Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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'When you move, I could never define all that you are to me'

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

“Hold on.”

Walking down the path to the lake home, Makai suddenly stopped and picked up Ellie “bridal style”, laughing as he did so. Her hand snaked around his neck, eyes looking at him as if to say really? Carrying her with ease, he carefully opened the door to the lake house with his elbow, using his foot to push it open further.

He had to move carefully sideways, so as to not hit her head on the door jamb.

“Welcome to our humble abode Mrs.Dashiell.”

A surprise during the last days of their sunny,love filled, fourteen day Spliursa honeymoon. Tanned, happy, and relaxed, their days had been spent doing absolutely anything they wanted. Wine tasting, surfing, sailing, and exploring the massive private reserve that was restricted to the public. It was quiet and needed, while they didn’t block off the ‘verse, El-Three worked hard to keep all but the most important messages away from the newlywed couple.

Makai carefully put down his wife, keeping her close and leaning down to kiss her. They both had been riding a high since the wedding. For him, the marriage was a capstone in a very long journey that hadn’t always been easy. He appreciated all they had been through, what it had molded them into being for one another.

Lips left hers and he grinned, motioning around the home.

“What do you think? It's styled after the Naboo lake house we stayed at, I loved our time there and I want to be reminded of it”

Their time spent in the Naboo Lake Country had been nothing short of amazing. It had been so different from their other vacations. Between the Farm and the Naboo mansion, both felt like home. It had enveloped him at the time, made him comfortable, let them settle into their own routines.

“Of course we still have the Joiol compound that will be for the family and I imagine we will spend a good amount of time there. However….I want something for us. I love the family but sometimes I want it to just be me and you. Or me, you and Persie. Plus, this is a great place. Its safe. Good location where we can stay if we’re working in the core. Plus, I have a mining project on the horizon here."

Iced topaz searched stormy gray, questioning.

“ you like it? You can see us here from time to time?”

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Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Myra took a deep, steadying breath, her eyes widening at the sight of the lake home. With Makai's kiss still tingling on her lips and her fingers intertwined with his, she marveled at the blend of bright light and dark tones of the home Makai had built for them. That he had done so in light of their wonderful week on Naboo meant so much to her. He was truly trying his best to be thoughtful and considerate. It was one of the many things the Half-Galan was doing to try to ensure things went right with their marriage but also in their relationship.

A wide, grateful smile spread across her face. She turned to her husband, rising on her tiptoes to give him another deep, lingering kiss. A chuckle escaped her, her breath fanning against his face and tickling his skin. "I love it!" she exclaimed.

"When did you even have time to plan this?" she asked, still in awe. She knew about the compound on Joiol he'd been working on, but this was a complete surprise. A welcome one. It would be perfect for those times when they could steal away for a week or so, just the two of them.


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

Relief visibly shone through his features when Ellie mentioned she loved the lake home he had designed and built for them. It had been a gamble despite knowing they both loved the mansion they had stayed at during their time on Naboo. Arm went around her and there was a gentle urging ; wanting them to take a small tour as they spoke.

"I'm glad you like it." A small pause as they were going to meander through the first floor. Everything was down here but the bedrooms, including offices with glass front walls that faced one another.His and hers. "When did I have time? I do wake up before you. Then I had a lot of downtime when traveling. When we got back to Centrality after your birthday and I had to leave again, I was able to nail down a lot of the little things."

The 'little things' took up most of his time for this little surprise.

"Thirty-Seven was able to analyze the style in your apartment, your suite on the Farm,and my suite on the Farm, plus Palanhi and kind of combine our decor tastes. This place isn't fully furnished though, I kinda wanted to do that together, goofy as it sounds but we did need some furniture like a bedroom suite and a couch, so..."

A grin at her.

".....I'm talking too much again. All this to say,if you don't like something blame Thirty-Seven and not me."

Makai gave her shoulders a little squeeze as they entered the kitchen on their meandering tour. A small frown at his next comment, at the real reason they had landed here after their honeymoon.

