Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Much Needed Vacation

Voph was silent for a moment, contemplating her offer, which turned to a hearty laugh when she asked if he was alright. "Ah, Never better, lass." He offered her a smile. "Just some business on Dohmus Prime that went...awry." He settled back into his chair. "Mandalorian hit squad shot down my ship as I was departing the planet. I don't recommend the experience." He was quiet for a moment. "Of course, I have sustained more than my fair share of injuries over the years. Lost my arm once. Back in the old days. Or that time a near-feral Zabraak bit a chunk out of my neck."

He offered [member="Silfe Sosuri"] a smile as he took another sip of his Caf. "I appreciate your concern, however. It's...oddly refreshing. In the old days, people would merely wish to know when I was ready for my next mission." He was quiet for a moment. He should tell her. He didn't want to. But he should. She deserved to know. They all did. And it hadn't gone so badly with Jairdain. "I...must confess...Voph...was not my name. not remember my name now, so it continues to serve its purpose, I suppose." He took a deep breath, then looked at Silfe. "I was Voph. Darth Voph." His hand curled tightly around the cup of caf. "Make no mistake, I am no ally of the Empire. But it does not change what I was. If you would think less of me for this, I understand. But I feel that you...and the other lords...should know."
Her eyebrows rose in surprise as he spoke of a ]near-feral Zabraak biting him. People had such... interesting lives. She had to wonder what could have possibly led to all of those exciting but terrifying things and found that she would spend hours imagining. The Galaxy was a strange place but she liked it regardless of the negative things that could happen. Perhaps Silfe was an optimist, or maybe she just really hated being stuck in a series of rooms and only brought out as a trophy for people to ogle at. No, this life was better, come what may.

He seemed to want to say something and Silfe was one to allow people to say what they will. Sometimes silence was best and now was such a time. His revelation that he was a Darth, therefore Sith was less impactful than he might have imagined. She was glad that he wasn't allied with the Empire, but she would have guessed that considering Kay put him as Lord of Brelor. She sipped her fruity drink and then placed it on the table before her.

Silfe leaned forward, resting her arms on the table and crossing them over one another. "I appreciate your Candor Lord @Voph. I hope that you will always trust me and speak your mind. If you wish for me to call you Darth Voph, then I can do that. But you are hardly the only Sith I know. Hell, I am taking lessons from Darlyn on how to protect myself. I have been friends with him for quite some time now. Lady Kay acquainted me with a lot of dark side force users though I am afraid most are not around anymore. The fact of the matter is, while I was Minister of Foreign Affairs, I had a lot of dealings with a lot of people. Commenor was neutral back then and we took in all sorts." She smiled softly, trying to reassure him. "I suppose what I am saying that as long as your allegiance is to Commenor and it's people, I have no problems with you being who you are."
Voph shook his head. "No. That...wont be necessary. I hold no favor for the Empire. And would be content to let it, and any mention of it, burn in the fires of hell. I did not join them by choice. They found me...weak..dying. They gave me another chance. So I made a deal with the devil. And once you're in...there's no escape."

He sighed quietly. "Death was the only way out. I had hoped to be free, I am." He drained the rest of his caf, and stood, taking his cane. "But, that is a philosophical debate for another time. I have been given a chance to redeem myself, in spite of the Jedi condemning me to the Sith forever." He smiled softly at Silfe. "And I'd best not waste your vacation bemoaning the past. So..."

Voph offered her his hand, the scars now visible after the removal of the bandages. As he helped her to her feet, he turned to look towards the beach. "I am told the beaches are lovely this time of day. But, it is your vacation. So where do you wish to begin?"

[member="Silfe Sosuri"]
One of the reasons Silfe was so well liked among many was the fact that she was an intense listener. She let [member="Voph"] speak, get out his worries and frustrations with the past and the truth that was his present. She didn't have to understand every aspect of it or its entire history to know that it mattered to him what he was telling her. So she was interested as much as she would of any of her friends spilling their cares and worries onto her shoulders so she could help them carry that burden. They were not alone.

