Delila Castillon
[SIZE=9pt]Her ‘career’ or time spent with the Alliance wasn’t something she preferred to talk about or visit often. In her eyes it wasn’t very important. More or less a figurehead in the pushback along the space lanes. It was a bit of a hot topic, most had no idea what they had been rebelling for when there was a Republic at the time. Just because her time with the Alliance turned into the modern day Outer Rim Coalition didn’t mean it was worth mentioning. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“Yeah, Jorus.” Delila wanted to ask about the difficult circumstances but she wasn’t one to often pry. “Starstruck eh? He’s a pretty laid back guy in my opinion. I bet he thought it was funny. I saw him not too long ago, Free Worlds Coalition went for some diplomacy. I just sat there and ate sandwiches, the best type of trip.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Wrap done, Dells crumpled her foil and tossed it into a waste basket. Caf was still half-finished in her hand. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“If you’re ever in the neighborhood collecting parts or doing whatever type of job, ORC space is a great area to hang out in. No one would dare bother you there.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“Yeah, Jorus.” Delila wanted to ask about the difficult circumstances but she wasn’t one to often pry. “Starstruck eh? He’s a pretty laid back guy in my opinion. I bet he thought it was funny. I saw him not too long ago, Free Worlds Coalition went for some diplomacy. I just sat there and ate sandwiches, the best type of trip.”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Wrap done, Dells crumpled her foil and tossed it into a waste basket. Caf was still half-finished in her hand. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“If you’re ever in the neighborhood collecting parts or doing whatever type of job, ORC space is a great area to hang out in. No one would dare bother you there.”[/SIZE]