"I just want to spend a few more days together too before we're separated again. I figure we can ease back into our normal lives before parting ways."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

"I should have known you'd take advantage of my sleeping in."
Granted, Myra slept in until around seven in the morning. Makai would wake up well before the sun was up, depending on which world or station they were in at the time.

As they continued to walk, it was evident the attention to detail Makai had given to the home. He had even mimicked a number of the features from the manor on Naboo. It was nice to be able to walk with him hand in hand and peruse through what he had constructed for themselves.

"So why within the Hapes Consortium?" Myra asked him, curious why he had selected this particular cluster of worlds. Granted, the nebula that surrounded the Consortium was thick and hard to navigate, so it had better security features, but it also meant that communication would take a little longer without the advanced connections. Nothing to worry about with them with the Darknet and such, but it was interesting to consider why he had selected Gallinore.

"And you are not talking too much; stop being silly." she told him, bumping his shoulder in a childish manner.

"Feel free to talk as much as you want, I am asking because I want to know."


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

To be fair, Ellie didn't 'sleep in' by the standards of most civilized beings.He was just unusual and woke up incredibly early, years of being woken up by his father at an unholy hour was now ingrained in him. It was like his internal clock couldn't help it, set to early with no way to turn it off. Which was fine, he was using the early hours alone to his advantage.

"Two reasons. One, its very safe. Even if there was war, the Hapes Consortium is famous for holding the lines and remaining independent. With everything going on, its a peace of mind I appreciate. Two, I've acquired the rights to an old rainbow gem mine. Due to the lower status of men in the Consortium, you're co-owner on that one. Beyond work in the Tingel Arm, I'd like to explore mining and extraction out this way. It's so isolated I know there's got to be good veins and deposits left."

Safety was the biggest reason. The Farm was extremely safe, and they could always fall back to it until Danger sold or got sick of them. Yet he he wanted to something that was all theirs. Something more with their own personal touches. They had always been intensely private about their relationship, and this move reflected it in a way.

"Plus, its always good to have varied real estate holdings."
The most practical of all reasons he had outlined. "Oh, and its never really dark here - just kinda dusky, so I don't need my glasses at night. Once we settle in I need to check and see if PharmaTech got back with my genetic testing results."

The incident on Lorrd made him realize his eyesight wasn't quite as normal as he thought it was.

"That's later though, come on, lets head upstairs."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

"Ahh, so the truth comes out! You needed my name to get the mine," Myra teased Makai, chuckling at him. Not that she didn't already carry his name in light of their marriage. It really didn't matter to her, but for governments such as these, they had to adhere to specific policies.

"A Rainbow Gem mine... impressive. How did you manage to buy it? I would have thought that the mines would have been held in a tight fist by the Consortium." then again, things were a bit edgy with the equality wars and various bits of legislation that were being pushed by the Alliance. Culture was clashing with the ideals of the Alliance Senate, and many matriartical or patricarical societies were not keen on the new equality laws that had passed in recent months.

A frown came to her then, grey eyes swiveling over towards Makai. "Glasses? Since when do you need glasses?"


Wearing | Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

"I told you it would have been easier to make me Mister Arceneau. Yes, I needed your name and influence."

A joke but at the end of the day, it really didn't matter. He would still be calling her Ellie Arceneau and much of the addition of Dashiell was more or less for official documents than what would be used on the everyday. None of it mattered to him, it was her name to do what she liked with.

"It was difficult to acquire, its been privately held for generations. Bought it off an elderly woman who got it more or less as a pet project for her husband. Their children thought it was beneath them. A mention my wife was the Arceneau heiress, one massive business loan later, here we are. Its going to need a lot of work, according to the woman no one has worked on the mine in about thirty-five years."

They had reached the top of the stairs and he was moving to their bedroom. There wasn't much to tour up here ; their bedroom and bathroom, three other guest suites each with their own bathrooms. Purposefully designed so if Rue and Persephone were staying over the arguments would be kept to a bare minimum.

