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Dominion Movement in the Shadows | SJC Dominion of Rorak 4

Tags: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri | Thal Mantis Thal Mantis | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield
Location: Briefing Room

Cas had managed to make it to the briefing, with enough time to hear the last half of Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr 's briefing. Entering the briefing room, the Kiffar took a moment to playfully salute the Captain, despite its lighthearted nature behind it, he still had respect for Beltran. The Jedi Knight took note of those in the room but the one that stood out to him most was Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield - recognising him from Nida Perl's Trial way back when. He didn't know much about him, but the man seemed to wear his convictions well from what he had seen. A trait that Cas not only respected, but found admirable in a person.

The companies he saw with both Beltran and Thirdas made him feel slightly underprepared, but following the disaster on Nar Kreeta with the Bryn. Cas had opted out of forming his own company, not wanting more blood on his hands for those he couldn't save. He had a lot of guilt weighing him down as it was. Besides, with the Captain and Liutenant's companies... he was sure that'd be enough for the coming conflict. Right?

When the Liutenant had finished what he had to say, the Kiffar spoke up himself "It was my squad's day off today. So, I only have myself to offer." he quipped before folding his arms with a smirk. Casting glances at Thirdas, Thal and Leehak "Name's Cas." he introduced himself with a nod and smile. With the few moments he had to spare before heading out to the planet's surface, Cas made the effort to inroduce himself to as many people as he could that he'd be accompanying. It was good to get on a first name basis with those you'd be working with.
"I've been informed of the fighting between some of the refugee community and the locals, but that doesn't make all refugee's here guilty by association, nor will the locals who act in violence against them escape the consequences brought down by Rorak-4's authorities and the Concord's intervention".

"The same rules will apply to everyone, I hope. In no way will aggression help either side of this situation..." he added, speaking plainly his thoughts and perhaps venting a little of his own frustration over the situation.

Turning back to the Tintinna, Caedyn nodded; "I will arrange for supplies and maintenance to be provided as soon as possible. I sympathize for you all, I do...-These are difficult times, and I will do what I can" he conceded.

"I apologize that I'm unable to offer you all the results you'd have wished of this meeting, but if there's anything further you would ask of me, I encourage you do so" he concluded, not wishing to leave them without being assured that there was nothing more he could do for them.

"Oh, I'm sure there'll be many such meetings going forward," the Tintinna said. "That's the nature of work like this. There's always another problem - and always another group trying to dive in and solve everything. Real solutions, durable solutions, take commitment to real cooperation - recognizing that these communities know what will work and what won't, what the real issues are, and have capacities and skills they're bringing to bear. Once you carry what we've discussed here back to the Concord, I hope they find that commitment."

Quill nodded. "Showing up to save the day is a common Jedi narrative, for both good and ill. You'd be surprised how many communities can solve their own problems with a mild injection of the resources they identify as best."

"Sspeaking of," the Barabel added, "here'ss a lisst of what we need to organisse our end of your relocation effortss, for thosse who want to go." The Barabel passed Caedyn a datapad, sliding it over the table. The list was diverse - everything from family-sized packing containers to travel toiletry kits to distributable information on the planets and locations where the refugees were headed.

OOC/ Caedyn Arenais - feel free to call that finished at my end.


Well-Known Member

Stealth - PvE

"Secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places"

Our intelligence has picked up on some disturbing rumors. A shadow collective of senators, figureheads, and external organizations is conspiring against the Concord. While these are just rumors, the Silver Assembly believes the threat to be real. We will take this chance to sneak into the Warlord's secret stronghold on the surface of Affavan, try to find evidence of this conspiracy in his personal quarters, and leave before they get a chance to erase their records.

Tag : Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion , Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri , Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran , Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron , Vexander Graves Vexander Graves Ammon Rane Ammon Rane , Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

At that time fake staggering down the hall with a bottle of ale in one hand Ron then secretly kept a keen eye on his surrounding. Stopping every so often to appear lurch over to one side or appear brace himself. Whenever he came or sense a patrol or an occasional droid cross his path which they bought into his ruse or if they did not. He sort of got creative on dispelling or dispatching them as he saw fit at the moment. Which seemingly went on well that is up till he turns one bend. And despite appear as if the coast was clear something told him that was not the case.

Despite his keep observance to keep much if not all his force ability in check and all but nonexistence trusting on his other sense to kick intake up the slack. Of which try his best not to break character while let one hand slowly slip under his coat to thumb his blaster....just in case.....that when it came. And odd droid of sort unlike those he came across earlier. Of a model, he was not quite familiar with but felt somewhat out of place down here that made him somewhat worry, And on the off chance of being spotted or whatnot....instinct kick in that he then devise to take it down so that be able to check it out better.

Aveline checked her timer. It was that time again. She punched in some codes and read off the display. "All scans show green. Sector's clear." They had cleared the system before of course, but they were supposed to check in at regular intervals. "Copy that, lieutenant" came the answer. Aveline looked out from within her A-Wing at the three other pilots spread out near her. Another A-Wing, and two older X-Wing models. They weren't pilots she was familiar with. The collection of pilots she worked with seemed a little random at times, just whatever showed up.

In this case Aveline was here because she wanted to be, and not necessarily because she had been ordered in. She was to lead Flight Two on what would hopefully be a very mundane and straightforward mission. The situation below could quickly become volatile. If it bled out into space, they would need to act. Their primary mission was escort duty, to make sure whatever refugees eventually shipped off did so safely and without interference from any attackers.

It wasn't the spiciest of assignments, but she appreciated the opportunity to simply float through space, and meditate in peace and quiet. She had been doing a lot of that lately. On her role as a Jedi, and her position within the Silver Navy. She loved being a pilot. Flying came with great thrills, and she felt like she had a knack for it. The Silver Navy was blessed with excellent pilots as well. Kayla Luspark Kayla Luspark was one of them. She did not need Jedi powers to control the skies, space, or wherever she dragged her X-Wing. Aveline trusted Kayla.

