Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Much Needed Vacation

Silfe listened diligently, taking a seat when he took one. She seemed not at all perturbed to sit in the sand and get dirty. It was hard to imagine that some of the things she had heard the Force could be used to do were so extraordinary as to be unbelievable, yet he was confirming at least some of them as he spoke to her. The idea that an entire ship could be ripped in half was....frightening and that seemed the least of it.

His words took on a vision in her imagination. She could see Zoist and the people on it somehow scrambling away from some imaginary thing... maybe a war, only to be consumed somehow and left husks of bone and ash. Silfe found herself swallowing hard. Never in her imagination could she have guessed such a thing was possible through the Force. It made her feel that maybe this thing she could now use was not a good idea after all. She should forget her abilities and lead the same life she had before.

Finally finding her voice, she spoke softly, "How horrible for all those people. Did he not feel that their lives mattered at all?"

Voph didn't answer immediately, instead looking out over the water. "No," he finally spoke, "No he did not." Voph turned towards Silfe. This troubled her. And he couldn't blame her. "Had he not been stopped, the Emperor would have consumed all life in the galaxy to feed his own immortality. Only one thing mattered to him. Power." Emperor. Given her lack of reaction, Voph supposed Silfe was not familiar with Vitiate. Not that he expected people to be intimately familiar with what was now ancient history. "And yes. Vitiate was our Emperor. For a time. For over three hundred years. Until Ziost."

Voph offered Silfe a smile, and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "And though it may not seem like it at times, This is a gift we have. You and I. The Force is a powerful tool, but it is just that. A tool. Only as good or as evil as the person that wields it. And for all the evil I have seen...all the evil I have done...There are good people who have done things equally great. Men and women willing to risk their lives for the betterment of a single person." Voph watched her quietly for a moment. "Perhaps one day you could become one of those great sages. A bastion of hope and light in the galaxy. A sanctuary against the dark. Or whatever flowery language you wish to use." He chuckled quietly at his quip, and gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze as he pulled his arm back to rest around his knees.

[member="Silfe Sosuri"]
300 years under a man who did not care for life at all except for his own gains. SIlfe couldn't imagine serving under someone like that. Power doesn't feed the soul. It does nothing in and of itself and is easily shattered. She looked over at her companion when he touched her shoulder reassuringly. It helped a little, but really, he was a man who also craved power. [member="Voph"] might be less inclined to destroy an entire population in order to obtain it and he seemed loyal to Lady Kay from what she had seen, but he was still a Sith and like them would be called back to his darker nature.

At his thought of her becoming a Jedi, she laughed a bit and shook her head. Silfe had never considered herself a bastion of anything. She was glad to help Commenor, its people, and the Royal Family but it wasn't because she was some wise druid. She was just herself. "I am really not Jedi material. I have no specific wish to join their order or live by their ways, I just want to be here, living my life with the people I love. I suppose that makes me selfish now that I have this power, but I don't particularly care who judges me that way. I am no bastion of hope or wisdom or light or anything. I have no desire to get into lightsaber battles or fight Sith regularly to right the wrongs they commit against civilians. I have been fighting a tyrant all my life and would rather not continue that battle on a larger scale."
Voph chuckled at the girl's mention of Jedi. "Nor did I say you were, Lady Silfe. The Jedi are not the only force for good in the galaxy. They certainly are what many people believe to be the most prominent...but they are not the only one." The smile faded slightly as Voph's thoughts turned to the Jedi. "I tried to join them, once. Years ago. After a moment of clarity, I realized what the Sith had become. What *I* had become." He paused for a moment, and swallowed. "What my son might become. That was never the life I wanted for us. So I went to them. Told them I was ready to renounce everything, and seek my own redemption."

He fell quiet for a few moments before finally turning his head to look at Silfe. "They cast me out. Said I was unfit for their order. But, they were a kind people. They allowed me one day to leave Republic space before they began to hunt me down." He shook his head, almost as if he couldn't believe what he was saying. He shrugged, and looked back out over the water. "So I was left to find my own path. turn led me here. Eventually..." Voph was silent for a moment longer, then finally said, "But I do not think you selfish. There is...a certain admirable quality about those who have power, and yet chose not to use it."

