Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mouse Trap

“I'll take it,” he said, pursing his lips. “It ah betta dan ‘nurse squidly’,” he added with a low chuckle. He left Dells to see how the strapping was and went to find a tub of kolto salve. The stuff smelled almost spicey. Not something you really wanted to plaster on your forehead, but the streak was now just a pale patch of skin where the blaster bolt had burned him as it passed.

“It is called Leverson Anchorage. Quiet. Ish. De only mob dere are de ones we like. Maybe twenty berths for small frigates. A few bulk freighters or cruisers. Few decks in the middle of markets. It's safe.”

Xin opened a draw and twisted open the small canister. Not only did it smell odd but it had to be kept cold too.

“Mostly safe,he corrected.
[SIZE=9pt]There was a slight chuckle as she examined Xin’s handywork. It was heads and shoulders above what she would have done. Being ex-Special Forces of course she knew how to patch someone up and make an attempt to keep them alive until help arrived. Most pharmaceuticals in medkits were impossible to overdose and didn’t contain drug interactions, making it easier on the soldiers in the field. Yet she had a practical approach to medical and wounds, probably a much less holistic view than Xin. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Mostly safe is fine. I’ve got some errands to run while we’re on the station, stretch the legs.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Dells slid off the table she was sitting on while Xin had bandaged her up. Kolto salve was being applied to his head. Smelt weird but she was surprised the ship had such an item. Kolto had fallen by the wayside considering bacta but she still sound it useful. She stretched a little and winced at the feeling in her arm. Dells hated the numb feeling spreading through it, bacta was going to take a little bit to actually work.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Making her way to Xin, hand came up run against his arm before settling on his bicep.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“So I have been cleared for all activities Dr.Boa?” Of course she put on a breathy,overly sensual voice before cracking, trying not to laugh at the same time. “Because I believe we keep getting interrupted.” [/SIZE]
Xin laughed as he put down the salve. He casually wiped any remains off on his trousers as he turned in towards Delila. “Ah, but dat would hardly be an independent decision now? How gentle are yuh gonna be?”

His hands came to rest against the smooth skin of her waist. The strap of her underwear still hung off one shoulder where he had been applying the strapping across her chest. Xin might have joked back in turn, but the flex of his fingers as he tugged her just slightly closer betrayed some very real desires. At this distance she could see that far from a smooth inky black there were small pinpricks of silver across the surface of his eyes.

The intercom crackled. “Coming out of hyperspace soon,” came Braks reptilian voice.

“Interrupted, right,” Xin whispered with a sigh. He had never asked how she got that long, y-shaped scar. It wasn’t the kind of scar that looked as if it had a bold tale of adventure behind it. “Up soon,” Xin called back through a grimace.
[SIZE=9pt]She couldn’t help the laughter that followed his questioning, they both knew the answer. Her amusement quieted down once Xin decided to pull her closer. Weight came to lean against his strong frame. Hand curled into his shirt, tugging the Nautolan’s head down to her level. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The intercom buzzed.A curse was muttered underneath her breath.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I swear he has a radar.” A smile and a quick kiss - best not to tempt fate. Hand uncurled from his shirt, moving to smooth the fabric out slightly. With a bit of disappointment she retrieved the slightly blood stained tanktop and pulled the ribbed material back on. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Maybe we can ditch Brak for a couple of hours on the station? Once we finish repairs of course.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Dells hadn’t been sure what type of timeframe the pair had possibly decided on. In her opinion they could easily spare a couple of hours for leisure before hitting the not so friendly skies once more. She needed to get Xin alone. A few topics had been touched on back at the diner, their banter coming easy. Delila wanted to dive deeper but also wanted to take Xin by the shoulders,give a shake, and ask him what he was doing. Not exactly something to do with their overgrown lizard companion keeping tabs on their whereabouts every fifteen minutes. [/SIZE]
Chest heaved as he took a deep breath. It was something about the way she reluctantly released her grip that had him mournful for the barabel’s timing.

“Yeah, da’s a good idea,” he said. A firm nod of his head had his tails shaking. “To be honest all wi did was dent one of da outer plates. Nuh hull beach. Obviously.” They could probably get it repaired by some of the mechanics on the dock for a reasonable price. He doubted any of them fancied a zero-g walk.

He supposed it wasn’t actually that obvious. They might have sealed off a section of the ship that was exposed to vacuum for the jump to hyperspace. Nothing had bothered them on the way out. That almost concerned Xin, but hyperspace tracking was very difficult. Brak had spent the first ten minutes sweeping for any sign of a beacon. There wasn’t one transmitting, but they were still scanning just in case one turned itself back on when they reverted to realspace. That was an old trick.