By acknowledging that trust, it had slowly dawned on her what she had to do. The Silver Fleet was filled with capable bodies, and there were pilots far better than her who didn't have the Force to guide them. She trusted them to get the job done. Aveline had to be honest with herself, and re-focus on what her job was. She could do a lot of good inside a cockpit to be sure, but not necessarily more so than any other. On the ground, as a Jedi, however, she felt the potential to do good was so much greater. As much as she loved flying, the impact she could make as a single Jedi on a mission was much greater compared to being one pilot in a squadron. She didn't have time to play around with what she wanted. She had to go where she was needed.

At the end of the day, when the choice fell between being Liuetenant or Padawan Cuiléin, pilot or Jedi, she knew what she had to choose. What she had to become, her destiny, was not a lieutenant or even a captain, but a Jedi Knight. With that choice came sacrifice. And may the Force continue to guide me on the right path.
Movement in the Shadows

Objective: N/A
Location: On the Silver Tide in orbit of Rorak IV
With: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala & Aayla Shan Aayla Shan

So far, most operations seemed to proceed smoothly. With his hands clasped behind his back, Eloi stood by the central holotable, currently overviewing the assault on Warlord Sounn's main base of operations on Rorak IV. The Warlord was not there in person but it was an important point to keep an eye on regardless.

For the moment, he was the sole Jedi Master on the bridge. His fellow Master Sakadi had temporarily departed in order to find some peace in her quarters. She had mentioned something about submerging herself in the force - something which the elderly Chagrian had much sympathy for. All he wanted for himself was a chair.

Somewhere during his discussions with the others around the table, a seemingly young woman stepped into the bridge. A Jedi. Giving the others a nod, Eloi stepped away from the gathering to meet the new arrival. Halfway through her story, the Master's forehead furrowed as she spoke of the mission details not showing correctly "Is that so?" he asked with a troubled tone. "Here, let me have a look at it" With an outstretched hand, he waited for her to hand over the datapad.

If she handed him the device, he would start looking at it, quickly making it abundantly obvious that he was no technical wiz himself "How quaint. Everyone who were assigned to a task should have the all the information they need already." When those word were uttered, the Chagrian grew silent, gazing into the nothingness behind the datapad in his hands. But his inquisitive eyes soon turned to the new arrival "Tell me, who assigned you to this task?"


Beltran looked out at the assembled forces, a feeling of satisfaction filling him. Before him stood some of the best warriors in the Silver Order, Ranger Command and the Silver Fleet. In addition to his own team, Lieutenant Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield had opted to join this operation with his own unit known as the Crows.

"Lieutenant Heavenshield, reporting for duty." The Lieutenant had said, revealing himself. "Me and my Crows are at your service, sir. Command thought you could use another set of hands on this one."

Beltran nodded. "Good to have you, Lieutenant." He said. "We're going to need all the capable operators we can get on this one. The enemy outnumbers us. They know the terrain far better than we do and they've had a lot of time to prepare for our arrival. In basic battle parlance, they hold all the best cards. Our only advantages are our superior experience and training, weaponry and our Jedi friends here." With this, he indicated Leehak, Cadere Cadere and Thal Mantis Thal Mantis .

Beltran left his own Force prowess off the table. He didn't need anyone asking any hard to answer questions as to just how he'd been able to learn so much in a relatively small number of years. Some knew that he'd been training with Laertia Io Laertia Io , and many had seen him attending a class or two at the Silver's Rest when time allowed. But as far as he knew, his growing association with the one called Darth Solipsis was a secret and would remain so for as long as possible.

Beltran had no intention of betraying the Silver Jedi or the Concord. But he recognized that the Sith had skills and powers that would be necessary if they were to defeat the Bryn'adul. Most Jedi would see his delving into the darkness as a betrayal, regardless of whether it made Beltran a better operator. Their high minded ideals were...unrealistic in the Lorrdian's eyes.

"Thal, it's a pleasure to see you again. You appear well and I am glad for that." Beltran continued. To Cas, Beltran nodded as well. "And you too Jedi Tynen." All three of the Jedi were wildcards to Beltran. After the operation to rescue Thal Mantis, Beltran hadn't seen much of the young man. The war with the Bryn had gone into full swing and he had lost touch. Cas he knew a little better, but also knew that the Kiffar Jedi had a tendency of running off into danger on his own. If they were to win this, he needed everyone working together. Leehak was the father of a Jedi Padawan that Beltran had encountered in a previous operation. If his daughter was any indication, he would likely be the voice of reason for the Force Users.

"Been behavin', that one?" Lieutenant Heavenshield asked quietly, indicating Thal as he spoke.

"So far so good," Beltran replied, somewhat unsure of what the Lieutenant meant. Prior to his rescue, Thal Mantis had gone on something of a bloody crusade against a group of slavers operating within the highest sections of the Galactic Alliance. Perhaps the violence of that nature was what the Lieutenant was referring to? If so, Beltran hadn't seen that same level of bloodlust from the young man here...yet. If it came out, however, Beltran fully intended to push it in the direction of their enemies.

With the general briefing over, Beltran handed out specific assignments. "So given the number of operators we have here, I think we're going to divide into two teams. Team one will consist of myself, Team Paladin and Jedi Leehak. Team two will be led by Lieutenant Heavenshield and consist of his Crows and Jedi's Mantis and Tynen. That gives each team a unit of operators and two Force sensitives. We'll enter the sewers using the maintenance access hatch just behind me and proceed down to the top level of the system. From there, Specialist Argo will release our payload of twenty scanning drones. They've been pre-programmed to spread out ahead of us and provide real time mapping and scanning of the sewer system. Once we have an idea of what we're looking at, we'll split up and move down the levels."