"Since I got attacked on Lorrd. Correction, what happened on Lorrd was just a catalyst in realizing something may not be quite as normal as I thought. Which in hindsight, explains a few things in life. I just thought it was normal - I guess when you don't have a frame of reference, you know?"

Door opened to their room, a portion of the ceiling was glass akin to the mansion on Naboo, it made for great nighttime stargazing and storm watching. Makai had positioned the home so they had the best views of the lake from the second floor.

"So I'm wearing these contrasting glasses to try to see how they work out. Surprisingly well....I'm just dreading some news like I have some incurable eye disease or something knowing my luck. Partly why I haven't opened the message too. Didn't want to ruin my mood."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

There was a sudden pause once Makai detailed how he managed to acquire a Rainbow Gem mind; one that had her suddenly swivel her head over towards Makai and tug at his arm.

"Attacked on Lorrd?" He had not mentioned that to her before. The way he had suddenly corrected himself made it seem as if he had caught himself with that, adding that he had some sort of eye condition that seemed to be worsening.

"Okay. One, what happened on Lorrd -- do not skimp on the details, and what do you mean you haven't read the message? What message?" The concern in her face mirrored the ones in her grey eyes, already turning a rolling stormy hue in light of what Makai was revealing to her.


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

"Yeah, I mentioned it to you."

Makai was certain he mentioned the incident on Lorrd to her. It wouldn't make sense that he would keep something like this to himself. Then again, since her birthday, they had both been busy. He had crammed in a decent amount of work before the wedding and were apart for a good portion of the last month or more. Things tended to blur together without having their nightly in-person talks it was easy to get things mixed up and lost in the shuffle.

"Either way, let me lay out the details. Don't give me that look Missus Dashiell, its suspicious to kill your husband two weeks in of being named sole beneficiary on the life insurance policies."

He chuckled and quickly kissed her cheek. Personal comm device was pulled out of his pocket and he handed it over ; she already knew the code to unlock it. Makai drifted over to the cloud nine acceleration chaise, stretching out on the piece of furniture and crossing his legs at the ankles, hands lacing behind his head, getting comfortable.

"Kinda feels like therapy all over again." Another grin in her direction. "So, Lorrd. I went to Lady Thorne's social event, the one where she was being introduced as the sole successor to House Thorne. Everything is going fairly well, I hadn't seen her in a while so we make plans to catch up later on. Out of nowhere these armored....soldiers? Mercs? Come out of nowhere and start calling names to be taken away because Thorney refused to go. All a ploy, mind you. So of course I'm going to take action and try to get her out of there, there are these tunnels in the massive estate we escape to. Pitch black, I can't see, she's in front of me and I'm just feeling my way out. I can kind of make out the exit, bust through....and promptly get attacked. Really bruised my knee"

Wearing his typical shorts, Makai stopped to rub his knee, which looked perfectly fine now.

"Then they knock me out after choking Thorney. We get taken somewhere else, get roughed up a little more, manage to escape and get the planetary security involved. A bit of robbery, a bit they didn't want to Thorney to ascend to her rightful role at House Thorne. I got patched up, I feel good, nothing to be worried about."

A pause.

"As for the eyes, I'm sure I'm just being dramatic. Its not worse or better, just that event made me really notice it. I only wear these glasses at dusk to dawn, not even all the time."

HoloNet Message :
To : makai.dashiell@salacia.holo
From : cam.worrou@pharmatech.fondor.holo

Mister Dashiell,

Genetic panel results have returned. Fortunately for yourself an easy answer ; Hapan heritage. Genetic markers indicate heritage aligning with the Rifle Worlds. My hypothesis is male relatives of yours most likely escaped during the succession attempt made ages ago and settled onto Saleucami. I have no genetic comparisons for other Dashiells but I suspect it is the reason why your family is so prolific in that sector.

Those with Hapan heritage have notoriously horrible night vision. Nothing should progress further, we can discuss options and go in further detail at your next visit.

Also, do note as I was updating your file, you missed scheduled dose of silphia stim last month. I see no note of family planning exceptions. I have taken the liberty of informing your droid to ensure you make all appointments in the future.

