Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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N.O Mercy [New Order Dominion of Telos IV]

Zion Krayt

Zaren Bouqi wasn't actually meditating, it just seemed that way, and his amusement was projected through the Force towards the Pureblood. But he was actually just sitting there and waiting, he beckoned the Pureblood forth again, but made no movements to get up. If the Sith did try to attack him, then he was surely prepared to die.

Or when the Jedi Knight got tired of the waiting for the Sith. He got tired fast sometimes, but this Sith was playing it safe. He liked that, but he unclipped his black cylindrical lightsaber hilt, and rested it upon his knees while he waited for the Apprentice. Now, he actualyl began to meditate, and closed his eyes, though he made sure he always paid attention to the Pureblood, and that Force shield remained up.


Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
As the battle raged and the orbital defense stations were lit up in a glorious show of explosions and shrapnel, the "Malevolent Spirit" moved in towards the planet's surface. Like a demon from the darkness of space, the Xo 'Xaan descended upon the traitorous planet of the old Sith Empire. Breaking the barrier of the clouds, the flagship of Vulcanus's small fleet began to turn for a broadside on the capital city of Thani. "All weapons prepare to fire!" the captain shouted across the bridge of the Xo 'Xaan and the crew reacted instantly, turning the guns to aim at the city.
It seemed there would be no salvation for Telos' main city. Ballen-Ist's gaze would avert to the skies, noticing how the clouds parted with the arrival of the behemoth, known as Xo'Xaan. The massive battle ship would hover over the city, it's powerful artillery taking aim in preparation to obliterate everything in it's wake. However eager he might've been, a strange feeling of calmness had cascaded over the boy as he witnessed this sight, his neck craning to look back at [member="Zaren Bouqi"]. The Knight had drawn his black saber handle, allowing it to lay on his lap as he began to meditate. The Pureblood could feel the man's concentration, perhaps he was performing some sort of battle meditation. Either way, he would stand his ground, his hands still wrapped firmly around his weapons.

There was no saving the planet now it seemed, it's fate was within the New Order's grasp.

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"I believe we've won." Shlurk grunted as the lights of the Xo'xaan lit up the sky. The attack was miles away, yet the sound of the massive cruiser's engines could still be heard in Yoma. The trio paused to stare out as the darkened sky flashed neon with neon as the city below tried futily to fend off their attackers. Graxin didn't care much about who won, as long as Vulcanus lived and the planet itself fell he would be happy.

"Righto, okay. Moving on." Thurg growled. The Graug hefted his rifle up over his shoulders, and strode out into the darkened street without a care in the world. Shlurk followed, and Graxin sighed. He adjusted the hood over his helmet, and held up a hand. "Secure the spaceport. I have my own objective...don't eat anyone."

Shlurk nodded, and Thurg mumbled a quiet curse. "Where ya going then?"

"Securing the records from when the first Empire ruled this place. Shouldn't take long...don't tell anyone, aye? I'd get some flak." Graxin replied as he looked down the sights of his rifle toward the central library. "Understood?"

"Just buy Thurg some hot cakes, or I'm afraid he will eat me before we reunite."

Zion Krayt

Time was up.

He had realized that he had come here to stop the Sith, and kill them if he had to. He stood up from the plateau and the force shield that had been active in front of him was absorbed as he walked towards it, and just dropped off of the plateau and continued to walk towards the Sith Apprentice.

The young boy would greet the dark skinned Jedi with a grin, approving of his actions. Having stood up, the two would slowly close the distance between each, eventually meeting in combat. Raising his arm, the teenager would lift the glowing crimson blade along with it, having it point forward at the Knight who would soon draw his own weapon. "I was beginning to think you would sit there for hours, I'm glad you see it my way." He spoke, his youthful voice calling across the plateau. At first, Ballen-Ist had been eager to battle, excited by the display of power demonstrated by [member="Zaren Bouqi"]. The Imperial storm troopers that had arrived with him laid about the grassy hill, their dead bodies still. "Let's begin."

Zion Krayt

When the crimson lightsaber was shot at him, he lifted up a hand and pushed the lightsaber straight back towards the Sith - intending to just impale him upon his own blade. Quick and easy, but he knew it wouldn't happen like that.

He didn't even answer the Sith Acolyte when he spoke to him, there was no reason to, not at this point. But what he did do, when the Acolyte said 'Begin,' Zaren Bouqi leapt forwards, the Force empowering his body and turning him into a blurry version of himself, and he swung his lightsaber straight down upon the head of the Sith Acolyte. He adopted his Mastered form of Juyo/Vaapad, adopting the more aggressive of the two variants.

@Ballen-Ist @Zaren Bouqi

Ferus watched from afar. No, he wasn't going to leave his apprentice to die. Through Art of the Small he kept his presence hidden, impossible to sense. He simply wanted to be sure of his students skill level.

