Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wearing | Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

He was surprised to hear she was nervous about the things he listed off. Ellie had always been a worrier yet it was still surprising to hear she was worried about this possibility. Of all the what-if scenarios. Of all the issues that could arise. It was in a way, getting ahead of themselves in a sense. However, it didn't hurt to discuss the potential worries and pitfalls.

"There are really only two options. We become parents or....we don't." Makai left much unsaid and let her fill in the blanks there. He didn't expect she would want to end things, but Makai wanted Ellie to know he had her back no matter what. His wife was the one putting more on the line, making more of the sacrifice if she was indeed with child.

"I will say, we are pretty lucky in some regards. We have each other, we're a good team." At this point, he was just trying to ease fears and keep talking. He knew by now that sometimes in these more nervous or panicked moments she liked to listen to his voice. "We've got Danger, Mom, to some odd extent...Persephone, Rue, El-Three and Thirty-Seven."

Fingers tapped her calf as he talked, her legs still outstretched on the couch.

"Did I envision a pregnancy scare? Not at all. To be bluntly much as we talked about our family plans...I never expected this. I figured just getting to this point would be a struggle."

Neither one knew what, if any kind, of toll treatment for her disease took on her as a child and pre-teen.


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Myra understood clearly what Makai meant, and naturally, her expression became a little aghast. Her hands came over unconsciously protectively over her belly at the mere thought.

"No. No. If we are, then we are." Myra shook her head side to side vehemently, soft brown hair waves swaying as she firmly made that decision clear.

"We will just need to figure out what to do next and how far along if the test shows positive... find a physician to get proper medical care." she was starting to get her bearings a bit more. He was right. They had family that would be able to support him. Financial issues weren't a thing. They had enough credits to make sure things would be okay. But first they had to figure out if they even were pregnant.

With a deep breath, grey eyes would lock on ice blue.

"Okay... well. Guess I should... take the test then?"


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

"Are you okay? How's it going in there?"

Makai was posted right outside their bathroom door, leaning against the frame. They had decided to take the test before dinner, not wanting their night to be an entire series of what-ifs. Avoiding the subject wasn't going to help matters.

"You're making me a little nervous. It doesn't take this long right? I made sure El-Three got the ones with near instant results."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

There was no denying it.


That's what the display on the at home test provided. All it required was the quick draw of blood from a finger and the results were rather instantaneous. Myra sat down on the edge of the vast bathtub perch, musing to herself. She vaguely heard Makai knock and ask if everything was okay, but the heiress needed some time to think by herself for a moment.

There were plenty of childhood fantasies and the like which revolved on the idea of her and Makai having children together. Granted, they had all been made heavily tinted by rose colored glasses and what-ifs and maybes. As an adult, however, now came the real realization that she could very well become a mother and what that meant.

Her own biological mother and father had sacrificed themselves on Drumond Kaas to protect her from the Black Hive Virus outbreak. Alric and Danger had raised her and pulled all their resources to identify Myra's illness and find a cure. Makai's mother had practically abandoned Makai and the dominion effect still affected Makai today. The roles of mothers and the children that they bear and raise came to the forefront of Myra's mind.

Then there was the concern that the tiny life she carried could very well be just as easily lost; mama had suffered through terrible miscarriages and even a stillborn birth, both items that still affected her very much to this day. If that happened to me, how could I possibly work through that?

Swallowing hard, Myra took a deep, calming breath. Just breathe. Think of what you know. Mama is here. Makai is here. Judah is here. Plenty of people to turn to.

With another steadying breath, she looked up at the door and called out, "Yeah, you can come in."

Picking up the result, she'd hand it over to Makai so he could see the determination himself.


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

Door creaked open, opening it just a crack to stick his head though and peer into the space, as if unsure about entering. Ellie was sitting on the edge of the tub and he opened the door fully, moving to join her. There was more than enough space and he moved to sit next to her.

Settled in, he took the results from her without a word. It didn't take a genius to read the results ; pregnant. Clear as day. Iced blue eyes settled on her, fiddling with the results in his hands, gently turning them over as he thought.

