest and her body relaxed into him. Delila was assuming the gesture was to comfort himself but it was nice for herself was well. She rarely let herself enjoy such a thing. Most were lucky to even get this opportunity, Dells kept herself at arms length both physically and emotionally to nearly everyone. It was safer that way, caused less complications. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The back of her mind was gnawing though. Reminding her everything good always came to an end. Especially for her. Just because she knew it was going to happen didn’t mean it wasn’t going to hurt any less. It was like preparing for a painful procedure. The mind knew it was going to hurt but one still ended up cursing and screaming during. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Hand picked at the fabric on his chest before smoothing it. Couldn’t let the reality rule her at the moment. Enjoy the moment. She had always had trouble with that concept. [/SIZE]

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