Behind him however his army laid waste to the rebellion. In a matter of moments they went in, tearing through the small resistance and claiming the mines themselves. They started stripping down the mine, tearing the minerals down from the walls and loading them onto the gunships, those already preparing to leave. The world was about to burn after all.
Ballen-Ist hadn't attacked yet, having only gotten into his stance. It was a Soresu stance, his balance was firm and his grip was tight on his saber, his arm muscles being flexed in order to keep hold of it. The Knight's lightsaber would slam into his own, sparking flying as their strengths collided. Ballen-Ist would offer resistance, however it would be brief as he back pedaled, quickly moving to the side, bringing his saber out of the lock. [member="Zaren Bouqi"]'s body would become blurry, his molecules seeming to vibrate as his speed increased, after-images being left in his wake as he jumped into the air. The Knight's movements were fast and dominating, fitting of a Vapaad user.

With a bend of his knees, the boy would lower his body closer to the ground, his arms lifting to angle his blade horizontally over his head, having the duo's beams of plasma once more impact with eachother. Sparks of energy would fill the air as the two dueled, Ballen-Ist's body spinning on it's heel to watch Zaran land what would have been behind him. There was no doubt in Ballen-Ist's mind that Zaren would continue his attack, his ferocious style more than capable of overwhelming the powerful Acolyte. All he could do against the Juyo based style was utilize Soresu, it being capable of only holding him off. The attacks were definitely too quick to counter against.

Zion Krayt

When he had landed behind the Sith Acolyte, he hadn't even been there for more than a moment before heh ad shot off again straight for the Sith Acolyte, this time not leaping, but just moving rapidly across the ground, and then he sent a force push towards the Acolyte, he wanted to break the Soresu defense the Apprentice held, just as he neared him and swung his lightsaber diagonally across the Apprentice chest.

Still, it was a feint, and before the slash could even complete, it seemed as if the motion stopped, and his wrist snapped outwards, and at waist height, it slashed horizontally and to the left of [member="Ballen-Ist"]'s body, close enough to leave a dangerous wound in his form, but not enough to end his life.

No matter how quick he wanted it to be.

Well. If we're going to talk about speed..

Ferus was out in a flash. In truth he was bored, simply wanting something to do other then watch, and so he rushed in, behind the dark skinned human. There was no sound, he stood down wind, and his presence couldn't even be felt due to Art of the Small. Behind the Knight he would reach out, gripping the mans throat through the Force to simply crush it, all while leaping for his back, aiming to force him to the ground with two feet squarely on his back.

[member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Ballen-Ist"]

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The city was in relative chaos. Then again, most cities were when the power was caught and a fleet began to glass your planet. Graxin had been raised by the Graug, and they had done well to implement the strong will survive mentality. At the same time, in the farthest regions in the back of his mind, a poisoning guilt cut into him. The man had a conscience, though he never voiced it. It came from his mother and his siblings, the former long gone now.

He approached the city's library, which doubled as an information hub when smoke really started to come out. The sky darkened further, and few people paid attention to the cloaked, helmeted man in heavy combat armor striding up the library's steps. His rifle hung lazily from a sling across his back, and his arms swayed as he crossed the final steps. the outer door was bolted shut, but that could be fixed. He slammed a boot into the old wooden door, and it splintered partway. The kick hurt more than he wished to admit however, so he turned to watch the show as he waited for the discomfort to subside.
The energy he had gathered infront of himself as a barrier had dispersed after the two had entered saber combat, their wills clashing together. However, it had slowly begun to gather into his body, creating a thin cloak of force energy that also empowered his physical capabilities, allowing him to move faster, and react with more precision. However, [member="Zaren Bouqi"] was still an extremely strong opponent, his form charging forward immediately after he landed. The man's arm had cocked back, his movement only slightly lessened in speed as Ballen-Ist's eyes tried to keep up. Lurching backwards, the Sith would attempt to avoid the first attack, yet it was simple feint.

The Knight's wrist would twist as he jerked forward, aiming to attack on a different angle that surely would have injured the boy. However, Ballen-Ist remained still, fear impairing his movements as he noticed [member="Darth Ferus"], directly behind the man. Zaren's attack would not land, not today.

Zion Krayt

[member="Darth Ferus"] did move fast, but Zaren didn't know that, he didn't even know he was coming, but he was looking in [member="Ballen-Ist"]'s eyes, proficient enough with a lightsaber that he didn't need to keep his eyes upon his opponent's blade, especially when they were a force user, and he saw the fear in the Apprentice's eyes, but he didn't let that stop him, but what did happen was the Force being wrapped around his throat, and an attempt to crush it. His lightsaber didn't falter with the slash, and continued on through and past the space that [member="Ballen-Ist"] had or hadn't been occupying anymore, and he followed where the lightsaber led him, as he gathered the Force that he had meditated with previously, and dispelled the force choke that was on his throat.