"With luck, the drones will be able to give us a heads up on what kind of resistance we can expect, but keep your heads on a swivel. There's a lot of nooks and cranny down there for them to set up ambushes and booby traps. If you are engaged, put the enemy down. This isn't the kind of theatre where we can take and hold prisoners safely. Hopefully when Sounn's followers see that we mean business, some or all of them will flee. If not...well then they've made their choice."

It was cold logic to be sure, but in Beltran's mind it was the best chance for them to obtain victory without taking grievous losses.


From there, the operation moved quickly. The two teams entered the maintenance hatch and proceeded to the highest level of the waste extraction and management system. After setting up a secure perimeter, Specialist Argos set about releasing several cases worth of the drones. They would float out ahead of the groups, scanning and mapping the various corridors and tunnels that made up the sewers. The scanners would relay telemetry to anyone wearing a secure HUD system or had a secure datapad using the Silver Concord standard operating system.

From the get-go, the drones alerted the teams to several pathways that appeared to be flooded with radioactive waste.

"They're trying to herd us in a specific direction." Beltran said. To Lieutenant Heavenshield, Beltran said: "I'll take team one through this pathway. You take team two through that one." The open paths were relatively close to one another. This manner of advance would make it difficult for them to out flank the enemy, but it provided the ability for one team to fall back to another in case they met too much resistance. Beltran doubted that with their limited numbers they would have had much of a chance to out maneuver their enemy anyway. Today, it would about bringing as much concentrated pain as possible as quickly as possible. As he had learned from Master Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , if you can't hop the gate and you can't pick the lock-just bust the fether down!

As suspected, once both teams had separated and begun to move, it wasn't long before both units came under fire. The fighting would be intense, as groups of Klatoonians came out of makeshift bunkers and various side shafts and crawlways. Some carried blasters, mostly older scavenged models, while others held nasty looking melee weapons. In quarters this close, the tactical value of a vibroblade versus an assault rifle was minimized. What it came down to was skill, speed and ferocity.

In the opening skirmishes, Beltran's Paladins would prove to have the better end of the first two, but the Klatoonians were certainly bringing a lost of gusto to the last. Beltran could feel their rage and pain in the Force, and using what he'd learned from Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , he fed on it. The energy he gained from their hatred only made him stronger and faster. He would fire off shots, hit a target and even before that target had dropped had already reacquired another target and was shooting. His soldiers supported him, while giving Leehak space to work as well.

~"It's Vanagor. If you're in the sewers, I'm above you and see a lot of Nikto. Anyone wanna catch me up on something I might have missed?"~

Kriff me," Beltran growled, dropping back and taking a knee. He indicated to Jedi Leehak to take the lead position and hold it while he addressed this latest problem. Calling out on the coms, Beltran answered Jedi Vanagor.

"They must be trying to flank us, Master Vanagor." Beltran said in response over the main channel so everyone could hear. "We're currently engaged with Klatoonians in the sewers. The Nikto must have waited for us to get bogged down and now they're going to hit us from behind and surround us. Serves me right for not deploying a rear-guard, but we only had small force to begin with. I would much appreciate it if you and yours could neutralize them for us. Once that's done, we'd love to some help down here. I'm sending you the codes to gain access to the drone telemetry. Some of the tunnels down here have been laced with radioactive waste. The drones will tell you what's safe and what areas we've cleared. You getting all this, Lieutenant Heavenshield?"

All of this was delivered on the team's main channel which included all Silver personnel in theatre. So long as the enemy hadn't started to jam their transmissions, Lieutenant Heavenshield and his team should be up to date, but Beltran wanted to be sure.
Did she hear that right? Was this specific Master unaware of who she was? That was perfect. Aayla handed him the datapad, revealing it indeed showed she was assigned to objective two. Past that, Aayla didn't have any specific objectives listed. However anyone that could read could see it clearly suggested that the objective of team two was to make the entire operation hospitable to all the refugees involved. In short, Aayla was simply trying to get onto Rorak IV.

"Well, it does say something about earning the refugees trust... I just... Well, I don't really have any idea how I can do that."

Her eyes floated past him, resting on the central holo-table on the bridge. There was a certain flicker of light in her eyes as she noted what it was, and she would point at the holo-table with the same wonder of a child pointing at a jar of candy. "As far as the ground team... I could be of great use there... If only, I were to receive a Masters permission." Aayla said this smirking, wondering if she could quickly pull the wool over the elderly Jedi in front of her.

After all come on... She had been stuck on Kashyyyk for a ridiculous amount of time; she wanted to get into the fight again. Sure, she could understand almost any language spoken, but what was the purpose of that if the bad guys got away? Her smile was bright as she wondered what he would say. If he said anything even remotely suggesting she could go, Aayla would turn on heel and sprint to the hangar bay.

Anything to get out of this kids job...

Eloi Graix Eloi Graix
Grey Jedi Padawan/Cinnamon Roll
Objective 1
Leehak nodded when Cadere Cadere introduced himself. "Leehak." As Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr explained the plan, he looked at the others to get a feel of who he was working with.
At Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor 's message and Beltran's indication, the Togruta took the lead, deflecting blasterfire with his yellow blade and destroying the weapons of the enemies closest to him.