"Are you okay?"

A loaded question and one dealing with more than just the physical. Although, as the results indicated, certainly a pressing concern as well.

He reached out to take her hand, needing the connection in this moment. It was different when they were talking in the abstract, the thoughts of trying in a few years after being settled in their marriage, the hazy idea of being a part-time stay-at-home father to a pack of dark-haired offspring.

Now it was real.

Which brought buried wounds up to the forefront.Crawling around like worms in his brain, whispering doubts, causing him to wonder if he wasn't that different than his father after all. If history already repeated itself once, would a cruel twist of fate also be in store in five short years?

Yet he couldn't think of that right now. There were larger issues at hand.

"Do you think the baby is okay..? We hit the liquor and wine hard these past few weeks....they are probably just floating in it as we speak....I really, really hope you have some strong genes working right now Ellie. If its a boy...well....we both know the poor kid will be lacking in common sense and intelligence."

Known for their smarts the Dashiell men were not.


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Myra let her fingers interlock with Makai's when he reached for her hand. Was she okay? Yes and no? Her eyes were like liquid pools of mercury, ever shifting and musing on the news that they were in fact pregnant. She wasn't the only one who had racing thoughts; in Makai's ice blue eyes, she could tell he was already going through his own set of what-ifs and maybes before he managed to get himself together.

Had to remember, they were in this together.

Giving his hand a comforting squeeze, Myra took a deep breath then gave a nervous chuckle, "Yes and no. Again, still a little bit shocked. I mean...we just got married. Like, are you happy?"

Honestly she wasn't even sure if the baby was okay. "I had so many glasses of wine! Like...." that's when Myra's eyes began to grow red and tear up. Was she already a terrible mother?!


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

“No, no, don't cry. I’m sure the baby is fine. More than fine.”

Makai instantly felt bad about bringing up the status of the baby and the amount of wine they had been consuming over the last several weeks. Why wouldn’t they? There had been a lot to celebrate ; her birthday, the wedding, the honeymoon. There had been no thought, no possibility of this at all.

“Come here.”

Difficult to comfort her sitting on the side of a tub together, he stood, pulling her into his arms. Ellie instantly melted into him and he could feel the tears already staining his shirt. Hand moved up to rub her back.

“I'm fucking terrified Ellie. I'm worried about you…we don't even know anything regarding the pregnancy. I mean, we don't even know if you can safely carry a child. We don't know if your illness will come back. Add on top of that….what if the baby has the syndrome too? Yeah, there's a cure now but it was horrific watching you go through that. I don't know if I could stand to see my own child go through the same.”

Nothing was how he envisioned them starting their family. He had thought it would be carefully thought out. Genetic testing. Planning. Instead it was by a missed appointment. Both caught completely unprepared.

“Guess what? If something is wrong, it’s my fault. If something happens with either one of you, it's because of me.”

Makai squeezed her tight, chin coming to rest on her head.

“On the flip side…I am happy. More than ecstatic. A year and a half ago I couldn’t even imagine talking to you again, let alone getting married. Now we’re having a baby? If you’re the best thing thats happened to me, the kid is number two.”

A small, humorless chuckle.

“How can I be scared out of my mind about all the what-ifs and thrilled to have you and Junior all at the same time?”


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Myra sank into Makai's embrace even as the Dashiell did his best to try and let her know it was fine, it was okay, and that he was the idiot and the one at fault if things went sideways. Which was ridiculous, really; it took both of them to get to this point.

Hands came up to cup his beloved face, thumbs tracing over his angular features, taking in the very real fear and anxiety that he had in his expression, but also noticing the desire to shoulder the burden with her as he did his best to relay that he was happy, he was thrilled -- just as scared as she was.

"Don't be silly, you idiot." Myra began, sniffling as her redrimmed eyes turned a little puffy and her nose began to turn red -- she wasn't the prettiest of criers. "It won't just be your fault. It takes two to make this baby."

None the less, he was making her feel better. Just being in his presence and hearing what he said was helping. The question was, what next?