Doctor Cam Worrou
PharmaTech Fertility and Genetics Clinic, Fondor


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Myra narrowed her eyes at Makai when he mentioned that he had spoken about the situation with Lorrd before. Maybe she had been well into her wine during one of their nightly catch ups, but she didn't recall it.

As the Dashiell draped himself on the Cloud 9 Acceleration couch, Myra listened into the story about the attempted hijacking, wandering through dark tunnels to escape, and then getting captured only to be released. Every single sentence made her grey eyes widen further, so much so that the latch she was playing with attached to the couch was left along to glower at him in incredulity.

"Okay, no, I do not remember you telling me any of this at all. " okay subject matter number one, "We are going to need to get you a guard for when you go out to events." if Thirty-Seven was taking his time with Persie instead of Makai, then Makai would need back up moving forward.

A hand came up, palm out towards Makai, as if to deny any objection. "Nope. You will have a guard. The last thing I need is for you to be kidnapped again at some event with no back up." He hadn't even mentioned how he had a previous kidnapping issue with Firemane as well.

"Well, just look at the message regarding your eyes, silly!" Myra chided him, rolling her eyes at him. "Do you really want to risk it if it is something serious and you need to take care of it as soon as possible? You know what happened to me with my illness."

A particular sore spot for the heiress. With a roll of her eyes, and perhaps a bit of anxiety, Myra unlocked Makai's personal comm. With a few taps she was at his holomail. Activating it, it projected the image of his Physician.

Needless to say, the first bit suddenly prompted Myra to laugh. " Oh my stars, you are Hapan??!" she shot out at him with avid amusement, interrupting the message.

"No wonder the Dashiells are so pretty --" at least, until the last bit came up. Wait, what did the doctor say? That Makai missed his Silphila shot?

".... Wait... you didn't take your birth control shot last month?"


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

Brows furrowed as he listened to Ellie. Of course, she had a point. It wasn't wise to go off alone without Thirty-Seven and it had been something they had agreed upon ages ago. Trouble was in Persephone came into the picture and got into everything all at once, including a copious amount of trouble, Thirty-Seven had be re-allocated in a sense. That left him without the droid on most days.

"Compromise ; I get Thirty-Seven back and we set Persephone up for her own model. Ours are fairly unique to us, but perhaps a modified droid off one of the Arceneau systems. We can just lay down the law together, she either gets the droid and takes the personality test, or she stays grounded on the Joiol compound. She would only be allowed to move around with us or one of the parents."

Thirty-Seven was more than a bodyguard, he was highly programmed for other uses. Uses Persie had no need for at this time in life, a thirteen year old wasn't doing business negotiations.

When it came to not opening the message sooner and the small rebuff about Ellie's own hard-fought illness, Makai couldn't even respond despite the differences. She was a young girl who couldn't speak at the time, he was able to convey the changes ; if any would occurred. So far, if anything, the eyeglasses had helped in the low-light situations.

"Hapan? Great, I'm inbred. I knew I was backwater but not that backwater."

He rolled his eyes at the 'pretty' comment, continuing to listen as his brows knitted together in confusion. Miss an appointment? Never. That was one thing he strove to keep up with. Last thing they needed was to hear from the family at large about being 'irresponsible' or making the same 'mistake'. Makai didn't have the patience to hear such a thing.

"I don't think I did...but then again, I forgot to tell you about Lorrd. Plus, Thirty-Seven really wasn't with much as I hate to say it, yes the appointment could have slipped through the cracks. I did go this month for sure because the eyes, the cybernetics, and of course, the stim."

Fingers counted the weeks, calculating in his head their time on Centrality when he would have missed the appointment by his estimation.

"So...its been what, sixish weeks? Yeah, a month and some change considering the honeymoon. I mean, you've had your cycle since then right? Bullet dodged,, I, will just have to be more careful going forward. Until we decide to start having the little terrors."

