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Dominion Movement in the Shadows | SJC Dominion of Rorak 4



Darlyn wasn't usually one to join investigative, quiet missions like this. It generally would seem to go against his idea of a fun time, especially when the option to go fight a warlord to the death was an option. He was known, in at least a couple circles, for violent capabilities or high grade explosive expertise, very much the opposite of quiet tracking.

Of course, that was because as President, he didn't often get to go on the hunt. Truth be told he was far from the best, but slipping into the background to follow someone or get somewhere was an old comfort. Even if his garb woupd normally stand out, Darlyn was capable of making it seem like he belonged where he was. Sheer confidence and charisma, if you had enough people would tend to simply believe something as normal.

Throwing a burlap poncho over himself until regrouping didn't hurt either. Didn't do much to hide his dark force signature, or the bright Light force signature of Samhain, but pirates probably wouldn't pick up on either so, it was fine.

When he rejoined the infiltration team, huddled together, he discarded the poor poncho he'd covered himself with, looking where Mathieu had indicated. "If I may make a guess, he's suggesting we take advantage of the crane's height to gerlt over the stronghold's walls. People don't tend to look up so, it isn't a terrible idea if that's what he's thinking. Main problem I can see is the approach."

Darlyn took a quick peek around before continuing. "It looks like we're about halfway down the quarry. We could get to that cliff's edge there and jump down to the crane itself, procided you know how to control your descent with the Force. Or we could get down below it over there on the opposite end and climb up carefully, since they won't be ready for someone to come from deeper in the quary. Of course that needs physical strength and endurance. And as a longshot there might be an old mining tunnel we can use, but there's no guarantee, and they would probably be aware of the weakness."

The sound of footsteps echoing through the sewer crept closer and closer to the stoic Warlord. His eyes were trained on the single pipe that gave way to the upper levels. Most of the sewer system was left in total darkness, but the space they were in was illuminated by bright floodlights.

Three of his Morgukai rose up when the tiny figure finally became visible. It was the Chadra-Fan who acted as their messenger. While coms certainly were more efficient, they were also more likely to betray their positions to the Concord, among other reasons.

"Boss!" The Chadra-Fan squeaked. "It's the Concord! They're gathering outside of the sewers!" He said, panting. But Atun Sounn would not give him time to rest. He stood up himself, his massive form casting a shadow over the Chadra-Fan. "So they have found us. Are our countermeasures in place?" They had hidden everything they had acquired, their entire arsenal, in these sewers. Originally to keep the unsuspecting government in the dark, and now to fend off the Concord. "Yes boss! Arbur has made sure that everything's in place. The Concord won't get past our first line! Promise!" Sounn said nothing. Arbur and his fellow Klatoonians were vicious warriors and great marksmen. But sometimes, they could be rather clumsy. It was something he hadn't commented on ever since he had been in charge of the station. But if the Klatoonian messed it up…

"Good." His curt response confused the Chadra-Fan. "Is there anything else you'd like me to do boss?.." The Warlord thought for a moment. "Go to the Cyborreans. Tell them they are expected to step up if the Klatoonians fail." Without any further ado, the Chadra-Fan turned and ran.

Atun Sounn knew that the Klatoonians would fail. They were mighty, and he had heard Arbur's plan. The Klatoonians had partially flooded the upper levels, relying on the chemical waste of the industries to make those paths impassable. The other paths were occupied by the Klatoonians, who would cleverly try to outflank and separate the Concord's forces. But the Klatoonians too had failed to stop the Bryn'adul. In his eyes, they were just as guilty. Just as weak. Like the Cyborreans, the Barabels, the Rangers, the Jedi and… like him.

Perhaps this wasn't so much about destroying the Concord. No. Perhaps all he wanted, was to bring down as much death and destruction as he could on those who had let entire families die.


Caedyn Arenais

"You assk who ssaid it? You might ass well assk which raindrop to blame for the storm.
Xenophobia and anti-refugee ssentiment are not a matter of isolated incidentss."

Caedyn looked to Basta Rren and nodded, understanding where the Barabel's emotion was coming from and therefore doing his best not to take it on a personal front, instead maintaining his composure; "You're right, it's unacceptable" he agreed with her, "These allegations are serious and it needs to be investigated and put to a stop, but I need your help in knowing where it has come from if I'm to try and right these wrongs against you and your people" Caedyn sought to explain himself, elaborating on why he had asked the source of the insult. Thousands had fought and lost their lives trying to hold the Bryn'adul back, and these accusations, the behaviour being described there went against every ounce of that plight.