She took the hand without hesitation, figuring that if it hurt him still he would not have offered the hand to her. She stood and then instead of moving away from him, she took his arm in hers and smiled. She walked with him, letting him lead where he wished to take her. "Well, I did come for some fun in the sun. The beach sounds lovely. I anticipated possibly enjoying the beach when I arrived so I am wearing the proper attire under my outfit."

"Since my rooms are being prepared, I don't have to worry about unpacking which I must say is a nice thing to have. I didn't have servants until I came to Commenor even though my father could easily have provided some. I was used to making tea for myself, something Kay and I both enjoy. Did you know, on Cyrillia, there are more than ritual 100 ways to make tea? Our spiritual tea ceremony is actually over an hour long. It's incredibly intense and requires a great deal of discipline to master."
Voph listened without comment as Silfe spoke, tossing a credit chit on the table to pay for the drinks. He led the way towards the beach along the walkway, shaking his head in response to her question, but refraining from comment until she had finished speaking. "I did not, but that does not surprise me. Tea making is one of the more common rituals in the galaxy, as I understand it. People will make a ritual of almost anything. Tea...a harvest...even the simple things. Like crafting a lightsaber. Or a suit of armor."

His head turned as he looked out over the bay beside them. "Though I must confess, I've never even heard of Cyrillia. Must have been a colony in my time. If it existed at all. Not that such a planet is unusual. The galaxy is a much larger place than the one I left behind. Never had much in the way of servants, though. Even back then. Sure, I've got aides, then and now. People who run the place while I'm busy. Well, and I've a house keeper now."

He chuckled quietly. "Didn't seem right, being a third-class and all. Couldn't hire decent help, and I've never agreed with slave labor. So...I stuck it out alone. Just lightsaber...And whatever corner I could commandeer for meditation every now and again. Never really had a home till...well..." Voph looked up. Though he couldn't see it near as well as Silfe, the Arbitration was visible in its berth far above the planet. He smiled softly. The ship used an archaic design with a split nose, much the same as the Harrower Star Destroyers from the old days. "Won her in a Kaggath about two years before the invasion." He paused, then continued on to explain, figuring [member="Silfe Sosuri"] probably had no idea what a Kaggath was. "A...well, a ritual of sorts. An ancient duel between Sith, stretching back millennia, even when I was born. Two Sith would agree upon a planet, and they would wage war until one fell. Or fled. I did not care for it. Too...divisive. The Sith were consumed with in-fighting...proving to their fellows that they were the better." He smirked, glancing at Silfe. "It was...rather nauseating, frankly..."
She had to agree that rituals were commonplace among the galaxy. Silfe herself had never been particularly religious and probably mostly due to the fact her father had not been. He had not instilled in her the need or the routine of attending a service or other types of spiritual communion. She smiled softly as he mentioned not knowing Cyrillia. Most people didn't despite the significant influence it had on the galaxy at large. "Cyrillia is an enormous planet and is mostly manufacturing facilities used to make droids of all kinds. My father owns a great deal of the companies that run the planet. This is why he was asked to send a representative to Commenor for the Senate. He chose me. I came and the rest is history.... though I doubt very much he liked the results."

At the mention of the Kaggath, she was definitely confused. The term, like so many things that had to do with the Force, was new to her. Thankfully, Lord [member="Voph"] quickly explained. She also had to agree that Sith in general were nauseating. "No offense, but I have found most Sith to be nauseating and far too full of themselves for their own good. Really, I have no idea how they keep any of the galaxy under their power with how much they fight each other and how much they prattle on about how big and powerful they are. It really is quite beyond imagination. One came to the balll a few weeks ago... for no reason I can discern except that it wanted to make Veiere feel out of place from the rest of us or brag about how much more it understood of the galaxy and especially Commenor and it's people." Silfe had not been the person to hear this, but she had listened to the servant who had heard the conversation first hand. "I really don't understand it."
Voph was quiet for a moment. "Power. They crave it. Obsess over it. Their only desire to gain more. Their only fear to lose it." He smiled softly at Silfe. "Many fall to the delusion that power is to be flaunted. Celebrated. Those without shall succumb to the influence of those with power." Voph guided Silfe off the path towards a trail that led down to the beach. "Such displays often...make one weak, I find. There is a saying that my council once held. 'The Akk Hound barks loud, while the Krayt walks silent.' The one to be feared is not the man who proudly proclaims his feats, but the one who is content to hide them away until such a time as circumstance requires them."