That look from the duros brothers had been almost resignation. The situation had spiralled out of control and they had left. Wesseq wasn’t going to be happy, but he couldn’t put the blame on him and Brak. Someone else had taken a shot at the people they were supposed to be watching and everything had gone downhill from there.

There was another quiet, resigned sigh as he turned for the door.

Even his eyes had to adjust to the darkness. Xin reached over Brak from behind his chair and flicked a switch to dim the console’s lights. Through the cockpit viewscreen he could now see the station. They weren’t orbiting a system. They were several parsecs from the nearest star and the lights of the station itself were barely visible above the backdrop of distant starlight.

“They know we’re coming,” Brak said.

“Can yuh arrange the repairs?” Xin asked. He gave Dells an almost guilty sideways look. The barabel couldn't see the gesture, but he knew Xin’s tone of voice well enough.

“Let me make sure it isn’t more serious than we thought first.”

“I’ll go get a gun den,” Xin said. “Mostly safe,” he re-emphasised to Dells with a shrug.
[SIZE=9pt]“I only have good ideas Squidly.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Having nothing else better to do, Delila had followed Xin towards the cockpit, set on spending time with Brak. Additionally she wanted to see the station up close and personal with her own eyes as they approached. Xin had mentioned it was a little rough. Not something that particularly bothered her. Most stations beyond the tourist-y type ones had a bit of a rough and tumble reputation. Folks that looked as if they hadn’t set foot on a planet in years. Smugglers. Pirates. Criminals looking to escape and blend in. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Actually, I want to arrange the repairs.” Gaze went to Xin as if to dare the Nautolan to argue. Growing up in the family business of vessel repair, Delila could easily argue she was the most qualified to do so. Part of her was half-tempted to do the repair work herself. Considering the arm, lack of tools and promise to spend a couple hours out with Xin it was going to be impossible. “Won’t be difficult and I’d be happy to do it.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Grab mine too, will you? Please.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The redhead slid into the copilots chair as Xin left the cockpit. Head turned to make sure the Nautolan was more or less out of ear shot at. Once she was confident, gaze went to the station they were quickly approaching. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“His concern is touching. “ [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Something I’m not used to even.[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] “But I’m not sure what Squidly thinks I’ve been doing the past twenty one years. Certainly wasn’t sitting around filing my nails.” [/SIZE]
The ways Dells watched him after announcing she would arrange the repairs herself made him wonder if there was more at stake. Was she annoyed that he's tried to shift the load onto Brak so they could enjoy a little more time? The nautolan shrugged it off and headed back deeper into the light freighter.

“Being mostly blaster proof has its advantages,” Brak chuckled. “Not that he would fuss over me as much. And I'm not convinced he thinks more than twenty one minutes into the future or past, let alone years.”

Brak's heavy black claws moved up to the shield lever and tugged it back. No one out here wanted to see a ship approaching with weapons primed and shields up. Brak might have seemed cool on the surface, but he was slightly shaken up. The sudden burst of violence had caught him off guard as he had been doing on watch.
[SIZE=9pt]“At one point I may have argued that but I’m beginning to agree. What type of memory span do fish have, five seconds or something? We may be dealing with the same issue.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She flashed a smirk towards Brak. She wasn’t making fun of Xin horribly, Dells would say the same thing to his face. It seemed Xin did think about the past from time to time in their brief conversations. His time in prison seemed to be the most sticking. Future? Who knew. Gaze turned back to the viewscreen. Dells wasn’t feeling comfortable approaching the station. Xin kept mentioning it was ‘mostly safe’. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I’m hoping we don’t get blown clear out of the sky Brak.”[/SIZE]
“Oh it's fine. It's mostly civilised,” Brak said. He hadn't realised Xin had already delivered the line to Dells and thought he would steal it for himself. “No really they're pretty tight here about anyone messing around. Don't draw a weapon first. There hasn't been trouble here for years because the person who draws first usually goes out an airlock.”

Xin returned with one of Dell's blasters wrapped in a holster. “Just don't draw…”

“I told her,” Brak interrupted. Xin gave a shrug and handed it over. His Glie-44 was strapped to his right hip. .

“It looks quiet,” Brak remarked as they drew close enough to see the docking pylons.