His attention was drawn to Lyheer next as the Tintinna elder had spoken of the Concord and the Order. "The Order of the Silver Jedi is not of the same body as the Silver Concord, and I assure you, that we as Silver Jedi are doing our utmost to help alleviate the situation here between Rorak-4 and your people" Caedyn expressed, his voice was gentle as he didn't want to offend them or give the impression that he was there to argue with anyone; "The Concord has asked for our assistance in this matter, but we are not politicians. We serve the people as best we can, and we're not looking to evict or uproot anyone against their will".

"I can have Lifeline Connect look at bringing supplies to the Space-Station as early as late tomorrow, and organize for some engineers to accompany them in order to provide what maintenance they can to your homes here" Caedyn offered. The Company was owned primarily under House Arenais, and was outside of the limitations or restrictions of the Concord itself; "However you do have millions of people here and my offer remains. If there are families that do wish to live upon a world where these struggles you've informed me of aren't present, the violence and the discrimination from the local government, then I would gladly see it done".

"I know you've all been through a lot, and you've every right to be angry...-But if things are so difficult here then surely there would be some of you that might be attracted to the idea of finding sanctuary and given citizenship upon the world's listed there..." He gestured to the Datapad he had handed to Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill ; "I've no connection to rorak-4's Government and I don't know their agenda here, all I'm here for is to try and help provide whatever I can to those alike yourselves who have already gone through so much".

"My offer is simply that however, an offer. I'm not here to force your hand".
Objective 2
Caedyn Arenais

"What we're saying is that there's no one person to blame for these anti-refugee prejudices," Quill said. "They've played themselves out in practice. Probably the most serious example: strategically, the Concord and the Order aren't just treating violence as overrepresented among refugees, they're ignoring anti-refugee violence from some of the people who already lived in this sector. It's not even part of the narrative, let alone the plan."

"That's not to say we don't appreciate the offer of supplies and relocation assistance for those who want it," the Tintinna interjected, accepting the datapad. "We do. I can't help feeling, though, that this is two different meetings, and one of them should have involved someone who can speak for the Order and Concord decision-making at a more senior level."

"We'rre worrth one of theirr knightsz, apparrently" the Kubaz buzzed. 'If they want thisz massz rrelocation to szuszkeed, they'll need to coordinate with community elderrsz going forrwarrd."
Objective: ll (reluctantly)

"This must be wrong..." Aayla said, looking over her deployment orders on a holo-pad given to her by one of the crew on the Silver Tide.

" fraid' not... And I'm not supposed to know this, but ground teams got here way before us... If you're on this ship, then you missed the train... Unless of course, you're gonna disobey orders again... " The officer spoke, to which she gave him a venomous look. It quickly turned into a sarcastic smile as she spun on her heel and stormed off.

"Disobey orders... You can barely complete the orders you are given" she mumbled, to which the Officer called after her

" What was that!? " he called out, in a high pitched voice.

The young padawan turned partly, still stepping back as she waved him off
" Just thanking you for your sparkling service..." Aayla said, somewhat expectant of this. When she heard of the mission she expected them to put her in a field position again, but she knew she would have to play her position spotless for some time before they ever allowed that again. Which in retrospect she still didn't feel bad for; she had saved lives! Who gets punished for that...

She didn't arrive in this system on the Tide, and so wasn't sure what her position was until just now. Still, how long did the Jedi hold a grudge really...

For now, she would report to the bridge, that negative feelings of what felt like a demotion quickly fading away. The point was she wasn't stuck with the younglings back on Kashyyyk anymore, and that much was cause for rejoice.


In no time, she would have walked smoothly onto the bridge, eyes snapping onto the Masters Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala and Eloi Graix Eloi Graix . She would quite literally never get over how easy it was to spot a Jedi in a crowd. Approaching the pair, she would move the holopad she was holding to her back, and bow respectively to each Master before speaking.
"My name is Aayla Shan, I'm apart of team two, but there are no directives on my holopad other than making contact with you two, there's another Master mentioned here as well Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill ... " She looked over the both of them, and cleared her throat.