Since he had moved in the direction that the lightsaber had gone, the two feet that would have been planted in the centre of his back instead found his right shoulder, and threw him onto the ground where he rolled away from the two Sith, pressing the ignition of the lightsaber to turn it off.

He wheezed for a few moments as he got back up to his feet, and he thumbed the ignition upon his lightsaber again, since he had turned it off as he rolled to prevent himself shearing off his own face with it.

He waited again.
Aboard the Chimaera
High Orbit, Telos IV

The flagship of Darth Arcis, the Dark Chancellor lurched from the vastness of space. Though, nobody else could see it. The cloaking device of the famed Star Destroyer was active, and so was the crew of the legendary vessel. Thrawn's flagship was now Arcis's and it had served under him faithfully and loyally for years. The simmering crowd of Imperial Stormtroopers stood before the Sith King Arcis. The 501st legion was ready to serve their Lord.

"My soldiers, it is my great honor to be joining you in this glorious conquest!" His cackling voice arose at the head of the formation, his form beginning to pace back and forth. "We are going to wipe this planet from the face of the galaxy, and I am proud to serve alongside you few." A single, red-skinned balled fist shot into the air. "For the New Order!"

And with that, the battlestations were manned within minutes. Stormtroopers prepared for any attempts at resistance via boarding, the gunners charged their cannons, and the fighter pilots prepped for a rapid response. Everything was perfect. "Engage the enemy." At that, the cloaking device aboard the Star Destroyer materialized into existence and every available cannon began firing at the world, targeting population centers.
The sudden appearance of [member="Darth Ferus"] was a rather shocking thing for the boy. He truly had thought that the man had sent him for his final test, to see whether or not he would die. With a raise of his arm, Ferus would employ his infamous choke hold, aiming to crush the throat of [member="Zaren Bouqi"]. However, it would only impede the man, not actually fully stopping him in any action he was doing. He was able to continue his attack, the man's blade slicing forward through the air at Ballen-Ist's torso. There was not much that the young pure blood could do to fend off the man, Soresu was his only option really. Jerking his body backwards at the waist, he would attempt a quick dodge of Zaren's blade, it's tip carving a fine burn mark across his clothing, scathing his skin. The precise, efficient movements Soresu was famous for saved his hide, just barely being able to survive.

His sword wielding arm would raise from his side, swinging upwards to strike at the base of Zaren's blade, before leaping backwards. With that, he had barely saved himself, the interference of Darth Ferus being was allowed him to survive. Zaren would fall from his feet, regaining his composition as he meditated, breaking the hold that the Sith Lord had created.
[member="Zaren Bouqi"] would find Ferus a rather annoyed man. He watched the Jedi move to the side, not even bothering to look over to [member="Ballen-Ist"] . He spoke slowly, a frown on his face.

"You really are a Jedi. Why are you here, boy?" His words were soft, but his gaze was hard, focused. His hands wouldn't so much as move to his blade. He didn't need it. His sword would only prove to be overkill at this point. Instead, he simply wants an answer.

Zion Krayt

The Jedi Knight watched the Sith Lord, he watched him, and then he spared a glance for his Apprentice for a moment. He wondered if he should lie, or actually tell the truth. To make a joke, or to be completely serious, and he just watched the duo for a moment before he opened his mouth to speak.

"The same reason as you." He had said to build up to the inevitable climax in their conversation. He waited a few more moments, and then he said, "to do my duty as my Order would dictate." He finished, and his right foot that was behind him turned slightly to the side, and he lowered the purple lightsaber beam to the floor.

[member="Darth Ferus"]

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Another ship had dropped out of hyperspace not far from the other ships. Graxin didn't recognize this one, but then again, his father had a way of making powerful friends. Powerful and arrogant, most of the time. The infiltrator shook his helmeted head and turned toward the wooden door. He bent his shoulder forward, and charged for the splintering. The door gave and Graxin tumbled through into the hard wood floors of the library. Dust flew up into the room, and the loud crash broke through the eerie sound of building being annihilated in the distance. Thank the force that Yoma was marked as a no-firezone.

Graxin pulled back his hood and popped his helmet off with a shrill hiss. Nothing stirred within the library, and as he gazed about with his amber eyes, it seemed everyone had left in quite a hurry. He eased up behind the counter and brushed his disheveled hair out of his eyes. "Second it." He mumbled to himself, and broke into a brisk jog toward the stairs in the back of the building.
"Yes yes. Order, all that. Tell me Jedi, do you know where Tython is?" His gaze had never left [member="Zaren Bouqi"] , rather waiting for an answer. Without a movement or a word he would speak to his apprentice, [member="Ballen-Ist"] , telepathically, all while waiting for Zaren's responce.

Be ready to attack.

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