"Okay..." Myra took a deep breath, shoulders rising, thoughts racing. Then she exhaled, blinking rapidly. "So... next step? Get a check up and see where we are at? I imagine knowing how far along will help us know how to break it to the family."

Maybe if it wasn't that long, they could... just ... say it was a honeymoon baby? That was more for Judah's sake than her mother's.


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

“Two to make the baby but only one one of us was in charge of the birth control. Maybe they have an arm implant or something longer term…beyond surgery that is.”

When they were done with their family plans, Makai definitely was getting the connection cut and tied. Granted, after two or three they would probably freak out a little less. Hopefully. Maybe.

“I have to attend that Commonwealth Gala with Mom and Dad right after our time here. Think you can make the appointment right after that? Maybe on Fondor? That's where I normally go, it's fairly discreet.”

Now his concern would go to other topics. Keeping Ellie and the baby safe was top priority. The PharmaTech facility on Fondor was often filled with politicians and the wealthy, so Makai knew nothing would be suspicious from a joint visit.

“Once we have the appointment, get a better idea, we should think of our next steps. Obviously this happened before the wedding….my parents….probably would not take that news well. However, I’m a little concerned if I’m away or we’re apart,someone should know the real due date.”

A pause as he reached up to her face and wiped some tears off her cheeks.

“Maybe….maybe we should take your Mama out to dinner….Tell Danger the truth and swear her to secrecy regarding it. She’s never betrayed my trust. Only question is, can she handle it? Would she be disappointed?”

Iced blue met stormy gray, it was clear he was thinking. Makai had many unspoken concerns regarding Danger, ones he kept close to his chest. Ellie wasn’t the only Arceneau woman he made a point to look after.

“I like to think….after what happened with your father….this, the first grandchild, might give her a new sense of focus. I can’t see her being angry at us….but I could be very, very wrong.”


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Everything that Makai mentioned had merit. Honestly, as soon as they started to become intimate, despite Makai stating he had begun taking birth control stims, she should have done the same herself. After this, they'll make sure to come up with a good plan to make sure surprises weren't a thing. It wasn't that she wasn't happy that they were pregnant... just.. it would have been better if they could have planned it.

With deep breath and a nod as Makai spoke, the heiress considered all that he said.

"I can get El-Three to set up an appointment. Maybe make it seem like my standard wellness check. " her mind was already thinking of solutions. As for her mother...

"Mama... I think mama will be fine. She's more rational about things." More than Alric or Judah perhaps. "Once we find out everything we can do a private dinner..."

A sudden thought.

"Oh, what will we tell Persie and Rue?" Especially Persie, as they were her guardians and the teenager was living with them now.


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

"Standard wellness check? Will they let me in the room? Think we will get to see Junior?"

Makai wanted to be there. He would naturally make every appointment she had, even the banal ones. Obviously this was one of the bigger ones, with him hoping they would at least get an update if the baby was doing well. If Ellie was doing well and everything was on track. Despite the fact they were trying to brainstorm on how to break the news, his biggest concern remained Ellie.

"Sorry for the questions...I know you don't know either. I just want to make sure you're both doing well."

It was still hitting him. The fact he was going to be someone's father. That his wife was going to give birth to their first child, that this was happening. As nervous and scared as he was for all the unknowns, there was still the element of excitement. Before he had reconnected with Ellie, it felt as if he was stumbling through the dark, lost. Now he was thrust out into some type of bright utopia and it was surreal. Married with a child on the way was the type of stuff he had only allowed himself to daydream about.

"So we tell Danger. Private dinner? We will still be nearby.....let's invite her back here and we do a dinner at home. I would say we go out but in case the news doesn't go well, we don't need an audience."

As for Persephone and Rue. Persie was currently away for her internship. She still had a few weeks of hands on learning in the business with Danger, getting her feet wet on her journey in wanting to be in the fashion industry. Last Makai heard, she was learning how to pick out textiles and the pitfalls of suppliers. Boring, but important.