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Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

Through all of Makai's little joking assurance, Myra was steadily counting back, thinking and musing. Perhaps her sudden bout of quietness would finllay be picked up by the typically oblivious Dashiell.

Or maybe not.

"....." Six weeks. He didn't take the stim for six weeks. Myra as very regular and if she thought about it, she hadn't had her period yet. Grey eyes would widen, and she felt a flutter of anxiety.

It... couldn't be. Right? With all the stress of work, Persie, the wedding and the like, it would make sense why she would be late. Right....

"........" Right?


Wearing | Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

As usual, he was oblivious at first.

"You want to go out for dinner or get something delivered? Celebrate the rainbow gem mine...we've been going out so much though, I could make something. El-Three was able to get some basics delivered and put away."

Silence on her end. His brows furrowed as her eyes widened, clearly a revelation had came to her her about something. He ambled off the couch, facing her with a questioning look.

About to tease his wife about her silence, it suddenly struck him as to why she was quiet.She was counting the weeks. Something didn't align.

"Ellie Arceneau this is nothing to joke about."

He was trying to make her feel better. Himself too, if he was being honest. A small swell of anxiety was rising either way, but he was doing his best not to show it. The last thing his wife needed was for them to panic before all the facts were even in.

"Maybe...maybe your uterus is taking a break. It's been hard at work since you were like... twelve. That has to be tiring month after month."

Hand reached out and squeezed her shoulder in reassurance.

"Do.... Should I go get a test?"

Makai didn't want to leave her alone, then again, he also didn't want to spend his night in limbo.


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

"Makai. I love you, but jokes are not the go to right now, " Myra replied to Makai, giving an anxious roll of her eyes before bringing up her smart chrono to pull up some data. She always wore a biopatch, so it would monitor her health, but it also allowed her to keep tracks of things such as dates and the like.

"And really? My uterus needing a break? What kind of terrible joke is that?" she shot back, biting at her lower lip. This... wasn't possible right? Like, this was the very reason why Makai went in to get his stim.

A sudden rush of panic filled her, 'Get a pregnancy test? On Hapes? Are you crazy? You don't think the holonet would get videos of us blasted across the news that we went to go buy pregnancy tests?"


Wearing | Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

Makai knew better than to argue schematics with her in this moment about jokes versus real questions. She was understandably anxious about the entire ordeal. Plus, going back and forth over something stupid as his phrasing was only going to lead to bickering. They both were on edge and understandably so.

"Will I get noticed? Ellie, no one is going to be like 'hey, that guy looks like the other guys that left to spread their genetic material all over the Saleucami system ages ago' and follow me to the pregnancy test section." Makai paused. "If I go by myself, no one should even know who I am. I look pretty....normal? You're the intergalactic, classic beauty Heiress."

Hand was still on her shoulder and his thumb rubbed her collarbone through the fabric of her top.

"Let's not panic yet. I'm sorry this is happening, I didn't intend for...all this, obviously." Really, he was surprised it hadn't happened sooner. "Let's have El-Three handle it for us. We give him a list, he can pick up dinner for us, the test, and a few other things. This way I can stay here with you and we still get what is needed."

The half-Galan paused. Worry crept into his features for a moment before schooling himself back to a more neutral expression.

"Why don't you....why don't you lie down while I get everything situated.


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

There were times when Myra wondered if Makai was really that oblivious to how much eye candy he was as a Dashiell—or that his father had created such a massive Salvage Empire that his success, combined with how integrity-tied he was with her mother, Danger, the Queen of Trade, bound their families to be paparazzi bait.

That had been one of the significant reasons why Casteel had been contracted to be Myra's personal escort, to ensure that if anything were to happen, Casteel would be able to provide damage control.

With a shake of her head and a bop of her fingers against Makai's forehead, she interjected, "No, not you. El-Three is a good idea. " Myra bit her lip, the anxiety rising. Wait, am I feeling dizzy?

"I think I need to sit down." she said, plopping herself down on a nearby couch. "Yeah, sitting down is good."

Now her throat felt dry.

"Do we have any water?"


