Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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N.O Mercy [New Order Dominion of Telos IV]

Zion Krayt

He nodded his head, he could have sympathized with the Sith, he felt as if he understood, but from the time that he was born in there were all sorts of the Jedi. The Jedi Order made decisions as a whole, if there was a motion in place that would decide the fate of the Jedi Order, all the Jedi were given a chance to say something.

Most of the time anyway.

There were even some Jedi who might as well have been considered Sith by how violent they were, they showed no mercy to Sith sometimes, but they were powerful Jedi. They had done their part for the Jedi Order, and it had been united in his time. When he listened to this Sith Lord, was the Jedi Order truly in such disarray?

"Where I come from, there was an order known as the Je'daii Order where you would have been accepted, it also had a harmony of Ashla and Bogan. Though they interrupted within the affairs of my Jedi Order many a time. However, the Jedi fearing you is because the majority of them wouldn't have seen something such as you, wouldn't have come across a being who was as submerged within the Dark Side, and the light...As you were."

[member="Darth Ferus"]
Ferus shook his head slow.

"The Je'daii.." Deus was pulled free of it's sheath once again, holding aloft the blade. It's glow of purple was no longer a real flame, just an aura.

"It was because of them that I made this blade. It is not like the Je'daii weapons, but it was because of the readings that I had made it. But the Je'daii have all died. Tython is a mockery of their homeworld. I will destroy the Jedi, and I will return Tython to it's rightful owners."

[member="Zaren Bouqi"]

Zion Krayt

He nodded his head, it made sense if the Je'daii were dead, in his time the Je'daii Order was founded again by a mysterious force user. He had even tried to convince Zaren Bouqi to join his ranks! He said no.

"Did you know Je'daii, or did you just make the blade based off of what you had seen?" He watched the blade for a moment. He wasn't sure why he was about to tell the Sith his next words...

"My uncle was capable of making things known as...Jedi Katanas. Similar to your own blade." He said and he felt a coldness move through his body as he felt the corruption of the Sith Sword through his body. He wouldn't let the Dark Side take him, and he wouldn't let himself die on Telos IV. Not now.

"And who are the rightful owners of Tython?"

[member="Darth Ferus"]
"This is not a Sith Sword. I created it through Art of the Small. I've made similar blades before." Deus found its way back into it's sheath. The gunships of the Darth and his group of soldiers came into view, coming over to pick them all up, to take them off world as the true bombardment commenced.

"The true owners are those who walk both paths. Jedi will kill them. Sith will kill them. Tython is the only free place, but only after the Jedi there are killed."

[member="Zaren Bouqi"]

Placeholder 0123

Graxin really had no part to play in the rest of the attack. His Graug had returned to the fleet at this point, and every city on the planet save Yoma was being glassed by the ships hanging up in atmosphere. No, he was here for the records, and he would have them. The young man ran a hand through his disheveled hair as he flipped through thousands of entries in the library's central mainframe. It was a small room on the third floor, and the big circular structure in the center in the center was all it was designed for. His datapad had been plugged into the aft access port, and the eerie blue light of the terminal shone in his amber eyes. Ah, there it was.

"Got it." He mumbled as an entry on the old Sith Empire's rise to power floated across his datapad's screen. This was very, very interesting indeed...

Zion Krayt

"You'll never find Tython by torturing me." He said, as the gunships and the soldiers came along to collect them and take them away. The bombardment began as soon as they had come, it was too late for him to retreat. Too late for him, to stop the Sith Lord.

"The Jedi can't ever be wiped out completely, similar to how there will always be Sith. Not because there can't be one without the other, but there always be Jedi who crave power. And they will go to the extremes to get it."

[member="Darth Ferus"]
"There will be a day in which neither will exist. Soon enough."

With that the Zabrak went quiet. He moved onto his own ship, one close by the dark skinned Jedi [member="Zaren Bouqi"] , yet he wasn't on the same flight. No, [member="Ballen-Ist"] would be charged with watching the Jedi. For now.

Zion Krayt

He wanted to continue talking to the Sith, he wanted to tell him that his attempts would all be in failure, Zaren Bouqi came from the future, and he had to stop him from doing something that would waste his time, and quite possibly his life. He was still a Jedi after all, and no matter how he had acted before he had been woken up by Kiskla Grayson, he still saved people.

Especially if this man wasn't completely Sith, or at least, wasn't always.