"If I may... " she started trying to get out of this task, and get sent into the good stuff, but realized if she did that; if she even remotely suggested it, they could've taken it as though she hadn't learned her lesson... And she was NOT looking over younglings again.
All of a sudden, Vexander materialized himself removing his Force Concealment technique completely. A dark robbed figure with gold trimms and a white face mask showed up without notice. He had been hearing all along since the team began to huddle at first, but he arrived late and didn't think he had anything to add for the time being and hence, he just decided to stay with his technique alltogether until this point.

"The crane seems indeed the best option at the moment" The robbed figure moved his right hand to his face and put all five fingers in the mask and just pressed in a slight upwards motion unclipping the Mask from the hinges, then he just removed the black hood and revealed the Face of a bearded man in his early 30s with a serious demenanor "...we should strive to jump to it and disperse ourselves a few meters apart as possible in order to have a greater visibility and to have at all times one or two peers close to provide assistance and disperse once again" The Jedi Master was quite skilled in telekinesis and he knew that he could help quite a lot the Padawan of the team.

The corellian Jedi didn't know anyone from this particular team, but they seemed quite a capable bunch... he just hoped that no unforeseen events would pinpoint their location at this early stage... but that was so hard to accomplish in this kind of situations. Vex knew that the job of a Jedi Shadow was filled with unexpected things.

"I am quite sure that I can stay behind to provide cover through my scope.." Vexander tap at his shouder strap carrying his rifle "...and even help from afar in case someone is not able to descend with the help of the Force. Telekinesis is one of my fortes"


Well-Known Member

Stealth - PvE

"Secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places"

Our intelligence has picked up on some disturbing rumors. A shadow collective of senators, figureheads, and external organizations is conspiring against the Concord. While these are just rumors, the Silver Assembly believes the threat to be real. We will take this chance to sneak into the Warlord's secret stronghold on the surface of Affavan, try to find evidence of this conspiracy in his personal quarters, and leave before they get a chance to erase their records.

Tag : Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion , Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri , Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran , Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron

So it went as the closer he got to the first checkpoint of the main gate and was just bout to be next in line. That he figured to make his move wherein with a faint nudge with the force the one being check was shoved violently one side. Something which it turns out the burly Gamorrean did take quite an offense to. In that what happened next was quite the bit of distraction he'd needed to swipe one the nearby guard's badge. At which time playing the part he then riled the two up quite nicely. That the two instigated into the fight been accosted and he just so happened be call up to somehow..."assist" getting the Gamorrean in check. Before he then was lead to be thrown into the supposed "work pit" in order to cool off his jets and be punished.

At which time once in he then did good slip off without notice and blend in with the general outfit work in there. As he the plan to initiate his plan next phase.
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Rane had decided to make an appearance on this one. A conspiracy against the Concord was dangerous, especially one that potentially involved senators. Though they were just rumours, they were deeply troubling. When intelligence moved past rumours and into hard facts, it was often too late.

"Remember, we don't just want to appear and fight our way out. The less traces of our involvement, the better." Rane's metallic voice, filtered through his silver-grey breathing apparatus, came seemingly out of nowhere. No sound had revealed any approaching steps, nor a flicker in the Force to suggest someone was coming. He had not been there previously, and now he simply was. The hooded Kel Dor gave a nod to them all, and named one by name. "Master Graves" he gave an additional nod. This was their first encounter, and while the other man might not know who Rane was, Rane had apparently heard of him.

Looking around him, he was quite pleased to see who had gathered. They had many strong legs to stand on, and it gave him confidence they would succeed. Still, they were starting to become quite the crowd. "What do you say we split up, cover most ground? Take different entrypoints inside. If all goes well, we meet there." It was more a suggestion than an order, and he did not wish to speak with rank. Though he had heard mention of several of them, this was a first encounter with most if not all. He believed they could operate more efficiently in multiple smaller groups, however, if they were less experienced and perhaps not so confident, then having someone like Rane and even Graves around to protect them and cover for them could be a comfort. He wanted to give them the choice. Through the Force he attempted to surround himself with a calming presence. However they would proceed , they would need to decide soon. He would back them up regardless.

Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri 0 000 Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Vexander Graves Vexander Graves

Vexander turned around to face the new voice that came out of nowhere... that just materialized out of thin air. So this is how it feels... he thought as he listened to his Kel-Dor comrade provide his wise words at the matter at hand. They made sense, if they could go in and out with no confrontation was for the better.