Objective 3
After a moment's thought, Kuxirra decided to go with Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron . She followed after him, only a meter or so behind as they climbed. She watched him jump, and a moment later, she leapt after him.
Too late, she realized she'd miscalculated. The Padawan landed on top of the crane, but she'd failed to slow herself enough to avoid getting the wind knocked out of her. As she landed, the Togruta felt a jarring pain shoot up her right leg. Well, both legs, but the right one hurt the most. She heard and felt an audible crack in her ankle and steadied herself, shifting her weight to her left leg.
Movement in the Shadows

Objective: N/A
Location: On the Silver Tide in orbit of Rorak IV
With: Aayla Shan Aayla Shan
Nearby: Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala

"It can be a hard task indeed" he said upon hearing her mention what information she had on the mission itself, keeping his inquisitive gaze on her for a while. It was odd how she had yet to answer his question on who it was that assigned her to the mission. His gaze fell back onto the datapad as he tried to figure out how to get the information to appear. Whilst doing that, Eloi let out an absent minded "Getting there shouldn't be a problem at any rate. We have a shuttle departing for the station soon. And then a medical transport heading down to the surface."

He sent her a knowing smile as she hinted at a willingness to join the ground team. The old Master knew that the fighting down on the surface was fierce, and he expected it to get worse - at least down in the sewers where their main strike team was (ie. Objective A). "So eager to join the battle, are you? I was eager to join the fight too at one point many years ago. It does you little good." It had been a hard lesson to learn and while he had never been there, he knew that it could lead someone down a dangerous path if they took it alone. "Whatever comes, remember that we are always stronger when we can lean on one another" With that said, he started to shift to the side "Give me a few moments, I am going to look up who it was that assigned you to the mission."

With that, he turned, slowly walking over to a communications officer. If Aayla decided to stay, Eloi would eventually return with a frown, obviously having heard some troubling things on the Padawan. At first, he would remain silent and simply look down to her, waiting to see what she had to say.

After formally meeting Jedi Master Ammon Rane, for a brief period of time; Vexander smiled and nodded. He knew that at some point he would get more time to discuss with such a steemed member of the Silver Assembly but this was not the time to delay.

The team was almost ready to move, Master Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran offered the 228th Field Operatives for him to overseen from this vantage point and distributed as needed. When that was said, Vexander proceeded to take his white mask and secured it into position in his face, a small click could be heard when he clipped it into position once again and his voice was slightly muffled down where someone could tell that it was Vex if he had been with him before.

"Thank you Master Nooran" he bowed briefly and then when he rose, he turned over to the Field Operatives, a small contingent of the whole unit... he was actually in front of a small fire team of 5 individuals "Time to spread out two two eights" The man began to point to vantage points all around the surrounding areas "We cover three positions between the six of us. We are there to provide intel and in case of dire need. Switch to comm channel 9 to discuss between one another" At that moment, he turned over to the Jedi team "I recommend we all take channel 1 for the Infiltration team"

With that being said, he turned over to see who was in charge from the 228th and he noticed the man who would most likely be the commanding voice of this team "Sergeant! What is your name and callsign?" he said with a commanding voice.

The Sergeant saluted and replied with some sort of a husk in his voice "Istovir Tyandas... Callsign Leonidas"

Under the mask, the Corellian Jedi just smiled having a good feeling about this particular Sergeant and the way he responded... not just in his voice but also at how effective he was at replying... that actually told him a lot about who he was dealing with: How he replied and how he reacted in front of a Jedi... although, as an unit at the service of the Silver Jedi, he was used to dealing with the Force wielders.

"Excellent. You stay with me. Divide your team to the positions I have pointed out

"Yes sir"
with that being said, he turned around to address his squad who began to move quite fast, which gave Vex some time to talk to the other Jedi who were mostly gone.

Reaching to his commlink, he tunned in to channel 1 and did a check "Graves here, keep this one open to transfer information. In 15 secs we will have eyes above, do not hesitate to request support"

From afar, he noticed that one of the Padawans couldn't make it in the landing and he actually raised his eyebrow. Most of them left quite fast and without warning... but she seemed eager to do it on her own and didn't wait for the telekinetic assistance he had offered below. Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri perhaps thought that she had to do this. With no other option left, he just tunned in to comm channel 1 again.

"Master Excron... your teammate seems to be injured a few steps behind you. We have you both in our scopes for support while you settle yourselves both" With that being said, he just waited to her from confirmation from Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron .
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Leading the Storm Crows; supporting Paladin Company
Tags: Cadere Cadere | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Thal Mantis Thal Mantis | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri

"Masters Jedi," Thirdas nodded in greeting to Cas Tynen and Leehak, but could not bring himself to offer Thal Mantis the same courtesy. As far as he was concerned, Thal was largely responsible for everything going wrong in his life lately; who knows whether Nida Perl Nida Perl 's turn to the dark side could have been prevented had she not felt obligated to join the rescue team to bring back the wayward Jedi. She would not have been forced to take the life of that senator, and perhaps could have resisted the sudden turn. It would have also prevented Kyra Perl Kyra Perl having to face demons the poor girl was not ready to face, forever changed by the experience.

The mission to save Thal was also what would see his old mentor Tulan Kor Tulan Kor forced to go AWOL, along with most of his former comrades in Dorn Company in a later campaign. Too much drastic change had come too soon, all because this one Jedi had decided to give in to petty bloodlust. He would receive little respect from Thirdas until rightfully earned. How fitting then, that the rogue padawan was to follow him into battle.

It was time to move out.


"Copy that."

Splitting their forces was a sound tactic to cover as much of the labyrinthine sewer system in as little time as possible. Marching at the head of his Storm Crows and accompanied by Thal and Cas, Thirdas gave the gesture for his men to cloak and keep to the flanks. Himself and the two Jedi would act as bait, intentionally triggering ambushes so that his Crows could take them out as soon as they show themselves.

"It's bound to turn ugly soon, and they'll be coming in close. Those lightsabers of yours will come in handy."

Sure enough, once having ventured far enough from the other team, the fighting started. Sewer-dwelling followers of the Warlord fell upon them from seemingly every nook and cranny, and as soon as they'd cleared out one dank corridor there would be more waiting around the next bend.