So he looked over at [member="Ballen-Ist"] when he would have eventually come over, and he was binded.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
The gunship rocketed through the air after landing, aiming to pick up the trio before the bombardment began. The thunderous blast of the massive cannons would be heard over the transport's engine as they stood their, still among-st the subdued Knight. [member="Darth Ferus"] would eventually stand up, and walk away, going to his own star-fighter no doubt. The boy's bright, yellow eyes would look down at [member="Zaren Bouqi"] as he remained still, eventually being loaded on the gunship for transportation. Before Ferus left, he would turn, his brow furrowing at the Zabrak. "What do you have planned for him, Master?" He questioned, collecting the Knight's saber that had been on the ground.

Zion Krayt

He was sat down onto the gunship and he waited for the Sith Acolyte to get onto the ship along with him. He was slowing them down, and he clenched and unclenched his fists in his bindings. In his opinion they were better than cuffs because they could move with the person's wrist and tear the flesh of the wearer in case they were too violent.

He would wait for his opportunity to escape.

In his current state, he closed his eyes and just meditated upon the Force. More or less to just rejuvenate himself and to try and get a glean of his future.

[member="Ballen-Ist"] - [member="Darth Ferus"]

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
(I just want to tell you all....that I love you)

The Xo 'Xaan Star Destroyer moved into position, high above the city below. Millions of lives were about to be extinguished and Vulcanus could feel that very tremor in the force itself. His single organic eyes grew as black as the deepest void, just like the heart he had beating deep down in his corrupted body. His jaw, recently sown back together from his fight on Malachor, began to drip a black saliva and he quickly shot towards the transparisteel window. Slamming his fists against the "glass" he starred down at the tiny city that he was about to erase, the darkness to come being a drug of which he needed a constant fix.

He felt the guns shift towards their target, the ensigns nervously putting in the firing solution and the fear that radiated from the souls beneath him. "Ready to fire, Mi'Lord" the captain said with a snap of heels and a slight bow of the head. Yet, Vulcanus was still as he drank in the fear and hatred that ran from the city of Thani. The Captain looked at him oddly, giving a glance to the city below and then another to his lord. "Mi'lord?"

Still only silence as the mad warlord starred down at the city like a addict staring at a pile of spice. Again, that same dark cold washed over him like on Cadomai. The icy grip of the phantoms fingers dug into his spine and his ghostly voice whispered into his ear "Do it!" was all that it demanded and Vulcanus happily obliged.


Zion Krayt

He was upon the gunship when the order to fire had been given and he felt the life being erased through the Force. Millions of lives all at once, and in such close proximity, he felt as if his heart was in his throat and he gasped for a moment whilst he was in his meditation. It didn't help that when he tried to lean forwards, his arms were bounded and he nearly fell out of his chair.

It was nice that he was belted in, or else he would have been rolling across the floor.

What is the point? You achieve nothing. The Sith must be stopped, Zaren. You must stop them.

At first it had sounded like it was his voice, but then he heard the voice of T'el Bouqi, his uncle and the pain that was in him was gone, wiped away as if it had never happened and he frowned. He sat back up straight, his eyes watery as he blinked away the tears, and he resumed his meditation again.
[member="Ballen-Ist"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"]

The Gunships the three were on took of immediately, going right for the Xo 'Xann Star Destroyer. They were out of the way of the laser fire, but each trooper, each soul on board the ships could see the destruction. Buildings feel like dominoes. Ferus was as stoic as ever. Deep down he felt a thrill as he watched the planet burn. He could feel the lives blink out of existence, one by one. It wouldn't take very long for he and company to make it back on board, and the Zabrak would find himself once more by the Jedi.

Without a word he waved a hand, and two guards pulled the boy along. Darth Ferus was more then sure [member="Darth Vulcanus"] would want a word or two with the Jedi. They walked on in silence, eventually making it to the bridge.

"Master, I have a gift."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"Well... I guess there's plenty of land for my factories now." With a sigh, Circe looked over the devastated landscape. Droids were already on their way to begin construction of Subach factories at Telos. The planet would soon be a foundry world. One Subach would control, not Santhe, not Seinar, not any other names they went under. Circe's ruthlessness would make sure she never lost to the Fringe-controlled groups again.

Not now. Not ever.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
@Enigma @Darth Ferus [member="Zaren Bouqi"]

Laser scorched the surface, buildings were turned to ash and thousands of lives were extinguished with every shot fired. Vulcanus breathed in deeply, his eyes closing as he meditated on the loss of life. He was so enthralled in the destruction of the planet below that he didn't even sense the return of his apprentice or even the lightsider he brought with him. It was like a euphoria that never lost its luster, a drug that never lost its high. It did do one thing, however, it made him crave for more. Subach would build their factories here and they would work to build a greater war machine for the New Order. One that would bring Vulcanus closer to his next fix, for that was all that war and death was to him anymore...a fix.

"Master, I have a gift."