After he finished his words, the Kel-Dor gave his salutations with a simple nod... however; he turned over to face the bearded corellian and took his time to address Vexander by name and give an individual nod. This made Vexander raise his eyebrow and nodded back at the Kel-Dor. However, the whole ordeal made him wonder for a moment... he was quite sure that he have never met the individual in front of him... but based on what he had been able to gather during his brief tenure within back to known space... this might be an important Jedi Master of the Silver Jedi.

Without giving much thought on the matter, he made a mental note to find out more about who he suspected might be a member of the Silver Assembly and actually agreed with the suggestion that he had provided for the time being... splitting up into groups would allow them to move faster, silently, and even collect further information on the matter.

"Perhaps we should follow that advise... go in teams of two" Vexander left a small silence dwell in the air "Right Master...?" he dragged the word a bit at the end.
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Movement in the Shadows
Tags: Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran | 0 000 | Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron | Vexander Graves Vexander Graves | Ammon Rane Ammon Rane

Soon, it seemed like the team was assembled. Of course, it was hard to know for sure - Mathieu had, after all, not paid that much attention during their way to Affavan. Both Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri and Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran wondered what he had in mind when he pointed to the crane. He threw another glance towards it, taking a long enough pause for Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron to have a guess at what the large Morellian had in mind. A bright smile started to grow on Mathieu's lips as Darlyn elaborated on it - the man had vastly overestimated the Padawan. The idea to make use of the crane's height to make their way over the wall was excellent. By the end of it, he let out a chuckle before admitting what his original thought had been "I actually thought that the crane meant that there had to be a mineshaft underneath it and that we could go on a limb and hope that it was connected to the other tunnels nearby." It was what Darlyn had described as a longshot but there was little point to hiding the truth here.

Soon, Vexander Graves Vexander Graves appeared, making a rather elegant entrance as he seemed to phase into existence whilst removing his force cloak. He seemed to agree with Darlyn in making use of the crane's height. It was a good plan to begin with and as he started to explain how he could help, the plan's utility was further enhanced. For a brief moment, he glanced over to his fellow Padawan Kuxirra with a smirk - they had help if they needed it and that was always a big plus. Naturally, it was good if they could make do on their own - but in his mind, Jedi made each other stronger, without relying on the rugged individualism which could so often be seen among dark side practitioners.

It was not long before Master Ammon Rane Ammon Rane spoke, his metallic voice standing in stark contrast to the others. He heeded them to be careful not to be discovered and suggested that they split up to cover more ground. In a way, splitting up seemed more risky - but then, so was it when half a dozen people tried to sneak together. Vexander agreed and and so did Mathieu. Without much more to contribute other than a nod, Mathieu threw yet another glance at the base, considering which approach which he would be best suited at.

Among the three options, he would probably be the least suited to jumping down onto the crane. His heavy weight meant that he would be taking a large risk, seeing as noise would be harder to avoid. While he didn't have anything against climbing up the wall per se, exploring the old tunnels looked like the safer bet to him. "If we're splitting up, I'll head towards the tunnels. Let the force guide me" briefly, he felt a little unsure of whether that was viable and threw a look to his peers for confirmation "...right?" Once all was said and done, he would take a few steps, to see who else was interested in taking the same path as he did.

Caedyn Arenais

"We'rre worrth one of theirr knightsz, apparrently...".

Caedyn glanced to the Kubaz briefly, a slight lift of his brows in surprise to their remark. He didn't respond, but it was difficult not to feel personally targeted when he had come with the sole intention of trying to offer them help.

Turning to look back to Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill however Caedyn replied: "I've been informed of the fighting between some of the refugee community and the locals, but that doesn't make all refugee's here guilty by association, nor will the locals who act in violence against them escape the consequences brought down by Rorak-4's authorities and the Concord's intervention".

"The same rules will apply to everyone, I hope. In no way will aggression help either side of this situation..." he added, speaking plainly his thoughts and perhaps venting a little of his own frustration over the situation.

Turning back to the Tintinna, Caedyn nodded; "I will arrange for supplies and maintenance to be provided as soon as possible. I sympathize for you all, I do...-These are difficult times, and I will do what I can" he conceded.

With regards to the Concord itself, Caedyn could only report to the Silver Assembly, and they defer with the Chancellor thereon. The Jedi Knight certainly planned on emphasizing the discontent and misconduct that had been reported, in his debriefing...-Yet that didn't mean much for what was going on in the 'here and now'.