Having switched to automatic fire, Thirdas kept his rifle close to bring down any Klantooinian brave enough to charge him. For those who did get too close for comfort, they would either get taken down by the skillful shot of his fellow Crows hidden from sight or, failing that, receive a battle axe to the face.

"Keep advancing! We'll purge the entire sewer system if need be!"

The HUD of his helmet informed him of an incoming call from Captain Rarr.

"Roger, Cap'n! Under constant attack but we're holding, we'll keep at it until our forces convene at the objective! Drones are doing a good job guiding us through!"
She listened to him carefully, and would've tensed a bit as he mentioned looking for who had assigned her orders. As she stood there, her eyes went to that holo-table again, looking over the positions of those on the surface. From there, her eyes went back to the Master... Technically, a Masters word trumped most anyone else's. For a member of the Concord anyway. As such, there would be little surprise that as he spoke to the communications officer, she had begun slowly back-stepping to the doorway of the bridge. Ultimately, she turned and sprinted around the corner.

Once in the hanger, she would walk through gently touching anyone that seemed to know anything about anything.

"The transport to the station?" She asked, to which there was no answer.

"Where's the shuttle to the station?" She asked again, this time a finger narrowed the scope of her search...

With that, Aayla had boarded the shuttle, and was on her way to the station above Rorak IV. After that she knew it wouldn't be hard to get planet-side. Albeit, she was unaware she wasn't going to want to go once she got there.

~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

The station was in chaos. Well, a controlled sort of chaos. There sheer amount of refugees was baffling. As she pressed through the crowds on her way to the medical transport, she slowly, but surely became stunned at the level of suffering in the place. It was hard to focus on what she wanted to do. The crying of the children, the recent amputees crying out in pain. All of it. It was truly heartbreaking to her.

Aayla slowed as she approached the shuttle, walking up to one of the supply officers that overseeing the loading operations for supplies.

"Officer..." she said, still looking around as it was noted the man seemed too busy to deal with her questions at the moment.

"I've got no time to help you Jedi, there's another shuttle of wounded coming back; and we need this one out before it gets in." he snapped at her, immediately turning to yell at another individual that was loading the wrong product.

In the middle of the chaos, Aayla would step away from that shuttle for a bit...

All fine, she would just wait until they were done loading, then catch a ride planet side. Until she heard the girl crying. When she saw her, her heart broke.

"Close that ramp, we're shovin' off!" Aayla heard, eyes idly looking over to the shuttle. She wondered if that old Master Eloi Graix Eloi Graix knew the kind of situation he was sending her down into. How could she concerned about a fight when these people....

The Jedi stepped over, and kneeled in front of the Nikto girl, smiling at her.
"Are you by yourself?" Aayla asked with a smile. The girls crying slowed a bit, a rapid series of nods given in response. After that, Aayla looked around then smiled again. "That's really scary... I'm by myself too. Are your parents here on the station? Do you know?"

The young Nikto's shaking form told a story more in depth than she could likely vocalize at the moment. With that, Aayla decided she wasn't going to just leave her standing here crying. She doubted most people would, but everyone was so taken aback with their own families...

"Well..." she started, not sure what to say... Only then, something she just heard came to mind. "Someone told me that we're always braver when we can lean on each other... Do you want to come with me? This is no place for a youngling..." Aayla admitted.

A few beats would pass, and the young girl after taking a stock of Aayla would nod to her. With that out of the way, she would lift her up in her right hand, and turn just in time to see the shuttle to Rorak IV taking off. Just over a year ago, that might have been something that upset her.. Today? She was right where she needed to be.



Location: Rorak 4
Conservator and Vanguard 2.0 (Lightsabers)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Dilorian in cargo bay)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
Desbre Gensan, Milya Vondar (If they're here, they're still in the Sentinel)
Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield

Cadere Cadere Cadere Cadere | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Thal Mantis Thal Mantis | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri

Back off!

They may be Morgukai, the infamous band of Jedi Hunting Nikto, but that doesn't mean that they could stop him. Pushing them through the Force, Caltin sent the warriors flying as he walked on. The situation report from Captain Rarr was timely as he was walking towards the east entrance of the sewers. There was stiff opposition already as he was cutting through them, but that was because Caltin is about as stealthy as a lactose intolerant Rancorr with a toothache.


When he was about twenty feet from the entrance, the massive Jedi Master found some old friends, well, colleagues, but friendlies nonetheless. More Nikto were following him, man they just did not seem to get it, but now he had backup. Very well placed shots gave some thugs their own personal air conditioning. Those who were not ventilated or missing limbs seemed to get the picture and were finally heeding the Jedi Master's words. As he turned around, Omega Squad made their positions known. However, he was still listening to Captain Rarr. Tapping his comm-link...

Acknowledged Captain, give'em hell. Omega Squad and I are about to make a lot of noise on the east end. Maybe we can shift their focus our way and make your jobs a bit easier. Savvy?

Caltin was not one of those Masters who had to make the big engagement, he did not need to be the big hero. Caltin knew that sometimes it was just as important, not to mention fun, to draw the attention away so others can complete a mission. Offering handshakes to not only Lieutenant Commander Mueller, but each member of "The Apostles" as some call them, the big guy didn't need to ask if they wanted to come along and make some noise, they were on their feet. The snipers? Well, they both were setting their rifles up for close quarters movement.



There was a serious-looking gate at the entrance to the sewer. This was going down. Gabriel was already pulling out a shaped charge when Caltin held out his arm and shook his head.

I've got this one.

As he centered the Force in his left hand and positioned "Conservator" with his right, Caltin didn't notice that six of the seven-member Special Forces team(no, they weren't Rangers, as transfers from another government they would not qualify) were actually intrigued to see what he was about to do. The seventh? Well, Gabriel was bummed. He wanted to blow something up.