"I miss Rue."
Makai smiled softly, he actually missed living together on Centrality. "Persephone, once she comes back from her internship, lets sit down together and tell her she's going to be a big sister. I want you to take the lead on that...with her being adopted into the family, I want her to know her place is with us. That we aren't replacing her."

A pause.

"As for Rue, I planned on taking her out for another graviball day. Plus, I am thinking of owning a stadium and limmie team in the Commonwealth. I can always break the news to her or we can tell her together. She's younger. She won't even have that many questions...I don't even think she's had the birds-and-bees talk so....I think she will roll with it. Let her know she's going to be an Aunt."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Myra gave several blinks at the barrage of questions Makai sent at her direction, only to break out in amused laughter. "Okay, one thing at a time. " she told him, bringing her hand up to boop his forehead again. He was getting overexcited again, much like he was when he was a kid. It was as equally adorable as it was amusing.

"Wellness check is just an annual exam." it allowed her to check up on her entire physical state as well as anything specific to her gender and species. Considering her previous syndrome and whether or not it was genetic, it was a good thing to check moving forward. The last thing they both needed was to learn that their child would have the terminal syndrome she had as a child. The only relief is that a cure had been found, so the baby wouldn't have to suffer through the series of experimental tests and procedures.

Everything else that Makai pitched for mama, Rue, and Persephone had merit. Good, he was in problem solving mode, that should keep him occupied. With all this planned, they now had a way to move forward.

"Okay... I'll get El-Three to schedule that for me and we can continue our honeymoon here?" a few more days was not going to matter much in the long run right? "Or should we go as soon as possible?"


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

"More spousal abuse? And in front of Junior? Ellie, this is no way to be treating me or our child."

Laughing, he pulled her close once again, amused by the little thump to his forehead. He knew he was asking a lot of questions but he also just wanted to know. However, it wasn't as if she had many answers beyond 'wellness check'. Makai supposed that was a good first step though, to see if she was healthy and fine given the news.

"No, let's continue our honeymoon here, I intended this to be a transition period anyway. I've got to visit that rainbow gem mine but other than that I wanted to spend time together before we separate. Now we've got a lot to celebrate. Granted, its going to be with mock sangria instead of wine but we're still going to have a good time."

A small pause,thinking.

"Plus I want to absorb becoming a father with you privately. Just kind of want us to ease into it without outside influence, if that makes any sense? I'd like to freely reference you and the baby without having to censor my words."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

“Okay, okay. Good.” Myra replied, giving a nod and a sigh of relief, only to laugh at the mention of a mock sangria instead of regular wine. She clung to him in his embrace, holding him close, feeling the warmth of his body and the gentle fan of his breath.

“Do we need to meet with anyone regarding the mine?” She wasn’t sure what that all entailed or how far along the process he was in with it.

“Where is it situated?” And did that also mean he’d have a gem refinery built here or have them transported? The Transitory mists were hazardous to travel, so while rainbow gems were priceless, there was the question of just how regulated Hapes maybe regarding their distribution.


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

"No, I already met with the previous owner when I came to check on the house here. Everything is official, we own it together."

The process had been fairly easy, a regular sale of mining rights, made easier with the addition of his wife as owner. They were the owners of the long abandoned mine, now it was just a matter of getting everything back online. Makai had wanted a clear plan in place before he left and even with the news he was going to make it happen.

"About a forty-five minute speeder ride from here. You want to come with me tomorrow? I mean, its probably really boring for you but I promise to make short. I won't even go too far inside, I just need to do a quick look if there's enough room to put in a refinery. Make sure everything is secure. Beyond that."

Shoulders shrugged slightly.

"Anything you want to do while we're here together?"


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

So things are all wrapped up in that area good. Myra gave a nod… then laughed.

“Okay, we are still in the bathroom. How about we clean up here and go back out into the bedroom or living room?” They could figure out what to do then. Although honestly, she wasn’t sure if she was up for leaving the house today.

“What is there to do here?” She’d been on Hapes before, but not on Gallindore.