That probably meant they could get the work done in a reasonable time but Xin didn't say as much. Everyone could work that out on their own. It also meant less busy on the station itself if they managed to snatch some time to themselves.
[SIZE=9pt]“I’m a mostly civilized person. Seems like we have nothing to worry about.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Twenty minutes later they had docked and Delila walked down the ramp, blaster strapped to her right thigh. As she walked around there was the nagging thought in her mind she really should have used the sling. There was no reason to page ‘Dr.Boa’ again and instead her hand went awkwardly inside her pocket to keep things from jostling around. Stiff muscles were protesting at the action, mentally noting she felt a bit off - probably the stimshots and hyposprays still coursing through her system. It wasn’t anything hopefully noticeable to the outside person, figuring once she got a hot meal and some exercise her metabolism would wear off some of the hazy drugged feeling. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Hand ran along the rub marks of where the wood decking had met the vessel, searching for signs of a problem. Dells like being prepared, to know when someone was bullshitting her. It shouldn’t be a problem considering she would be backed up by a barabel and nautolan but it always paid to do one’s homework before diving into a deal. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Eyes looked up at the large dent, slightly out of her reach. Didn’t look like it had punctured the hull but one could never be sure. She’d have the mechanics replace the panel. A step back, more squinting towards a sensor array. It looked a bit out of whack too. Delila hadn’t seen many indicator lights on the control panels when Brak was flying , something else to note if the mechanics wanted to try their hand at scamming them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Alright, going to procure some repairs. Try to behave while I’m gone.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]A grin flashed mostly in Xin’s direction before turning off towards a row of mechanic shops lining the docking bays. [/SIZE]
“It's probably good that she goes and arranges,” Brak said.

“Oh?” Xin said, mentally preparing himself for what would come next. His gaze had lingered after Delilah’s grin and there was a pause before he turned to face the barabel.

“Yes. People tend to like shooting at you,” Brak chuckled.

Xin shrugged. On the scale of Brak's jokes it wasn't very cutting. He wished it wasn't quite so true, but he didn't take it to heart. “And you're the bigger, blaster proof target too,” Xin replied. A few years without trouble would be nice, he thought. The offer she had made was still on his mind and he was coming to terms with adjusting his expectations. Leasing a ship would open up a lot of possibilities and he could imagine lots of them not putting him in mortal danger quite as much as he seemed to be in these days.

“Who is telling Wesseq about the repair costs?” Brak asked.

“I will. But in person. Got some questions fah him. Need some food supplies?” Xin asked. The station was out of the way of any major systems but sat close to several trade routes. Lots of smugglers came this way and bartered small quantities of their goods for services, skimming from the top. It mean there was usually an eclectic range of goods to buy. The food joints were simple but pleasant, but he could explore that later when repairs were underway.
[SIZE=9pt]Delila cruised the stalls, looking for a mechanic that was possibly worth his or her weight and didn’t seem backed up with repairs. Eyes fell on an elderly man and a teenaged boy. Grandad had the experience, the boy would be quick at doing the repairs. She entered the space, approaching the man at the counter and leaning against it. Elderly man looked up from his comm, where he was scrolling through the sectors news. The teenage boy was working on cleaning up several parts in a corner. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Can I help you Miss?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Going to need some vessel repair. New piece of durasteel for the large dent, sensory array will have to be looked at, along with the systems near it. Just to be safe.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The old man nodded and turned to yell at the teenaged boy. There was enough trust in his grandson to get the idea of what repairs were needed. He was too old to be walking back and forth for nothing. The dark haired boy got up grabbed a few tools. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Where to?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Down to the docking bays here. You been doin’ this long?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Couple years, my parents sent me here. Said it was better opportunity. I just think Pops needed help.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Probably but its a good skill. Beats running around the streets with no money, right?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Delila slipped deeper into conversation with the kid, reminded a bit of herself as they walked back to the vessel. [/SIZE]
Xin was carrying a small canvas bag of produce. It wasn't a lot. Just some meat - Brak would eat his raw of course - and frozen vegetables. There had been some spices on sale but it must have been near the end of some shipment they'd picked up and he hadn't been able to afford it. Not if they were going to get some food and a few drinks out. Water here was expensive so they'd run off what was in the tanks.

Xin was just boarding the ramp when he saw Delila leading a young human back towards the ship. Xin smiled and waved. The last few weeks hadn't been kind to him. Stuck on a swamp as Stormtroopers landed, dealing with rampaging droids and then the abattoir. That headtail stung all of a sudden. Had just been starting to enjoy some time with her and everything had gone to pieces again.