Voph fell quiet for a moment as they drew near the beach. "But do not mistake the Sith for a mere rabble. Time and again, they have brought the galaxy to her knees. All it takes is one cunning enough to lead the charge, and strong enough to keep the rabble in line." Voph was quiet for a moment longer. ​"Not unlike Kay, and her efforts here, I'm afraid. I fear that even the smallest shove at the right moment may dismantle the council she has so painstakingly assembled." Voph paused at the water's edge, looking out at the setting sun. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by someone calling his name. He deflated, and he might have rolled his eyes if he had any. With a quiet sigh, he released Silfe's arm and patted her shoulder. "I'll not be long."

Voph turned around to speak with the aide that had summoned him. The tones were hushed, but Silfe was given the impression that it was for the benefit of her, and the vacationers around them. Voph gestured a few times as he spoke. He seemed exasperated, finally shooing the aide away. He turned and walked back towards Silfe. Though there was still a limp, he didn't seem to use his cane. Whatever he'd discussed seemed to cause him to forget the injury. "Always something." He sighed, then offered Silfe a smile. "Yet another mercenary agency seems to think I am in need of more bodyguards. Somehow not a problem I expect any of the members of Commenor to encounter."

[member="Silfe Sosuri"]
She had seen exactly as he described. When the Sith finally did come together for something real that they all agreed upon, it was a powerful force. However, that alliance never lasted very long for anything other than major and continued spoils. Once the power was extracted, or no longer useful, once the spoils were divided, inevitably it would fall apart between Sith and they would have to find some other common cause to keep them together. Silfe didn't like it, but then, she didn't have to. She never wanted power. She only wanted to be useful to the people who mattered to her.

His comment about the council had her thinking and finally she said. "I think if we have a much more clear cut set of duties and where our specific power lays, then it will be better, but we are just at the beginning of rebuilding a government. Such regulations and laws will take time to put into effect and I am afraid Kay has never been very specific about her government's checks and balances. It will take more effort than ever has been given before to make sure that we are all very aware of where we do the most good and where we are not allowed to go. Being in charge of a place like this," she indicated Brelor with her hand, "Is quite heady to think on. One's ego could easily be inflated by such a position."

When he released her arm, she smiled politely and as he left, she took the time to take off her shoes and dig her toes in the warm sand. She watched his interaction with mild curiosity and her lips twitched as he walked with a limp but without using his cane. Not that his injury was gone, but that a lot of that limp might be psychosomatic in nature. Perhaps soon, the cane will truly no longer be needed.

"I understand Lord @Voph. I have dealt with many similar meetings and pulls on my attention. You wouldn't believe how many droid companies have approached me wanting me to buy new machinery for Acuin's farms and pastures. I am less in need of bodyguards than they seem to think you are though I cannot imagine why a Darth would need bodyguards."
Voph grimaced and reached down to the thigh of his injured leg. As he began to cool down, the pain of walking unaided on his injury came flooding back. He shifted so his weight was held by his good leg and the cane. "Couldn't possibly be all the attempts on my life." He chuckled quietly. He looked down at the sand. He sighed quietly, and dropped the cane next to Silfe's shoes. He gritted his teeth as he put his weight on the injured leg. It hurt. Bad. But he could suffer through it. He hated that damn cane anyway. He gestured down the beach, inviting Silfe to walk with him.

"You do have a point, however. You would have my blessing and support should you mention this when next the council meets, or I will if you do not. I am agreed that our duties are far too nebulous." Voph walked as he spoke, arms clasped at the small of his back, and the occasional grimace of pain slipping through as his leg screamed in protest. If he concentrated, Voph could also hear his medical attendant screaming in protest at his abandonment of the cane. Ah well. Voph would break him as he did all the others. Eventually. "Brelor is, I think, the economic powerhouse of the nation. The craftsmen, the vacationers... Money is hardly an issue for my people."