As Caltin pushed the gate through the Force and sent it flying a good fifty feet inwards, he did catch the attention of several Klatoonians. As he charged, Omega Squad took up firing positions and opened up on their foes. This was not stealthy at all and Seraphim was complaining over the comms, but he didn't know that they were with a Jedi. A Jedi Master outranks a Commander.

Sure, they yelled to their compatriots, looking for, wanting, and needing help but that was what Caltin wanted them to do.

Yeah! Come on! Help'em out! They're getting their butts kicked!

Not very "Jedi Like" to be sure, but they were forced to react this way, no pun intended.

Yeah... right.



Aien Mueller


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


Armor - "Apostle" armor(all - Blacked out),
Weapons (team)- Pistol, Combat Knife,
Grenade, Thermal Detonator
(Snipers)- Submachine Gun, Sniper rifle,
Wrist Blaster
(Assault)- Assault Rifle, Slugthrower Pistol
(Heavy Weapons)- Minigun, Assault Rifle
GOLD TEAM: Azrael(Aien Mueller), Castiel(Zev Tantor)
BLUE TEAM: Sauriel(Tauren Saryl), Samael(Tomas Isaacs),
Michael (Laroyce Bromin)
RED TEAM: Gabriel(Ewan Isaacs), Bartleby(Dem Oniqua)
OVERWATCH: “Seraphim
Tag: Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield Cadere Cadere | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Thal Mantis Thal Mantis | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri


Contact right!


Yeah... walk into my sights idiot. There you go... bye "stupid."

Contact left, he's mine!

Bartleby was on comms, clearly arguing with who could only be figured as their "Overwatch", codenamed "Seraphim". The Commander was clearly not happy.

Yes... He's busy... BECAUSE WE ARE! Sorry, but... CONTACT FRONT! Sorry... being shot at... No! We did not blow our cover... WE'RE WITH A JEDI YOU MORON!


I got "Bertha" ready!

Vanagor! Corner!

This was code simply to get behind a corner.



In a bit of a frightening display, the member of the team that was normally the most "chill" seemed to enjoy his new minigun... a lot.



Yeesh... calm down, sir. I just wanna blow something up.

Dropping his weapon into "discipline", flipping the visor on his helmet up, and giving the demo expert a "look", Aien was dumbfounded.

Since when did you ask?

Gabriel was almost offended at the question.

You make it sound like I'm unstable or something... like I loves doing that.

Going back to providing fire as they began to move forward, thanks to Samael and "Bertha", Azrael just yelled out.

You are... and you do! Just set a charge, or blow the entrance we came in.

Almost giddy, Gabriel practically bounced.


As the Jedi kept fighting, and they kept firing, Gabriel was setting things up to wreck some infrastructure.

... yeah, we scare them.



Tags: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri | Thal Mantis Thal Mantis | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield
Location: Sewers

With introductions out of the way, the plan and teams finalised. The gang were off. Cas accompanied Liutenant Heavenshield and Thal through the sewers, pinching the bridge of his nose as he let out a gagging sound "Woo! Nothing better than treading through fecal matter and other nasty bacteria. This is the life." he was beginning to regret taking this mission from the smell alone. Sakadi Marathi Sinvala Sakadi Marathi Sinvala was stowed away on the Silver Tide while Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion was doing some super secret stealthy business on Affavan - and himself? In the sewers. Sure, it could have been worse as they could literally be walking through literal doodoo water but just because these sewers looked slightly clean didn't mean they were.

The sewers would be the least of his concerns now, considering a pack of Klatooinians began attacking. Igniting his lightsaber, Cas began deflecting bolts as he yelled out "Gross! How long have you guys been here? Know how many infections you've probably got now?" Fortunately, the Jedi Knight wouldn't need to focus too much energy seeing as the Liutenant's Crows, obstructed from view, lit up any Klatooinians that got near him. Alongside the others, Cas continued to push forward deflecting and redirecting shots, or quickly cutting down any of the ones that were dumb enough to take him head on.

Things seemed to be going well, they were all working as a coordinated unit and despite the seemingly overwhelming waves of Klatooinian, the group were handling them. The Force surged through Cas as the yellow light of his blade cut through any Klatooinian that met its plasma tip. He hated killing but knew that sometimes it was necessary, a means to an end, and in order to cope with that he needed to joke. "I guess when you live in a sewer, you figure nothing can kill you, right? I get it."

"Hey Lieutenant, these Crows of yours: they're pretty handy in a fight. Know where I can find some?"
Cas playfully asked over the main channel, as he threw his right arm out and expelled a burst of telekinetic energy, knocking a few Klatooinians in front of him out of the way. "They're persistant, I'd have thought they'd given up three waves ago."
Movement in the Shadows
Tags: Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran | 0 000 | Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron | Vexander Graves Vexander Graves | Ammon Rane Ammon Rane
Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri | Ammon Rane Ammon Rane | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran | Allyson Locke Allyson Locke | 0 000 | Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron | Vexander Graves Vexander Graves | Aien Mueller (am not 100% sure if you're on objective A or C, so here's a ping)

With a quick nod and a smile, Mathieu acknowledged Kuxirra's response. It seemed like they thought in similar way - perhaps they had been taught by the same few instructors back at the Silver Rest. "Thank you, Master Rane" he said before nodding along as both him and Jyoti spoke of what to be mindful of. It was good to have some more experienced. While the comment may not have been directed directly at Mathieu, he still replied to Darlyn with a "See you inside"

The teams were soon made as Darlyn and Kuxirra took off in an impressive climb on their journey towards the crane with Vexander and the team of rangers working to cover them from afar. Mathieu hoped that the ranged team would get to stay idle, but it was always good to have some additional backup. The rest of the group, namely Ammon, Jyoti, Allyson and Mathieu moved into the tunnels. Keeping close to the Kel Dor Master, Mathieu listened as the man openly pondered on what security systems there might be. Just as he was about to respond, however, the others started to notice nearby droids. Only then did the Padawan reach out through the force to see if he could sense the same thing. It was obvious that he still had much to learn.