Vulcanus spun around, his senses now alert to the Enforcer and the Jedi Knight that he brought with him. Looking at the Knight, Vulcanus snorted and took a step forward. The pain of the deaths below was evident on his face, he had felt the tremor just as the Graug had but it worked only to drain his power. That was why the Jedi were weak, they claimed to embrace death but all it did was make them weaker whenever it occurred. Only those who embraced the true nature of things, as the Sith had, could truly become powerful.

With a cold look of delight, insanity and disgust, Vulcanus sniffed the air and then spoke to the Knight in a voice of deep thunder "Yet another lightsider has fallen into the clutches of my New Order. I look upon you and see what imperfection this galaxy still holds, I see the failures of this galaxy. You are weakness, Jedi." The warlord moved to sucker punch the man with his immense strength, enough to keel even a wookiee over.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
The first of the facilities landed, and droids immediately got to work. The partially prefabricated buildings were slowly starting to be assembled on top of the rubble. Soon their smokestacks would churn out toxic waste to blind the sun... Nah. Their factories were hypermatter powered, so that didn't happen. The bodies of the unceremoniously incinerated would be defiled.

Oh so defiled...

Zion Krayt

He heard himself be referred to as a gift, a present that would be given to a child, and he remembered when he had been a Padawan with a friend that he had had from New Alderaan, he had been a Jedi as well. The two of them together were almost inseparable as they joked, duelled, and went upon missions together. The best and fondest memories he had of his friend were when they were on Tython, and there was one Jedi Knight with blue hair, she was miralukan, and his friend had made fun of her when she had misused a word, and she had mentioned something of seeing.

It had been too late to stop his friend, not that he would've completely committed to it, and they both laughed as if it was the greatest joke of all time. In that time, they had both had to escape from the Jedi before she could have caught them, but eventually they were sounded by three Jedi Knights, and one particularly stingy Jedi Knight locked them both in the cells.

Not even in the same one, or close by.

The cells blocked the Force as well, so it was impossible to communicate. His friend had been let out first, which was odd since Zaren was only really an accomplice at that time, but he hadn't said anything aloud, he was still released eventually.

So when he was brought before [member="Darth Vulcanus"], there was a smile upon his face for, Zaren Bouqi, Protector of Tython, and Jedi Knight to the Jedi order had already retreated into himself, his own mind clear and apparently vacant of all thought. But he did hear what was going on, and before he could even move (not that he could being bound/binded) he got a punch that felt like a car hitting him in the face.

He knew his teeth shattered, his tongue was torn in more than one place, and his mouth filled with blood. Certainly not the most devastating wounds that he had upon that day.

There was still an unnerving smile upon his face. He thought back to his best friend, the only person that he had made vocal, that he'd die for as a Padawan. He thought of him, and thought of what he would say in such a situation...

There was silence in those few moments as he spat out broken teeth and blood.

"I didn't think a Sith Lord as yourself would have needed presents, or did you always break them when you were a kid?"

Once it was said, it was too late, for at this point in time, he remembered when his friend had warned him to not make jokes. You always take them too far, he would say.

[member="Enigma"] - [member="Darth Vulcanus"] - [member="Ballen-Ist"] - [member="Darth Ferus"]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
With her work done, she prepared to leave... but eyed [member="Darth Ferus"]. She had heard he was skilled with technology, and had an interest in Sith magic. Perhaps he would be interested in her offer. "Oh... Krest, may I speak with you for a moment?" Once dragged aside, she laid the deal out to him - she would provide him with frozen corpses of technobeast victims from the outbreak on Zeltros, as well as a laboratory and funding for his research - and in return, he would provide her with the virus, were she to ever ask for usable samples of it.

It seemed fair enough.
The Zabrak listened quietly to [member="Enigma"] 's proposal. While he didn't look back to the Jedi, the thought of him slowly diminished as the concept of actually studying a Technobeast came to the table.

"An actual Technobeast I can use to perhaps recreate them? Very well. But know this, Circe, should I learn you attempting to use the virus against the New Order, I will use the beasts I create to tear you down."

It wasn't a light threat, but in all honesty it wasn't needed either. Ferus doubted the girl would betray the New Order, but his old dislike for the once green plant lady still leaked through his words. Old hates die hard.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Darth Ferus"]

"Now now, you wouldn't hurt a lovely Echani lady like me, would you? Besides... the last thing we need right now is infighting. With our plans in play, neither the Mandalorians nor the Republic will be able to deal with what we have. Oh, and do make sure these technobeasts are more EMP resistant than the ones I dealt with on Zeltros. I'd rather the Jedi not easily defeat them..."

And with that, she faded away, back into the darkness.

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