He turned to look at SIlfe offering a soft smile. "And I dare say we stand in the best position to offset the good Baron and his military. Funding must come from somewhere. And frankly, I find Acuin to be the best at ensuring our dealings are honest. The feasts will not grow themselves." Voph smirked at this. "But, that is little more than my humble assessment. If a better solution is posed, I would gladly hear it." Voph paused, and stooped down to collect a shell from the beach under their feet. He looked at it for a second, then pocketed it. "Would make a lovely decoration on my desk at home...And a reminder that you humans are a bad influence."

[member="Silfe Sosuri"]
"Thank you for your vote of confidence." She said absently. Her attention wasn't on his words so much as they were on his walking. When he tossed his cane to lay beside her shoes, her mouth gaped open. There was uncertainty as to whether or not that was a wise move on his part. It certainly did not look so wise as he grimaced from pain. Silfe stepped forward and took the arm that had once held the cane so they could continue the walk along the beach.

"Well, I don't know if humans... myself being one, would have recommended tossing your cane like it was the devil." She said a bit sardonically, her worry obvious and her kind heart even more so. How such a kind heart could survive the bringing up she had would be a mystery for some of the best philosophers in the galaxy. "Let's move closer to the water. The sand will be less shifty there and you will find more sure footing."

Not sure if he knew exactly where that was, she simply guided them both and soon they tread on much harder ground. IT still gave way a bit, but not nearly as much as the soft and dry sand by the dunes. "Do you swim?"
Voph chuckled. "My people are blind. We've no concept of physical beauty. And yet, having spent as much time around humans as I have...particularly trying to blend in..." Voph patted the pocketed shell. "Your kind are beginning to rub off on me." He stepped closer to the water, allowing Silfe to guide him. He could, of course, see where the water was, but he would not break her hold on him. "This is why, for instance, my clothing often appears drab and simplistic compared to others. Well, when I'm not in my armor." He turned to look at Silfe and smiled. "One thing I have learned is that most eyed species do think that looks matter. Important to leave a good first impression."

He shrugged at her question. ​"I know how to. I rarely do so recreationally. I used to swim quite a bit back on Rishi. Both when I lived there...and when I was sent to scout during the Revanite Crisis." He sighed quietly. "There was this one pool....Off on one of the uninhabited islands..Well, save for the Rishi that had built a village at the edge...It was a basin amidst many waterfalls, all feeding into it." He gestured with his hand to visualize the tiers. "Then it would feed into another pool, then another, and a fourth pool, before becoming a stream that went down to the ocean." His hands folded again at the small of his back. "I very much enjoyed that place." He allowed his thoughts to dwell on the place for a moment longer, then he glanced at Silfe. "What about you?"

[member="Silfe Sosuri"]
She considered his words and the fact that he had picked up the shell. "Well," She said with a smile. "a shell can be more texture than visual decor. You will have something in your home that denotes a memory of this time and this place. I don't know if it has a particularly interesting texture, but it isn't just its beauty that will make it a wonderful addition to your home."

"My father was an absolute stickler for me always presenting a physically appealing picture anytime I was going to be seen, which for him was always just in case he came by my rooms. When I came to Commenor as Senator, I had a certain title to represent and he determined what I had available in my wardrobe and strict instructions on how to wear it. After a time, when I was finally able to be my own person, I found that while I did like dressing up, I did not like his taste in overly encumbering and pompous clothing. I was able to tone down my wardrobe to something significantly more me. But I have to say I am one of those humans that likes to be dressed nicely so that I am perceived well. I suppose that could be considered vain, but honestly, I feel confident, sexy, or corporate when I wear certain things. Perhaps my efforts are lost when my companion is blind, but its not always about my companion."

