Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nagate Negate (Matsu Ike)

[member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Teeka"]

Nagate was thriving with the SJO and growing in his abilities, but there was always more to learn. Nagate sought out another master to aid him. He didn't mean any disrespect to his current master [member="Connor Harrison"], but he'd found that Master Ike knew an ability that Nagate could use in the future.

He stood in a training room, propped against the wall opposite the door. Arms crossed, mask perched atop his head, he looked aloof and lost in thought. He wasn't the most social creature, and not having memories placed a disconnect with others that made him appear even more distant from others.

So there he stood, awaiting the Master who offered her services to train Nagate further.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"] [member="Teeka"]

Matsu had been intrigued... that was usually enough to get her off of Shri-Tal to come and help. More so as she walked wearing her standard kimono style robes and she had her saber in the sleeve. Hair up with the gleaming golden turadium chopsticks and pair of golden fans at the inner pocket of her robe while wooden raised sandals as she entered the room with little sound announcing her and the petite jedi kept her hands clasped in front of herself feigning a diminutive nature until she spoke looking up with eyes like black pools. "Welcome padawan I understand you wish to some more advanced tutaminis."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Nagate righted his posture, giving a slight bow in acknowledgement. The master was in fact smaller than he guessed. Size mattered not in battle, yet her appearance gave off something akin to how a maternal figure woukd look. Nagate could feel the opposite radiating in her submersion in the Force.

"Yes Master Ike. I am Nagate Hei. I'm honored by your assistance."

Nagate stepped forwards to make it appear like he knew how to be personable.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu bowed her head while she moved forward and spoke unclasping her hand to let one shimmer. "You wished to learn tutaminis or at least more of it. The technique when used skillfully can save your life or surprise someone in a duel." She opened her hand so her palm to show it before closing her palm and clenching it for a moment. "Padawans when they learn the basics should always be taught how to use this skill, not to the levels of some masters but they will know how to convert energy into strength and power for their own use. We'll do this the best way to learn."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Nagate nodded along as Master Ike spoke. He knew of the power, but not that he could use the energy to his own advantage. That would really come in handy. Hopefully he'd master it quickly before he met an opponent that would overpower him in such a way that Tutaminis became a curse rather than a blessing.

"I'm ready to begin Master."

He didn't know where to start so he took a step back and 'readied?' himself.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu looked at him and raised her eyebrow as she backed away a little and rubbed her hands together. The energy building as she let it crackle between her fingers in pinkish purple electric judgement. A safer version that could stun instead of harming but electronics could still be hurt so she was hoping he didn't have some pacemaker or cybernetics in case he didn't get it right away. "This will begin with low levels of electric judgement, the secret to tutaminis is different for everyone. You need to be both a rod to attract the energy but a pit to absorb it and convert it throughout your body." She brought her hand up and held it out to arc a small bit from her fingers towards his hand. "Work on trying to catch and control where the judgement is going."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

A bad joke came out of Nagate's mouth before he could think...

"Good thing I have no memories, there's the pit I can use."

He cringed as he fought to stop the awkward joke. He was no wordsmith by any means. It made his stomach ache a bit as he finished speaking.

Nagate shook it off and stretched out his hand. 'Be the rod' he closed his eyes and imagined what his master always told him, find what it is you want to be in the galaxy, and become it. A rod, a rod of light, save the light, like he saved Zak...

He opened his eyes, full of resolve. The electricity arced across tge nothing between Master Ike's and Nagates fingers. He could feel it start to work its way up his arm, but that wasn't the plan. Focus on the pit, the emptiness in his memories would be his pit, the energy focused back down to his hand and he could feel it enter his body and travel to his mind.

He looked up at Master Ike with more energy than before, he felt all tingly.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

She kept looking at him and spoke while letting the energy arc off her fingers while she was nodding her head. "You are doing well, now with the energy in your disperse it through your body and find a place to send it out. Some use their hands and can turn it into a barrier of energy to protect them. Other can convert it into their own version of electric judgement but that might be dangerous for a padawan. Please be careful and do not push yourself to hard."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Nagate nodded and focused on the area surrounding his body and imagined the energy surrounding him. He began to glow a slight pink as the energy was explelled in a light shield of Force energy.