As the Prince of Mnemosyne, it hadn't occurred to him before now the connection between the recently inherited Monarchy and the Concord itself, that which was made up of World Leaders throughout Silver Space. Mnemos was made up of a Constitutional Monarchy and therefore his input was largely unnecessary. Perhaps in the future, he would look to see what input they had with regards to the Senate, although he loathed the idea and as a Jedi Knight, preferred to steer far clear of becoming any sort of political influence.

Unfortunately, the community representatives before him seemed certain that his presence there would be able to offer little more, instead, seeking someone of an official role either from the Concord itself or Caedyn's superiors within the Assembly, if he were to assume correctly. It was somewhat defeating to hear, yet he could only do so much and being able to offer them any form of recompense from those higher up the chain of command was certainly beyond his reach.

"I apologize that I'm unable to offer you all the results you'd have wished of this meeting, but if there's anything further you would ask of me, I encourage you do so" he concluded, not wishing to leave them without being assured that there was nothing more he could do for them.
Grey Jedi Padawan/Cinnamon Roll
Objective 1
Leehak nodded as Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr explained what needed to be done. As of yet, he was unfamiliar with the man, but he was familiar with the stealth mission Kuxirra and her Master had gone on beforehand to Circumtore—he'd been clear that he wanted her safe. The Knight was proud that his daughter had been able to provide intel, which Beltran had used.

Objective 2
Zenda had opted to switch tactics. Instead of directing the refugees and seeming like she was forcing them, she instead chose to help them with what they needed help with. She didn't have much experience building things, but she knew how to do some small repairs on the shelters present. The Togruta worked on those while Caedyn Arenais and Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill talked.

Objective 3
Kuxirra shrugged at Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion 's suggestion. "I guess. When in doubt, trust the Force." She looked at Ammon Rane Ammon Rane in surprise when he talked; his voice was similar to her father's, and at first she'd believed he'd joined in with her before she saw the Kel Dor. Her surprised expression quickly melted into a smile.


Well-Known Member

Stealth - PvE

"Secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places"

Our intelligence has picked up on some disturbing rumors. A shadow collective of senators, figureheads, and external organizations is conspiring against the Concord. While these are just rumors, the Silver Assembly believes the threat to be real. We will take this chance to sneak into the Warlord's secret stronghold on the surface of Affavan, try to find evidence of this conspiracy in his personal quarters, and leave before they get a chance to erase their records.

Tag : Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion , Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri , Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran , Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron , Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Ammon Rane Ammon Rane

Walk down the hallways once inside past the heavy doors that slowly creek shut behind him.... he then slowly blended in appear so seamlessly as if he had no less been more and more. Less of a Jedi but more like the scoundrel scum that now inhabits this place....planet as he then began settling in with his surrounding. Which back of his mind part him couldn't shake the fact that in some capacity he did seemingly began to feel doubt as much a deeper reservation as he wanders deeper down the ill-lit halls. Seeing first hand and bear witness to the cruelty as much the savagery the galaxy had to offer...wherein he could not help feel the precarious balance tip. From the nobility of a worthy cause towards a more deliberate call for action when all of the sudden. Just as he near a bend and could hear a youthful whispering voice up ahead. That he then feel a sharp tap onto his shoulder that was soon followed by a snarl tone voice.

"And where the hell do you think you're going...."

At which time turn around and reach into his coat.....made the man give pause with held breath in fright before let out a steely gaze at him. When thought the temptation grab his weapon to act as the shadow darkness he'd seen still heavy in his mind. Till last second with faint clarity come mind instead grab a hidden flask which he down with few swigs before reply.

"....Well it's been a long flight and Banta pooder who's flight here I've been paid charter promised me there be a pretty lass in it when...."

At which time staggering a bit and play his part which took a bit but the guys took a sort of at face value thought with a brow slightly loft high at him.

"Fine...fine...then I guess you're with those "fine" folks or guests we have a meeting with the boss about dealing with those Silver eh?...well I guess..."

He then pulls him aside close and whispers in his ear.

"...maybe we can work something out in regards to that last bit but then again you have to wait after they're done and it this way not there...."

The man then corals him and lead him off towards the opposite halls while giving a disapproval glance down the hall he was heading.

"....fraid no lass there but a bunch of sniveling brats who we could have held off trade-in couple more or so season....after we get then ready."

And with that said as he then slowly was being led away to the other hall where once could hear the merry-making sound of a rowdy bar. That Ron make note of what was said and of the hall in his head for later.