Without having made the same careful analysis as Jyoti, Mathieu assumed that it would be easy to deal with the droids themselves. Even then, he had not particular interest in fighting them, seeing as it might trigger an alarm to bring in reinforcements and put the stronghold on high alert, something which would not only make it harder for the team he was with now, but also for the team up on the crane. For now, there was little more to do than to hide by the wall alongside Ammon. Fortunately, Allyson had the situation under control as she both hid her presence and disabled the droids. Not having received her telepathic message, the Padawan looked to Master Rane before moving on, seeing as they both were already hiding right next to each other.

Seeing as the droids had moved down different paths, it seemed to be safe enough to move ahead. And for a large part of the tunnel, they were not disturbed by more droids. Upon reaching what had to be the passage that had the highest chance of leading into the Stronghold, he stopped for a moment "Careful, the door over there doesn't seem to have any windows." he said, implying that making noise would most likely be a bad idea. As they approached in the corridor leading up towards the heavy metal door, the Padawan suddenly slowed down, pointing to an infrared laser by the floor. Stepping over it was easy enough but it also indicated that there might be more similar system spread around and if it was a silent alarm system, there was a risk that they might already have triggered a few without noticing on their way there.

Upon reaching the door, Mathieu carefully peered in through the windowless gap. He crouched down and raised a single finger to show that he could only see one person in the room behind the door. With a closer inspection one would notice that the door was locked with an alarm which would trigger upon the door being pulled open.
Aayla quickly learned there was much to do aboard the station. The Jedi had carried around her new small companion for almost an hour until a Nikto pair approached her in a hurry. They were frantic, and even amidst the chaos, she could sense the relief of them. The Mother shakily took the child from Aayla's arms, while the Jedi would simply revel in the act. She laughed, and smiled with the pair, making small talk about where the youngling was, and explaining the measures taken to return her to her family. With that out of the way, she would say her farewells and carry on. Though she didn't really know where she was going, she walked with purpose in no clear direction at all. Loading, unloading, directing... You name it, and she tried to make a mark.

An hour passed again, and there was still much to do. She could sense relief, but also there was an air of distrust amongst the refugees. In no time, her directives had become clearer and clearer. And she tried to leave a positive mark on any lives she'd encountered. Admittedly, she wanted to be on the planet, doing what she considered a more important task, but there was so much to be done here. There was importance in not only the actions of the Concord, but their image; to which Aayla quickly noted the more she moved, and the more she did, the more that chaos seemed to dissipate. Most recently, she found herself assisting with handing out rations aboard the station. Everything going quite well until...

'E-..Excusse me, Masster Jedi...' the voice came from an Adult, though was spoken in a hushed tone. She didn't immediately catch on to the attempt at reticent.

Her eyes had snapped up from the pre-packed rations she was pulling out of boxes to rest on the other, and shook her head a few times with a smile. "I'm no Master, just a padawan... Is everything okay?" she would be light-hearted in her response, still semi-focused on keeping the ration line stocked as it was one of several stations, and there were quite literally millions that needed to be fed.

The other sort of... Pushed their way into the line, to which through the Force Aayla immediately understood they were perturbed by something. Intuition caused her to take the other lightly by the arm, and usher her somewhat behind a curtain to speak. "What's wrong?" Aayla asked, to which the other let out a held breath.

"I don't mean to... To be nosy. Theress a man taking more than hisss fair ssshare of rationsss... The otherssss tried to correct hisss behavior, but they sssay he pulled a blade on them." Aayla's heart thumped at the news, eyes flickering behind the other.

"Is... That... Right?" Aayla responded? Aware her initial thought after hearing it wasn't exactly Jedi-like. She released a breath of her own, and nodded a few times. "Where is this man now?" she asked, to which the other told her something even more infuriating.

"Sssselling, off the exxxxtra rationss, over there... The Red Sssskin" the other responded, to which Aayla would nod at her, removing the apron she was wearing to avoid dirtying her robes, and smiling at the other.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

She approached him, noting that most weren't to keen on standing right by him in the crowd. No time wasted as she questioned him. "Excuse me..." The Jedi started, to which the other had gripped up his backpack, pulling back from her immediately. Aayla raised her hands, not wanting to make a scene, although he seemed intent on it.

"What you want, Jedai?" he responded, still clutching his bag, to which she had looked around to notice there were many eyes on her. Watching to see how she handled the situation.

"Your peers have made it known that you're hoarding ration packs, and reselling them? Threatening the others with a weapon... Do you have a weapon with you?" Aayla questioned him, to which she could immediately tell this guy was a scumbag. A feeling that went deeper than his attitude, but was arrant in the Force. He saw nothing wrong with what he was doing.

"Itsss my prerogative too, and they were the onessss trying to take my rations I got fair and sssquare" he responded, to which she would shake her head.

"Sir, their are near millions... Millions of people of aboard this station, you would take food from anothers mouth, and then resell it?" she questioned, reaching out through the Force, she could feel that he was standing on his words; but the people around them were building a slow anger. Infuriated by what he was saying, that feeling seeping back into her, and released in a single sentence. "You can give up the rations, and that blade now... Or you can get sent back to the planet without either. Unless" Aayla tactfully placed a hand on the saber that hung from her right thigh. "You wish to bully, and intimidate me with that blade?"