"What else can you do with it? I hear takes of Jedi using the excess energy to heal themselves or others? Is that true?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

"Yes you can heal yourself or even others but you need to know those skills. To heal is to use a lot of your own. To heal while under tutaminis is a dangerous and hard thing to do but some might be able to given enough training."
I wish to learn the umbrella of all Tutaminis abilities, if you would allow it?"

Nagate reveled in the surge of energy that he'd gained, it made him feel more in tune with the Force and even more powerful.

"One last question, is it possible to use Tutaminis to augment yourself? Say increase speed or strength?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu was looking at him and have a nod of her head. "You can, it is the same way you move it through your body to become energy you release. You take it and internalize it then push it where you need it to go. Depending on what and how much you absorb you can make your body stronger or be faster, use it to fly into the sky." She was looking at him and stood there wondering what he was hoping to do. The skill would take practice to master but she had seen some powerful masters like Selena.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Nagate felt the pride flownthrough him as he began to understand just how usefull this ability was.

"I wish to learn as much as you can offer maser."

Nagate took up a stance and awaited the next step.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Nagate felt the pride flownthrough him as he began to understand just how usefull this ability was.

"I wish to learn as much as you can offer maser."

Nagate took up a stance and awaited the next step.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu was looking at him as she moved her hands out with her stance changing a little. She was looking upon him while her energy crackled between her fingers and she thought about ways to continue the lessons. There were some ideas coming to her but using the skill to catch sabers was a dangerous game and you needed to have a firm hold on the basics at first. "Alright then we shall see, higher levels of the skill will need you to be able to channel more energy through your body."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Nagate nodded, he was ready to try again.

"Alright Master, I'm ready."

He was confident, but not cocky that he could proceed to the next level of this ability. It would be difficult, but bothing was impossible through the Force.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu looked at him and gave a nod of her head as she turned. Motioning with a hand for him to follow as she moved towards the outer area of the temple and she went to some of the generators. that were sparking. It was safer then sabers but better then low levels of electric judgement she could send at the padawan. "Alright we're going to work here, your goal is to have the tutaminis form a barrier on the side you expose to the generator and absorb it on a larger scale instead of just your hands."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Nagate followed the Master to the generators. He was skeptical, but determined to learn Tutaminis to its fullest. Nagate stepped forward and let his arms raise to a perpendicular angle from his body.

Concentrating on what Master Ike had said before about being the Rod as well as the Pit. He focused on reaching out to the electricity through the Force and created the Pit in his mind. The first arc slammed into Nagate and forced him to take a step back, solidifying his stance just as another arc met with his stomach. He keeled over like he'd been punched in the gut, but Nagate wouldn't give up. He opened the Pit in his mind even wider. More arcs reached for the young Silver Jedi and his coat began to smoke from the heat building on the surface of the Tutaminis barrier. Nagate stood there for a good minute absorbing the excess energy from the generators.

He stepped back as the arcs became less and less. He then focused on his mind, pushing the energy down into his hands and started creating his own judgement... But there was too much to contain without a complete expulsion of the stored energy. He burst like a Lightning bomb, arcs of the deadly energy touching down all over. Nagate fell to a knee from exhaustion...
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Nagate Hei"]

Matsu was looking at the padawan while he was absorbing and she moved as he took to much. Her energy flaring into a blue shimmering while she extended it and looked at him holding to fingers up for a moment to release a beam of force light energy she could direct it into the air. Her own body moving to bring the padawan back and away from the generators while she was speaking and holding a hand with energy pouring out to heal and restore him. "Was it everything you were hoping for?"
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Nagate looked to Master Ike as she aided him in his injuries. He smoked like he'd been in a hot bath, he felt little pain, but there was a lingering rush of energy from his own adrenaline surging to heal his body.

"It was everything and more, or at least more than I expected. I'm feeling alright Master. May I try again?"

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