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

"Spousal abuse only two weeks in?"

Makai just smiled about the bop on his forehead. To be fair he was a little oblivious and he knew only because he had been informed multiple times by both Ellie and his fraternity brothers on more than one occasion. Besides, with Ellie now needing to sit down it was wise he stayed with her instead of El-Three. The droid was more than capable of handling any of Ellie's panic attacks, but if there was no reason for him to go.

"Of course we have water. Just sit tight."

Makai disappeared downstairs quickly, grabbing a bottle of water from the meagerly stocked cooling unit before heading back up. Cap was cracked off as he handed it to her carefully, murmuring a 'one moment' before disappearing into their bathroom. He emerged with a cool, damp washcloth and folded it, placing it on her forehead.

Sitting down on the couch a little ways down for her, he encouraged Ellie to stretch out, her legs settling into his lap as she kept her back against the armrest.

"How are you feeling?"
Hand rested on her calf he pulled out his comm to send a shopping list to El-Three. The droid was waiting in their ship parked on the landing pad not far away. A luxury speeder from his company was available to the droid and Makai anticipated no problems. "I'm thinking of ordering some Yum Bunnies. Quick,easy. Nothing we have to think about. We have enough to mull over right now."

A small pause.

"Are you nervous?"


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Myra narrowed her stormy gaze at her husband - husband, that was still so weird and even though the anxiety rolled in, it felt nice to think that - and then rolled her eyes.

"If you want spousal abuse I can show you spousal abuse," Myra warned him, grateful that he handed her some water. She quenched her thirst, feeling the cool water flow over her throat. Swallowing she then added, "Although that is likely what caused us to get in to this situation in the first place." came the wry commentary.

A mental calculation made her wonder if that time at the station when they were alone was the reason for this.

Taking a breath she stared at Makai. "Nervous? That is putting it lightly. Not something I was expecting this soon -- not that I don't want to have children with you, I do...."

A pause.

"I just know that if this gets out I wonder if your father will be upset." Makai had relayed the whole issue that he found out that he had been a part of his parents wedding.


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

"Spousal abuse got us into this mess? Oh no, I thought it was that new bra. Besides, I distinctly remember you begging for more on several occasions. Don't tell me you've forgotten already."

Makai gave a sly grin to his wife. Hand that rested on her calf lightly tapped, teasing her in the mist of their anxiety ridden conversation. As serious as their situation could potentially be, he was also trying to keep the mood light. Until El-Three came back, they had zero idea of what they were working with. Or not.

He finished up the shopping list for El-Three and their Yum Bunnies order. It wouldn't take long for the droid to grab the needed tests and few other things as well as their food for the evening. Which was a blessing, Makai couldn't spend his entire night in limbo. He wanted to know if they could relax or come up with their next steps.

"First off, I will handle Dad know.Don't worry about it, I've already told him married people often have children. This is our marriage, not his.He won't say a word to you, I promise. If this is just a scare...he'll never know either way."

Makai didn't want her to worry about the potential what-ifs in that scenario. He was sure that was impossible but still.

Comm was put away by now, back into his pocket and his entire focus could be on her and their conversation now. Hand on her calf gave it a gentle squeeze, eyes searching hers.

"Nervous about what? Our marriage? Not being a good Ma? The baby?" The baby. That was very odd to say, even in an abstract concept. "All of it?"


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Myra narrowed her gaze at Makai and then scrunched her features, shaking her head at him in a mock raspberry regarding the whole begging situation that got them in this particular mess. Well, they weren't even certain what this was. It could just be a very late period.

Rolling her grey eyes, she drank some water, giving a pouty "harrumph!"

As for Makai talking to Judah, that made her feel better, but still made her slightly worry. It was just how she was. Myra couldn't help overthinking. With a sigh she played with her hair while her other hand rocked the glass of water. It was a slightly nervous tick.

"Does all of the above count? Not sure. I'm still trying to process what it all might mean if we are." Myra bit her lower lip, gnawing on it.

"LIke.... what do we do if we are?"


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