Location: Rorak 4
Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Desbre Gensan, Milya Vondar (Going to play like they are here.)
The Lorekeeper The Lorekeeper - Don't really know who else, trying to catch up


Find a landing spot "Roller"

The pilot droid was skimming over the wasteland that Rorak 4 had become, it was unfortunate, it was a shame, it was ticking him off. Make no mistake, Caltin was not being controlled by his emotions, but he was already in a bit of a bad mood because the Concord was already here and already moving. He was late to the party and the massive Jedi Master does not like being late to anything. Roller was scanning the topography, but there was too much in the way of waste to make a safe landing. Caltin just got up and walked to the cargo bay to the loading and opened it up.

Just keep an eye on me. Des, Milya. I would normally tell my Padawans to be careful and call me the moment that they run into trouble, but this is fething warzone down there, so that goes without saying. I can sense a lot of our friends down there... but can't see them.

That is when Roller picked up that there were several Lifesigns underground indicating sewers.

That would be why... I'm going to find these sewers, even if I have to make an entrance... in fact... Roller... can you differentiate between our people and theirs?

"Roller" could not, but did find a large group not far from them, spread out in different points, and a smaller concerted group in a similar area.

The bunched-up group has got to be Jedi... oh well. Follow me down, ladies. Or find the group and catch them. Or drop in another area and find another entrance like I'm doing. You have all the tools you need. Just watch out for each other and trust in the Force...

Going to jump out, he stopped short and smiled wryly.

... and call me if you get into trouble.

Leaping out of "The Starlight Sentinel", Caltin already had his hand on "Conservator" before he hit the ground. He may need it, a group of four Nikto were bearing down on him.

Really? Already?

Speaking through the Force, Caltin called out to those Jedi he could sense in the area.

~"It's Vanagor. If you're in the sewers, I'm above you and see a lot of Nikto. Anyone wanna catch me up on something I might have missed?"~

He wasn't demanding or being a Diva or anything. He was late.


Before it could grow too long, he supplemented @Vexander Raves’s pause with a “Rane. Ammon Rane” He smiled, although who was really to tell whether the Kel Dor was smiling or not behind that mask. His tone, such as it could be, was friendly enough. Rane nodded finally as he gathered the mood of the group. The matter was settled.

Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion , showing signs of both being eager and taking action, moved the conversation forward. Another Kel Dor smile was concealed behind silver metal. “Your instincts are onto something I think, Padawan Brion. I too will move into the tunnels.” The Force would indeed be their guide. Come what may, Rane took comfort in that.

Mathieu, Rane, and whoever else felt so inclined moved down towards the tunnel. In the dark environment he was tempted to illuminate it all with the blue hue of his lightsaber, but naturally, he could not. The light fumes and air of smoke that met them as they entered made him appreciate how everything got filtered through his breathing mask. As unappealing the tunnels looked, and probably smelled, it seemed that no one really expected an attack to come from this way.

“These tunnels are most certainly active. There should be a shaft somewhere. The question is what barrier keeps us from going up? Guards? Access codes?”
he mused in a low tone. Searching ahead with the Force he did not sense any lifefor- wait. “Someone is coming down.” Rane gestured with his wrist for Mathieu to follow, as he quickly moved for cover, jogging forwards, light on his feet, before squeezing himself against the wall and behind a rock that stuck out from the tunnel wall. It only provided partial cover, a temporary solution at best.

As silence once more fell he heard the sound of static over a comms channel, and someone reply. How was that possible. He had not sensed any- oh, of course. “Droids” he whispered over his shoulders. Whatever guard complement that had been placed down here consisted of droids. But the ones coming down.. Well, time would show what their agenda was.

Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri 0 000 Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron

Jyoti didn't like assume, so she waited to comment until Brion revealed his thoughts about the crane. He didn't necessarily see it as a stepping stone for a breach as Darylyn had suggested, but rather as an indication they were getting warm on a opening to the tunnel network. The Padawan cordially acknowledged the other members of the team, though it was clear he was dead set on the tunnels. The original specs of the mission called for a subterranean infiltration, and Brion's instincts seemed good, so she opted to follow him and any others who descended into the tunnels.