She listened as he described the incredible scenery and water spots on RIshi. She could tell he loved the planet very much and likely had many great memories of his time there. She felt a little sad that he no longer had that sort of happiness. Perhaps he would find new happiness here on Brelor. One's job can be extremely satisfying. "The more you speak of Rishi, the more I wish I could see it. I have to wonder though. How did you know that was what it looked like? Forgive my ignorance Lord @Voph. I do not know much about your species."
Voph chuckled, getting cut off by a wince and a muttered curse as pain shot through his leg again. "We do not see as your kind do, but that does not mean we cannot see. Our sight comes from the Force. How...detailed things are varies from person to person. I've known some who were truly blind, save for moments of divine clairvoyance. But...through practice, I have honed my sight to great depths." He paused for a moment, turning towards the water and gesturing. "For instance." At that moment, a whale of some kind breached near the entrance of the bay. Voph couldn't help but smile. He paused until the creature had resumed its journey, then turned to continue walking himself.

"The Force, as you may know, is made and fed by all living things. Anything that feeds the Force, or feeds upon it, I can see clearest of all. Creatures. People. The like. With training, I was able to expand to non-living things. Droids, fabrics, so on. So, I am aware, for instance, that you are wearing a rather simple dress, yet stylish." His brow furrowed slightly. "And unless I am mistaken that is a lighter hue. Color I cannot perceive. I can see the variations of the colors, yet I cannot see the colors themselves. I believe a human once called it 'Black and white.'"

Voph glanced back towards the city as they walked. "I can passively perceive things up to a few dozen meters away before it becomes a blur. But I can...look further, as it were. By selecting a spot to focus on. skill I...acquired, shall we say, is something that you may know as "Scrying." He turned his head to look at Silfe. Not a necessary task for him, but a social nicety. "With enough time and concentration, I can, theoretically, spy on any person in the galaxy that is close enough to me to warrant such a connection. Or those I have branded. No matter where they are."

[member="Silfe Sosuri"]
Concerned at his wince of pain, she almost stopped him, but again he continued on as though the pain were only an irritation. She turned to see the creature come up to the surface for air and wondered if she would later in her vacation be able to swim where she could better see these creatures in the crystal clear waters. Silfe found herself fascinated by the nuances the Force gave the Miraluka. His description of her dress had her smiling and nodding politely. It was accurate, even if stylish was a descriptor that was entirely subjective.

"You are correct about my dress. It is a lighter color, but not a pastel. It's a soft sort of purple based pink. Really, I just wanted something light weight enough that if I walked along the beach, it would not make me feel too hot and could be taken off at a moments notice so that I may go enjoy the water." Underneath of course, she was wearing a matching swimsuit. "It is so interesting the way that you perceive the galaxy. I think I prefer how I do it, but I can see how useful it is. But why would you brand someone?"

Voph chuckled as she began to describe her dress. "I trust you understand I have no idea what those mean? While I am sure that is quite stunning for your kind, I have never seen color. Nor shall I." He offered a sympathetic smile, if only to reassure her that he held no ill will towards her for it. He paused, turning towards the water. The sun was hanging low in the sky. Perhaps another half hour of daylight left. He sighed quietly, folding his arms over his chest.

"I was an inquisitor. An agent of...Justice. Tasked with weeding out enemies of the Empire. Both within and without. As such...the ability to keep tabs on people was...essential." His mood darkened as he recalled his time in the Empire. "Those were dark times. Never knowing who you could trust. Never knowing who was trying to kill you. It was not a skill I developed for the thrill of the hunt, but rather the fight to survive." He glanced sidelong at Silfe. " has proven useful. On more than one occasion..."

[member="Silfe Sosuri"]
She turned as he did, looking out at the beauty of the late afternoon. If she was correct in her time sense, Commenor would start coming above their horizon in a little less than an hour. Silfe had seen pictures of the skyline before but she was looking forward to seeing it herself. The sun was setting in a blaze of color and she was sad that her companion wasn't able to experience its beauty.