“Most of my time dealing with Hapans was in galas making small talk.”


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

Makai cleaned up the bathroom and decided downstairs was best, putting their Yum Bunnies spread on the coffee table to share as they lounged together. With a great view of the lake, it was actually a nice place to relax. Fried cheese stick was popped into his mouth, datapad in the other hand as he looked up information on Gallinore.

"There's a research corridor, business sector and all that. This place is a real research powerhouse, mainly in the capital city of Dimitor."

The half-Galan caught look his wife was giving him from the other end of the couch. A look he knew entirely too well.

"Did I buy us a house on a planet I had no clue about? Yes. I just knew it was safe and quiet, after that it wasn't a big deal.Oh, and it reminded me of Naboo in a way."

Gallinore didn't even have an ocean. Lakes, forests, mountains, and fields dotted the planet. It was very beautiful and quite the change from the tropical locations they normally resided in. A perfect place to settle in to, a place where one could send the family and not worry about their safety. Much like their carefully chosen compound on Joiol.

"Maybe we should just stick close to home. We don't necessarily have to do anything...well, beside visit the mine tomorrow. We only have a few days here, so whatever you want to do, I'm happy with."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Myra, not entirely famished, found herself appreciating Makai's thoughtful gesture of ordering Yum Bunnies for them. She savored a few starch fries, enjoying the moment as they sat in the living room.

"I'd prefer to stay in today," Myra began, considering their options. "But perhaps it would be pleasant to take a leisurely stroll or two..." She wasn't particularly enthusiastic about the idea of visiting the business sector during their honeymoon. The last thing she wanted was to feel like she was working, but she understood that Makai had responsibilities at the Rainbow gem mine.

"So what is the output of the mine? Are you considering being a supplier or opening up your own jewelry chain?" The corner of her mouth would quirk, "For all the Galan pearls and gemstone mines you have. You are almost giving Mama's MaraTibx a run for their money." Mara was strictly a supplier, mining, and transport service beyond the terraforming and agricultural aspects it had branched out. It had yet to enter the jewelry sector, as being a supplier has been more profitable.


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

Makai happily ate,after all being a now-father was hard work.Plus, he was just a bottomless pit. Whatever wasn't consumed would just be tossed into the cooling unit for later.

"I agree. Let's stick close to the house. Maybe a walk around the lake later, only if you're feeling up to it."

They had done quite a bit on their honeymoon between the exploring, surfing, boating, wine-tasting, massages... the list went on. Not that he hadn't enjoyed himself but lounging on the couch or sitting on the deck seemed about his speed in that moment.

"There is no current output. It's been dormant for about thirty years or so. Basically I have to start from scratch. Early surveys look promising. Estimating five to eight carats per year. Not a lot compared to my other mines but for a rainbow gem mine it is decent."

Another cheese stick stuffed into his mouth before he picked up his sandwich, answering her before taking a bite.

"Just a supplier. Not interested in the other side of things. My goal is to have a massive expansion before the baby is born. So I will be busy for the next five months or so."

Makai reached out and slid his hand below Ellie's navel.

"Hear that Junior? I hope you appreciate mining and extraction."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Myra sipped her drink while Makai explained the details of the output from the Rainbow gem mine. Honestly, even a few carrots per year were extensive; the Hapan royal crown was adorned with sentient crystals, and they were enough to purchase several systems.

A pause, and then Myra studied Makai with curiosity. "Does it bother you, though? That the gems are sentient? I don't think you've worked with any type of material that was sentient like that? How will you handle mining that?" She heard that they could potentially also bond with people. Talk as well. It was so... odd. But then again, there were several other crystalline species in the galaxy. The only difference was that these crystals didn't have a face, arms, or legs and appeared to be crystals until they were cut and polished to the intended design.

"Or your crews?" she followed up, only to roll her eyes at Makai saying that their future child should appreciate mining and extraction.

"Makai, I don't think I've found anyone else who is as into rocks as you are." she chuckled, starting to feel a lot better. She grabbed her burger and began to eat.


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