"I'm going down with Brion," she announced while unholstering her custom suppressed shattergun. "Everyone, be mindful that our adversaries will be more alert than usual as they expect a fight with the Silvers after their murdering our diplomats. Their confidence also suggests that they may have their own cabal of Force Adepts lurking, or appropriate countermeasures prepared - no two bit despot would be brave enough to do what Sounn did otherwise."

She turned to the fireteams of Ranger commandos who accompanied them, elements of the elite Silver Raiders (Ghoul) and 228th Field Operatives (Kobold) at their flank.

"Kobold, cover our exit, and monitor all surface activity. Keep a tab of all entry and exits from the complex and uplink to the Nightshade in orbit for extended surveillance. Ghouls, you're coming with me. Activate cloaking."

One by one, the diminutive black Apokka, already hard to see in the dark, flickered from physical view and most sensors as they triggered their personal stealth systems, the Echani joining them in their disappearing act. Meanwhile the 228th operatives began to spread out to establish a perimeter, adaptive armor shifting colors to match the surrounding terrain.

"Graves, if you remain topside for overwatch, then the 228th is at your disposal."

After she had finished issuing orders to the Rangers, she followed the tunnelbound team down toward the entrance. She kept to their rear initially, keeping their flanks secured. The initial breach into the tunnels went off without a hitch, experiencing little in the way of resistance. Still she remained vigilant for guards, mines, and sensors. Below the invisible Apokka nimbly darted around her boots as they kept close.

Finally, there was something, as Rane called for a pause as he felt something - droids. Extending her senses, she felt it too. The Shadow paused, taking cover in a depression despite using her own personal cloak. Bad positioning still meant she could be discovered even if she was stealthed.

The droids' steps became audible as they came closer, until eventually they could be seen at the intersection. They appeared to be some flavor of humanoid utility droids, one of their arms ending in mining lasers. In their opposite hand, they either possessed stun batons or sonic blasters. Each skeletal hulk was devoid of color, save for the orange crest of Sounn and his warband. It was pretty clear that their intended purpose was for mining, but each utility droid looked to be repurposed for security detail.

She felt no hostility from them, but they were certainly well equipped to take on Jedi - these units appeared to be deployed preemptively rather than as a reaction to their presence. The strike team remained undetected, but now they had new obstacles to tackle.

While arriving to the mining level in one group, the droids swiftly split off into pairs towards different tunnels, including the one the Jedi had just breached.

This looked like an Allyson problem.

Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri 0 000 Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Ammon Rane Ammon Rane
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Allyson kept herself busy, preparing her own equipment in the cabin. The moment felt like deja vu but in the right way. Everything felt like it was falling into place again, and she had Jyoti to thank. A light-hearted chuckle escaped the Corellian as she nodded in agreement. <Should have bargained for another cake from your husband.>
Just like old times, and she couldn't resist the comment that came next. < It's a pretty lovely six if I say so myself, glad to be cover it.> Another soft laugh as she adjusted the eyepatch over her eye.
Yep, just like the old days.
Allyson had remained quiet the entire trek, mostly observing and taking in the team's skills with them. Out of everyone, Jyoti had been the only familiar face. In the field, the seasoned Shadow had always worked alone, especially after leaving the Silver Concord. Being in a team was something she was going to have to adjust to, but knowing that others were there to cover your back - was comforting.
During the talks of the Crane, Allyson had assessed the situation. It was a wise choice and would get them in closer. Initially, she had done a scan of the area to ensure there weren't any traps set for them or any cameras prepared to pick up on their entrance. Everything seemed clean, except for the droids.
The Corellian faded into existence, using the cover of the Force to hide her from any eyes. Jyoti didn't need to send her the order; Allyson was already on the move. Quiet footsteps and protected by the Force remained invisible, with a delicate touch, each of the droids suddenly deactivated and crumpled to the ground. There were others, which mean she needed to keep her senses open.
Telepathically, she gave the green light to the Echani Master. <Clear. You want me to go after the others?>


Underground was the popular choice it seemed. If they were confident they could feel the Force through to the base from there, far be it from him to stop them. But he felt it tug in a different direction, or at least believed he did. So he gave them a curt nod as they went off to find their way underground, turning to Kuxirra. "Well, trust in your instincts then. See you inside." Graves had seemed intent to provide overwatch, so there was just a nod rather than a promise to see him inside given.

With that handled, Darlyn made his move. Climbing up a level of the Quarry wasn't hard, considering his Force enhancement techniques. With his ability to feel the exertion on his body dulled, he climbed straight up until he was quite a ways above the compound. Just a long drop onto the crane and he'd technically be inside, if suspended a deadly distance above the ground.