It seemed like the entire area became silent when she made that move, everyone's breath becoming pent for a moment. She couldn't used a mind trick on him, but forcing him into action didn't bring the same long term results as compelling him into it. He stood there for a moment, noticing everyone was looking at him. Reality sunk in, and he would slowly gather the weapon, handing it to her, along with his bag which was full of quite literally nothing but rations.

In that moment, it was heart breaking. Some of these people had nothing... Truly, nothing. Aayla locked eyes with him, allowing him to keep two ration packs, but keeping the blade (and later throwing out the deflector shields, into space). With that she returned to what she was doing before, stopped by the person who had initially gave her the heads up. "Thank you... Thank you Jedi..." the other said in a hushed tone, to which Aayla would just smile.

Again she donned her apron, quickly going about emptying out as much durasteel containers as she could to keep the rations line moving smoothly.
Last edited:

"Curse it all." The broad-shouldered Klatoonian mumbled. This 'tactical' retreat into the sewers was a death sentence. The hate his men held for the Concord could hardly be quelled, and Sounn had made use of it. They were blinded by rage. Sacrificing their lives just to share their pain and suffering with the Concord. And for what? Their families were long gone. His own wife had been murdered by the Bryn'adul horde. But was that enough to transform him, Arbur Droka, in a rage-induced monster?

Arbur lifted the vibro-mace resting by his side. The heavy weapon had cracked so many of the Bryn's skulls that the Klatoonian could no longer deny that those beasts didn't have brains. In here, however, it was a less than optimal choice. The narrow sewer pipes restricted how he could swing his trusted mace, but the Klatoonian couldn't bring himself to pick another weapon. After all, the chances were that this would be his last battle. Might as well go out holding on to what little pride he still had.

Thus began the last march of Arbur Droka, Colonel of the Silver Defense Force. Behind him were his most loyal, his strongest and most sane warriors. Equipped with heavy blasters, disruptors and vibro-weapons. They would fight until every single one of their brethren had fallen. Not out of rage, but because there was nothing left in this world for them.


The Klatoonians were vicious in their assault. They fought like lions, without a single plea for mercy. But the Cyborreans, who held the second line together with remnants of Barabel and Weequay forces, had taken a different approach to fend off the Concord invaders.

The sewage and chemical waste released by the Klatoonians had seeped deeper into the sewer system. It did not blockade certain paths and pipes like it did in the upper levels, but the small feculent streams perfectly obscured the mines planted by the Cyborreans. A single misstep could result in death. And if the Cyborreans were lucky, the death of entire squads. If explosions went off in the seemingly abandoned pipes, there were chances of the sewer system collapsing. They would find their ways out of it, of course, but the Concord? Well, the defenders hoped for the worst.


Caedyn Arenais

"Showing up to save the day is a common Jedi narrative, for both good and ill.
You'd be surprised how many communities can solve their own problems with a mild injection of the resources they identify as best."

Caedyn's mind lingered upon that thought for a moment and suddenly found himself wondering if his involvement in all of this had come off as pious, as opposed to his wish to provide those he thought were in need, with some much-needed assistance. Judging from the list he was soon given by the Barabel, they did indeed need something, although there wasn't as much of an outcry for an escape to other worlds from these three community leaders as he had been led to believe.

"I will see to it" Caedyn responded to the Barabel representative before looking to the others; "Once again if my presence or my intentions have been offensive in any means, I do apologize. I will see that the Assembly is informed of the situation here and my organization will be able to see to your resources needed here. Should your people wish it, you still have my offer but that will not be the focus moving forward while we look to stabilize things here more for those who wish to remain" Caedyn informed them, soon bowing in respectful acknowledgement.

"May the Force be with you" he said in farewell, his gaze faltering upon Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill to which he gave a further nod, a small gesture of respect from one Jedi to the other before he turned and started to take his leave. With the doors closing behind him, Caedyn released a long drawn out breath, his shoulders falling a little as the tension seemed to ease within his own company.

"Grife..." He muttered under his breath on his way towards the hangar, "-That wasn't how I expected that would go" he shook his head with a wary smile at the expense of himself.


There didn't seem to be any Force adepts around, or so Darlyn was able to conclude in his rather brief sensory probe of the area. He wasn't sensing any spikes in anxiety or fear, nor was he able to pick up a sensitive in range. With his lightsaber shining the pure light of one of its' crystals, a sensitive should be projecting their anxiety over his presence... and yet there was no rise like it should create.

Of course, he might not be able to sense them because Kuxirra, all too eager to follow him, managed to mess up her ankle audibly. This was confirmed by Vexander who was watching it happen, and Darlyn's own eyes as he turned around to try and help.

Of course he didn't know how to heal someone, with the Light or the Dark, which meant Kuxirra just managed to make this all the more difficult. He tried to stiffle his sigh as he moved back to her, trying to find a piece of cloth to wrap up her foot with, to at least try to help her. "Your enthusiasm is appriciated but don't push yourself. An overeager partner is as much a liability as anyone can be. I don't know any kind of healing, force or not, and I don't have enough makeshift supplies for a splint. It'll hurt but you'll have to make due until we can get down somewhere quiet."

Afyer doing whatever little he could, or that Kuxirra would allow, he straightened himself up and looked over the edge. Where to go, where to go. He wanted to regroup with the others so he could avoid having to take care of the injured padawan on his own. He wasn't sure he could do it alone if things went south... So best to regroup.

Which building....


One of the buildings was rather close to what might be one of the tunnels, it gave him a good feeling as a matter of fact! He motioned to get Kuxirra's attention and pointed at it. "We can maybe regroup with the others there, we just have to be careful. It looks like there might be some guards wandering around it, so we're going to be going in from above again to get close as we can. Since you had a hard time with the last jump, I'm going to carry you down for this one if you're comfortable with that, alright? Otherwise you're going to have to wait for me to be ready on the other end to catch you with the force."

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