[member="Silfe Sosuri"]
Her mouth dropped open. The Jedi had cast him out? She couldn't understand the concept at all and it left her shocked. All the teachings she had heard were open to those from the dark side casting their darkness away to pursue light and absolution of their sins if they were in genuine earnest. Perhaps the Jedi had not believed [member="Voph"] when he had come to them, but they should have at least tried to see if he was genuine. She shook her head uncomprehending. "It is a dark day when the Jedi throw away someone's chance at redemption. Cynicism is a caustic disease."

She blushed a bit as he spoke of her desire not to use power the way that the Jedi do. "I just do what I feel is right. That's all."

"Commenor is a good place for neutrality, though its true neutrality has been destroyed by the Sith and their invasion. There are many of the Commenori people who now feel their endeavors to be open have been betrayed. They no longer wish to be neutral and view the Sith in the same light as so many of the galaxy. They know it's not black and white, but they feel the recent invasion and betrayal keenly. It has led to some skirmishes, though not as much on my continent as elsewhere. That feeling has already started to abate though and I believe soon we will be back to normal."
Voph sighed as he looked back out over the water. "The Sith never cared for neutrality. There is simply the worlds that are Sith, and the worlds that are not. Some may have the honor to respect a treaty, but many would use it simply as a tool in a larger game." His brow furrowed as his gaze turned to the sun, now sinking below the horizon. "And that assumes that the Sith are capable of keeping their underlings in line." He stood slowly, offering Silfe a hand to help her up. They'd best be getting back now the sun was almost set.

Voph let Silfe take his arm again if she so chose, as they walked back long the beach. "I cannot say if peace would ever truly be possible. Even if the Sith were eliminated." He smiled softly at Silfe. "But it does bring me some measure of peace to know my work was not in vain." He gestured to the people further on down the beach. The splashing of water, cries of joy, children frolicking in the sand as their parents attempted to retrieve them to return to their lodging. "If by my actions I have changed the galaxy such that just a single family may live in peace and prosperity, then I die happy knowing my purpose has been fulfilled. Or...I used to think that." His smile faded somewhat, though he still appeared happy. Fond, even. "And then I had a son. And for a time it was the same. But for all the wars I've fought, and all the battles I've won... I knew then I wanted nothing more than to leave behind a galaxy free of the terrors of war. Where he might have the chance to raise a family I never had."

Voph drifted off into silence for a moment, then changed the subject. "I shall escort you to your room, and take my leave for the night. Unless you would care to join me for dinner?"

[member="Silfe Sosuri"]
Silfe took the offered hand to stand. The sand could sometimes put one off balance and she didn't mind the extra help, though she did not put her full weight into lifting herself as she was still keenly aware of his injuries. She dusted off her dress so that the sand fell back to her feet where it belonged and then took the offered arm to continue their walk, this time back the way they had come. Somehow she had not noticed how low the sun had been getting. This really was a beautiful place and envied Voph for being in charge of it. What did she know about agriculture and horticulture? There was a steep learning curve there indeed.

This was a nice break from that heavy expectation and she had vowed to herself that she would not work unless an emergency popped up. Hopefully there would be none while she was de-stressing. She looked at the children when he pointed to them. It was a stirring scene; mother and father rounding up the kids and their belongings, juggling everything and trying to make their way back to their cabin... wherever that was. The kids were running around still, reluctant to leave the fun of the beach though they didn't dare completely disobey their father. They ran around him as though he were the sun and they were the planets orbiting him. They strayed but never too far to get into trouble. Perhaps they did not wish to ruin the perfect day by tainting it with yelling and frustration. She smiled warmly. Maybe one day, she would have children of her own and they would come here to vacation.

"I hope your son did. I really do."

They walked in silence for a time. The families leaving almost en masse. Couples stayed to enjoy the sunset, basking in the darker glow as the sun crept towards the horizon and cast a gold glow over the world. Silfe, normally pale, looked more like a bronze goddess than she could ever have before. At the change of subject she turned her attention back to her companion. "I would, but I am very tired from my journey and I think enjoying a nice hot bubble bath and room service is a better option for me. Maybe tomorrow we could ..." She paused and seemed curious as she asked [member="Voph"], "Do you swim?"
Voph paused as she did, nodding in understanding at her request to have some time to herself. He couldn't say he blamed her. He himself preferred solitude to the company of others. But perhaps that was the Empire talking. He smiled softly at her inquiry. "I know how. Do so every once and a while. On missions, typically. I haven't gone swimming for my own amusement since I lived on Rishi." He turned to watch a cluster of tourists walk away from the beach.