Easy. Well, not easy but, he'd still say it was of anyone asked.

Taking a deep breath, he took a few steps back from the edge, and made a short run up before leaping off the top of the cliffside. Thankfully the smog made picking him out by anything short of Force based senses difficult, since it obscured him somewhat and the lower light meant he didnt leave an obvious shadow over anything. Nothing was helping with the crane though... Rapidly it was approaching, and it took a great ammount of willpower for Darlyn to focus on getting over it first.

Finally though, he used the Force to catch himself in the air, slowing his descent onto the top of the crane until his feet made contact. He took a moment to get his balance, then ehen he was stable began to look around with the Force. did Kuxirra follow him, where were his teammates, and moet importantly, were there other Forcies unaccounted for?

For that reason, he was careful with his sensory probing, to avoid tripping alarms. Though where he was standing made getting the full picture... difficult at best.

Aien Mueller


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


GOLD TEAM: Azrael(Aien Mueller), Castiel(Zev Tantor)
BLUE TEAM: Sauriel(Tauren Saryl), Samael(Tomas Isaacs),
Michael (Laroyce Bromin)
RED TEAM: Gabriel(Ewan Isaacs), Bartleby(Dem Oniqua)
ORDERS: Provide cover for Jedi, eliminate opposition.
OVERWATCH: “Seraphim”
Tag: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Ammon Rane Ammon Rane Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion 0 000 Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri (Sorry if I missed anyone)

In position.

Do not fire unless fired upon, your orders are to hold the access point to the sewers from a position of cover.

Annoyed, Azrael just looked at Bartleby who just shook his head, everyone else was rolling their eyes underneath their helmets.


They didn't like just sitting there. They wanted to be in the fight, but this was found to be the most logical source for an exit out of the sewers so they were to hold it. Stealth was the key, no matter the problem and that was not their style, maybe it was for Michael and Sauriel, but not for Gabriel, or Castiel. So as they kept a perimeter in cover positions, the team all listened for radio chatter. Bartleby could not even attempt to slice into the droids his systems were detected in those sewers, only ke... oops a group just went off the grid. Must have been a Jedi.

A Nikto patrol was making their way around and by them, it was more than hard to take the patrol out, but there were comms on the thugs, which meant that they had check-ins.

On their own comms, Sauriel whispered...



I can take them both out from here.

If we're made, or clear to go loud. Not. until. then.

He didn't like it any better than they did, and they all knew it. So they waited... man, this sucks.

... yeah, we scare them.



Leading the Storm Crows; supporting Paladin Company
Tags: Cadere Cadere | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Thal Mantis Thal Mantis | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri

"Alright, people."

The voice of Captain Rarr was heard above all else as the small unit arrived on the scene, each member shrouded in tattered cloaks and armed with long-range rifles. They were a freshly formed unit, however their combined experience in the field likely outdid entire companies'. It was unlikely that any member of Paladin Company knew of them, for they were still a secretive band of brothers acting outside of normal command structure. They did not belong to any one battalion or regiment, but rather served directly under Ranger Command or whichever commander they are instructed to follow.

The man leading them stood out from the rest; not only because of his size, for he was both taller and broader than his comrades, but perhaps more so because of the dull metal covering the entirety of his right arm. A cybernetic replacement.

The single file of sharpshooters made their way to the assembly area, cutting through the crowd of military personnel and carving out a space for themselves while listening to the rest of the good Captain's briefing. Not a word was uttered to their fellow soldiers wondering who these cloaked men were, none of whom had yet to show their face.

Only by the time Beltran finished and his men scattered to finish preparing did their leader remove his hood, prompting the others to do the same.

"Captain," Thirdas rested the butt of his rifle against the ground as he gave his salute. "Lieutenant Heavenshield, reporting for duty."

This would be the first time the young officer was seen back in official capacity following the failed operation on Yavin. Beltran would of course recognise him; after all, both had served on Yurb as well as countless other such battles. Above all, they had both signed up for the black op that would see the safe return of one Thal Mantis.

"Me and my Crows are at your service, sir. Command thought you could use another set of hands on this one."

Speaking of Thal, there he was. Whether the Jedi recognised him as one of his rescuers remained to be seen. Thirdas stepped in close to the Captain.

"Been behavin', that one?"
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