She could see how branding someone could be useful in the world Lord [member="Voph"] used to exist in... really, it would be useful to some people now. Personally, Silfe wasn't ever going to try to learn that particular skill, but she could see why some people used it. Still, it made her feel a little cold that such a thing was possible and knowing the darkside at least in rumor, she could imagine that it was used all too often on the unsuspecting. She felt the need to ask. "Have you ever used it on anyone when they were not aware?"
"Always." He turned to look at Silfe. "By very nature of the brand, and its use...the victim was...quite unaware. Unless I saw fit to tell them. I usually don't." His brow furrowed somewhat. She wouldn't like that answer, he suspected. But it was the truth. And he would not get anywhere if he gave them reason to not trust him. "By the very nature of the Force, those that spend time together shall become close. There is a phenomena, you may know of already, known as the Force Bond. In extreme cases, two people bound by the Force can share feeling. For instance, if I were to be punched, You would feel it as if you had been punched." He offered her a reassuring smile. "But only in extreme cases."

He turned his attention back to the scene before them. "The brand is little more than me helping the process along. A mark, so that I may more easily find someone in the vast web that is the Force. It causes no ill effects in the branded person. It is...little more than a bookmark, if you will. And fear not, I do not use it with reckless abandon. Only those that pose a threat to myself, or those under my protection. I take great care to respect the privacy of my allies. I know all too well what it is like to be treated as a lesser being. To have no rights of your own." He turned back to Silfe. "I couldn't bring myself to do that to my allies."

[member="Silfe Sosuri"]
It was all very interesting. The Force was a very mysterious thing to her. All her life she had heard outlandish rumors about the abilities those with Force Sensitivity could have. Never in her life, had she been so interested in knowing what was true and what was fiction As she herself became Force Sensitive during her missing time, she had found the desire to know the truth far more intense than it had ever been. She was hardly super powerful. Part of her held back what talent she had in a sort of protective barrier, only accessible in extreme duress. She didn't know the exact reason for her mental block, but she could feel it almost as well as she could feel any physical wall. The Lady of Commenor wasn't keen to break it down either.

She turned to look at [member="Voph"] then, as his explanation was given. "To the average mundane person, this must all feel like fantasy rather than a reality they could not possibly perceive. I know I have sometimes viewed the Force as a mystical fiction but I cannot do that anymore I am afraid." She sighed softly and looked a little forlorn. "It is good that you are kind to your allies, thinking not only of their needs but the effect your friendship with them could have on them. I wonder how Sith have allies that are not temporary?"
Voph chuckled at Silfe's question. did give him pause. How DID he have what few allies he did? "Depends. Some of us actually developed some sense of loyalty to each other. I knew one such lord, ever since we were mere apprentices on Korriban. We were like brothers to each other. He was killed in action attempting to free some of the outlying systems from Zakuul's influence." Voph moved up the beach far enough to be beyond the reach of the waves, then sat down, crossing his arms over his knees. "There was one that was...perhaps more like you would expect. A Judge of sorts. She and I never cared for the other but..." Voph shrugged. "We worked well together. Couldn't ever argue with our results."

He was quiet for a moment. "You are not wrong, though. The Force...truly is an amazing thing. Even to those proficient in its use such as I. I know what it is capable of doing...and even still I have borne witness to things I would not have believed possible, had I not witnessed them first hand." He thought back on all the phenomena he'd seen over the years for a moment. "Beings who could project images of themselves across the galaxy... Or the ability to weave massive storms covering an entire Star System... I've seen ships ripped in two by the sheer will of those opposed to them..."

His brow furrowed as he thought back on the most terrible of all. "Then...There was Ziost..." The look on his face suggested that what he had seen there was something most unsettling to him. "There was a Sith. Darth Vitiate. After Ziost...he was seen as a heretic. A madman who must be stopped. At any cost." His gaze turned to Silfe as he continued. "He was struck down by a Jedi. One that became known as the Outlander. But, he was not killed. Not entirely. About two years after his defeat at the hands of the Jedi, we began receiving reports. Something was happening on Ziost. The homeworld of the Sith species." Voph paused a moment to steel his nerves before continuing. "We did all we could, but eventually the call was given to evacuate. Before we could begin landing ships...something happened. Something our computers could not explain. And mere moments later..." Voph shook his head, marveling even still at what had happened. "It was all gone. All life...just...wiped out. Nothing left but ash and ruin..."

[member="Silfe Sosuri"]

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