Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

Eating his Naboo Hot nuna sandwich, Makai listened to her concerns carefully. He knew the rainbow gems were silicon– based lifeforms, and if he had to guess, aligned to some wavelength of the Force. He had heard Jedi using them as lightsaber crystals before ; again, much of the information he knew was third hand.

“I'm not sure. I mean, I will defer to the Hapan experts on the matter. Obviously these rainbow gems have been harvested for a long, long time. Five million carats seems like a lot, but the reports I commissioned state there are a lot of larger gems in the mine. I’ll have a consulting and advising company of Hapan origin take charge and just listen to their lead.”

Shoulders shrugged.

“I’m sure with a Hapan consultant team they will take all ethical concerns into play. They seem to be quite serious and have a reputation to uphold. This area is quite the economic powerhouse. Its a very wealthy region. I doubt they will throw all that away so I can harvest something incorrectly.”

Makai wiped the hot sauce off his mouth with a napkin and leaned over to kiss her temple quickly before sitting back, not wanting to disturb her too much while she ate.

“We’re talking about work. I thought we were focused on our last few days together.”

A boyish grin - they couldn’t avoid it. Not that they were going to focus entirely on the rainbow gems or the economic output of the Hapan region. Despite the relative isolation, wealth here was highly concentrated. Businesses thrived. He found it interesting.

“Maybe you’re about to meet another one with the baby. I plan on reading to Junior starting tonight, maybe by the time he or she is born the ore and mineral obsession will be ingrained. If they get half of the genius you have…watch out.”

Another playful grin but he grew serious, fiddling with the rim of his drink glass.

“Thank you…for what you’re doing for our family. This is a sacrifice I know you weren’t ready to make just yet, or expect."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Makai was right. They were talking about work. A flush of heat would bloom up Myra's neck and onto her face, and her grey eyes would grow wide in abashed alarm.

"Oh, you are right. Sorry." She gave a sheepish apology, only to chuckle.

"See how easy it is to just automatically go into that? El-Three would be proud." Myra joked, only to sigh. She took another sip of her drink and then pondered wryly.

"You would want to have another mini you to gush over some rare galactic mineral and how cool it is." There were times when Myra felt as if her gaze was glazing over with how enthused he'd get over describing some material or ore he'd found. Or some analysis of deep water metal nodule findings.

Her expression softened when Makai added his last, thanking her. She shook her head.

"It's fine." Reaching out, she grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze.

"We will figure this out and work it through together."


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

"Forget El-Three being proud, Judah Dashiell would be proud. Using valuable honeymoon time to discuss the intricacies of ethical mining practices. Carat outputs. Supplier versus end product. I can only imagine the riveting talks my parents had on salvage refinement. Its easy to slip into. Given the nature of our lives."

He was joking, knowing full well his mother would never participate in such a conversation. She avoided business talks like a plague from what he could understand. Again, that was a touchy subject and he rarely asked any questions surrounding what their marriage had been like.

"Of course it would be cool. I got to get an early head start before you two are conversing in some ancient language no one has heard in a millennia. Then I'll be left out cause no way I'd be smart enough to learn it."

More teasing of her love of xenolinguistics. How his wife got stuck on that subject in university was beyond him. Yet she had always excelled and been smart, it may have been a course of study to challenge herself more than anything. A passion project while studying business. Either way, he squeezed her hand back, lingering guilt he got themselves in this position still there.

"When Junior asks how we took the news, lets not mention the crying in the bathroom and freakout. I never asked my parents though so maybe it won't be brought up."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Myra laughed, rolling her eyes. However Makai mentioning his parents made her muse about their earlier marriage. "Do you think they talked a lot about it then? When your parents were married? About Salacia?"

The heiress knew that there was only so much Makai remembered about his parents before his mother left. Some memories were more vivid; others were lost to the fog of time. His trauma had compartmentalized events in Makai's head that he had to work through with his therapist for it to make sense.

As for what to tell junior...

"Well, if it ever comes up, let's just say they were a honeymoon baby. We will stand by that solidarity moving forward." It would be close enough right?


Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell

"I have no clue. I know I was conceived on a salvage ship so there had to be some interest..." Makai chuckled a little, shaking his head. "Given Mom was never really interested in company stuff to begin with I highly doubt it. I'm surprised she has her flying school."

Makai mulled over her words. Even if they were further along than expected, perhaps they could stick with the story. Not that he was concerned about the fallout. As much as his father would be disappointed, he was also standing firm it was his life. His marriage. His family.

"It is our honeymoon, technically true. I'm not opposed. We can also just give the family a vague date as well and just cite security concerns. Not entirely untrue either, you never know what dangers lurk. Which is why I'll be busting my ass with expansion so I can be around by month seven or so. I don't want you alone after that.."

A small smile.

"Honeymoon baby story it is."


Outfit: x x x x x | Equipment: x x x x | Tag: Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

"Then, we will leave it at that. Honeymoon baby story it is," Myra replied, giving Makai a soft smile. Although she was rather melancholy regarding what he had mentioned about his parents. Yet it was what it was. That was in the past.

"Alright. How about we finish our meal, call it a day, and maybe just take some time to relax?" They could figure out what else to do later. She was starting to feel exhausted again.

Maybe just some relaxing time in her husband's arms was the medicine she'd need before they went off after this to figure out if they were really going to be parents or not.

It will likely be one of the last times they will be able to have a relaxing time together.

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