Looks young for a mechanic, he thought to himself. Then again would you have taken such a comment at that age? It wasn't many years between them at a guess. He had probably been running lookout for Yulon’s crew at that age. Right before getting caught. He went inside to get his bounty in the chiller. There was no straw hat at least.
[SIZE=9pt]There was a short wave back and a smile small. Xin had returned back inside,probably to put up the purchases. Nice to know they wouldn't be eating ration bars the entire time.The boy was chattering on next to her about wanting to fly fighters and ships of all kinds once he got older.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I've flown a fighter. Horrible at it and not exactly comfortable accommodations. Can't say I have the same romantic feel for it as you do. “[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Wizard! Did you crash?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The redhead laughed as they came to a stop where the damage was. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Oh yeah, wasn't lying when I said I was horrible. Now to a more timely topic than ancient history - the vessel here. You can see the damage.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Did you crash this too?”[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The teen grinned and moved closer to look.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Funny. That was my fellow crewmates. I can't be blamed for this one.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Boy scurried up to look at the damage, pulling out a datapad to take notes on what parts would be needed . After settling up with the old man at the shop she'd be free to explore. Dells was hard pressed to remember a day when she technically didn't have to do anything. It had been awhile.[/SIZE]
The galley was a much more pleasant place with the smell of fresh produce. Not that it lasted for very long. Everything had to be stowed away carefully incase the artificial gravity or inertial dampeners went. Xin imagined that of the dampeners went he'd be more concerned about being flattened into a layer a few molecules think on a bulkhead more than he would about food missiles escaping the kitchen.

He could hear Brak talking quietly in the cockpit. The barabel was probably having a quick conversation with someone back at the Fleet. Whilst he wanted a good, long conversation with Wesseq he wanted to conduct it face to face.

“Oh where is… Oh hello dere,” Xin said as he strode out of the ship. From the dorsal hull the young man put his stylus between his teeth so that he could wave back. Then he was back to scrabbling around the base of the dish.

“How is it looking?” he asked. It didn't seem too bad from down here but that didn't tell him a lot. He was still slightly embarrassed at having taken such rash action, but they were all here and in one piece.
[SIZE=9pt]Dells watched the boy scurry around the vessel, looking at the dent. There was already some discussion that it technically didn't have to be replaced. However it was decided to go ahead and fix the issue. With their luck it would end up being a problem in the not too distant future. She was absently rubbing her arm when Xin reappeared.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Nothing too major. He's just taking some notes before we head back to settle up the repairs. How was your shopping spree?”[/SIZE]
“Brief,” Xin replied quickly. “A few fresh bits that must have been surplus but that's all. Nuh spices, at least dat I could afford,” he added with a shrug.

Xin didn't really deal with the outside of vessels except in emergencies. Regular maintenance duties involved keeping the hyperdrive and mechanical components in good working order.

“Need any painkillers fah dat?” he asked when he saw her rubbing at the arm. He didn't feel he was being overly fussy, even if she was more than capable of getting her own pills if needed. She was supervising the repairs after all. She might have held a different perspective.
[SIZE=9pt]“Fresh? That will be nice for a couple days.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Not to mention it would prevent them from dipping into stored goods. Delila wasn’t complaining but it seemed the long-term packaged items had little flavor. Probably while Xin was lamenting his lack of spices. She made a mental note to see if they could pick up some if they stopped planetside somewhere. Undoubtedly cheaper. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Hand stopped moving against her arm and head shook slightly. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“No, I already feel a little ‘off’ and don’t need to pile on. Appreciate it. Maybe later on when we’re in hyperspace.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Hyperspace because it would be safer. What if something popped off again? If she took more painkillers even the sound of blaster fire wouldn’t do much to sober her up quickly. Didn’t need be a drag on the ‘team’ so to speak. The teenage boy was sliding back down the vessel, his worn boots coming to smack on the durasteel plating near them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Looks like we gotta replace that plating and a few parts on the main sensor dish. Uh, maybe 4 to 5 hours, the sensor dish is delicate work. The old man will handle most of that. If you come back to the shop I’ll get an early invoice.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Sounds great, lead the way, I’ll be following behind.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Teenage boy nodded and started back to the shop, looking down at the datapad. No doubt going to pull some parts from storage while the old man went over the damage. Dells came to hook her good arm around Xin’s, pulling him in the direction of the shop. This way they didn’t have to walk back once everything was squared away. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“You got plans for the next four hours? Anything in mind?”[/SIZE]
For a second he tensed and tried not to grip her arm tight as he forgot which of her arms was wounded. Feeling slightly silly for doing so he gave her arm a gentle squeeze with his free hand.

It felt nice. Not thrilling, scary or exhilarating. Just nice. And that was a good thing. Back in the tower they had just enjoyed each others company and nothing else had mattered for a few minutes. Normal. Of course people were shooting at him within a few hours, but that small interlude had been such a welcome break.

It seemed to Xin as if normal and nice were always out of his reach. He was tired of running. Running from danger. Running from people. He didn’t know if he believed in the Force, but it felt to him as if every time he started to build something the Universe had a habit of knocking it down. This wouldn’t last. It couldn’t last. Nothing ever could.

Xin silently chided himself for his weakness, for indulging in it. He had stubbornly refused to run without her and the Universe would almost certainly pay him back for that affront.

“Some food, some drinks, some privacy? In dat order or dereabouts,” he suggested.

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