"But I think I know where you're going with this. Had a few meetings tomorrow, but I'll see what I can do to rearrange them." Voph looked back towards Silfe. "The cafe we stopped at earlier has a wonderful breakfast selection, if you care for such things." Voph resumed walking back towards the city, sighing contentedly in the crisp evening air. "Otherwise, you may send for me when you wish, and I will join you as soon as I am able." He smiled wryly at the girl. "Assuming I have not become engrossed in crafting another lightsaber."

[member="Silfe Sosuri"]
She took note of the cafe, having enjoyed its refreshing fruit juice before. It was nice to know that it had good breakfast options. Her vacation plans were nebulous with only a few key things she wanted to do during her stay. There were massages and sleep and pampering of all kinds planned. The rest of the time was for whatever she felt in the moment. She hadn't wanted to inconvenience the leader of Bralor but his company was good and she was enjoying herself.

"Good. Although, I am curious. I can understand the pull of work. It forever piles up when we are not on top of it, but why would you decline to go swimming with a friend because you want to build another lightsaber. I presume you have one already?" She asked curiously.
Voph waved his hand dismissively at her question. "One of my own? Nay, I have several. Each with its own purpose and significance. But, skills such as mine are...highly sought after." Voph coughed quietly. "Not everyone crafts their own lightsaber. There are many who are given one, and use it for the rest of their days, never once considering using a lightsaber of their own." Voph shrugged. "It...has allowed me to lead a somewhat comfortable lifestyle. And pursue ventures I would not necessarily use official funding for."

He smiled at Silfe warmly, practically beaming as he spoke of his most valued subject. Everyone has their favored pastimes, and Silfe had just discovered Voph's. "Come to mention many blades do I even own now.." Voph's brow furrowed as he looked away in thought. He counted quietly to himself, for a moment, before audibly saying, "Twelve. Well, currently or previously. There was the saber I was given as an apprentice, the saber I was awarded upon my promotion to Lord, the First lightsaber I ever crafted, coincidentally to replace the Lord Saber, A twin for that saber, my first saber staff, a great-saber, a pair of sabers with extended hilts, the saber I forged to commemorate my promotion to Darth, the Saber I currently wield, a twin for it, and my current Saber Staff."

Voph paused for a moment, then said, "Now, I have just the final three. The rest have been lost to time. Or given away to others who needed them more."

[member="Silfe Sosuri"]
She returned his smile with one of her own. She really enjoyed watching someone talk about something for which they had significant passion. This seemed to be one of [member="Voph"]'s passions. She had heard of many differing types of lightsabers but it was still a bit dizzying to think of so many. They seemed to be like trophies one is given when one reaches a certain level as much as it was a right of passage for some. A politician all her short adult life, she had never thought to wield anything more powerful than a blaster. Darlyn had been teaching her hand to hand combat for months though and she was feeling more confident every day in her abilities to protect herself bodily. Yet, to hold a lightsaber, she practically shivered at the thought. It was a bit frightening. Once one held that weapon, there was no going back to a simple life.

"Is the classic saber your favorite to make or do you prefer one of the more non traditional weapons?" She asked conversationally as they strolled up the beach and made their way to her hotel. No doubt her room was ready for her.
Voph was silent for a moment, contemplating his answer. He finally shrugged. "It's all the same, frankly. The staff variant is more complex, but ultimately the same process as with any saber." He reached over and tapped his forearm to emphasize his point as he continued, "The most difficult blade I've ever created was a wrist mount. Like the mercenaries that carry a vibroblade mounted on their arm or knuckle." He paused for a second, then said, "I'll not bore you with detail, but suffice it to say I had to reinvent the lightsaber, as it were."

He was silent for a moment, then said, "At this point...they all blend together. Just another order for another rich individual who seeks a unique mantelpiece." He glanced at Silfe as they neared the hotel, and he paused. "But...I do still find the occasional project worthy of devoting an ounce of passion to. Those precious few deserving of my true skill. The lightsaber is an extension of one's being. And to craft a blade that perfectly personifies its's a wonderful thing." He smiled softly, and bowed slightly. "Enjoy the rest of your evening, Lady Silfe. If you should require anything, do not hesitate to contact me. I assure you, you will not wake me."

[member="Silfe Sosuri"]

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